

Writer: Scott Lobdell, Fabian Nicieza / Artist: Travis Moore, Patch Zircher / DC Comics

Badge of Honor

There was a time where a title like We Are Nightwing would have gotten me so pumped. The We Are Robin mini-series was one of the most necessary stories DC Comics had produced in the last decade and featured a diverse cast of misfits taking up the bright colors of Robin trying to do right by their city. Of course, We Are Nightwing is narratively similar: folks have taken up Nightwing’s costumes in our hero’s absence. The key difference here is that they are all cops using the costume to enact rogue vigilante justice and barely sympathetic motivations considering they only got their gear by looting the original Nightwing’s hideout. Ric Grayson ponders these exact questions on the front page as we get the rundown for the fourth time: Ric used to be Dick before he was shot in the head and in his absence, Blüdhaven is having a rough go.

Nightwing #53

Lobdell’s plot continues to move in a very slow, deliberate pace. Every small revelation in previous issues is given slightly more context over the course of several pages, rehashing various narratives beats again and again. Nicieza’s script features interesting moments and quips of dialog but leans towards being very exposition heavy and indulges in some naval-gazing. The fact of the matter is that while Ric Grayson has seen a lot over the events of Knight Terrors he hasn’t changed at all, at least not meaningful. He is still the rugged anti-hero with amnesia living out film noir sequence after film noir sequence as a fake Nightwing takes to the street in a suit with semi-automatic weapons. What was once a somewhat interesting thought experiment has continued to drag on, and we don’t have any of the typical attributes associated with Nightwing: charm, wit, compassion. Instead, we have a caustic not-hero who is slowly learning how to care about other people while stuff happens around him.

Moore’s and Zircher’s artwork continue to delight, with dynamic action shots and wonderful panel work, but the colorful depiction of Blüdhaven is the most lively thing about the issue. I want to know how this all ends, but it seems like the machination are still getting into gear.

6.8 “’Dark’ Legacies” out of 10

Reading Nightwing? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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November 24, 2018

Nightwing #53 Review


Writer: Scott Lobdell, Fabian Nicieza / Artist: Travis Moore, Patch Zircher / DC Comics

Badge of Honor

There was a time where a title like We Are Nightwing would have gotten me so pumped. The We Are Robin mini-series was one of the most necessary stories DC Comics had produced in the last decade and featured a diverse cast of misfits taking up the bright colors of Robin trying to do right by their city. Of course, We Are Nightwing is narratively similar: folks have taken up Nightwing’s costumes in our hero’s absence. The key difference here is that they are all cops using the costume to enact rogue vigilante justice and barely sympathetic motivations considering they only got their gear by looting the original Nightwing’s hideout. Ric Grayson ponders these exact questions on the front page as we get the rundown for the fourth time: Ric used to be Dick before he was shot in the head and in his absence, Blüdhaven is having a rough go.

Nightwing #53

Lobdell’s plot continues to move in a very slow, deliberate pace. Every small revelation in previous issues is given slightly more context over the course of several pages, rehashing various narratives beats again and again. Nicieza’s script features interesting moments and quips of dialog but leans towards being very exposition heavy and indulges in some naval-gazing. The fact of the matter is that while Ric Grayson has seen a lot over the events of Knight Terrors he hasn’t changed at all, at least not meaningful. He is still the rugged anti-hero with amnesia living out film noir sequence after film noir sequence as a fake Nightwing takes to the street in a suit with semi-automatic weapons. What was once a somewhat interesting thought experiment has continued to drag on, and we don’t have any of the typical attributes associated with Nightwing: charm, wit, compassion. Instead, we have a caustic not-hero who is slowly learning how to care about other people while stuff happens around him.

Moore’s and Zircher’s artwork continue to delight, with dynamic action shots and wonderful panel work, but the colorful depiction of Blüdhaven is the most lively thing about the issue. I want to know how this all ends, but it seems like the machination are still getting into gear.

