

You might remember earlier this year when we told you about the incredible carved cartridges created by artist Pigminted. He’s added new handmade carvings to his shop, this time in the form of gorgeous, intricate wooden Hearthstone cards. The cards are beautifully detailed and truly legendary.

Each card is carved by hand (and computer), with designs made to order. Choose the card itself, the hero you’d like to grace the one-of-a-kind wooden stand, and a classic or custom card back design. Then Pigminted gets to work.

“It takes me about a week to make one,” he told Nerdist. “This means going from the design of the card in Photoshop / Illustrator, setting up the files, engraving the wood, gluing, sanding, and staining and painting. A lot of the time is waiting for stuff to dry.”

The multilayered Hearthstone cards are made with tools both traditional and digital, including a laser cutter, sander, wood cutter, and other woodworking tools, said Pigminted. Like many of the best things in life, he didn’t originally set out to start a career as a woodworking artist, but fell into it almost by chance.

“I used to make a webcomic which was on cardboard, done digitally,” Pigminted said. “Eventually, I wanted to print the comics on real cardboard, but most printers don’t do that. After searching online I found a laser engraver. I thought, ‘Oh, I’ll just engrave my comics on cardboard.’ This led me to think, ‘What else can I engrave?’

“Eventually, I got to where I am today.”

You’ll also find detailed cards from some of your other favorite collectible card games in Pigminted’s Etsy store, including Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokémon, and Magic the Gathering. If you have a TCG player in your life and you’re searching for the perfect present for them, pick up the only card you can be absolutely positive they don’t have in their collection already.

What Hearthstone card would you want immortalized? Tell us in the comments.

All Images: Pigminted

August 17, 2018

These Handmade Wooden HEARTHSTONE Cards Are Legendary


You might remember earlier this year when we told you about the incredible carved cartridges created by artist Pigminted. He’s added new handmade carvings to his shop, this time in the form of gorgeous, intricate wooden Hearthstone cards. The cards are beautifully detailed and truly legendary.

Each card is carved by hand (and computer), with designs made to order. Choose the card itself, the hero you’d like to grace the one-of-a-kind wooden stand, and a classic or custom card back design. Then Pigminted gets to work.

“It takes me about a week to make one,” he told Nerdist. “This means going from the design of the card in Photoshop / Illustrator, setting up the files, engraving the wood, gluing, sanding, and staining and painting. A lot of the time is waiting for stuff to dry.”

The multilayered Hearthstone cards are made with tools both traditional and digital, including a laser cutter, sander, wood cutter, and other woodworking tools, said Pigminted. Like many of the best things in life, he didn’t originally set out to start a career as a woodworking artist, but fell into it almost by chance.

“I used to make a webcomic which was on cardboard, done digitally,” Pigminted said. “Eventually, I wanted to print the comics on real cardboard, but most printers don’t do that. After searching online I found a laser engraver. I thought, ‘Oh, I’ll just engrave my comics on cardboard.’ This led me to think, ‘What else can I engrave?’

“Eventually, I got to where I am today.”

You’ll also find detailed cards from some of your other favorite collectible card games in Pigminted’s Etsy store, including Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokémon, and Magic the Gathering. If you have a TCG player in your life and you’re searching for the perfect present for them, pick up the only card you can be absolutely positive they don’t have in their collection already.

What Hearthstone card would you want immortalized? Tell us in the comments.

All Images: Pigminted

August 17, 2018

Fox News Confuses Patti LaBelle For Aretha Franklin


Aretha Franklin

You’d think that being the Queen of Soul, news outlets would focus on actual Aretha Franklin on the day of her passing. 

Aretha, one of the greatest voices to ever have lived, an icon and a pioneer, has had to share a day that should be all about her with Elvis Presley’s death from 1977 and now, Patti LaBelle, a very much living woman.

It shouldn’t be surprising that outlets like The Wrap and Fox News don’t care to be more sensitive, but that means that we get to be angry. Aretha Franklin is a legend and always will be one of the greatest performers and most important figures of the modern era. And she also has a face that is widely recognizable.

So for her to be a) mistaken as Patti LaBelle or whatever happened or b) for her to have to share in memoriam posts with Elvis Presley, who has been dead for over 50 years, is a disgrace.

