

Actors on the level of Matthew McConaughey often turn down the biggest roles imaginable for any number of reasons. What we rarely hear, though, is their reasoning, and in a new interview, McConaughey explains why he turned down a role in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, but did choose to appear in The Dark Tower.

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December 30, 2016

Matthew McConaughey Chose The Dark Tower Over Guardians of the Galaxy, But Who Was He Going To Play?


Actors on the level of Matthew McConaughey often turn down the biggest roles imaginable for any number of reasons. What we rarely hear, though, is their reasoning, and in a new interview, McConaughey explains why he turned down a role in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, but did choose to appear in The Dark Tower.


December 30, 2016

Half Hour Happy Hour #112: Drunksmas Day 12


They finally made it through to the 12th day of Drunksmas. Alison losing it on the floor while Tom and Alex talk New Year’s resolutions.

Follow @HalfHourHappyHr and hosts @alisonhaislip, @alexalbrecht and Tom “Super Volcano” Krajewski on Twitter

December 30, 2016

These Texas Chain Saw Massacre Bloopers Are Delightfully Awkward


The least scary thing about horror movies is making one. If you don’t believe it, watch these bloopers from the set of the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre.


December 30, 2016

A Dog Travels to Space and Returns Quite Transformed in Trippy Animated Short Choban


When his beloved companion is dognapped, a shirtless shepherd combines his despair with his hidden talents and briefly becomes a chart-topping musician. Meanwhile, his pup takes a wild interstellar journey that involves an incredible transformation. At least, I think that’s what happens in Matija Pisačić’s Choban.


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