

Learn more about the new show, “American Candy: The Fempire Strikes Back”!

Women are not objects — and they deserve respect. After a slew of targeted attacks on women via social media, as well as a certain political campaign, the FEMPIRE IS STRIKING BACK!

“AMERICAN CANDY: The Fempire Strikes Back” is a juicy, hilarious show demonstrating how hilarious the Mighty Female Blow can be. Dictator Dance Moms, Cat-calling fools, Dismantled Patriarchal Governments, TV icons from the dark ages and the Response to Daft Husbands RULE this raucous sketch comedy show.

American Candy: The Fempire Strikes Back

“AMERICAN CANDY has built a successful series by defying the stereotype that all comedy is the provenance of young white men,” said Hollie Harper, Creative Director of AMERICAN CANDY. “With a multi-cultural cast and team of both female and male writers, our shows have a wide appeal and repeatedly sell out.”

For the show, AMERICAN CANDY has partnered with GEMS, a nationally recognized organization founded in 1998 by Rachel Lloyd in response to an overwhelming need for services for young women at risk for commercial sexual exploitation and domestic trafficking.

Recognizing the link between misogyny and the degradation sexually exploited women and girls endure, “AMERICAN CANDY: The Fempire Strikes Back” aims to empower women by tackling these issues through comedy. Representatives from GEMS will also be present at each show.

When: December 2-3, 2016, 8pm.
Where: Actors Fund Arts Center, Brooklyn, NY
Perks: Pre-show wine reception at 7:15
Price: $20 *early bird special*
For ticketing information visit: fempirestrikesback.eventbrite.com


AMERICAN CANDY has been offering sketch comedy to extremely receptive audiences in Manhattan and Brooklyn since June of 2009. Past themes have included Politics as Usual, The History of Sex and The Super 70’s. AMERICAN CANDY has an energetic troupe of talented actors and is fast becoming a comedy institution in New York City.  To learn more visit, www.theamericancandy.com

About GEMS

GEMS was founded in 1998 by Rachel Lloyd in response to an overwhelming need for services for girls and young women at risk for commercial sexual exploitation and domestic trafficking. GEMS has grown to a nationally recognized and acclaimed organization and now is one of the largest providers of services to commercially sexually exploited and domestically trafficked youth in the US.  To learn more, visit www.gems-girls.org.

The post Check Out The New Feminist Show, ‘The Fempire Strikes Back’ in Brooklyn! appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

November 28, 2016

Check Out The New Feminist Show, ‘The Fempire Strikes Back’ in Brooklyn!


Learn more about the new show, “American Candy: The Fempire Strikes Back”!

Women are not objects — and they deserve respect. After a slew of targeted attacks on women via social media, as well as a certain political campaign, the FEMPIRE IS STRIKING BACK!

“AMERICAN CANDY: The Fempire Strikes Back” is a juicy, hilarious show demonstrating how hilarious the Mighty Female Blow can be. Dictator Dance Moms, Cat-calling fools, Dismantled Patriarchal Governments, TV icons from the dark ages and the Response to Daft Husbands RULE this raucous sketch comedy show.

American Candy: The Fempire Strikes Back

“AMERICAN CANDY has built a successful series by defying the stereotype that all comedy is the provenance of young white men,” said Hollie Harper, Creative Director of AMERICAN CANDY. “With a multi-cultural cast and team of both female and male writers, our shows have a wide appeal and repeatedly sell out.”

For the show, AMERICAN CANDY has partnered with GEMS, a nationally recognized organization founded in 1998 by Rachel Lloyd in response to an overwhelming need for services for young women at risk for commercial sexual exploitation and domestic trafficking.

Recognizing the link between misogyny and the degradation sexually exploited women and girls endure, “AMERICAN CANDY: The Fempire Strikes Back” aims to empower women by tackling these issues through comedy. Representatives from GEMS will also be present at each show.

