

Tonight, the presidential candidates will face off on the debate stage for the third and final time before November’s election. Here’s how to tune in online for free, even if you don’t have cable.

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October 19, 2016

How to Stream the Third and Final Presidential Debate Online, No Cable Required


Tonight, the presidential candidates will face off on the debate stage for the third and final time before November’s election. Here’s how to tune in online for free, even if you don’t have cable.


October 19, 2016



Editor’s note: This post contains spoilers for American Horror Story. Proceed with caution if you aren’t caught up. 

Since the start of American Horror Story‘s mysterious sixth season, AHS’ creators and cast members have teased several times that there’s more to the docudrama-style Roanoke than meets the eye. According a recent remark from Ryan Murphy (via Entertainment Weekly), tonight’s episode will feature “the biggest plot twist” they’ve ever done on the show. Based on previous remarks from both Murphy and Brad Falchuk, we know that the twist will throw fans for a loop and make them question everything they know about the series. With the episode a few hours away, the showrunners revealed some pretty big spoilers about how this season connects with Coven, as well as their Freak Show-related plans for season seven.

Kathy Bates AHS

“The season was sort of written as if the season was two different shows” explained Murphy. “Something happens where half the cast is revealed to be playing and doing something absolutely different than you’ve seen in the first five. There’s a startling announcement at the end of act 3 that resets the rest of the season up until episode 10.”

According to US Weekly, the season will pivot into an entirely different narrative during the last twenty minutes of episode six. With the change, Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters, and Kathy Bates will be playing entirely different characters. Whether they’ll be ones we’ve seen in the past or brand new to the series remains to be seen. The other big reveal the showrunner shared is that Lady Gaga’s witch of the woods character is the first Supreme–which is a direct tie to Coven. This makes me wonder whether Gaga’s witch took on the name Robichaux after escaping her cell and opened the Witches academy in season three, or whether the story she told Matt was even true. Based on what Murphy said, several characters have been lying this season, so anything is possible.

Speaking of Coven, Murphy confirmed that American Horror Story will touch on those characters again. “At some point, we’re going to do a return to the Coven season.” While he didn’t reveal which season that would be, he doled out another juicy detail about season seven: “Next year, we will be going back to some Freak Show characters, deeper histories and mythologies. So we’re sort of still exploring season 4 in season 7.” Does that mean we’ll finally see the return of Jessica Lange? One can dream.


While we already knew Finn Wittrock was set to return, Murphy revealed that his psychotic character will make Dandy Mott look like a teddy bear by comparison. “Finn Wittrock is coming back soon, playing his most f–ked-up character of all time. To the point where he was like, ‘This is so crazy that I don’t know that I can do it, but I’ll do it,'” Murphy confirmed. Dear Finn, thank you for committing to whoever the character ends up being. I seriously can’t wait to see what the writers have in store.

Taissa Farmiga was also confirmed for season six, though it is unclear when she will make her debut. She was a major character in the Coven season, so I’m hoping the connection to the season goes even further and she is playing a previous character.

All that said, if you weren’t a fan of the secrecy this year, I have great news for you. According to Murphy there will be no more secret seasons! Things will go back to normal once they start promoting season seven. The premise for that season will be unveiled in Spring 2017.

What do you think the big twist is going to be? How do you think Taissa Farmiga and Finn Wittrock will be incorporated? Are you excited for a return to Coven and Freak Show? Let us know in the comments below, join the conversation on Facebook, or start one with me on Twitter: @Samantha_Sofka.

We’ve got plenty more American Horror Story theories on Nerdist News!

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Images: FX

October 19, 2016

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Finally Gets the Gang Back Together


We all knew it would have to happen at some point. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was always about this strange team that Agent Coulson assembled working together. Even back during the unfocused, kind of […]

October 19, 2016

Raven #2 Review


Writer: Marv Wolfman / Artist: Alison Borges / DC Comics

After Raven #1 got us started on this 6-part series we were introduced to a new side of our girl, newly arrived in San Francisco and learning how to teen like a regular teen. It was hilarious, as Raven isn’t exactly well known for her charm, and it set the stage for a great miniseries of personal exploration, a microcosm Raven’s own coming of age in certain respects. She’s learning to trust that other people truly love and care for her, for no selfish reasons of their own, and she’s beginning to increasingly feel that way for these new cast members in her life. Issue #1 also introduced the mystery of the series in the form of an unknown empath, one more powerful than Raven herself, and someone she knows nothing about except the overwhelming pain that can come from them being in others’ heads. Much was established in issue #1, which was well planned, as issue #2 doesn’t wait in making this a high-stake conflict for Raven and the very lives of those she’s met. Raven #2 steps on the accelerator.


The series balances seriousness with dry comedy – obviously fitting for a character like Raven – and can often pull them off simultaneously in the same scene. Raven finds herself speaking with other teenagers in the school cafeteria and, in response to the concern of a missing person, separates her soul from her body to go investigate; yet the other teenagers were so obnoxious that it also seemed as if Raven just had enough listening to them and her spirit just left her body – an ability we all wish we had in a situation to which each of us can relate. But while there are several scenes lightened with misanthropic humor, Raven #2 better introduces the immense danger that is no longer content to loom around the story plot. Those dark scenes are made darker when there aren’t any jokes to be made, no internal quips from Raven’s maladjustment, just doubt and terror. It makes Raven an engaging, super dynamic comic.


Yet the anchor of the series has to be attributed to Alisson Borges’ artwork. With gorgeous layouts and beautifully dark scenes, Borges not only captures the spirit of Raven but does it with some of the most well crafted sequences I’ve read this year. This comic is visually stunning, and downright beautiful.

Raven is a ridiculously pleasant surprise with amazing artwork, heart, mystery, and comedy. We’re a third into the series and, if the ceiling can get higher from here, this will be one of my favorite short series in recent memory. Read this book and see where it goes from here.

9.5 out of 10

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