Things First-Time Moms Do That Annoy Everyone

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Things First-Time Moms Do That Annoy Everyone

Mother kissing her baby forehead

Source: SelectStock / Getty

Becoming a parent is a life-altering event and along with the territory comes the annoying new parent phase. Every mom has been there at some point and yet, it doesn’t make it any less irritating when a new mother comes to the playground demonstrating all of those annoying new mommy tendencies. From being extremely judgmental to putting their babies on the phone, here are the top 10 things new parents do that annoy everyone.

Make every conversation about their kids

We get it, your child is light of your life and your focus has shifted significantly since becoming a parent, but there are other things happening in the world. And while your friends probably enjoy hearing about your little one, it can get a little annoying when you dominate every conversation.

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