
For the third year in a row, Gold House officially kicks off AAPI Heritage Month by announcing their annual list of influential Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander leaders who have impacted the globe. Click here to check out the full 2020 list. This year’s honorees come from all walks of life — from pop […]

May 3, 2020

Gold House’s 2020 A100 List Kicks Off AAPI Month

For the third year in a row, Gold House officially kicks off AAPI Heritage Month by announcing their annual list of influential Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander leaders who have impacted the globe. Click here to check out the full 2020 list. This year’s honorees come from all walks of life — from pop […]

May 3, 2020

Review: ‘The Division 2: Warlords of New York’ Revitalizes the Series

The Division 2 started off great when it launched in March of last year. I even called it the only looter shooter worth playing. While that was true for a while, a succession of gear-nerfing patches and so-so narrative-driven DLCs marred the experience. Knowing the fanbase’s dissatisfaction, Massive Entertainment returned to the proverbial drawing board to craft something players could get behind. As such, we now have Warlords of New York. This expansion succeeds at invigorating the franchise thanks to a new setting and user-friendly progression system. This is exactly what The Division 2 needed.

As I went over in my preview, The Division 2: Warlords of New York brings the series back to The Big Apple. The story centers on Aaron Keener, a rogue agent who appeared in the first game. He, along with four other rogues, have locked down lower Manhattan and turned it into their own little kingdom. Keener’s ultimate goal is to disrupt efforts to restore the old order and establish something new (with himself in charge, naturally). As a Division agent, it is your job to infiltrate lower Manhattan and stop Keener’s plans.

Though this is Manhattan, players will not revisit any of the first game’s locations. This makes the setting both familiar and new. The big difference between this Manhattan and that of the first game is the time of year. Snow and ice have given way to plant-covered streets and buildings. As with the core game’s Washington D.C. location, nature is slowly reclaiming its dominion. The summertime setting also helps keep the expansion within the timeframe of The Division 2. Considering how crazy the real-life New York City becomes during the summer, the setting seems fitting.

Getting to Keener means taking down his four rogue agents who have each taken over different neighborhoods. There’s a nice variety of levels that weren’t present in the first game. One mission has you fighting on an oil tanker while another has you blasting bad guys in an excavation site. Every level also has some mild puzzles for players to solve. While finding levers or shooting fuse boxes in order to advance may sound annoying, it prevents missions from becoming complete shooting galleries. Multiple pathways and hidden items keep things fresh upon subsequent replays. Overall, these are some of the series’ best maps.

The four rogue agent targets have unique weapons and abilities never before seen in the series. One agent has a holographic emitter that creates virtual clones of himself. Another has a deadly accurate sticky bomb launcher. Because of their weapons, boss battles are a highlight. Even better, you can actually use these new weapons after taking out a boss. This gives Warlords of New York a bit of a Mega Man vibe. All of the weapons come in handy out in the field and work wonders against the other bosses.

Another Mega Man-like feature is tackling bosses in any order you desire. This is great for making the expansion feel more open-ended. With that said, there is no true advantage to this design choice. The basic plot unfolds the same no matter how you decide to tackle missions. It’s just nice to have the option.

The leveling system is now completely overhauled. Instead of having a total gear level (which tops out at 515), your character and their gear now only has a standard level. Once you hit the new level 40 ceiling, things open up considerably. You can now take attributes from different gear pieces and store them in the recalibration library. After that, you can add the stored attributes to your weapons and armor. This enables players to make a character build suited to their specific playstyle. Even when you reach level 40, you’ll still gain XP which you can use to continue making your character and weapons stronger.

While long-time players will hate having all their hard-earned customized gear from Washington D.C. turn useless, the new leveling system is a godsend. At a glance, it is easy to see what gear and attributes will suit you best. A lot of the guesswork no longer exists. This means players can customize their character and gear faster and more efficiently. At the same time, the system retains a nice level of depth for those who really want to dive in and tinker with numbers and values. It won’t take long before you see noticeable character improvements. Hitting level 40 isn’t a grind.

