
The Real Housewives of Atlanta - Season 12

Source: Bravo / Getty

After a rocky season on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, NeNe Leakes has sought help from a psychotherapist.  During a conversation with Basketball Wives star Jennifer Williams,  Leakes said she realized that after this season of the show she needed to seek mental health services.

I’m seeing a therapist,” she said on Instagram Live.  “I’ve had a phone call with the therapist. We haven’t seen each other in person because we can’t, because of quarantine. But, I felt very traumatized. I think, a lot of times, people see the tough exterior and they don’t really know that you hurt inside sometimes like everybody else.”

When she went live on IG earlier this week,  Leakes said that she felt attacked during the taping of the RHOA reunion, which affected her mentally.

“The trauma that I experienced in the last few days, I felt, like, it was really time for me to see somebody.”

Leakes said during the first two hours of taping, she was hit with a lot of questions and her co-stars like Eva Marcille and Kenya Moore kept jumping in, making her feel “targeted.” So she ended up leaving the virtual reunion

“I closed my computer. I went to go use the bathroom, and I thought, ‘I need a break, so I’m just gon’ take a break.’ Whenever I felt like I wanted to take a break, I was gon’ take a break- because I’m just the person you’re gonna ask questions to, I’mma need a break a little bit more than everybody else, I guess.”

Leakes said she also didn’t appreciate her friendship with talk show host Wendy Williams being questioned by her castmates and being called a “strategic” friendship.

“I was asked questions about me and Wendy Williams’ relationship. I really felt like that had nothing to do with the show at all.”

Leakes has been through a lot of emotional turmoil the past few seasons. Besides having uglier fights with her castmates,  she also took care of her husband Gregg as he battled cancer.  We’re glad she decided to go speak to someone.


May 3, 2020

Nene Leakes Reveals She’s In Therapy: ‘It Was Really Time For Me To See Somebody’

The Real Housewives of Atlanta - Season 12

Source: Bravo / Getty

After a rocky season on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, NeNe Leakes has sought help from a psychotherapist.  During a conversation with Basketball Wives star Jennifer Williams,  Leakes said she realized that after this season of the show she needed to seek mental health services.

I’m seeing a therapist,” she said on Instagram Live.  “I’ve had a phone call with the therapist. We haven’t seen each other in person because we can’t, because of quarantine. But, I felt very traumatized. I think, a lot of times, people see the tough exterior and they don’t really know that you hurt inside sometimes like everybody else.”

When she went live on IG earlier this week,  Leakes said that she felt attacked during the taping of the RHOA reunion, which affected her mentally.

“The trauma that I experienced in the last few days, I felt, like, it was really time for me to see somebody.”

Leakes said during the first two hours of taping, she was hit with a lot of questions and her co-stars like Eva Marcille and Kenya Moore kept jumping in, making her feel “targeted.” So she ended up leaving the virtual reunion

“I closed my computer. I went to go use the bathroom, and I thought, ‘I need a break, so I’m just gon’ take a break.’ Whenever I felt like I wanted to take a break, I was gon’ take a break- because I’m just the person you’re gonna ask questions to, I’mma need a break a little bit more than everybody else, I guess.”

Leakes said she also didn’t appreciate her friendship with talk show host Wendy Williams being questioned by her castmates and being called a “strategic” friendship.

“I was asked questions about me and Wendy Williams’ relationship. I really felt like that had nothing to do with the show at all.”

Leakes has been through a lot of emotional turmoil the past few seasons. Besides having uglier fights with her castmates,  she also took care of her husband Gregg as he battled cancer.  We’re glad she decided to go speak to someone.


May 2, 2020

WHO Officially Delcares COVID-19 a Pandemic

COVID-19 has been officially declared a pandemic (via Alexandra_Koch/Pixabay)

The World Health Organization has officially declared COVID-19 a pandemic.

To date, nearly 125,000 coronavirus cases have been reported from 118 countries; more than 4,000 people have lost their lives to the infectious disease.

“We are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Wednesday.

“We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic,” he announced.

The term, which refers to a disease epidemic that has spread across a large region (think Bubonic Plague, smallpox, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS), is not to be thrown around carelessly.

