

WARNING: The following contains major spoilers from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. The latest and final installment of the Skywalker saga of Star Wars is now out in theaters. In The Rise of Skywalker, the Resistance must face the First Order once more, in the midst of the mysterious return of Emperor Palpatine. Since […]

December 30, 2019

Some Things are Thicker than Blood: The Core Theme of ‘Star Wars’


WARNING: The following contains major spoilers from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. The latest and final installment of the Skywalker saga of Star Wars is now out in theaters. In The Rise of Skywalker, the Resistance must face the First Order once more, in the midst of the mysterious return of Emperor Palpatine. Since […]

December 30, 2019

Dear DC, What Happened to the New Age of Heroes?


Full disclaimer: I’m not as big of a DC Comics fan as I am Marvel. What can I say, I feel like Marvel’s flawed heroes are more grounded and relatable to me than the god-like superheroes of DC. It doesn’t mean that I don’t jump into DC’s corner of the universe every once in a while. DC’s heroes have a classic appeal to them that is just unmatched. In fact, there are a lot of stories and events that, I’ll admit, are just done way better than Marvel does.

Where DC really piques my interest is when they do big line-wide changes to the characters or the world that these classic heroes exist in. The New 52, DC You, Rebirth. All of these are opportunities for writers to create something new and write characters as we’ve never seen them before. I’m a sucker for that shit. So, consider me perplexed when DC’s latest shakeup, New Age of Heroes, disappeared as soon as they arrived. I have to ask DC, where did they go?

New Age of Heroes

For those who don’t know, DC’s New Age of Heroes was a new line, introducing eight comics featuring new heroes or teams:

  • Damage
  • Silencer
  • Sideways
  • The Terrifics
  • The Immortal Men
  • The Curse of Brimstone
  • New Challengers
  • The Unexpected

They all spawned from DC’s Dark Nights: Metal event, which also brought us the excellent Dark Multiverse. We even reviewed and liked a few of them here at BNP. These weren’t just legacy characters or new additions to whichever one of the big seven’s extended families but original characters.

Sideways was a young hero with the ability to open portals to anywhere, even the Dark Multiverse. Many compared his journey to Spider-Man, which is fair considering that Dan Didio, and the crew mimicked a lot of Peter’s journey to learning responsibility and selflessness. The nature of his powers and his ties to the Dark Multiverse had so much potential for him to be a major player in DC’s universe.

New Challengers was a twist on the old Challengers of the Unknown formula, giving four unique but ordinary people a second chance at life. Only that second chance came with a time limit and missions into the ridiculous and unforeseen. It’s an adventure to the max, gives no fucks and the weirder it got, the better it was.

The Silencer gave us a black mother, a hitter, and an overall badass all together with Honor Guest. She was trained by Talia Al Ghul, gone toe to toe against Deathstroke, and has put down more assassins than she can count. She also has the unique ability to create a barrier of silence around her. Honor is suddenly pulled back into the life and the middle of a civil war of one of DC’s most dangerous secret organizations. Honor showed us why she was the best in the game.

However well they were received, the New Age of Heroes was a breath of fresh air. It’s a shame that it was short-lived, and The Terrifics ended up being the only book that didn’t finish or get canceled. These new faces to the DC universe were different, and I wanted to see more of them. DC doesn’t see a lot of new faces.

Where are New Age of Heroes Now?

The obvious answer to why DC suddenly cut their New Age of Heroes initiative short? Probably sales. The big three are always going to be the money makers, and I can’t blame readers for these books not lasting beyond their shelf life. I mean, when is the last time Batman wasn’t in the top 10 comic book sales for the month?

I think what I’m most disappointed in is that these heroes just … disappeared. All that work DC put into introducing these characters and after their books were gone, it’s like they disappeared from the universe itself. Which is weird to me because they were unique, and I don’t see how creators haven’t jumped at the chance to pair them with bigger characters.

Sideways had access to the whole multiverse, and his book seems to hint at a greater purpose down the line. Where did that go? Honor has fought Batman and Deathstroke and lived to talk about it. Why is she not a major player in the DC Universe or featured in books like say, Suicide Squad, Deathstroke or Detective Comics?

Chained to the Old Guard

I’ve said it before but it feels like DC is too tied to their older and more popular heroes. More often than not, most of the new characters are an extension of any of the big seven’s family. That relationship guarantees a better chance of more people reading books that they are featured in. Look at the last decade of new characters and you’ve got:

Yeah, I’ll admit. Marvel is guilty of this too. The Spider-Man family is growing every day, as is the number of Hulks and people with Iron suits. Don’t even get me started on characters like the Cosmic Ghost Rider. The difference is that Marvel seems to be experimenting with new heroes all the time and not just legacy characters.

