Donald Trump’s Totally Normal Coronavirus Reaction: “I Haven’t Touched My Face in Weeks. I Miss It!”

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Donald Trump’s Totally Normal Coronavirus Reaction: “I Haven’t Touched My Face in Weeks. I Miss It!”

Donald Trump speaks to the media before departing from the White House

(Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

In a meeting with airline CEOs and coronavirus response coordinator Deborah Birx, Donald Trump let everyone know how much better he is at coronavirusing than the rest of us.

After discussing what airlines are doing to protect passengers and what passengers can do to protect themselves (seriously, wash your hands!), Trump chimed in to tell the room, “I haven’t touched my face in weeks,” adding “I miss it!”

He was, obviously, joking. (And it is legitimately hard to avoid touching your face.) But it’s still a weird time to try to get a laugh. 11 people in the US have died from COVID-19, with at least 149 known cases across 13 states, and Trump and his administration seem determined to screw up their response to the epidemic at every turn.

On top of that, many people were quick to point out that his statement wasn’t even accurate. Not that jokes have to be 100% factual but come on:

By the way, someone should pass that advice on to Mike Pence, Trump’s appointed head of the coronavirus task force. This is from the same task force meeting as that picture of Trump:

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We’re so f***ed.

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