
Writer: Zeb Wells / Artist: Stephen Segovia / Color Artist: David Curiel / Marvel Comics

Give an army of comic book creators a batch of quasi-immortal versions of all the mutants in X-Book history and you’re bound for some wild mashups. I’ve been particularly curious about personalities like Apocalypse given prominent leadership roles. They’ve been at the most, menacing but seem to be keeping any evil tendencies under control. It’s been a little disappointing though. Surely there has to be a bunch of traditionally antagonistic mutants that are not on board with the pacifist laws of Krakoa. Enter the Hellions.

These are a group of mutants ranging from violence inclined to violently unstable. The mutants in charge are looking for somewhere to put such colorful characters like the animalistic Wild Child, the tantrum-prone Orphan-Maker, and the sociopathic Empath. My favorite outburst of violence was Scalphunter’s. He was a part of the Marauders that infamously slaughtered the Morlocks, and they did not forget. An unexpected addition was Havoc. In a mission he starts to lose control, maimed, and almost murders a few anti-mutant extremists. The source of this instability is unclear but worries his brother, Cyclops. Now, who’s to be trusted to watch over his dear little brother and lead the missions of a group of anti-social killers under Mr. Sinister’s command. Psylocke, of course.

I’m going into this series with no expectations. If they become a big happy family, I’m probably going to find it unrealistic. If they end up killing everything in sight and get “exiled,” I’m going to be disappointed by the bleakness.

I am grateful, though, that the creative team took this task on. The comic itself was well done; introducing the team and ending with the foreseen antagonist. All the props to Segovia and Curiel. The art in this book is crisp. Wells is kind of wild with his Mr. Sinister. An asshole joke and a catcalling joke in one panel. I was amused at this “lovable jerk” Sinister dialed up to 11. If the latest X-Force was not violent enough for you, this series promises to be right up your alley.

8 “Not-So-Subtle Threats of Violence” out of 10

Reading Hellions? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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March 28, 2020

Review: Hellions #1 isn’t Here to Play Nice

Writer: Zeb Wells / Artist: Stephen Segovia / Color Artist: David Curiel / Marvel Comics

Give an army of comic book creators a batch of quasi-immortal versions of all the mutants in X-Book history and you’re bound for some wild mashups. I’ve been particularly curious about personalities like Apocalypse given prominent leadership roles. They’ve been at the most, menacing but seem to be keeping any evil tendencies under control. It’s been a little disappointing though. Surely there has to be a bunch of traditionally antagonistic mutants that are not on board with the pacifist laws of Krakoa. Enter the Hellions.

These are a group of mutants ranging from violence inclined to violently unstable. The mutants in charge are looking for somewhere to put such colorful characters like the animalistic Wild Child, the tantrum-prone Orphan-Maker, and the sociopathic Empath. My favorite outburst of violence was Scalphunter’s. He was a part of the Marauders that infamously slaughtered the Morlocks, and they did not forget. An unexpected addition was Havoc. In a mission he starts to lose control, maimed, and almost murders a few anti-mutant extremists. The source of this instability is unclear but worries his brother, Cyclops. Now, who’s to be trusted to watch over his dear little brother and lead the missions of a group of anti-social killers under Mr. Sinister’s command. Psylocke, of course.

I’m going into this series with no expectations. If they become a big happy family, I’m probably going to find it unrealistic. If they end up killing everything in sight and get “exiled,” I’m going to be disappointed by the bleakness.

I am grateful, though, that the creative team took this task on. The comic itself was well done; introducing the team and ending with the foreseen antagonist. All the props to Segovia and Curiel. The art in this book is crisp. Wells is kind of wild with his Mr. Sinister. An asshole joke and a catcalling joke in one panel. I was amused at this “lovable jerk” Sinister dialed up to 11. If the latest X-Force was not violent enough for you, this series promises to be right up your alley.

8 “Not-So-Subtle Threats of Violence” out of 10

Reading Hellions? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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March 28, 2020

LeToya Luckett Celebrates Gender Reveal On Instagram Live: ‘It’s A Boy!’

Earlier this month, LeToya Luckett and hubby Tommicus Walker revealed that they are expecting their second child. Now, the couple has shared the baby’s gender.

Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the couple was unable to host an in-person gender reveal party, so Luckett took to Instagram Live to share the news with family, friends, and fans.

“In an interest to keep our friends & family safe, @tommicuswalker and I decided against having a gathering to reveal the sex of our little one. Instead, we’re choosing to have an online reveal party!!!”

