
COVID-19 has been officially declared a pandemic (via Alexandra_Koch/Pixabay)

The World Health Organization on Sunday reported more than 164,830 confirmed cases of COVID-19 across 146 countries.

But, due to limited testing, that number is likely much higher.

And while some folks are social distancing or even self isolating, others are actively bragging about packing bars, clubs, and restaurants.

If expert researchers and government officials can’t convince people to stay home, though, maybe a German software engineer can.

Florian Reifschneider last week launched a website with a simple message: Stay the fuck home.

The page—available in 17 different languages (plus SFW English)—contains a 12-point “Self-Quarantine Manifesto” encouraging best practices like regularly washing your hands, cancelling social gatherings, and avoiding public transportation.

“With no well-studied treatment and no viable vaccine available for at least another year, the only effective way to keep the coronavirus pandemic at bay is to give the virus fewer changes of spreading,” according to the site.

“Please keep in mind there is no right or wrong amount of actions to take. Only take the actions that you feel comfortable with and that do not endanger your livelihood,” Reifschneider said. “However, keep in mind that every action helps.”

More than 2 million people have visited the viral site, which spent Sunday morning atop Twitter’s list of trending topics.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The CDC has updated its guidance regarding large group gatherings in the United States, recommending that for the next eight weeks, organizers cancel or postpone in-person events consisting of 50 or more people.

That includes conferences, festivals, parades, concerts, sporting events, and weddings.

“Events of any size should only be continued if they can be carried out with adherence to guidelines for protecting vulnerable populations, hand hygiene, and social distancing,” the agency said. “When feasible, organizers could modify events to be virtual.”

The guidance does not apply to day-to-day operation of schools, universities, or businesses.


In response to travel disruptions caused by COVID-19, online rental service Airbnb has extended its policy to allow hosts and guests in every country and region* to cancel reservations with no charge or penalty.

The change applies to bookings made on or before March 14, 2020, with check-in dates between March 14 and April 14.

“We understand that this announcement will impact hosts around the world, many of whom depend on the economics they generate on Airbnb,” according to a platform announcement. “We will be working in the days and weeks ahead to identify tools and initiatives to support our hosts during these very challenging times.”

*With the exception of domestic travel to mainland China, which is scheduled to return to normal rules on April 1.


Part of social distancing is learning to live without certain creature comforts—like that daily Starbucks pick-me-up.

Fear not, caffeine addicts: The coffee chain has adopted a “to go” model in the US and Canada for at least two weeks.

Customers can still order in person, through the mobile app, or via the drive thru. Just don’t expect to sit down for a spot of work or a catch-up with friends. And you may see modified condiment bars and “order ahead” handoff areas.

Plus, stores located in high social-gathering locations (malls, university campuses) or in communities with high clusters of COVID-19 cases will be temporarily closed.


Unlikely news source Instagram is distributing coronavirus prevention information through a new call-out at the top of users’ feeds featuring a link to the World Health Organization.

The notice is rolling out to countries that have seen “significant impact” from the virus, a company spokesperson told TechCrunch.


AMC and Regal, two of the nation’s largest movie theater chains, are selling only 50 percent of seats for any given screening in hopes of keeping guests from having to sit too close to each other.

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March 26, 2020

Stay The F**k Home to Avoid Spreading Coronavirus

COVID-19 has been officially declared a pandemic (via Alexandra_Koch/Pixabay)

The World Health Organization on Sunday reported more than 164,830 confirmed cases of COVID-19 across 146 countries.

But, due to limited testing, that number is likely much higher.

And while some folks are social distancing or even self isolating, others are actively bragging about packing bars, clubs, and restaurants.

If expert researchers and government officials can’t convince people to stay home, though, maybe a German software engineer can.

Florian Reifschneider last week launched a website with a simple message: Stay the fuck home.

The page—available in 17 different languages (plus SFW English)—contains a 12-point “Self-Quarantine Manifesto” encouraging best practices like regularly washing your hands, cancelling social gatherings, and avoiding public transportation.

