
Captain Marvel sits with her head in her chin and a smirk.

(Marvel Studios)

We talk a lot about the struggles of representation and gender parity in entertainment, and slowly but surely the industry is waking up. A new study from The Geena Davis Institute on Gender and Media has found that 2019 saw a record-breaking number of female lead characters in family films.

Last year, 48% of the 100 highest grossing family movies (defined as films rated PG-13 and lower) starred lead female characters. This number has doubled from 2007, where only 24% of films had female leads.

Davis expressed the importance of representation, saying “Media images have a huge impact on how we see ourselves and judge our value … When you see someone like yourself reflected, you take in the message: ‘There’s someone like me, I must belong.’ This is why it’s vital for children to see — from the beginning — fictitious worlds that reflect the real world, which is half female and very diverse.”

Davis added, “girls will be far more likely to see that they are just as important as boys, and that they do half of the interesting, important things … Boys will take this message in unconsciously too, and thus be more likely to see girls as equals.”

The study has also shown an increase in people of color and people with disabilities in leading roles. LGBTQ+ roles have dipped however, and there is still plenty of work to be done in terms of representation across all marginalized communities. Davis and her organization remain committed to holding Hollywood accountable and to help create awareness about the importance of seeing oneself onscreen.

Davis said, “There’s still much work to be done, but we are so encouraged by the progress being made.”

(via CNN)

  • Dive into the Easter eggs hidden in season 2 of Netflix’s Altered Carbon. (via Syfy Wire)
  • Diego Luna has … strong feelings about Jabba the Hutt. (via io9)
  • Samantha Ware joins the cast in season two of Doom Patrol. (via CBR)
  • Reese Witherspoon is narrating a nature show about female animals called Fierce Queens for Quibi because why not. (via AVClub)
  • Bernie Sanders releases a comprehensive plan for reproductive justice. (via Jezebel)

Happy International Women’s Day, Mary Suevians!

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

March 9, 2020

Things We Saw Today: Women Take the Lead in Family Films

Captain Marvel sits with her head in her chin and a smirk.

(Marvel Studios)

We talk a lot about the struggles of representation and gender parity in entertainment, and slowly but surely the industry is waking up. A new study from The Geena Davis Institute on Gender and Media has found that 2019 saw a record-breaking number of female lead characters in family films.

Last year, 48% of the 100 highest grossing family movies (defined as films rated PG-13 and lower) starred lead female characters. This number has doubled from 2007, where only 24% of films had female leads.

Davis expressed the importance of representation, saying “Media images have a huge impact on how we see ourselves and judge our value … When you see someone like yourself reflected, you take in the message: ‘There’s someone like me, I must belong.’ This is why it’s vital for children to see — from the beginning — fictitious worlds that reflect the real world, which is half female and very diverse.”

Davis added, “girls will be far more likely to see that they are just as important as boys, and that they do half of the interesting, important things … Boys will take this message in unconsciously too, and thus be more likely to see girls as equals.”

The study has also shown an increase in people of color and people with disabilities in leading roles. LGBTQ+ roles have dipped however, and there is still plenty of work to be done in terms of representation across all marginalized communities. Davis and her organization remain committed to holding Hollywood accountable and to help create awareness about the importance of seeing oneself onscreen.

Davis said, “There’s still much work to be done, but we are so encouraged by the progress being made.”

(via CNN)

  • Dive into the Easter eggs hidden in season 2 of Netflix’s Altered Carbon. (via Syfy Wire)
  • Diego Luna has … strong feelings about Jabba the Hutt. (via io9)
  • Samantha Ware joins the cast in season two of Doom Patrol. (via CBR)
  • Reese Witherspoon is narrating a nature show about female animals called Fierce Queens for Quibi because why not. (via AVClub)
  • Bernie Sanders releases a comprehensive plan for reproductive justice. (via Jezebel)

Happy International Women’s Day, Mary Suevians!

Want more stories like this? Become a subscriber and support the site!

The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

March 9, 2020

THE WALKING DEAD Delivers A Comic Whisperer Battle

This post contains spoilers from The Walking Dead Season 10, Epsiode 3. 

