

Spuderific! What if Darth Vader became a potato? What if Mr. Potato Head became Darth Vader. You might find that amusing, but you know somewhere in the vaults of Disney some exec has pitched a animated film depicting the two. These kind of toys are great for kids’ imaginations. Plus, they are fun for adults as well.

The post Star Wars Mr. Potato Head Darth Tater Toy appeared first on Geek Baby Clothes.

October 31, 2017

Star Wars Mr. Potato Head Darth Tater Toy


Spuderific! What if Darth Vader became a potato? What if Mr. Potato Head became Darth Vader. You might find that amusing, but you know somewhere in the vaults of Disney some exec has pitched a animated film depicting the two. These kind of toys are great for kids’ imaginations. Plus, they are fun for adults as well.

The post Star Wars Mr. Potato Head Darth Tater Toy appeared first on Geek Baby Clothes.

October 31, 2017

Deuce of Hearts #1 Review


Writer: Ricardo Mo / Artists: Tony Gregori, Claudia Aguirre, Ryan Ferrier / Vault Comics

When I first read about Deuce of Hearts on Twitter earlier in October I thought to myself “This looks like good fun” coupled with “This looks like it makes no senses whatsoever”. I was eager to get my hands on it the first issue and find out what the deal was. Vault Comics has some great titles under it’s banner so I wanted to give it a go. This interest was furthered when the artist Tony Gregori tweeted out a description of the book: “ADULT THEMED FANTASY & FUN, W/ A CUTE DOG SIDEKICK! DOGS!!”. *SOLD!*

In this comic we learn that “Love is a commodity. Trade up.” through the adventures of one Sullivan Husk. He’s a man with one life to live who has the biggest heart of them all. He has so much love to give and just not enough time. The beginning of this comic starts with him on a romantic date with what I assumed was his significant other, a lovely lady to whom he gives something special. (NOT THAT SPECIAL. NOT A RING, FAM.) During a restroom break, he runs into the husband of the lady he’s been spending time with. WUT? So begins this wacky but hilarious romp of a story in which Sullivan navigates the world he lives in being a casanova and trading in his lovers for the next power-up, the next best thing to get him out of the scrape he’s gotten himself into. It’s a riot.

What really works is just how ridiculous this story is: it is super entertaining without coming off as pretentious.  Our-not-quite-hero performs super amazing feats, drops great one liners and has a canine companion that knows more than he lets on. There’s a string of interesting characters that we’re introduced to. Story wise this Heartbreakr™ app and the notion “that love is just another tradeable commodity” must be hella fun to explore for writer Mo. It’s hella fun to read on my end.

On the art side there are a lot of wicked chase and action scenes–and as much as I love how Gregori has illustrated the scruffy dog–there has to be something said for all the characters that start popping up toward the end of the book. Magic is involved here so if the cover is any indication of a preview of who, OR what is to come there is much to look forward to. I’ve been reading comics forever but it is only in recent years that I’ve come to study and truly appreciate work put in by colorists and letterers, what many consider “invisible jobs”.  I’m really fond of Aguirre’s work towards the end when Sully goes to a bar: she really helps gives the bar character via her coloring. This is legit because there are some big interactions that happen there and it all looks great pulled together. Ferrier’s lettering really shines all over but especially in the chase scenes where the sound effects blur the line of magical interference and Ferrier showing off.

With a cliff-hanger that is as gripping as it is comedic, Deuce of Hearts has captured my attention and I’d definitely like to read more. Here’s to a new mini series worth adding to your pull list. Be sure to check it out!

8 Not Laying Off The Sauce Tonight out of 10

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The post Deuce of Hearts #1 Review appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

October 31, 2017

Wendy Williams Collapses On Air


In the midst of conducting her "How You Booin'?" Halloween segment on air, the talk show host lost consciousness.

October 30, 2017

A Spoiler-Filled Breakdown of STRANGER THINGS Season 2


There’s only one way to deal with Stranger Things withdrawal after spending the whole weekend in Hawkins fighting demodogs: break down everything from the entire season. Which is exactly what we did today on a supersized (super spoiler-filled) edition of Nerdist News Talks Back.

Host Jessica Chobot was joined by Nerdist editors Dan Casey and Alicia Lutes, along with Nerdist News writers Aliza Pearl and Joan Ford for today’s return trip to the Upside Down, to discuss everything about Stranger Things 2. What did everyone think? What did we like? What did we dislike? What valuable lessons did we learn about hair care?

What about the season’s biggest (literally) villain, the Shadow Monster/Mind Flyer? Was he a worthy successor to season one’s Demogorgon? What about Will’s role in his attack (which we totally predicted—just sayin’)? With the Shadow Monster still lurking, what do we expect from season three’s Big Bad? Were we happy that Paul Reiser’s Dr. Owens turned out to be a good guy? And did the show invert enough ’80s and horror movies tropes, or did it lean too heavily on homage this season?

There was a much smaller monster this year too, with Dustin’s “Dart” turning out to be a baby Demogorgon. Did we see that coming or did the adorable little slug catch us off guard? Was going from a single Demogorgon to a whole pack of them too big a jump, or did the show make the right call by upping the monster ante that much? And what did we think about season one’s voice-of-reason Dustin turning into the group’s rule breaker? Did we like the change as much as we did his new hair style?

Season two’s most heartwarming duo turned out to be the secret family of Chief Hopper and Eleven. What did we think about that relationship? What about the rest of Eleven’s family? Did the show rush through the story with her mother, or is there more there? What about her “lost sister” Kali (a.k.a. Eight)? Are there even more Hawkins lab kids out there who we’ll meet in the future? Do we want to see more of that vigilante group of punks? (I’m a big “no” vote.) What other secrets does Hopper have in those boxes Eleven found? And with poor Bob gone, could a Hopper and Joyce relationship finally happen?

Jonathan and Nancy also ended up spending a lot of time together this season (yeah they did). Was their journey through the world of journalism worth the time it took? Did Barb finally get the justice she deserved considering it was based on a lie? Does that end her story for good? And were we glad to see Nancy end up with Jonathan, or are we #TeamSteve?

Speaking of Steve, whilereplaced by Billy as the biggest jerk at Hawkins High, he did end up coming out on top as everyone’s new favorite babysitter. What did we make of his transition to Mr. Wonderful? And which high school king had the cooler look: Steve with his glasses or Billy smoking while working out? And what did we make of Billy’s role on the show? Could we see him redeemed in the future too?

Max and Lucas were the other hot new couple of the season. What did we think of Mad Max? What did she bring to the pack? Did we like how much the show leaned into the D&D lore this year? And where do her and Lucas rank among our favorite pairs this year?

And what about Sean Astin’s Bob? (Poor Bob.) Who was the season’s MVP? What parts of the story should have been left out? And, naturally, what do we hope to see in Stranger Things 3? (Boy that’s a lot of questions!)

Nerdist News Talks Back aired live today just like it does every weekday at 1:00 p.m. PT on our YouTube and Alpha channels. When you tune in live you can get in on the conversation with us, so be there with us every day eand share your thoughts with us during the show.

But you can still vote in today’s Monster Madness poll! No big deal, it’s just the Finals! The championship pits Godzilla against Cthulhu! Help decide the baddest, biggest pop culture monster ever.

But even though you weren’t live with us today, you can still talk back to us in our comments below about everything and anything from Stranger Things 2. There’s still plenty more to discuss too, like what should we the buddy cop movie starring Steve and Dustin we’re writing?

Images: Netflix

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