“With no well-studied treatment and no viable vaccine available for at least another year, the only effective way to keep the coronavirus pandemic at bay is to give the virus fewer changes of spreading,” according to the site.

“Please keep in mind there is no right or wrong amount of actions to take. Only take the actions that you feel comfortable with and that do not endanger your livelihood,” Reifschneider said. “However, keep in mind that every action helps.”

More than 2 million people have visited the viral site, which spent Sunday morning atop Twitter’s list of trending topics.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The CDC has updated its guidance regarding large group gatherings in the United States, recommending that for the next eight weeks, organizers cancel or postpone in-person events consisting of 50 or more people.

That includes conferences, festivals, parades, concerts, sporting events, and weddings.

“Events of any size should only be continued if they can be carried out with adherence to guidelines for protecting vulnerable populations, hand hygiene, and social distancing,” the agency said. “When feasible, organizers could modify events to be virtual.”

The guidance does not apply to day-to-day operation of schools, universities, or businesses.


In response to travel disruptions caused by COVID-19, online rental service Airbnb has extended its policy to allow hosts and guests in every country and region* to cancel reservations with no charge or penalty.

The change applies to bookings made on or before March 14, 2020, with check-in dates between March 14 and April 14.

“We understand that this announcement will impact hosts around the world, many of whom depend on the economics they generate on Airbnb,” according to a platform announcement. “We will be working in the days and weeks ahead to identify tools and initiatives to support our hosts during these very challenging times.”

*With the exception of domestic travel to mainland China, which is scheduled to return to normal rules on April 1.


Part of social distancing is learning to live without certain creature comforts—like that daily Starbucks pick-me-up.

Fear not, caffeine addicts: The coffee chain has adopted a “to go” model in the US and Canada for at least two weeks.

Customers can still order in person, through the mobile app, or via the drive thru. Just don’t expect to sit down for a spot of work or a catch-up with friends. And you may see modified condiment bars and “order ahead” handoff areas.

Plus, stores located in high social-gathering locations (malls, university campuses) or in communities with high clusters of COVID-19 cases will be temporarily closed.


Unlikely news source Instagram is distributing coronavirus prevention information through a new call-out at the top of users’ feeds featuring a link to the World Health Organization.

The notice is rolling out to countries that have seen “significant impact” from the virus, a company spokesperson told TechCrunch.


AMC and Regal, two of the nation’s largest movie theater chains, are selling only 50 percent of seats for any given screening in hopes of keeping guests from having to sit too close to each other.

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March 26, 2020

Health Equity Cypher Discusses COVID-19, Black Communities

As COVID-19 (coronavirus) continues circulating across the country, the myths surrounding it are beginning to shed.

No longer is it known as an illness for just elderly, immunocompromised people. More and more young, relatively healthy people are being diagnosed positive with no “flattening of the curve” in sight. The virus is moving through vulnerable Black communities and among incarcerated people from Rikers Island to Sing Sing, with no rational leadership from the Trump Administration.

As data begins to accumulate, forming a clearer picture of COVID-19’s impact, reports show that health professionals are concerned that Black communities may not have equitable access to tests and treatment, primarily because Black communities in the United States are more vulnerable due to racial, wealth, and healthcare discrimination.

In the above video, Health Equity Cypher, an organization combatting institutional racism and classism through public health equity, policy, clinical and leadership strategies, discusses what we should demand from our elected officials and ways to stay safe and connected during this pandemic.

“While we are physically distancing and staying socially connected, this Cypher conversation is critical and will continue to bring information Black folks need during this crisis,” Joia Crear Perry, MD, FACOG, principal of Health Equity Cypher, and founder and president of National Birth Equity, tells ESSENCE.

Other members of the Cypher featured in the above video include: Shavon Arline-Bradley, minister principal of Health Equity Cypher and president of REACH Beyond Solutions; Anton J Gunn, principal of Health Equity Cypher and Healthcare Consultant Collaborative; and L. Toni Lewis, MD, principal of Health Equity Cypher, president of Liberation Health Strategies.


