It’s Wednesday & It’s Mid Week in Review (MWIR) Time! Airing 8pm ET; The Topics? Comic Creator, Dedren Snead’s New Project; Continuing Sunday’s Convo; More Umbrella Academy; Children in Handcuffs in CO + More!

KeKe Wyatt Addresses Pregnancy Speculation And People Who Have An Issue With Her Reproductive Choices: “I Don’t Live Off Of The Government”
August 7, 2020
Captain America #21 Review
August 7, 2020

It’s Wednesday & It’s Mid Week in Review (MWIR) Time! Airing 8pm ET; The Topics? Comic Creator, Dedren Snead’s New Project; Continuing Sunday’s Convo; More Umbrella Academy; Children in Handcuffs in CO + More!

Here we go! Like a Nike ad, let’s just do it!  Welcome to a new and “freshly baked” installment from the Afronerd Radio engine, better known as Wednesday’s Mid Week in Review, airing 8pm eastern on your friendly neighborhood BTalk 100 platform.  Join your favorite (or is that only) AFROnerdist broadcasters as they wax about the following (mid) weekly topics:  friend of the show (and convention circuit….if we have those again..sigh) and noted animator/graphic novelist, Dedren Snead (Sorghum & Spear) stops by to discuss a number of projects he has in the works-one of which is the launch of Subsume Media; per usual, we try to pick up some of the issues we couldn’t cover from the last Grindhouse show;  more thoughts about Netflix’ Umbrella Academy S2;  yet another horror story involving what appears to be the mistreatment of a black family mistakenly handcuffed (children forced to lay on the ground in the summer heat!) and held at gunpoint by Aurora, CO police

So folks (including actor Ryan Reynolds and his bride, Blake Lively) just deduced that maybe getting married on a former slave plantation isn’t as bucolic as it seems, huh?;  in the aftermath of Hollywood enacting a type of voice acting realignment concerning animated portrayals in the media, some “voices” from The Simpsons are weighing in on the issue (from;  it looks like Mulan is heading for Disney plus after all….for a price on September 4th (how long will it take for Disney/Marvel’s Black Widow to get the same deal?); Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and ex-wife, Dany Garcia buy the XFL for purportedly $15 million; so as Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. comes to close after seven seasons, how will the famed and fictional clandestine organization continue thematically as the MCU continues on the silver screen?;  thoughts about Beyonce’s Black is King visual album:


Dburt asks…is anyone prepped to do our own Harlem Black Comic Book festival in a virtual format (a la SDCC and the more recently announced, NYCC?);  And lastly, pontificates on where the animated Avatar “Airbender” franchise can go in the future.  Call in LIVE at 508-645-0100.  
“I can tell by the masks that you’re bad guys.  Nice touch.  Almost intimidating.  But the minivan ruins the effect. Maybe that’s how y’all do it here in New Orleans, but the rest of the world–New York, Madripoor, Boise–the bad guys don’t roll up in minivans.  And there ain’t but three of you.  A van that big can comfortably seat eight.  Seems like you don’t take your villainy serious.”-Power Man (Luke Cage)


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