
It’s not just daemons that make the world of His Dark Materials unlike our own. It has its own unique communities, groups, and organizations. Some resemble ones we know, while others are made up of real witches and talking bears. To help you keep track of them all, here are the different people, clans, species, and institutions introduced or mentioned in the show’s premiere.
Roger (Lewin Lloyd) and Lyra (Dafne Keen)HBO/BBC


The grandeur of the MagisteriumHBO/BBC

The “all-powerful” ruling group of Lyra’s world is the religious body called the Magisterium. Its hard-line focus on making adherents follow strict articles of faith includes controlling the flow of information. It might grant learning institutions Scholastic Sanctuary to explore scientific discoveries, but the Magisterium has spies everywhere to ensure “heresy” does not spread. Scholastic Sanctuary only serves as impunity when the Magisterium lets it. Those who run afoul of the church’s teachings risk strict rebuke.

Two monks bowing to each other outside the Magisterium in HBO's His Dark MaterialsHBO/BBC

It most resembles the Catholic Church of our world during the height of its power, and you can read more about the connections between the two here.

Jordan College of Oxford

Airships fly over the Oxford University of His Dark MaterialsHBO/BBC

Just like in our own, the University of Oxford in Lyra’s world contains many constituent colleges. Her home, the enormous Jordan College, is one of 23 members. Made up entirely of male educators and administrators, it is also the richest and most prestigious, with some of the most revered scholars and academics calling it home. Led by Clarke Peters’ Master Carne, it is granted Scholastic Sanctuary by the Magisterium so it can pursue “knowledge and academic freedom.” It’s a privilege that must be guarded against the most controversial heretical ideas, like Lord Asriel’s claims other worlds exist.

Mrs. Coulter is a “scholar” at the women’s college St. Sophia’s, though she also has an independent connection with the Magisterium that involves working at the Arctic Institute. However, despite her work for the church it did not want her to know about their concern over Lord Asriel’s work.

Jordan College is roughly located where Exeter College can be found in ours. The two do share some traits, but Jordan is far larger.


His Dark Materials' GyptiansHBO/BBC

“Others may see us as outcasts, but we are one unified family.” The nomadic group known as the Gyptians consists of all ages and races. They are fiercely loyal and protective, viewing each other not as neighbors but as family. They live on boats and move their neighborhoods frequently, and are also split up into six different communities. Each has their own leaders who sit on a ruling council, though ultimately the Western King John Faa stands as the Gyptian leader. Since they are not treated as equals by society – as evidenced by the police taking no interest in the missing Billy Costa – they must take matters into their own hands, something they are more than willing to do.

Their name and many of their values and traditions resemble that of Gypsies.

Gyptians travel by boat down Oxford's river in His Dark MaterialsHBO/BBC


A terrifying Gobbler traipses down the hallway.HBO/BBC

The shadowy man/group who kidnapped Billy Costa and Roger in His Dark Material‘s premiere are no fairy tale nightmare. They have been stealing children across the country, including 16 young Gyptians. Little is known about them, but both John Faa and Mrs. Coulter believe they take the “children to London” because “it’s the best place to hide them.”


The Northern clan only briefly mentioned by Lyra and Mrs. Coulter, who said they are fun to fight, are also found in our world. Tartars include “any member of several Turkic-speaking peoples that collectively numbered more than 5 million in the late 20th century and lived mainly in west-central Russia.” The Tartars of His Dark Materials are great warriors, making them fearsome foes most people would not enjoy fighting.

Armored Bears

Another group in the North are the Armored Bears, a proud warrior clan of enormous talking bears who do not have daemons themselves. Also known as the panserbjørn, armored bears have opposable thumbs, allowing them to be master craftsmen. They make their own armor which is nearly impenetrable. They are also nearly impossible to deceive. While they are mostly solitary figures who live by an older, less structured way of life, they do have maintain a society ruled over by a king.


Only mentioned in the show’s opening scroll, the human-like Witches of the North are magical creatures who live long lives, up to 1,000 years. They also have daemons, but theirs’ are not bound to stay as close to them as humans. Witches also have many other powers that keep them safe, but it’s their belief in an important prophecy about Lyra that could bring them all into harm’s way.