The Walking Dead is finally giving its Whisperer arc some much-needed steam in the final episodes of this season. In the wake of Connie and Magna’s predicament, Alpha and Negan have concocted a plan to make the Hilltop and Alexandria bow to their command. The Hilltop is outnumbered by thousands of walkers and dealing with its own infighting over the arrival of Gamma/Mary “Morning Star” gave fans a classic battle from the Whisperer comic arc and new updates that deviate from the comics, too.

Here’s how it all went down on this week’s The Walking Dead and what this episode hints at for the remainder of Season 10.

The Hilltop Battle

Eugene Rosita and Aaron Fight At Hilltop Battle

Jace Downs/AMC

Alpha’s determination to make every Hilltop resident a member of her walker herd seems to be going well at this point. Her massive hoard has overwhelmed Hilltop’s electrical barrier and the walls are coming down too. The circle of people equipped to fight at Hilltop is painfully tiny, partially injured, and covered in flammable liquid while fires are burning most of the ground and buildings around them. There’s seemingly no where to run nor hide. Yikes. But, we all know that everyone cannot die here because the show must go on!

This battle borrows directly from a comic battle at Hilltop. The Militia fought against the Whisperers (and their herd) but things went downhill quickly when the latter shot flaming arrows into the community. Many of the buildings, including the historical Barrington house, were lost but the Hilltoppers still managed to win the battle under the leadership on none other than Maggie.

The Walking Dead showrunner Angela Kang recently said during an online Q&A with fans that Maggie will show up in the “nick-of-time” and this is a dire moment where she needs to run in with an army from whatever community she has been hiding at for years. The Hilltop is eventually rebuilt but, until then, the residents make their way to Alexandria.

This wouldn’t be a bad thing for the TV series. Alexandria will have to deal with Michonne’s exit and the likely deaths of leadership people like Father Gabriel among other residents. And, it’s likely that the Hilltop will lose people (Alden, maybe?) too. The aftermath is chance for the three communities – Hilltop, Alexandria, and the remaining Kingdommers to come together in one residential area, form new councils, and evaluate how they are going to rebuild for everyone.

Maggie and Yumiko would likely fill in leadership gaps while the story could expand towards the Commonwealth and New World Order arc with people like Eugene, Rosita (if she is still alive), and maybe Daryl at some point.


A Stephanie/Eugene Update

Eugene Fights At Hilltop Whisperer Battle On The Walking Dead

Jace Downs/AMC

Stephanie and Eugene’s radio romance is certainly ripped straight from the comics. They start communicating during the Whisperer arc and their communities meet around this time. Most comic fans have assumed that she’s with the Commonwealth in Ohio like her comic counterpart. The shows seems to have confirmed this after Stephanie set up a face to face meeting with Eugene at a rail yard in Charleston, West Virginia.

It makes sense to meet each other halfway (sort of) and she’s given him a week to get to that point. However, she has yet to confirm whether her community is in West Virginia or in Ohio. Both locations are possible because Stephanie and Eugene saw the same satellite crash from the season opener. Eugene tells Stephanie that the range for seeing that crash could only be a few hundred miles – a range that both West Virginia and Ohio fit into.

In the comics, a few Commonwealth soldiers met Eugene and others at an Ohio train yard. There’s a possibility that Stephanie is still a Commonwealth resident and the show simply moved the community from Ohio to West Virginia. It wouldn’t make a lot of sense to have her in some random community, especially when there’s still something to explore with Maggie and Georgie’s community.

West Virginia hasn’t been a state of interest in the TV show but it does make an appearance in the Telltale Walking Dead game when Clementine spends some time in the state. There’s probably not a significant connection here but it’s a nice Easter egg for those who engage in this universe outside of the TV series.

It’s been a while since The Walking Dead has expanded its scope outside of Virginia (outside of flashbacks) so it will be great to see other parts of the country.


Carol Makes Amends With Everyone

Carol and Daryl embrace in cave

Chuck Zlotnick/AMC

Carol and Daryl’s relationship is still pretty rocky at this point. Daryl says he could never hate her – and I believe it – but he definitely isn’t interested in being buddies right now. He’s ready to go out and look for Connie and Magna but has been derailed by Alpha once again. Both of them have the thickest plot armor in the apocalypse, so there will be time for them to repair the broken trust. Whatever happens, Connie needs to LIVE.