ESSENCE is committed to bringing our audience the latest facts about COVID-19 (coronavirus). Our content team is closely monitoring the developing details surrounding the virus via official sources and health care experts, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Please continue to refresh ESSENCE’s informational hub for updates on COVID-19, as well as for tips on taking care of yourselves, your families and your communities.

The post Health Equity Cypher Discusses COVID-19, Black Communities appeared first on Essence.

March 25, 2020

‘Queen Sono’ Recap Week 4: Rookie

Written by: Lebo Malatse

In our fourth recap of the Netflix series, Queen Sono we recap the episode “Rookie”.

Five years ago, in Joburg, Queen was a wild woman running from the cops and stealing cars for cash in the hood. Back then President Malunga was Deputy that was being investigated for corruption. I see that didn’t follow through. Sidwell visits to talk to Queen about her shenanigans and lack of work effort. Queen just wants to be in the field. We get a view of the cute relationship that was between Shandu and Queen. At work, Queen is a rookie, Bulabule is a loudmouth, and Fred is just getting to know who Queen. Nana worked with the former president and wanted Malunga to be investigated.

Shandu was actually considering marrying Queen. I wonder what stopped that from happening? He and a partner were put in as the president’s security detail and she surprises Shandu when she gets to be in the field. Malunga is in a meeting with a top Minister and heads of other companies that he has received hefty bribes from. SOG catches Malunga as he confirms that he has the bribe. It looks like he could go down. But it would seem that security details have another idea in mind. An ambush occurs while they are en route with Malunga. Multiple shots are fired and I have no idea who these men are working for! Shandu takes no prisoners while his partner does his best to get Malunga out. 

Considering that this is Queen’s first time out on the field she is doing a good job of handling her own. Viljoen gets shot in the back but is able to pull himself out of the from safely. Shandu’s partner gets killed in front of Queen which shocks and immobilizes Queen. Shandu comes in and snaps her back to reality. They make it out with Malunga. At the hospital, Shandu accuses Sid of knowing about the ambush and being corrupt as well… Queen watches from afar. Late at night, she meets a very upset William and breaks down about seeing the same bubbles that she saw when her mother was killed. In an old video, we see Safiya Sono leading a protest against police. 

Queen Sono
Production stills from the set of Netflix Queen Sono with Pearl Thusi, directed by Kagiso Lediga. Credit: Chris Duys / Netflix

Shandu really asks Queen to leave with him but she can’t leave her Mazet and she wants to wait for everything to be cleared out. He gives a moving eulogy at his fallen partner’s, Ulrich, funeral but not without mentioning the corruption that played in his death and Shandu’s brother’s death. He leaves immediately. Sid and Nana discuss the issue of Malunga knowing that he was spied on as well as accusing the current president, Eusebia, of assassination. As Deputy President, Malunga doesn’t know about SOG, and Eusebia steps down to ensure that Malunga does not find out about their involvement. 

Miri is living her best life in Boston. She has a glow and her natural hair is popping! Nana, however, wants her child to come home asap, not dating a white man, obtaining more degrees, and being clueless in America. I see why Miri is so unhappy. It is not easy trying to be your own person while a parent pushes you to be who they want you to be. Queen is ready to leave SOG, Sid encourages her to stay, but in the midst of all of it, he states that Malunga once took a bullet for him! That explains a bit of that relationship. 

Stay tuned for Episode 5: “Sugar Water”

The post ‘Queen Sono’ Recap Week 4: Rookie appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

March 25, 2020

Hard NOC Life: ‘Birds of Prey’ and the Fantabulous Isolation of Self Quarantine

This week on Hard NOC Life, Dominic and Keith are joined by fashion photographer and Birds of Prey superfan Lauren Nakao Winn. Back in February, Lauren’s Birds of Prey twitter appreciation thread went viral when it was retweeted by Cathy Yan. Now that the entire world has gone viral with COVID-19, Warner Bros. is releasing […]

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