How To Work For A Micromanger Without Losing Your Mind

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How To Work For A Micromanger Without Losing Your Mind

Angry manager having a meeting with his colleagues in the office.

Source: skynesher / Getty

Working for a micromanager is no walk in the park. It will have you out here mentally quitting your job every other day, ugly crying in the car, worrying about work on your day off, and if you’re not careful, sitting in a doctor’s office being treated for some stress-related illness. Being supervised under this management style can make you feel helpless and hopeless, but there are some things you can do to hold on to your sanity and health until you’re able to secure employment elsewhere. Check out these nine ways to beat your micromanager at her own game.

Make sure your bases are covered

The first and most important rule for working with a boss who micromanages is to cover your butt. We all make mistakes; however, when you’re consistently dropping the ball, you send the message that you can’t be trusted, further perpetuating the cycle of being micromanaged. Once you’ve been labeled as the employee who can’t be trusted, your work life will be a living hell under this type of manager, so be hypervigilant about dotting your Is and crossing your Ts.

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