
career jealousy relationships

Source: ljubaphoto / Getty

Why do I feel like singlehood is more common among powerful women than among powerful men? I know so many women who are kicking a** out there in their careers, but seem to struggle to maintain a relationship. Meanwhile, most of the highly successful men I know are married or in long-term relationships. But, if I can be honest, the powerful men I know in stable relationships are in relationships with women who either A) don’t work or B) work jobs that they don’t really care about/don’t require much of their time and attention.

My dad is one such a man. He openly admits that he doesn’t want his partner to work. “I work very hard all day and when I get home I want my partner to be there to have dinner with me and spend time with me. I don’t want her out, working.” How do you feel about that sentiment? I have mixed feelings about it. I mean, it’s not like anyone is forcing my dad’s partner to be with him. She knows the arrangement and the expectations. But isolating the question of whether or not she is happy and putting that aside, what do we think of the man who wants that arrangement? Sexist? Controlling? Endearingly old-school? Relatable? It is a mixed bag, isn’t it?

You might think that my dad’s sentiments are just those of an old man who isn’t used to an age in which women work. But that’s not true. I actually know many men my age who’d prefer a partner who just complimented their careers rather than had her own. And then I know men who say they don’t relate to that at all, love that their partners work, but then…when their partners really hit it big time…show their true feelings. And they’re a bit different. Is it possible that your partner can’t handle you being in the spotlight? Maintaining a relationship while working towards your goals is hard enough, and once you’ve attained them, the struggle may not be over.

career jealousy relationships

Source: kupicoo / Getty

He wants regular family dinners

Whether or not you have children (family dinner could just mean you, him, and your dog), he’s very concerned with whether or not you’ll be home for dinner. He asks if you can get out of what you’re doing early, in order to be home for dinner. Should he wait for you to eat? Well how long should he wait? When will you know if you can be back. He’s really clinging onto this nuclear family image of a couple who eats at 6pm sharp together every night.

December 24, 2019

Signs He Can’t Handle You Being In The Spotlight

career jealousy relationships

Source: ljubaphoto / Getty

Why do I feel like singlehood is more common among powerful women than among powerful men? I know so many women who are kicking a** out there in their careers, but seem to struggle to maintain a relationship. Meanwhile, most of the highly successful men I know are married or in long-term relationships. But, if I can be honest, the powerful men I know in stable relationships are in relationships with women who either A) don’t work or B) work jobs that they don’t really care about/don’t require much of their time and attention.

My dad is one such a man. He openly admits that he doesn’t want his partner to work. “I work very hard all day and when I get home I want my partner to be there to have dinner with me and spend time with me. I don’t want her out, working.” How do you feel about that sentiment? I have mixed feelings about it. I mean, it’s not like anyone is forcing my dad’s partner to be with him. She knows the arrangement and the expectations. But isolating the question of whether or not she is happy and putting that aside, what do we think of the man who wants that arrangement? Sexist? Controlling? Endearingly old-school? Relatable? It is a mixed bag, isn’t it?

You might think that my dad’s sentiments are just those of an old man who isn’t used to an age in which women work. But that’s not true. I actually know many men my age who’d prefer a partner who just complimented their careers rather than had her own. And then I know men who say they don’t relate to that at all, love that their partners work, but then…when their partners really hit it big time…show their true feelings. And they’re a bit different. Is it possible that your partner can’t handle you being in the spotlight? Maintaining a relationship while working towards your goals is hard enough, and once you’ve attained them, the struggle may not be over.

career jealousy relationships

Source: kupicoo / Getty

He wants regular family dinners

Whether or not you have children (family dinner could just mean you, him, and your dog), he’s very concerned with whether or not you’ll be home for dinner. He asks if you can get out of what you’re doing early, in order to be home for dinner. Should he wait for you to eat? Well how long should he wait? When will you know if you can be back. He’s really clinging onto this nuclear family image of a couple who eats at 6pm sharp together every night.

