

iStock_000088784211_MediumFertility can be a difficult experience for many women. According the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are an estimated 6.7 million women ages 15-44 in the U.S. with an impaired ability to get pregnant or carry a baby to term. Around 1.5 million married women ages 15-44 are diagnosed as infertile.

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For black women, trying to conceive is an even more precarious spot to be in, with research putting the odds of infertility at twice that of our white counterparts. Yet, despite these odds, research shows that black women are less likely than white women to seek medical help for infertility. There are many reasons why black (and Latino) women decide to stay quiet. What are the reasons exactly? This is partially due to a lack of education within the community on the necessary steps to take, partially embarrassment, and lastly financial hardship.

However, black women can be rest assured that they are not alone. The reason for this is greatly in part because of places like Oshun Fertility, a black-owned fertility agency based in northern New Jersey that facilitates the needs of the African-American community. Founded in 2015 by husband and wife team, Helen A. and Marcus S. Stephens, Oshun Fertility helps intended parents select the appropriate fertility plan based on physical needs, financial constraints, and cultural and emotional issues. Oshun Fertility is also the first egg donation and surrogacy agency designed specifically for people of African and Latino descent. Its goal is to educate and empower clients by helping them navigate through the process of third-party reproductive family building, while also paying attention to their cultural, emotional, and psychological needs.

“At Oshun Fertility, we know there are many people of African and Latino descent who are struggling with infertility issues,” says Helen Stephens. “We want them to know there are options. They don’t have to suffer alone.”

The taboo around the topic has created so much mystery and misinformation around infertility. In addition to the services offered by Oshun, the major goal is to also educate the community about fertility practices. A trained microbiologist, Helen Stephens has decades of experience in the healthcare industry, having worked specifically in the infertility field in pharmaceuticals, as a researcher, and as a recruiter. While working on the development of fertility drugs and later, the recruitment of donors, Helen noticed a dearth of fertility services aimed at people of color and, in 2009, founded Diversity Fertility Services.

From there, the rest is history.

For more information on Oshun and Diversity Fertility Services visit: oshunfertility.com.

May 12, 2016

Diversity Fertility Services is Breaking the Myths About Black Women and Fertility


iStock_000088784211_MediumFertility can be a difficult experience for many women. According the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are an estimated 6.7 million women ages 15-44 in the U.S. with an impaired ability to get pregnant or carry a baby to term. Around 1.5 million married women ages 15-44 are diagnosed as infertile.

[Related: It’s Not Just Money that Enriches Life in Retirement]

For black women, trying to conceive is an even more precarious spot to be in, with research putting the odds of infertility at twice that of our white counterparts. Yet, despite these odds, research shows that black women are less likely than white women to seek medical help for infertility. There are many reasons why black (and Latino) women decide to stay quiet. What are the reasons exactly? This is partially due to a lack of education within the community on the necessary steps to take, partially embarrassment, and lastly financial hardship.

However, black women can be rest assured that they are not alone. The reason for this is greatly in part because of places like Oshun Fertility, a black-owned fertility agency based in northern New Jersey that facilitates the needs of the African-American community. Founded in 2015 by husband and wife team, Helen A. and Marcus S. Stephens, Oshun Fertility helps intended parents select the appropriate fertility plan based on physical needs, financial constraints, and cultural and emotional issues. Oshun Fertility is also the first egg donation and surrogacy agency designed specifically for people of African and Latino descent. Its goal is to educate and empower clients by helping them navigate through the process of third-party reproductive family building, while also paying attention to their cultural, emotional, and psychological needs.

“At Oshun Fertility, we know there are many people of African and Latino descent who are struggling with infertility issues,” says Helen Stephens. “We want them to know there are options. They don’t have to suffer alone.”

The taboo around the topic has created so much mystery and misinformation around infertility. In addition to the services offered by Oshun, the major goal is to also educate the community about fertility practices. A trained microbiologist, Helen Stephens has decades of experience in the healthcare industry, having worked specifically in the infertility field in pharmaceuticals, as a researcher, and as a recruiter. While working on the development of fertility drugs and later, the recruitment of donors, Helen noticed a dearth of fertility services aimed at people of color and, in 2009, founded Diversity Fertility Services.

From there, the rest is history.

For more information on Oshun and Diversity Fertility Services visit: oshunfertility.com.

May 5, 2016

J.J. Abrams and Lin-Manuel Miranda Sing THE FORCE AWAKENS Cantina Song


The prospect of winning the lottery to purchase Hamilton tickets is exciting on its own, but Ham4Ham makes it a bona fide event. Lin-Manuel Miranda, cast members, and surprise guests put on brief performances for lottery hopefuls. It’s a rad way to engage with fans, and even fans who don’t get tickets to the show get a memorable experience. Those waiting on May 4, a.k.a. Star Wars Day, got an extra special treat: an appearance from J.J. Abrams.

Holy. Sith.

Miranda and Abrams worked together to create the song heard at Maz Kanata’s palace in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, titled “Jabba Flow.” To celebrate May the 4th, Abrams made his Broadway performance debut at Ham4Ham. He said he ran into Miranda at intermission when he saw Hamilton about a year ago. Miranda joked with Abrams and said, “If you need music for a cantina, I’m your guy.” And hey, Abrams needed music for the cantina. I love when a plan comes together.

Before they dived into “Jabba Flow,” Miranda explained the tune is in Huttese. He went to a website and used the Hutt language to put together the song. Howard Sherman caught Miranda and Abrams’ performance on video, and we all owe him a great life debt for sharing this magic with us.

If hearing the tune made you think, “Gee, I sure wish ‘Jabba Flow’ was available for purchase,” then you’re in luck. The song is finally available on iTunes, and you can listen to the ditty in its entirety at StarWars.com.

Did this video completely make your day? Because it had that effect on me. Tell me all your feelings in the comments.

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Image: Kathy Flynn

May 3, 2016

Harry Potter Mandrake Onesie


In case you aren’t exactly in the know about mandrake roots, their claim to fame is screaming so loud, you have to wear earmuffs or else risk serious injury. But like your baby, they do have their uses: particularly, as a part of a potion used to clear petrification. Which is handy when you have a giant basilisk roaming your school.

Basilisk or not, chances are your baby does a great mandrake impression. If that’s the case, then FirstJoyBoutique, an Etsy store that makes a whole lot of other deliciously nerdy baby clothes, might be a good place for you to keep in mind when clothes shopping for warning signs– I mean, baby clothes.

The post Harry Potter Mandrake Onesie appeared first on GeekBabyClothes.com.

April 30, 2016

Game of Thrones Leggings


Game of Thrones Season Six premiered this weekend, and let us just say: it got real. If you are looking for something comfortable to wear to watch episode two into and you need something appropriate for removing quickly during those pants-poopingly awesome moments, well, we can’t help you there.

But if you have a baby who needs something cozy, comfortable, and completely, 100% Westerosi, we know who can help. Consider these leggings from Etsy store LittleBearButt. We have featured their gorgeous leggings a number of time, but their use of these bold and beautiful, fandom-oriented prints never ceases to amaze us.

The post Game of Thrones Leggings appeared first on GeekBabyClothes.com.

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