Agent of Atlas cover by P.Zircher

Agents of Atlas has brought together a team of already existing and new Asian heroes. Moon Girl brought us the world’s smartest 9-year old. The Champions series is constantly introducing new young heroes like Snowguard, Red Locust, and Pinpoint. While they may not have their own books, we see these characters often. Whether they are in miniseries or being used in other books, they are not forgotten and bring something new to the table.

The End of the Future?

To be honest, both publishers are guilty of relying too heavily on their big guns. I mean, there are multiple books for Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, and the X-Men currently running as we speak. My main concern is that DC introduced this new initiative and abandoned it before it could get any momentum, which says a lot. What does this for any new characters in the future? Or even the prospect of seeing new heroes in the future?

Just recently, Doomsday Clock introduced heroes from different countries and backgrounds. However, throughout the course of its narrative, these heroes were treated as nothing more than plot devices. Obstacles in the way of Superman’s quest to prove the truth. Geoff Johns spend a good chunk of the miniseries establishing the fact that these superheroes exist in the world of the DC universe. Yet, I have a strong feeling we won’t ever see these heroes again.

I hope I’m wrong. I want the characters from the New Age of Heroes to come back in some capacity. Whether in a new solo book, major players in events, or even cameos in some of the bigger heroes’ books. Who wouldn’t want a group of diverse and original characters to have their chance to shine? However, DC’s future looks a lot like more of the same heroes, and I crave variety every now and then.

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The post Dear DC, What Happened to the New Age of Heroes? appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

December 29, 2019

100 Jellicle Questions We Have After Watching CATS


It’s finally happened. The biggest, most important, and most exciting film of the year has arrived. No, silly! We’re not talking about The Rise of Skywalker, we’re talking about Tom Hooper’s surreal fever dream adaptation of the classic smash Broadway musical Cats. Words can’t really get the magic of Cats across (though you can read our very positive review here) watching the CGI heavy story about a tribe of so-called Jellicle cats who have to have a dance off in order to be chosen to ascend to the Heaviside layer (heaven?) does raise some questions.

Here are the hundred biggest queries we have after watching this exceedingly strange and uniquely terrifying film.

1) What the f*ck is a Jellicle cat?
2) If there are Jellicle cats, does that mean there are other tribes of cats?
3) How exactly does a regular cat become a Jellicle cat?
4) Humans do exist in this world–we see one abandon Victoria at the beginning of the film–so how do they feel about these large/tiny monsters?
5) Has Cats ever been sued by Popsicle or Jell-O brand snacks for their Jellicle name?
6) Why did Tom Hooper think this movie would work with all that awful CGI?
7) Seriously, the costumes are so iconic. Why wouldn’t you just spend $100 million dollars on those and some nice-to-look-at sets?
8) Did this movie really cost $100 million dollars?
9) How many times will you have to leave the theater to stop laughing and catch your breath during Cats?
10) Why was that one actress playing a gray cat in a completely different, emotional, and completely serious adaptation?
11) How many Razzies will Cats win?

Taylor Swift as Bombalurina in Cats


12) Why do they keep talking about what “Jellicles do” when it’s totally unclear what they do except for constantly reintroducing themselves to each other?
13) Did you realize that Cats is a musical made up entirely of introductory songs?
14) Where do the Jellicle cats get their cat names?
15) Is it the graveyard? Because if so, the humans in this world have weird names.
16) What was Victoria’s secret cat name?????????????
17) What is a Gumby cat?
18) Has Andrew Lloyd Webber actually ever seen a cat?
19) Speaking of which, has Tom Hooper ever seen a cat?
20) Is Cats the new The Room?
21) Is there an alternate reality where Cats beat Star Wars at the box office?
22) Why was the wrong cut of Cats released to theaters with unfinished fx work?
23) Did you see Judi Dench’s human hands?
24) In ten years, will Cats super fans be petitioning Universal to release the “Hands Cut”?
25) Will you back my Indiegogo to release the “Hands Cut” on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray?
26) Speaking of which, why did all of the cats have human hands? Is it a Jellicle thing?
27) Why did they put CGI collars on the characters instead of real collars?
28) Why did Tom Hooper insist on making the cats a third as big as the sets?