Of course, there’s no comic precedent for what Daryl nor Carol will do next. Comic Carol was a very different person who died way back in the prison arc. But, Carol has taken on some comic Michonne aspects so perhaps she will travel with Eugene to meet Stephanie. Daryl is the new lead so he might end up at the Commonwealth too at some point.

Carol also spent time with Ezekiel right before their big battle and found out about his cancer diagnosis. It’s nice to see the former romantic pair back on better terms but also a sign that Ezekiel is probably about to die.

Any time a person finds some resolution or peace on The Walking Dead, they should prepare for their impending murder. Ezekiel has mended fences with Carol, made his diagnosis known, and made a death pact with Daryl. It was nice to know you King.


The Negan/Alpha Weirdness

Negan looks at Alpha in woods

Jace Downs/AMC

The Negan and Alpha pairing continues to get increasingly weirder as they whip each other and he gets his skin mask. Gross. Their comic counterparts never had a sexual relationship but they were still an odd pairing for a while. Negan was weirdly attracted to her and respected her rule over the pack. However, Negan sees the inhumane (even for him) philosophies in her group and eventually decapitates her.

Right now, TV Negan seems genuinely enthralled with Alpha but her desire to make all of Hilltop walkers might be enough to make Negan decide to take action against Alpha. Or, perhaps something will happen within the camp to make Negan stop being uncomfortably weird.

Will Negan cut of Alpha’s head? The show may decide to follow that path because he has the space and opportunity to get it done. Or, perhaps Carol’s dream of torturing Alpha to death will come true. Either way, Alpha needs to die soon.

The Walking Dead‘s Hilltop battle and burning marks the beginning of the final fights between the communities and the Whisperer army. It’s no secret that our groups will come out victorious but there’s always a price to pay in the fight for survival.

Image Credit: Jace Downs/AMC

The post THE WALKING DEAD Delivers A Comic Whisperer Battle appeared first on Nerdist.

March 9, 2020

‘Queen Sono’ Recap Week 2: Dying is Sore

Written by: Lebo Malatse

In our second recap of the Netflix series, Queen Sono we recap the episode “Dying Is Sore”.

Harare, Zimbabwe has Queen glammed up as a potential client for Superior Solutions that is ran by the mysterious Elton Davenport. Superior Solutions is a company that sells illicit weapons. In a high slit fuchsia dress, sis looks like she is trying to get attention. Fred is in a van outside seeing everything from the contacts that he gave Queen. He drops the bomb that Hendrikus is dead but I doubt his so-called illness killed him and I think Queen thinks the same. Everlyna Song, a friend of “Francine”, requests the assistance of a possible criminal and Queen uses that as into the VIP room. 

Queen Sono

Catching the eyes of the very sexy Elton Davenport, she gets him to talk business while they dance. The discussion is cut short by a phone call from his sister who is fluent in Russian. Elton’s name is Vitali and he has connections to the leader of the Watu Wema, Shandu Magwaza (Vuyo Dabula). Suspicious. Also, Elton/Vitali’s father was head of the operation and put him in charge. I predict that the sister and Queen will be combating in an episode soon. The girl has moves and can take a punch. Queen has Elton suspicious and nearly gets her outside but considering that she upsets an old enemy, a shoot out happens. I’m not even sure if Elton is alive after getting shot. At least Queen is able to get out without a scratch. 

Elton/Vitali’s sister, Ekaterina calls out the leader of Watu Wema for his fake “soap box speeches” that get liberated men killed. Vitali has been giving these men a portion of their weaponry and it doesn’t please his sister at all. She threatens to do something if it happens again. By the way, Elton is dead, and Queen hears it from Miri and Sid (head handler I think). But we got intel! Ekaterina Gromova is owner of GromCorp and daughter of Victor Gromova, known as the butcher. SOG

You know that Queen wasn’t going to leave the Hendrikus death alone. Posing as his hospital nurse, she rocks up to his home and speaks to the family. Obviously, they are devasted and think he is innocent of his crime. Miri and Nana discuss Queen’s abilities to handle things. It doesn’t seem that Nana cares for the Queen as much as she does for her career. It must be nice to host a president that you don’t like in your home. At Hendrikus’ home, Queen is going for the Oscar acting as she cares about this man and his family. Hugging someone who thinks that you are lesser than is not easy but she gets out with a phone in hand. Nana is making waves with President Malunga and guests. Her speech on Safiya and her disgust at corruption in politics really got to them.