6.8 “’Dark’ Legacies” out of 10

Reading Nightwing? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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The post Nightwing #53 Review appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

November 24, 2018

5 Tips for Managing Diabetes during National Diabetes Month


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the global prevalence of diabetes among adults over 18 years of age rose from 4.7 percent in 1980 to 8.5 percent in 2014. A 2016 Harris Poll conducted for the Calorie Control Council revealed 20 percent of U.S. consumers reported having been diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes by a medical professional.

With November being National Diabetes Month, Karima Kendall, Ph.D., RDN, LDN of the Calorie Control Council (CCC), has outlined five tips for managing this disease impacting an increasing number of people.

1. Manage stress

Too much stress is unhealthy for anyone, especially for those living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. In addition to stress causing people to forget or not have time to check blood sugar levels or plan healthy meals, stress hormones can directly alter blood sugar levels. Making an effort to reduce stress by implementing tactics such as fitness classes, breathing exercises, and other relaxing hobbies will only help in diabetes management.

2. Get up and move at least 30 minutes a day

Exercise helps increase insulin sensitivity. This means the cells in your muscles are better able to use any available insulin to take up glucose during and after physical activity. In addition to helping lower blood glucose in the short term, exercise on a consistent, regular basis can lower your A1C. Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise a day. Be mindful, however, that low blood sugars can occur during and up to 24 hours after physical activity, and are more likely to occur if you take insulin, skip meals, or exercise intensely or for a long period of time.

3. Take advantage of low- and no-calorie sweeteners

Dealing with diabetes on a daily basis is hard enough without having to give up the sweet treats you enjoy. There are several low- and no-calorie sweeteners available that are safe to consume and provide the same sweetness as sugar, but without impacting blood glucose levels. In addition to being found in packaged foods and beverages, many of these sweeteners can be purchased at the grocery store and serve as stand-alone sweeteners for use in your own recipes. Given the holiday treats enjoyed this time of year at seasonal gatherings, these sweeteners can help you have your sweet frozen hot chocolate – and drink it too! For more information on low- and no-calorie sweeteners and diabetes, including carb-smart recipes, visit here.

4. Ward off sickness

Physical stress, such as illness or injury, causes higher blood glucose levels in people living with diabetes. With cold and flu season upon us, make sure to get your flu shot, eat well, and wash your hands frequently. In addition, talk to your doctor about adjustments you may need to make to your personal diabetes management routine and insulin dosing (if appropriate) in the event you get sick.

5. Remember, don’t let ‘perfect’ be the enemy of ‘good’

Although there are differences in the management of type 1 versus type 2 diabetes, maintaining a perfect blood sugar 100 percent of the time is simply not possible, no matter how closely you monitor and manage your diabetes. Even those without diabetes experience moderate spikes and lows in their blood sugar levels. Instead, focus on living a balanced lifestyle full of things that motivate you, instead of letting occasional bad blood sugar levels discourage you. You control your diabetes – not the other way around!


This survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Poll on behalf of Calorie Control Council from November 16-18, 2016 among 2,074 U.S. adults ages 18 and older. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables, please contact Stan Samples at the Calorie Control Council, ssamples@caloriecontrol.org and 678-303-2996.

The post 5 Tips for Managing Diabetes during National Diabetes Month appeared first on Black Enterprise.

November 23, 2018

‘Ralph Breaks VR’ Has Fans Entering the Internet at The Void


With Ralph Breaks the Internet opening in theaters this week, Disney wanted to celebrate the lovable Disney characters by having the fans be part of the Internet experience. Located at the VR experience hub The Void, Disney teamed up with ILMxLAB, Lucasfilm’s award-winning immersive entertainment division, and The Void to create Ralph Breaks VR, an interactive […]

November 23, 2018

Seven Things We Learned from the ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Press Conference


By Laura Sirikul and Esther Kim Ralph Breaks the Internet breaks into theaters this week and reintroduces us to the beloved characters we fell in love with from 2012’s Wreck-It Ralph and them entering the world of THE INTERNET. We welcome back Wreck-It-Ralph (John C. Reilly) and Vanellope von Schweetz (Sarah Silverman) to the fold […]

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