Confidence Secrets From 4 Women Pushing Back Against Beauty Standards

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Confidence Secrets From 4 Women Pushing Back Against Beauty Standards

Confidence Secrets From 4 Women Pushing Back Against Beauty Standards Shutterstock / Prostock-studio. By Celeste Polanco ·Updated February 23, 2024

Beauty standards are engraved into girls from a young age. Our Barbies and dolls come perfectly packaged with their hair, makeup, and nails already done. Most of us played with those toys as we watched our mothers get dolled up for the day. Beauty seems fun and playful until we evolve into teenagers. Then, many of us feel the pressure to conform to trends and change our hair and makeup.

The parts of ourselves we once deemed “just fine” have become our biggest insecurities. Our bodies, skin, and hair begin to change while comparison sets in. This, at times, creates a divide between women, mainly because we feel like we’re not “good enough” to be her friend or because of jealousy. We fail to realize “she,” too, has her share of insecurities. 

If these insecurities are not tackled, they only increase as we get older, like a bad rash we can’t get rid of. We apply more makeup, buy more clothes, and wouldn’t be caught dead skipping a Botox appointment. This mentality can spread to our daughters, and the cycle continues… unless we start to get more honest about the beauty journey. 

That said, below, 4 inspiring beauty content creators share how they navigate the ever-changing beauty industry and the standards it comes with. 

Melissa Baker View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Mel B. (@amellionmoves)

Melissa Baker is a content creator who knew the pressure of beauty standards until she started creating her own rules. “Cutting my hair was the first time I felt beautiful,” says Baker. Just a few years ago, Baker was diagnosed with traction alopecia, a disease exacerbated by iron deficiency, tight hairtarget=”_blank”> View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Angel Edme (@angel_edme)

Angel Edme began finding self-acceptance when she started her healing journey. She describes her “year of self” as a pivotal turn towards body confidence and the beginning of her fashion journey. “I had a year where I wanted to unpack a lot of who I was. Journaling was a way to face parts of myself that needed to be addressed and get to know myself again. This helped me find a lot of confidence,” says Edme. 

Working on her insecurities allowed her to express her confidence through clothing and experimenting with her personal target=”_blank”> View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Abbyrosemaureen | Beauty & skincare lover | (@abbyrosemaureen)

“I’ve been suffering from acne and hyperpigmentation since I was a teenager,” says Abby Maureen, a skin health content creator. Most of her acne journey was spent with dermatologists who would prescribe her harsh treatments and chemicals. Maureen was given tretinoin, which is often used to treat acne. She described the skin medication as harsh, and when she’d express this, she didn’t feel heard by her dermatologists– a struggle many women of color face in medical offices. 

Maureen’s journey only became more challenging when she started school in America. “I’m from the Caribbean, where acne is normal; I didn’t know clear skin was a beauty standard until I came to the U.S. The beauty standards here made me feel like I wasn’t good enough,” says Maureen. But she refused to let these judgments hold her back from embracing her beauty. She began experimenting with different regimes and sharing them online to help others combat their acne journey and feel good in their skin. Maureen shares, “my biggest beauty secret is to not let others determine your beauty. You determine that for yourself. I stopped comparing myself to others on social media and everything changed.”

Denise Francis  View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Denise | The Self Love Queen | Wellness Founder (@livenaturallylove)

Denise Francis, the owner of the Self Love Organization, says her journey to inner healing began at nine years old. “There was an argument going on with my family. I remember running to the bathroom and crying. However, when I heard my family looking for me, I wiped my tears and told myself to be strong,” says Francis.

This mentality led Francis to struggle with anxiety for years. She eventually began a self-love journey and took a deep dive into the parts of herself she had suppressed for so long. “Self-love is about returning to the old versions of yourself,” says Francis. “You’re breaking down the old versions of yourself you suppress to survive, and you’re returning home,” Francis adds. 

Once Francis returned to herself, she created The Soul Study Journal, a curated book of therapist-approved journaling prompts that allow us to heal and uncover our true inner beauty. “As you teach yourself to heal, you will teach your daughters to heal. Through the inner work, we will release ourselves and our daughters from the strong Black woman to the healed Black woman.” 


The post Confidence Secrets From 4 Women Pushing Back Against Beauty Standards appeared first on Essence.

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