After a game of paintball, Queen is subjected to political rambles made by William and Nova’s friends. People honestly just talk crap without thinking who is in their midst. Nova does her best to shut them up. William brings up that should Queen should see a therapist but when she slams that down, he brings up an international work opportunity that will leave Queen alone. When is she going to admit that she likes him?

Safaris in Kenya are on my bucket list. Ekaterina is camped out there with her father. Victor isn’t pleased with her lack of ability to keep her father alive and he isn’t budging on the idea that she won’t lead his company. She thanks him for being sexist and pushing her to be better than her brother. Ekaterina smothers her father to death then promises her baby bro that she will find his killers. Shandu and his right-hand man, Bulabule, discuss riches before they are interrupted by Ekaterina. She offers Shandu the opportunity to be a leader of the continent after they change the country. His group will burn the country down while her company saves it from the flames. 

I want to know more about Fred and his missing sister but we have possibly bigger problems. The company that Queen and Sono have been working for, SOG, has been paying Superior Solutions. Queen assumes that it is the director, Dr. Sidwell. My money is on Miri. 

Stay tuned for Episode 3: “The Devil’s Toys”

The post ‘Queen Sono’ Recap Week 2: Dying is Sore appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

March 8, 2020

The Women Of Nerdist Pick Their Favorite Female Characters

Happy International Women’s Day! At Nerdist, we’re always happy to celebrate the fantastic women of the world—both real and fictional. That’s why this year, we’re doing a little of both. In honor of the day of appreciation, the female members of the Nerdist staff selected their favorite female characters from television and movies. The one’s who’ve gotten us through hard times, who speak to our souls, and who inspire us to do and be better. We’re sharing them with you in hopes that maybe you can relate, or find a new character to love in the process. Please share your favorites in the comments!

The Women Of Nerdist Pick Their Favorite Female Characters_1Netflix

Deet from The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance 

Amy Ratcliffe: I try to be kind, to look at those around me with compassion. I try to be grateful, to count my blessings no matter the size. It’s not easy. Characters like Deet from The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance help me cling to those feelings though. I felt a kinship with her as soon as I saw her gentle nature, particularly with the creatures of Thra. A Gelfling from the secluded Grottan Clan, Deet never expected to set out on a quest to help all of Thra. But she did it anyway. She befriended those she encountered, like the intrepid Hup, and assisted any being in need that she met on her journey. Her optimism and selflessness touch me. I internalized her actions. I try to carry her attitude with me.

The Women Of Nerdist Pick Their Favorite Female Characters_2Lucasfilm

Rey Nobody from Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Lindsey Romain: I’ll never forget where I was the first time I saw Rey from Jakku. Alone on her desert home planet, with no family, no friends—only small comforts, like her pot of crisping flowers, her rising bread, her X-wing pilot doll and helmet. She was me, an isolated and lonely person, trapped in the same rotation of days, afraid to break free from the monotony out of fear and self-doubt. But that changes when she meets BB-8 and Finn the defected Stormtrooper, and her journey begins. In the next film, The Last Jedi, her story deepens into something challenging and beautiful. Rey learns to look inward, to test the darkness she wrestles with, and to accept her fate that her only place in this world is what she makes of it–not what she’s owed. That narrative changes a bit in The Rise of Skywalker, in ways I did not enjoy, but it doesn’t rob me of the character who means so much to me. Her virtues remain the same, no matter what’s tacked onto her backstory. Rey is vulnerable, but pure of heart, aware of her darkness but invested in keeping it at bay. She’s a survivor.