December 24, 2019

Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” Is Having a Big Month

It’s been 25 years since Mariah Carey delivered the defining holiday anthem “All I Want For Christmas Is You.” And the song is only growing more iconic with time. While Carey’s 1994 album Merry Christmas has become something of a holiday staple, its breakout track immediately transcended beyond its class of original holiday songs, now sitting comfortably among the classics. This year, the song not only celebrated a milestone anniversary, it also brought another remarkable feat, topping the Billboard Hot 100 for the very first time. To celebrate the milestone year, the elusive chanteuse released a special Make My Wish Come True Edition edition of “All I Want For Christmas Is You.”

In the music video, which may as well double as a cozy J. Crew ad, a young girl is entranced by a holiday store display featuring Carey and a host of festive friends. Opening a magical door in the case, the girl finds herself in a winter wonderland, full of the holiday energy and spirit only the Queen of Christmas can bring. Carey’s kids Moroccan and Monroe also make a cameo in the music video, bursting out of a giant present and dancing along to their mom’s hit.

Like legendary singer herself, “All I Want For Christmas Is You” is the gift that keeps on giving. The celebration of the holiday classic didn’t stop with one brand new music video. Carey’s many, many famous friends joined in on the festivities, releasing a lip sync video of their own.

Kicked off by Tyler Perry, the star-studded video includes appearances from more than five dozen celebrities, including Ryan Reynolds, Snoop Dogg, Chance the Rapper, Ariana Grande, Daniel Levy, Kerry Washington, Tracee Ellis Ross, and Millie Bobby Brown, as well as Carey’s ex-husband Nick Cannon (alongside Da Brat) and their children.

December is usually a big month for Carey’s 19th number one single, but this year it’s bigger than ever. Yet another new rendition of the song is currently making its way around the internet. This version sees the song mashed up with another ’90s classic—one with a decidedly different vibe. Christmas music is often a divisive entity, with so many good, yet so many more terrible renditions out there. But YouTuber William Maranci managed to find the balance, combining the bright energy of “All I Want For Christmas Is You” backing music with the melancholy tone of Radiohead’s “Creep.”

The mashup is the perfect combination of festive and dour—fun for the whole family. In the video’s description, Maranci masterfully noted the mashup’s vibe, writing, “When your parents make you go caroling against your will.” Known for his mashing up pop songs with rock and metal hits, “All I Want For Christmas Is You”/”Creep” is just the latest from Maranci.

Mariah Carey’s signature holiday hit has already stood the test of time, but it seems its hold over our hearts and Spotify playlists only grows stronger. A modern holiday classic, it’s only a matter of time before its presence expands beyond the radios and playlists and becomes a holiday rom-com—a la Last Christmas—or, at the very least, a TV special.


Header Image: Columbia Records

The post Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” Is Having a Big Month appeared first on Nerdist.

December 23, 2019

Cancer-Causing Green Slime Oozes Onto Highway in Michigan

Authorities said the bizarre green slime spotted on a Michigan highway contained the chemical Hexavelent Chromium. (Photo Credit: Detroit Free Press / Facebook)

A mysterious green slime was recently spotted on a Michigan highway and authorities say it was a cancer-causing substance.

The bizarre slime was found on Interstate 696 in Madison Heights, Michigan, at approximately 2:30 p.m. local time on Friday, the New York Post reported. Lanes where the liquid leaked will remain closed until today, the Detroit Free Press noted.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency came to investigate the mess and said the liquid was most likely groundwater that contained hexavalent chromium, a substance that can cause cancer at high exposure levels and is the same chemical involved in a famous 1993 California water pollution case, ABC News reported.

According to The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), the leak was found in the basement pit of Electro-Plating Services and on Friday night, crews vacuumed the sewers involved in the incident.

“The bank of the expressway is significantly impacted,” the agency told the Detroit Free Press in a statement. “Sample results are now expected Tuesday. All agencies involved are meeting tomorrow at MDOT offices in Detroit.”

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Three years ago, Electro-Plating Services was sent a cease-and-desist order for poor management of hazardous waste. Gary Sayers, the closed business’s owner, was sentenced to one year in federal prison after pleading guilty to operating a hazardous waste storage facility that was unlicensed.