Got it? Good, because that was only the first episode, and there are many more groups and institutions to come – in many worlds.

Featured Image: HBO/BBC

The post The Different Clans and Institutions of HIS DARK MATERIALS appeared first on Nerdist.

November 5, 2019

The Different Clans and Institutions of HIS DARK MATERIALS

It’s not just daemons that make the world of His Dark Materials unlike our own. It has its own unique communities, groups, and organizations. Some resemble ones we know, while others are made up of real witches and talking bears. To help you keep track of them all, here are the different people, clans, species, and institutions introduced or mentioned in the show’s premiere.
Roger (Lewin Lloyd) and Lyra (Dafne Keen)HBO/BBC


The grandeur of the MagisteriumHBO/BBC

The “all-powerful” ruling group of Lyra’s world is the religious body called the Magisterium. Its hard-line focus on making adherents follow strict articles of faith includes controlling the flow of information. It might grant learning institutions Scholastic Sanctuary to explore scientific discoveries, but the Magisterium has spies everywhere to ensure “heresy” does not spread. Scholastic Sanctuary only serves as impunity when the Magisterium lets it. Those who run afoul of the church’s teachings risk strict rebuke.

Two monks bowing to each other outside the Magisterium in HBO's His Dark MaterialsHBO/BBC

It most resembles the Catholic Church of our world during the height of its power, and you can read more about the connections between the two here.

Jordan College of Oxford

Airships fly over the Oxford University of His Dark MaterialsHBO/BBC

Just like in our own, the University of Oxford in Lyra’s world contains many constituent colleges. Her home, the enormous Jordan College, is one of 23 members. Made up entirely of male educators and administrators, it is also the richest and most prestigious, with some of the most revered scholars and academics calling it home. Led by Clarke Peters’ Master Carne, it is granted Scholastic Sanctuary by the Magisterium so it can pursue “knowledge and academic freedom.” It’s a privilege that must be guarded against the most controversial heretical ideas, like Lord Asriel’s claims other worlds exist.

Mrs. Coulter is a “scholar” at the women’s college St. Sophia’s, though she also has an independent connection with the Magisterium that involves working at the Arctic Institute. However, despite her work for the church it did not want her to know about their concern over Lord Asriel’s work.

Jordan College is roughly located where Exeter College can be found in ours. The two do share some traits, but Jordan is far larger.


His Dark Materials' GyptiansHBO/BBC

“Others may see us as outcasts, but we are one unified family.” The nomadic group known as the Gyptians consists of all ages and races. They are fiercely loyal and protective, viewing each other not as neighbors but as family. They live on boats and move their neighborhoods frequently, and are also split up into six different communities. Each has their own leaders who sit on a ruling council, though ultimately the Western King John Faa stands as the Gyptian leader. Since they are not treated as equals by society – as evidenced by the police taking no interest in the missing Billy Costa – they must take matters into their own hands, something they are more than willing to do.

Their name and many of their values and traditions resemble that of Gypsies.

Gyptians travel by boat down Oxford's river in His Dark MaterialsHBO/BBC


A terrifying Gobbler traipses down the hallway.HBO/BBC

The shadowy man/group who kidnapped Billy Costa and Roger in His Dark Material‘s premiere are no fairy tale nightmare. They have been stealing children across the country, including 16 young Gyptians. Little is known about them, but both John Faa and Mrs. Coulter believe they take the “children to London” because “it’s the best place to hide them.”


The Northern clan only briefly mentioned by Lyra and Mrs. Coulter, who said they are fun to fight, are also found in our world. Tartars include “any member of several Turkic-speaking peoples that collectively numbered more than 5 million in the late 20th century and lived mainly in west-central Russia.” The Tartars of His Dark Materials are great warriors, making them fearsome foes most people would not enjoy fighting.

Armored Bears

Another group in the North are the Armored Bears, a proud warrior clan of enormous talking bears who do not have daemons themselves. Also known as the panserbjørn, armored bears have opposable thumbs, allowing them to be master craftsmen. They make their own armor which is nearly impenetrable. They are also nearly impossible to deceive. While they are mostly solitary figures who live by an older, less structured way of life, they do have maintain a society ruled over by a king.