When: December 2-3, 2016, 8pm.
Where: Actors Fund Arts Center, Brooklyn, NY
Perks: Pre-show wine reception at 7:15
Price: $20 *early bird special*
For ticketing information visit: fempirestrikesback.eventbrite.com


AMERICAN CANDY has been offering sketch comedy to extremely receptive audiences in Manhattan and Brooklyn since June of 2009. Past themes have included Politics as Usual, The History of Sex and The Super 70’s. AMERICAN CANDY has an energetic troupe of talented actors and is fast becoming a comedy institution in New York City.  To learn more visit, www.theamericancandy.com

About GEMS

GEMS was founded in 1998 by Rachel Lloyd in response to an overwhelming need for services for girls and young women at risk for commercial sexual exploitation and domestic trafficking. GEMS has grown to a nationally recognized and acclaimed organization and now is one of the largest providers of services to commercially sexually exploited and domestically trafficked youth in the US.  To learn more, visit www.gems-girls.org.

The post Check Out The New Feminist Show, ‘The Fempire Strikes Back’ in Brooklyn! appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

November 28, 2016

Watch Grand Admiral Thrawn Be a Total Jerk In This Star Wars Rebels Clip


It’s sometimes easy to forget that Star Wars Rebels and its predecessor, Clone Wars, are family shows. Which is why watching a moment when your new bad guy basically forces a civilian to kill himself for no reason other than general dickery is still surprising.


November 28, 2016

Changing the Way We Handle Work-Life Integration



No matter where we are in our careers, we often talk about the importance of balance, an idea that conjures images of lotus poses and zen gardens. We talk about managing stress and finding time for sleep, meditation, friends, and fun amid 60-hour work weeks. You know, balance.

But for those of us fortunate enough to enter the ranks of parenthood, balance becomes a seemingly unattainable ideal. We hear the messages telling us we can do it all, but if we’re truly honest with ourselves, we know something has got to give. There simply are not enough hours in the day to care of ourselves, be the parents we aspire to be, be fully present with our partners, and continue to excel in demanding careers.

While parenthood requires sacrifice, what we’re seeking shouldn’t be impossible. If we change our expectations and acknowledge that professionals and entrepreneurs have families, can we stop being so fixated on balance and instead turn our attention toward solutions that allow us to accomplish more of what we need and want?

The work-family conflict is a challenge that isn’t going away. If we want strong families and a thriving economy, we need to face it head-on. We need to shift to a model of work-life integration—not just in theory, but in practice.

The Work-Family Conflict


Consider this; 56% of mothers and 50 percent of fathers say juggling work and family is hard. When you also take into account that 33% of parents say they aren’t spending enough time with their kids, we are forced to acknowledge that this is about more than the need for more affordable childcare (though that would be nice).

To accommodate their needs their own way, millennials (both men and women) are choosing not to lean in, but to walk away. They’re going to new companies, and they’re choosing to become freelance workers or small business owners. In fact, it’s estimated that 40% of U.S. workers will be freelance or independent by 2020.

After I had my son, I had to make a choice. While I was ready to fully embrace my new role as a mother, I didn’t want to abandon my career. I no longer cared about getting to the next rung on the corporate ladder, but I certainly intended to use the skills I’d gained.

Read more at www.businesscollective.com…


Amber Anderson is the founder & CEO of MORE, a community that helps you scale your business without sacrificing time with your family. 

BusinessCollective, launched in partnership with Citi, is a virtual mentorship program powered by North America’s most ambitious young thought leaders, entrepreneurs, executives and small business owners.



November 28, 2016

Is This Another Returning Villain in a Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Teaser?


We’re getting to the point in the Rogue One marketing blitz where we’ve basically seen all the footage we’re going to see outside the theater, and any new details will be brief in between mostly remixed trailer fodder. One of those short bits of new material in the promotional teaser for the start of early ticket sales (now open!) seems to contain a pretty big reveal.

Did you catch it? Remember that shot from the early trailers of the Death Star’s main weapon dish being maneuvered into position? Well, this trailer gives us another view of that operation, over the shoulder of …


An Imperial officer who appears to be Grand Moff Tarkin, as pointed out by Anthony Breznican at Entertainment Weekly. Due to the costume, Vader’s a lot easier of a villain to bring back in logistical terms, but it appears that the team behind Rogue One is planning to put Tarkin back on screen, as well. John Knoll, Rogue One‘s visual effects supervisor, had previously teased to EW that there would be some particularly fancy effects work in the movie, so it’s possible the character could be recreated with CGI.

That seems like going a bit far for a character who also appeared in Revenge of the Sith, with nothing more than a bit of makeup work:


But with December nearly upon us and the movie’s release just under three weeks away, we’ll find out soon enough!

(via Entertainment Weekly, featured image via screenshot)

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