Warlords is only the beginning. The following weeks and months will see a steady stream of content that will keep fans satisfied (and away from other shooters). There will be new rogue agents to fight, new gear to test out, and even a brand new Raid. While we can’t say how successful this will all be, it’s good knowing Massive is sticking around for the long haul.

Warlords of New York is a great expansion. The lower Manhattan setting is fantastic and combines the best aspects of The Division 1 and 2. Each of the new bosses provides a satisfying challenge and their dropped weapons are fun to use. The fact we’ll see continual updates via Seasons leaves us wondering what’s coming next. I thought my time with The Division 2 had ended but it looks like it’ll eat up another 100 hours of my life this year. Considering how awesome Warlords of New York is, I have little to complain about. Let’s just hope Massive Entertainment can keep the momentum going.

May 3, 2020

BNP At Home Recommends: Green Lanterns

Writers: Sam Humphries and Tim Seeley / Artists: Sandu Florea, V Ken Marion, Robson Rocha, Julio Ferreira, Eduardo Pansica / DC Comics

With everything that’s going on in the world right now, a lot of us are either spending all of our time at home or at least a lot less of it doing what we used to. The result of this newfound lifestyle is a lot more free time than we were prepared to have.

While you might think that this is the perfect time for comic book publishers to take advantage of readers as a captive audience, that hasn’t been the case. Instead of getting new releases of comics every week, most of the industry was placed on a temporary freeze.

We at Black Nerd Problems are here to help fill the void by giving you recommendations of some of our favorite comics that you can go back and check out for yourself.

One of my favorite comics of late both in theory and execution was Green Lanterns, which ran from 2016 to 2018 and featured two members of the Green Lantern Corps named Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz.

One of the coldest quotes I’ve heard redone over and over again is essentially some version of “bravery isn’t the absence of fear, it’s moving forward despite it.” That pretty much sums up any quality Green Lantern story given that the Corps pulls their power from their own sense of courage.

Green Lanterns is a prime example of this idea, but it’s explored through two people who you might not consider brave on paper—a woman who suffers from agoraphobia after witnessing all of her friends being murdered and a Lebanese-American man who was unfairly investigated for being a terrorist and carries a gun as backup despite wielding the strongest weapon in the universe. The series serves as a buddy cop story with two equally compelling characters with deeply complex backstories. And their flaws honestly make them even more relatable than past Lanterns have been who fall more into the old school idea of bravery.

The series wrapped up a couple of years ago so you can dive right in and check out two of the newest Green Lanterns fight crimes and solve cases across the known galaxy. And you’ll even get cameos from some pretty familiar faces along the way.

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May 3, 2020

Things We Saw Today: Get in Loser, We’re Going to Lovecraft Country

The first teaser for the highly anticipated Lovecraft Country is here, and it has all the hallmarks of a Jordan Peele fright fest: a stacked cast of actors? Check. Gorgeous cinematography? Check. A pop song slowed down and made creepy? Check. Peele produced the series, which is based on Matt Ruff’s novel of the same name, alongside J.J. Abrams.

But the series is truly the vision of writer, showrunner, and executive producer Misha Green, the creator and producer behind Underground. The series follows Atticus Freeman (Jonathan Majors), who teams up with with his friend Letitia (Jurnee Smollett-Bell) and his uncle George (Courtney B. Vance) to find his missing father ((Michael Kenneth Williams).

Together, they travel across the 1950s Jim Crow South encountering the horrors of racism and prejudice along with Lovecraftian monsters. The very best horror works find a way to meld real life horror with made up monsters, so we’re excited to see what this series has to offer. And it’s always welcome to see Peele use his influence and clout to lift up other creators of color.

It also a smart bit of subversion to have people of color in front of and behind the camera for Lovecraft Country, as H.P. Lovecraft was notoriously racist. We’re excited to see where this twisty new series takes us.

Lovecraft Country premieres on HBO this August.

(image: HBO)

Happy Saturday, Mary Suevians!

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