In a lovely turn of events, Fox News apologized by stating that it was supposed to be her and Patti LaBelle. so they don’t have someone on their team whose job it is to make sure the graphics come out correctly? Hmm.

Why should Aretha also have to share an in memoriam post with Elvis? It makes no sense when she died today. You can tweet twice, The Wrap.

Is any of it okay? No! Aretha Franklin, a woman who MANY people claim to love, has been marginalized on a day that should have been praising everything she accomplished. If we could pass a damning sentence, Fox News and The Wrap would no longer get to listen to her music ever again. You don’t get that gift.

(via Twitter, image: MOLLY RILEY/AFP/Getty Images)

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August 16, 2018

‘Crazy Rich Asians’ Gemma Chan Using Her Fame for Good


In Crazy Rich Asians, the character Astrid Leong is a beautiful and kind Oxford graduate, model, fashion icon, and humanitarian. When casting for the role, director Jon M. Chu had to find someone who could embody Astrid, the perfect woman who had many layers to her and would have to deal with her perfect world […]

August 15, 2018

The Wilds #4 Review


Writer: Vita Ayala / Artist: Emily Pearson / Black Mask Studios

This issue of The Wilds starts off with this beautiful first page reminding us of the circumstances of the world this comic is set in and also giving us the context we need to categorize all the different characters we come across so far in the pages we’ve been reading. This is a new world with new rules to live by. As one panel states: “Pasts erased by the reckoning, people found new identities…”

Daisy and Heather have been reunited and while I wish it were in happier times, the two lovers find themselves caged inside this facility…that captures people and experiments on them and others. [Sigh] Things are as bad as they’ve ever been. The two talk briefly start exchanging info on all the connecting threads now that a lot is making more sense–all these missing folks, the surveillance and even perhaps the odd behavior and patterns of the infected.

“Closer To Ending This Nightmare Permanently”

With just four issues, as writer Ayala is starting to weave story threads together as seen with Heather and Daisy’s first panels and then with the revelation of the big bad, a familiar face to both women who is running this sick joint. We get a taste of his motivations and his ideal of who is expendable and who isn’t as he takes one of them away. It is fascinating to see just what this new world needs–because who you were before the reckoning definitely plays a part in what purpose someone will need you for, like having medical training or any kind or even–a botanist!

“There Has To Be Something Better Than Being Used”

Pearson gives us all the bountiful, beautiful art that we can expect from her for a wide array of scenes: the current story with several flashbacks thrown in for good measure. Daisy escapes Richard’s facility, mounts a mini rescue mission and we’re given glimpses of her life before, after the reckoning and some time afterward–all connected to Daisy and vehicles that move. We can concur that Daisy wraps up a lot of her identity in the new world with being mobile via driving and having access to move–to not be pinned up or walled up behind walls which helps explains her personality and much of the conflict she’s had with different characters through this series.

There are some great pages, some great panels showing emotion that I couldn’t help but stare at and suck in, including this panel included above of Daisy in a state of showing vulnerability which looked stunning against the backdrop of Stelladia’s always fantastic coloring job. The attention to detail to the flowered infected has always been a high point for this book for both artist and colorist, giving this comic that distinctive look we’ve come to know and this issue is no different. I also have to give Stelladia her props for her touch as a colorist for the transitions from night to day and vice versa–it is a skill that effectively sets the tone and atmosphere for different scenes that helps hammer home the emotions being conveyed really well. Oh–and some impressive lettering by the one and only Jim Campbell!

“Funny How When Men Like You Talk About Sacrifices, They Always Mean People Like Me “

For some, the ends justify the means. A whole manner of atrocities can be forgiven or overlooked it means a beneficial outcome or some favors. It is clearly evident that this mindset has not died out in this new world, after the flowery reckoning. Yet, Daisy’s epic homecoming pulls no punches and gives no fucks–her quick thinking and observant musing give her the push she needs to do more and be more. It is a brilliant character profile as it is a new building block in the plot.

She makes it known that there is only one sacrificial lamb here and it’s not one of her people, it’s the wolf that’s been preying upon them in their own home, their own compound. The final pages really drive home what a dream team this creative team has been on such as book like with this with such a publisher. This is the issue before the finale (for now) and I am hyped to see what is in store for us readers.

9.3 Rock Hard Revelations Out of 10

See our site’s other reviews of The Wilds here.

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