Only mentioned in the show’s opening scroll, the human-like Witches of the North are magical creatures who live long lives, up to 1,000 years. They also have daemons, but theirs’ are not bound to stay as close to them as humans. Witches also have many other powers that keep them safe, but it’s their belief in an important prophecy about Lyra that could bring them all into harm’s way.

Got it? Good, because that was only the first episode, and there are many more groups and institutions to come – in many worlds.

Featured Image: HBO/BBC

The post The Different Clans and Institutions of HIS DARK MATERIALS appeared first on Nerdist.

November 5, 2019

His Dark Materials Is a Fun, Dark World That Doesn’t Need All These Game of Thrones Comparisons

Lyra in His Dark Materials

I am extremely tired of seeing HBO’s His Dark Materials compared to Game of Thrones, mainly because they’re two separate fictional worlds, and entertaining the idea that these two have to be comparable because of the network they’re on is absurd. That being said, it hasn’t stopped the comparisons across the internet as reviews roll out, and one review even referred to the series as a “chaotic, atheism-tinged manifesto” … like that’s a bad thing.

Based on the trilogy by Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials brings to life a world of alternate realities, focused (this season, at least) on Lyra Belacqua (Dafne Keen). In her world, each human has a “dæmon.” The manifestation of one’s soul, each dæmon takes the form of an animal and can speak with their human counterpart. Lyra’s, Pan, is still constantly changing, trying to decide on his final shape, and neither Pan nor Lyra want him to stop.

In the universe of dæmons and a lack of creativity, Lyra’s universe is lost to silence. She’s kept with the scholars at Oxford after her uncle, Lord Asriel (James McAvoy), brings her as a baby. While he comes to visit, Lyra’s life is mainly escaping her classes to run around Oxford and longing for some kind of parental figure, which brings in Mrs. Coulter (Ruth Wilson), a woman who promises to teach Lyra the ways of the world. Lyra quickly realizes that she’s all on her own and has to fight to protect herself.

Within the first episode, we’re seeing everything from the novel set up. The gyptians, who are a boat-dwelling level of society, are celebrating Tony Costa and his dæmon’s choice of being a hawk. While the celebration is going on, his little brother, Billy, is taken, and thus the hunt for Billy and, subsequently, Lyra’s school friend, Roger, is on. No one knows what is happening to the children, and when Lord Asriel refuses to let Lyra come with him up North, she decides to go with Mrs. Coulter to learn from her, leaving Oxford, and the mystery, seemingly behind.

The show does a brilliant job of bringing to light the exceptional world Pullman created while still connecting the three novels together in a beautiful way. Are there moments when the show seems slow? Of course, that’s the way of almost any show, but to unfairly compare it to other shows (which, arguably, are much more boring in nature) because you think it’s trying to be the next Game of Thrones is ridiculous.

His Dark Materials gives new life to Lyra and her journey in a way the film The Golden Compass never could. It’s going to be exciting to see where the show is going to take us but overall after this strong start!

(image: HBO)

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November 5, 2019

Interviews with the cast of ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’

BGN sits down with the cast of the latest film in The Terminator franchise — Terminator: Dark Fate.

In Mexico City, a newly modified liquid Terminator — the Rev-9 model — arrives from the future to kill a young factory worker named Dani Ramos. Also sent back in time is Grace, a hybrid cyborg human who must protect Ramos from the seemingly indestructible robotic assassin. But the two women soon find some much-needed help from a pair of unexpected allies — seasoned warrior Sarah Connor and the T-800 Terminator.

Interviews feature: Gabriel Luna, Linda Hamilton, Mackenzie Davis, and Natalia Reyes.

Terminator: Dark Fate is currently playing in theaters.

The post Interviews with the cast of ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

November 3, 2019

Author Rebecca Roanhorse Makes Her ‘Star Wars’ Universe Debut with ‘Resistance Reborn’

Rebecca Roanhorse is no stranger to writing worlds and realities beyond our own. A speculative fiction writer of both novels and short fiction, she is a recipient of both the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award. Her work often features indigenous characters as the leads; such as her Sixth World series where a Dinétah monster […]

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