

From Comic-Con at Home to DC FanDome, on Hard NOC Life, Dominic and Keith discuss the transition to a virtual con season this summer. http://traffic.libsyn.com/thenerdsofcolor/HNL197.mp3 They also talk about the trend of political books aping pop culture for their titles (looking at you, John Bolton) and the recent PS5 event and confusion about the Spider-Man: […]

July 2, 2020

Hard NOC Life: Virtual Con Season


From Comic-Con at Home to DC FanDome, on Hard NOC Life, Dominic and Keith discuss the transition to a virtual con season this summer. http://traffic.libsyn.com/thenerdsofcolor/HNL197.mp3 They also talk about the trend of political books aping pop culture for their titles (looking at you, John Bolton) and the recent PS5 event and confusion about the Spider-Man: […]

July 2, 2020

10 Products And Tools To Help You Fight Acne This Summer


June is Acne Awareness Month but we all know that pimples are not discerning about what time of the year they pop up. Just because we’ve entered July doesn’t mean we’re free from breakouts. As the weather gets steamier and stickier across the country, we brace ourselves for excess oil, excess dirt, and environmental pollutants that all cause acne. Add in wearing face masks several hours a day and we’ve got the perfect combination for a pizza (face) party.

But even with all those factors we can keep skin clear and healthy. It’s all about what’s in your skin care arsenal. And while summer months might call for different products than the rest of the year, there are must-haves that help keep breakouts at bay year-round.

Check out 10 products and tools that will help you fight acne and maintain that glow through this season and beyond.

The post 10 Products And Tools To Help You Fight Acne This Summer appeared first on Essence.

July 2, 2020

Hard NOC Life: Batman Pride Forever


On the last Hard NOC Life of Pride Month, Shawn, Dominic, and Keith re-contextualize Joel Schumacher’s contributions to the legacy of Batman. http://traffic.libsyn.com/thenerdsofcolor/HNL199.mp3 In the wake of Schumacher’s passing, the hosts look back at the late director’s mid-90s Batman sequels with a new lens. Was the negative reaction to the Schumacher era the beginnings of the […]

July 1, 2020

A Review of ‘Minus’ Shows a Great Start but Dull Finish


Author: Lisa Naffziger / Iron Circus Comics

In the opening chapter of Naffziger’s Minus, there is an intimate sense of familiarity. I’m a little more than a decade apart from the days when my family was taking me to college, but watching Beck’s in the passenger seat of a car travel across the plain planes of Illinois as her father takes her to her first year of college, it elicited a particular sympathetic response. An understanding of a young teen ready to leave the shelter of home and family in an attempt to start fresh. A kinship with Beck carrying a stuffed cat named Minus, the novel’s namesake, around as a reminder of simpler times during the weird transition. The shared panic when Beck finds herself alone in a gas station after hearing gunshots and her dad is no where to be found.

Minus is a graphic novel told in six chapters about Beck that follows her in the aftermath of a seemingly random shooting, as she attempts to navigate a world she is not familiar with (being home-schooled and from a small town that is widely different from the bustling city of Chicago) and figure out what happened to her father.

Beck’s crash course to the wider world unfolds in a steady set of stages that transform the typical coming-of-age transitional story into a coming-of-age thriller. Beck’s hesitant moves throughout the world feel realistic and easily replicated, which is to say, I could very conceivably see a teen with a similar background to Beck respond in a very similar manner, and I appreciate that.

As the story progressed though, I struggle with the execution of certain narrative beats. There certain meetings that felt just a tad bit contrived and a broke suspension of disbelief just a tad by how interconnected everyone was by the end. And this isn’t necessarily an indictment, because sometimes life really does take place in a small world, and Minus does provide some interesting commentary on how that becomes the case thanks to social media and the lack of it. But there are explanations that take too long to get clarification on, explanations that don’t feel satisfying, and I was a little uncomfortable that some of the more glaring things about the story that weren’t put in focus, particularly the fact that Beck, by all appearances, is not white and there are implications there. There are plot points that seemingly gloss over this fact, and end of the graphic novel barrels through some exposition at a ridiculous pace that it’s hard to parse completely.

Credit where credit is do, the book’s art is incredible. Naffziger’s illustration skills are poignant, and the book is visually interesting all the way throughout. But the narrative hook, the driving force of the novel left me with a litany of questions and wondering what exactly were the main takeaways about the nature of family that is presented in Minus. More than anything else, I was just confused by the final two chapters, by the creative and tonal decisions that were made.

It’s odd. I was hooked by the premise, and that opening sequence that started the story, but by the end I mostly felt my face contorting wondering where exactly everything went off the rails.

7.0 “Stuffed Cat Toys” out of 10

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The post A Review of ‘Minus’ Shows a Great Start but Dull Finish appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

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