Sega Hits Sonic Fans With 3 New Trailers!

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Sega Hits Sonic Fans With 3 New Trailers!

Throughout its history, Sonic The Hedgehog has had its fair share of ups and downs and then even more downs and then the one bottomless pit in 2006… where were we going with this? Oh yeah, Sonic is priming for another S tier entry called Sonic Forces. Sonic Forces has the same development team from Sonic Generations and Sonic Colors which are two games that are widely considered as great modern Sonic games. The best part about Sonic Generations and Sonic Forces is being able to play through old school and new school Sonic levels with the cute Classic Sonic and the more mature 3D Sonic. So without further ado, we give to you THREE HYPE TRAILERS! The first video is mainly gameplay. The second video is a cut-scene and the third video is Sonic Forces main theme song.


So obviously the best part is cute classic sonic flying in to bust some ass right? The game is speculated to be released late 2017 probably during the fall or winter time and hopefully, the release day will get here faster than Silver can yell “IT’S NO USE!” If you thought there wasn’t going to be another Sonic 06 joke you thought wrong.

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