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December 23, 2019

The Force Is ‘Meh’ With This One – Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Review

Star Wars is such a divisive franchise, from the die-hard fans to those who swear each new installment “killed the franchise” to the casual fans who jump in and out, Star Wars means many different things to many different people. And I feel this movie is going to be the epitome of that feeling. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker has the added pressure of not just continuing a long-running series but ending the saga of the Skywalkers giving way to new stories in the future. Does Star Wars accomplish that mission? Or does it fall to the dark side?

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

After skipping the last movie, J.J. Abrams returns to direct the final chapter of this saga. This movie starts off with quite the bang. In the first 15 minutes, we get Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) on a rampage through space, Finn and Poe (John Boyega and Oscar Isacc respectively) escaping from the first order, and Ray (Daisy Ridley) training to become a true Jedi under the watchful eye of Leia (the late Carrie Fisher). Seriously, I felt like I got whiplash from everything that happened in this short amount of time. It’s fun and exciting, but also a bit overwhelming and muddled. From there, our three heroes set out to find a way to an uncharted part of the system to stop the plans of the returning Emperor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid).

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

The first half of this movie is one big fetch quest; our heroes fetching an artifact to lead them to Palpatine, Kylo fetching Ray to try and turn her to the dark side, its reasoning is not all that interesting but what they do here is. We get some pretty great local and action sequences, plus the reintroduction to the always smooth as silk Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams). And after 2 movies of them just being mentioned we finally get to see The Knights of Ren in action. However, I wish we got more of them since they were a pretty cool idea, aside from looking cool and menacing, they don’t do much. I think they are in two really short fights and that’s all we really get. We also dive more into Ray’s continuing struggle between light and dark. At times, it’s the most interesting part of the film and at others, the most frustrating. Normally, Star Wars has been pretty black and white about the light and the dark side of the force (in the movies that is) but here we get a lot of gray areas. She does a lot of things that she never gets any comeuppance for, she tends to run off a lot which inadvertently causes her friends to be put in danger and is never really called out for it. They come close once but that’s really it.

Rise of The Skywalker

Along with Ray, Finn and Poe also get some character development. This movie actually had all three characters together and interacting that the first two movies seemed to have advertised but not deliver on. We find out some more about Poe’s past and Finn gets some interesting expansion of what it means for a storm trouper to be free… but man, did they do my man Finn dirty. Throughout three movies they could never really figure out what they wanted to do with him. He gets some great moments here but his character motivation is just bad. They basically turn him into Ethan from Heavy Rain for most of this movie (press X to Ray).

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

I also want to say that they did a good job with Leia’s character. While it’s pretty blatant where they spliced together what they could with existing footage before her death, they still did a pretty great job at honoring the character and giving her a proper sendoff. The action scenes are really kick-ass and the final battle is a spectacle to behold. The film does get really dark at times but it works in favor of the story… But at times, the story turns into a real mess. One of the worse sins this movie commits is that it drops storylines altogether. Certain character motivations don’t get resolved by the end and it’s a real shame since it’s present throughout the entire movie just to get forgotten about. As a “conclusion” to the main storyline of the Skywalker Saga, it doesn’t seem all that conclusive. It just feels like the end to a movie, not a trilogy and not the end of 9 movies. The end is going to be really divisive, some will love it and some will absolutely hate it. The movie also seems to undercut itself, and the trilogy, with its message of it not being important what your bloodline is but who you are as a person. Even though all the power in the universe seems to come from the same one or two bloodlines.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

This movie isn’t bad, it just makes some bad choices. If you hated this new trilogy, this movie isn’t going to change your mind. If you’ve been loving it so far, you may still love it or you may not. This movie is definitely a person by person experience and that’s ok. For me, the movie was pretty middle of the road. It had some great moments and had some terrible ones but I will say with certainty that unfortunately, it was the weakest of the three. If you don’t like it, go watch the original trilogy and the Mandalorian which is superb right now. But if you like it, keep on liking it. Enjoy it for what it is and don’t listen to the haters. Star Wars will live on for years to come.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

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The post The Force Is ‘Meh’ With This One – Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Review appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

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