

Drake may have been onto something when he proclaimed “No New Friends” a few years ago. Now that Jaden Smith is evolving into a rap artist, the 19-year-old says his circle has grown much smaller since those he used to …

March 4, 2018

“I Cannot Tell Who Is My Friend” Jaden Smith Says There’s A Reason He Doesn’t Roll With Drake And Kanye West Anymore


Drake may have been onto something when he proclaimed “No New Friends” a few years ago. Now that Jaden Smith is evolving into a rap artist, the 19-year-old says his circle has grown much smaller since those he used to …

March 4, 2018

This Final Fantasy Gift Guide Will Summon the Best Gifts Without Draining MP


Final Fantasy is an ever increasingly inappropriate named series as it’s over thirty-year history as a franchise has sprawled dozens of science fiction/fantasy games. Created by Hironobu Sakaguchi, the original game was to be […]

The post This Final Fantasy Gift Guide Will Summon the Best Gifts Without Draining MP appeared first on Geek.com.

March 3, 2018

#OscarsSoWhite Creator April Reign Launches New Initiative to Diversify Hollywood


Not enough has changed since the #OscarsSoWhite movement first disrupted Hollywood, calling for fair representation for people of color in the entertainment industry. Even with the record-breaking success of Marvel’s Black Panther and widely popular television shows like Empire, people of color are still not afforded equal access and opportunities in front and behind the camera. According to a new UCLA report titled “Five Years of Progress and Missed Opportunities,” only 8% of film writers of 2016’s top films were minorities, while just 7% were creators of broadcast scripted shows.

To help fill this gap, April Reign, the social media mastermind behind the viral #OscarsSoWhite hashtag, created an initiative that pairs Hollywood studios and media networks with talent of color. Just days before the 2018 Academy Awards, Reign announced the launch of Akuarel, an online database for people from underserved groups looking to work in creative spaces. Through the initiative, she aims to dispel the myth that studios can’t find nonwhite talent for hire.

“This answers one of the issues raised by #OscarsSoWhite of studios saying, ‘We want to work with people from marginalized communities, but we just don’t know where to find them,’” Reign told Mic. “This is going to drop them right in their lap.”

Akuarel, which derives from the French word for watercolors, “Aquarelle,” was developed in partnership with the Motion Picture Association of America. The program allows actors, creatives, and media professionals of color to search for open positions in film, television, and journalism – free of charge. To sign up, Akuarel users can also identify themselves by race, sexual orientation, and gender. In turn, studios, networks, media outlets, and theater companies can gain access to the database for a fee. Once they subscribe, they can search for candidates based on their identity and/or other criteria for an interview or audition.

David Morgan, president of the Multicultural Media Correspondents Association, which built and hosts the Akurel’s website, says their “main objective now is to get Akuarel populated by the talent and the stakeholders themselves. The value to the studios will be once it’s sufficiently populated. A lot of the studios were already partnering with us on sponsorship arrangements.”

Reign, who hosted an Akuarel launch party in Los Angeles Thursday night, called the project “the solution” to the #OscarsSoWhite epidemic. “#Akuarel is a gift to both the creators and the consumers of art and media,” she tweeted. “For those who are committed to issues of equity and inclusion based on race, gender, age, sexual orientation, and disability, Akuarel™ is the solution.”

The post #OscarsSoWhite Creator April Reign Launches New Initiative to Diversify Hollywood appeared first on Black Enterprise.

March 3, 2018

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #39 Review


Writer: Robert Venditti / Artist: Rafa Sandoval / DC Comics

Issue #39 was a bit of a mixed bag for me. It picks up with our hero, Hal Jordan as a guest of General Zod and the Family Zod (I’m working on a name). Zod’s motives are interesting and border on sympathetic as the conflict calls into question the role Lanterns play in universal security. After all, why didn’t the Corps intervene in the destruction of Krypton? Even with that in mind, the Guardians come across annoyingly bureaucratic even for their current tenuous relationship with John Stewart. If Venditti’s point was to convey that the Guardians are having a hard time coming to grips with being washed, then it was highly effective. If you hold those particular pages to your ear, you can almost hear you grandfather telling you to get off his lawn.

I also wish they would have spent a little more time diving into the effects of Kyle’s current predicament with Hal’s ring and why that’s happening. Other than that, it’s a lot of entertaining bromance and tough talk from the Four Corpsmen. And visually, Rafa Sandoval proves once again why he is second to none on this book.

Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #39

The epic cover alone is enough to justify this book’s existence, but the enormous splash pages of the Corps charging in rings blazing are next level. With some of the cleanest linework in the game, I can already see a slew of young writers lining up to mimic Sandoval’s highly stylized sci-fi vibe for years to come.

Bottom Line: Although I wish Venditti would have been able to dig a little deeper into some of the stranger aspects of Kyle’s predicament, this was still a decent, gorgeous issue of a solid series. Good Green Lantern mythos at play here.

7.5 CGI’d Mark Strong foreheads out of 10

Reading Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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The post Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #39 Review appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

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