Donald Trump Won’t Meet With Pelosi to Discuss Coronavirus Because His Feelings Are Still Too Hurt Over Impeachment

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Donald Trump Won’t Meet With Pelosi to Discuss Coronavirus Because His Feelings Are Still Too Hurt Over Impeachment

Donald Trump purses his lips uncomfortably

(Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Donald Trump met with Senate Republicans Tuesday to discuss an economic relief package to help Americans in the face of the coronavirus epidemic. He did not include any Democrats in that discussion, and the reason appears to be that his feelings are still too hurt after the congressional impeachment proceedings.

Because what we really want is a president who will put his own personal grudges over our national health and safety.

Instead, Trump sent his Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin (sure) to meet with Pelosi while his own meeting ended without a resolution.

Following their meeting, Trump and GOP lawmakers talked about the hit being felt by various industries but refused to comment on specific steps being taken or the cost of a potential stimulus package.

Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer (both of whom Trump has accused of blowing coronavirus concerns out of proportion specifically to hurt him politically) released a joint statement calling on Trump to institute a number of health measures. Pelosi and House Democrats are also working on their own economic plan. Paid sick leave is a top priority in both plans.

In the meantime, Pelosi can probably be glad that Trump didn’t want to be in a room with her, given how many times he’s come into contact with GOP lawmakers who have themselves been exposed to the virus recently.

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