“Something inside me has always been there. But now it’s awake. And I’m afraid.” – Rey

The Women Of Nerdist Pick Their Favorite Female Characters_3BBC

Martha Jones from Doctor Who

Tai Gooden: I will never miss an opportunity to celebrate Dr. Martha Jones—TARDIS time traveler, Harry Potter fan, UNIT medical officer, freelance alien hunter, and the woman who walked the Earth. Martha had a clear career path and purpose before meeting The Doctor and she didn’t allow anything–not even space and time—to derail her path. She is smart, resourceful, empathetic, curious, and unafraid to challenge Ten when he pushes her boundaries. Her decision to leave the TARDIS of her own volition and journey towards saving the universe in her unique way is my affirmation that it’s never a bad decision to choose yourself. Her picture hangs over my workspace as a daily reminder to seek adventure in life, carve my own path, embrace spontaneity, and recognize my own value. Martha Jones is more than good—she’s absolutely brilliant.

The Women Of Nerdist Pick Their Favorite Female Characters_4Lucasfilm

Hera Syndulla from Star Wars Rebels

Kelly Knox: If there’s anyone fit for the title of Space Mom, it’s General Hera Syndulla of the Rebel Alliance. Hera fights for a better galaxy–and never gives up. One of the earliest members of the rebellion against the Empire, she is an expert pilot and strategist. She’s also a unifying leader who puts together not just a crew, but a family. Whether you need her to have your back in battle or just lend a sympathetic ear, Hera is always there for the ones she loves. She inspires me to be the fearless pilot of my own family.

“We have hope. Hope that things can get better, and they will.” – Hera Syndulla

The Women Of Nerdist Pick Their Favorite Female Characters_5

Black Widow from The Avengers

Andrea Towers: Natasha Romanoff is more than a super spy. In the MCU movies, she’s the voice of reason, the empathy glue holding her team together, and—as Endgame showed us—the literal soul of the Avengers. She’s also someone who has taught me how to open myself up to others even when I don’t think I deserve support, someone who has taught me to love myself by accepting that I can have debts and regrets and still be considered a worthy human being, and someone who reminds me that I can live life on my own terms and follow my own heart no matter what the world expects. But what makes her so special to me is the fact that she’s flawed. And being flawed doesn’t mean you can’t be inspiring or be a leader. You don’t have to exist as a perfect person in this world; we’re all works in progress and what I love so much about Natasha is that she’s always trying to be better. I try to lead by her example and remember that my life isn’t defined by who I used to be, or even my current actions or thoughts—that I can still try to be better, too.

The Women Of Nerdist Pick Their Favorite Female Characters_1Warner Bros. Pictures

Hermione Granger from Harry Potter

Meaghan Kirby: Hermione Jean Granger was probably one of the first smart girls I ever encountered as a young reader. Well, besides the icons over at The Babysitter’s Club. Teased for being an over-prepared know-it-all, Hermione is unapologetic in her drive and quest for knowledge, utilizing these assets far beyond the confines of Hogwarts. She’s probably best identified by her brilliance—and deservedly so, as keeping her friends alive was a tall order—it doesn’t even begin to cover all her admirable depths. Unwaveringly human, Hermione is full of complicated feelings, flaws, and self-doubt. She’s confident, but wholly understands what it means to be brilliant—and the limitations of exclusively defining oneself by their academic prowess. Most importantly, Hermione is unflappably loyal—even when that loyalty is called into question. She’s the embodiment of the idea that first impressions aren’t everything. And her ability to understand her strengths and weaknesses to better herself and those around her is just one of the many reasons a generation of readers (and counting) have looked up to her.

“Books and cleverness! There are more important things—Friendship and bravery!” – Hermione Granger

The Women Of Nerdist Pick Their Favorite Female Characters_6American International Pictures

Coffy from Coffy

Rosie Knight: It’s hard to put into words just how inspiring and formative Pam Grier and her catalog of work has been to me. She was the first female action hero that I knew and loved, and the first woman who made me fall in love with the exploitation and revenge genres that mean so much to me. Coffy is my favorite of Pam’s movies. As a badass nurse, she works her way through the criminal underworld from street level pawns to powerful politicians, decimating the people who have destroyed her community and, more importantly, her sister’s life. Coffy offers both an unexpected story of sisterhood and female power against the odds, and a brilliant topless woman killing rich corrupt men with a shotgun. What more could you want?

Featured Image: 

The post The Women Of Nerdist Pick Their Favorite Female Characters appeared first on Nerdist.

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