James Corden as Bustopher Jones in Cats


29) Where on Earth did he get that scale?
30) Is the Heaviside layer heaven?
31) If it is, does that mean that the Jellicle choice has to die to get there?
32) Does that mean Jennifer Hudson’s Grizabella was sacrificed?
33) Is Cats actually about human/cat hybrid sacrifice?
34) Who made Judi Dench’s Old Deuteronomy the Queen of the Jellicle Ball?
35) Is Old Deuteronomy immortal? Apparently she’s lived 99 lives…
36) Who will take over the Jellicle choice after Old Dute?
37) Why do they want a second life? They apparently have the run of weird London.
38) Also, when is Cats set? They keep talking about Queen Victoria, so…
39) What kind of magic gives all of these cats human faces? Is it a curse? We think it’s a curse.
40) Is Idris Elba’s Macavity meant to be the devil?
41) If so why do all the cats keep falling for his schtick?
42) How did Macavity get the power to turn cats to dust/teleport them to his barge?
43) Where did he get a barge?
44) Did you know Ray Winstone was in this movie?
45) We didn’t either. It’s as good as you imagine, but does he die at the end?
46) Why does Macavity want to go to the Heaviside layer layer so much?
47) Have any of the Jellicle cats met before the night of the Jellicle Ball?
48) How old is Victoria meant to be? Because she looks creepily young.
49) Why are they doing a patch to fix what is a near perfect movie?
50) How did this chaotic madness ever actually get released?

Ian McKellen as Gus the Theatre Cat in Cats


51) Are there some kind of Jellicle gods?
52) Is the Jellicle leader their spokesperson on Earth?
53) How do they choose a new Jellicle leader?
54) Does the Jellicle leader eventually ascend to the Heaviside layer?
55) They mention that the Jellicle Ball happens once a year, so simply by the fact that there are only a few of them, will all the cats ultimately be chosen to go to the Heaviside layer?
56) Why didn’t they just use real cats? It somehow would have been less chaotic.
57) Why did they cast Jason Derulo only to write out most of Rum Tum Tugger’s role?
58) What is the Jellicle hierarchy?
59) Is the Jellicle leader like Jellicle royalty?
60) Are their Jellicle wannabes who try to become Jellicle cats?
61) If that’s the case then where do they live?
62) Does their possible existence imply a subculture of non-Jellicle cats?
63) Will they rise up? Could that be the Jellicle sequel?
64) Will Tom Hooper ever make the horrifying live action Mr. Toad movie we all deserve?
65) What happens to the cats once they get to Heaviside layer?
66) Are they reborn as kittens?
67) If they are, does that mean they’re eligible to reapply to go to the Heaviside layer?
68) Are there other Jellicle creatures aside from pets?
69) Jellicle birds?
70) Jellicle tigers?
71) Jellicle pigs?

Jennifer Hudson as Grizabella in Cats


72) Jellicle… humans????
73) Do each of the separate groups have their own Jellicle Ball?
74) Why are the Jellicle cats so good at dancing?
75) Is their entire economy built on the performing arts?
76) They mention money, but how would they earn or spend it?
77) If there is Jellicle money does that mean there are Jellicle jobs?
78) If there are then are there Jellicle hobbies?
79) They say that a cat like Macavity can never reach the Heavyside layer, but the question is why? If the Jellicle leader judges by cats souls then how can they know that one day a cat like Macavity won’t be the right soul to go to the  Heaviside layer?
80) Remember that bit when Macavity magicked away Ian McKellen and said “Macavity?”
81) What was Ian McKellen’s whole deal?
82) Was Old Dute married to Ian McKellen’s theater cat?
83) That was a joke about the OG cut of Cats.
84) What can Jellicles can and do?
85) How did Rebel Wilson unzip her own skin… TWICE?
86) Do you know how to get to the Heaviside layer?
87) Why did Rebel Wilson cat have clothes under her skin?
88) Why do all the mice in this world have children’s faces?
89) Are they Jellicle mice?
90) Why are all the cats so horny yet chaste?
91) Why did Skimbleshanks want to go to the Heaviside layer when he clearly loves trains and being in charge of them? Also, did he really think that song showed his soul?
92) How many Jellicle cats are there in total?
93) Can the Jellicle cats have kittens or are they just all special abandoned/house cats?
94) Can you look at a king?
95) Would you sit on his throne?
96) If you were a Jellicle cat, what would your name be?
97) Will Cats get a sequel? We really want one.
98) Will Tom Hooper’s career ever recover?
99) Was Thundercats just ripped off from Cats??
100) Will Tom Hooper make a Zoobilee Zoo movie next?

Header Image: Universal

The post 100 Jellicle Questions We Have After Watching CATS appeared first on Nerdist.

December 29, 2019

13 Black Owned Fitness Studios To Get Your Body Right In The New Year


A new year means… new fitness goals?

With fitness being one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions for just about everyone, it’s time we start supporting gyms that cater to and for us. There’s cycling, barre, bootcamp, and boxing, and more that are all Black owned and will help you get your body and your mind right to conquer your goals.

And because most gym memberships often go unused after February each year, we’ve rounded up the best studios that are all so good, they’ll make you stick around all year long.

The best part? All fitness levels welcome.

The post 13 Black Owned Fitness Studios To Get Your Body Right In The New Year appeared first on Essence.

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