“It is a word that, if misused, can cause unreasonable fear,” Tedros explained, “or unjustifiable acceptance that the fight is over, leading to unnecessary suffering and death.”

WHO made its evaluation based on two main factors: Speed and scale of transmission, and lack of political commitment needed to control the virus.

“Let me be clear,” Tedros said. “Describing this as a pandemic does not mean that countries should give up. The idea that countries should shift from containment to mitigation is wrong and dangerous.”

On the contrary, this is a controllable pandemic—one that requires nations to “strike a fine balance between protecting health, preventing economic and social disruption, and respecting human rights.”

“We cannot say this loudly enough, or clearly enough, or often enough,” he continued. “All countries can still change the course of this pandemic.”

The Director-General doesn’t want people to focus too much on one daunting expression, though.

“Let me give you some other words that matter much more, and that are much more actionable,” he said. “Prevention. Preparedness. Public health. Political leadership.

“And most of all, people,” Tedros added. We’re in this together, to do the right things with calm and protect the citizens of the world. It’s doable.”

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May 2, 2020

BNP At Home Recommends: Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands

Writer: Tony Isabella / Artist: Clayton Henry / DC Comics

With everything that’s going on in the world right now, a lot of us are either spending all of our time at home or at least a lot less of it doing what we used to. The result of this newfound lifestyle is a lot more free time than we were prepared to have.

While you might think that this is the perfect time for comic book publishers to take advantage of readers as a captive audience, that hasn’t been the case. Instead of getting new releases of comics every week, most of the industry was placed on a temporary freeze.

We at Black Nerd Problems are here to help fill the void by giving you recommendations of some of our favorite comics that you can go back and check out for yourself.

If you’re not quite ready for a longer commitment, a mini-series may be right up your alley. Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands was a succinct six issues and brought Black Lightning’s original creator Tony Isabella back to the character—and DC Comics— for the first time in over a decade.

Airing around the debut of the CW’s Black Lightning series, Cold Dead Hands served as a good primer for the character’s backstory and philosophy while giving him a more updated look outside of the disco-inspired outfit he adorned in the 1970s.

The series reintroduces an older, seasoned Jefferson Pierce taking on his arch-nemesis, Tobias Whale, as he investigates how a new brand of high-tech weapons have started to flood the streets of his hometown of Cleveland.

If you’re interested in comics pulling from real-life events, this series leans heavily on a lot of the same discussions we’re still having today in the real world about how to fight violence and community relations with local police. As someone with an interest in politics, this was right up my alley.

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May 1, 2020

It Rains Iron On Only One Side of This Exoplanet

This illustration shows a night-side view of the exoplanet WASP-76b (via ESO/M. Kornmesser)

Even the sturdiest umbrella wouldn’t withstand the rain on exoplanet WASP-76b.

Researchers using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) have observed an extreme world where it appears to bucket down iron.

“One could say that this planet gets rainy in the evening, except it rains iron,” lead study author David Ehrenreich, a professor at the University of Geneva, said in a statement.

The phenomenon, described in a paper published this week by the journal Nature, occurs because the planet, known as WASP-76b, only ever shows one face—the “day side”—to its parent star. The opposite “night side” remains in perpetual darkness.

Located some 640 light-years away in the constellation Pisces, the giant’s ultra-hot day side reaches temperatures above 4,350 °F—so hot that molecules separate into atoms and metals like iron evaporate into the atmosphere.

This comic-book-style illustration by Swiss graphic novelist Frederik Peeters shows a close-up view of the evening border of the exoplanet WASP-76b (via Frederik Peeters)

“A fraction of this iron is injected into the night side owing to the planet’s rotation and atmospheric winds,” astrophysicist Maria Rosa Zapatero Osorio, chair of the ESPRESSO science team, explained. “There, the iron encounters much cooler environments, condenses, and rains down.”

WASP-76b also has distinct day-night chemistry, according to the study.

Employing the new ESPRESSO instrument on ESO’s VLT in the Chilean Atacama Desert, astronomers identified chemical variations for the first time on an ultra-hot gas giant.

Specifically, they detected a strong signature of iron vapor at the evening border that separates the planet’s two hemispheres.

“Surprisingly, however, we do not see the iron vapor in the morning,” Ehrenreich said, likely because “it is raining iron on the night side of this extreme exoplanet.”

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