Things We Saw Today: That Other Show About Robots Rebelling Is Back

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Things We Saw Today: That Other Show About Robots Rebelling Is Back

Pretentious Anglophiles like myself are probably aware of the show Humans, which is currently in its 3rd season, but those who don’t know about the show and are fans of Westworld might want to give it a try. 

Based on the Swedish science fiction drama Real Humans, Channel 4/AMC’s Humans tackles a lot of the issues of Westworld, without the cowboy-time period theme park concepts. Instead, it anchors the world in our present day—except the invention of anthropomorphic robots called “synths” raise issues of humanity.

There are synths used for domestic work, labor, and of course, prostitution. Some of them have learned to be self-aware and attempt to escape their pursuers who want to wipe away their memories and re-enslave them. The cast includes Gemma Chan, Colin Morgan, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Letitia Wright. Something to binge during the week!

    • The Portalist looks at some of the most iconic opening lines in science fiction/fantasy novels, including my own personal favorite: “Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.” (via The Portalist).
    • Dennis Miller got reminded by the Internet that he is not funny after he attempts to make a “statement” about Michelle Wolf’s jokes.  (via Pajiba)
    • So … Alden Ehrenreich is apparently signed on for not one, not two, but three Solo movies. Can I just say that I think we all would just like focus on making a YA Princess Leia series about her learning how to shoot well, be a sassy rebel, and learning politics from her loving parents. (via LRM)
    • Chris Rock says that Rihanna “Uncle-Zoned” him, but it just sounds like Rihanna made a hard swerve. Besides, what mortal human is good enough for Rihanna anyway? (via Complex)

How have your Infinity War feelings manifested today?

(image: Channel 4/AMC)

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