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TODAY IS THE DAY!!! In an interest to keep our friends & family safe ,@tommicuswalker and Idecided against having a gathering to reveal the sex of our little one. Instead we’re choosing to have an online reveal party!!! Please tune in TODAY at 7pm CST as we share the Joy & delight of finding out the gender of our new addition!! We’re grateful either way!! What do you think? Girl or boy?Drop a heart below!! ??

A post shared by LeToya Luckett-Walker (@letoyaluckett) on Mar 27, 2020 at 9:39am PDT

So, is the couple expecting a boy or a girl? Drumroll, please…it’s a boy!

While both parents were over the moon with the news, Walker just couldn’t contain his excitement as he jumped for joy around the house. “This is so exciting. We are having a boy,” Luckett said.

Their baby boy will join the couple’s two children, daughters Madison and Gianna.

The post LeToya Luckett Celebrates Gender Reveal On Instagram Live: ‘It’s A Boy!’ appeared first on Essence.

March 28, 2020

The Best at What He Does – ‘Doom Eternal’ Review

It’s time my Slayers, time for some blood spurtin’, guts spewin’, demon killin’, guitar riff, rip and tear Doom action. That is the whole game in a nutshell. Yeah, there’s some story in there, but it’s really not important here. Doom knows what it is and is at it’s best when it focuses on that. Put on your Slayer helmet and grab your BFG as we review Doom Eternal.

When we last left Doomguy, he had just saved Mars from the demons but was betrayed and captured by Dr. Samual Hayden. Then… some stuff happens and then we pick up two years later with Doomguy having escaped, acquired his own Justice League Watchtower, and earth in the clutches of a full on demon invasion. I’m getting my gripes with the game out of the way first; it’s so abrupt where the story picks up that it feels like there was an entire game missing that was supposed to bridge the two. I know most, if not all players are not here for the story, and that’s perfectly fine. Doom has never been known for its story. But this game does have a story. It dives into the backstory of this iteration of Doomguy, it world builds with lore and codex… it just left me wanting more. I wish it was presented better and more fully, but it’s a minor gripe. We aren’t here for a bedtime story; WE’RE HERE TO RIP AND TEAR DEMONS APART!!! And this is where the game shines.

Playing Doom Eternal is a visceral and cathartic experience in the best way. The game does not hold your hand. It gives you a shotgun and pushes you off the high dive to belly flop into a pool of demons. The controls are tight, and the gameplay is challenging. When you feel like you’re getting used to all the demons, it throws another one at you to challenge your sanity. As the difficulty ramps up, so does your arsenal. The game gives you plenty of guns and mods so that you always have a fighting chance. Every gun feels polished and great to use. The game isn’t always great when it “tries” to explain how to defeat later enemies and bosses, but it never feels cheap. You always feel like there’s a fighting chance, even when it frustrates the hell out of you.

The only other complaint I have, and it’s a very minor complaint, is that the game can get a little monotonous after a while. There are some levels that are a little boring. You realize that all that this game is is running to an area, shoot everything run to next area, rinse and repeat over and over again.  I got bored a few times.  But that was few and far in between and it feels like the game knows when it’s starting to get boring and introduces a new gun or enemy. Again, if you’re here for Doom, you know what you’re getting into and the game knows this.

Doom Eternal is the sequel that doubles down on everything that people loved from its predecessor. It’s a fun game that works well in short burst. You bored? Kill some demons. You upset over something? Rip off a head or 10. You got cabin fever from self-quarantine? Chainsaw a few body’s into a bloody pulp. I wish they gave a story a little more care considering all the backstory and interesting lore that’s there, but Doom knows what Doom is about. If you’re a fan of Doom 2016 or Doom in general, this will be a great game for you. If you’re someone who hasn’t played Doom before but you’re interested, I would say check it out, and you’ll have a lot of fun as long as you like a lot of shooting and blood and guts.  Stay inside and rip and tear the forces of hell apart.

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March 27, 2020

Verily Launches COVID-19 Screening Site for San Francisco Residents

COVID-19 (via Johns Hopkins Medicine)

Alphabet Inc.’s research organization Verily launched a website to provide information about coronavirus screening in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Starting today, Californians can take an online COVID-19 screener survey, hosted by Verily’s Project Baseline.

Those who meet eligibility and requirements are then directed to mobile sites for a nasal swab test.

The pilot is currently testing only the highest risk individuals at select sites in San Francisco; as more testing kits and sites become available, Verily intends to scale up its program.

“Ultimately, our goal is to help local authorities expand testing access in California as the need continues to increase,” the Alphabet subsidiary said in a blog post.

Verily is collaborating with California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office, federal authorities, and local public health authorities to help more people in the coming weeks.

“We hope that this partnership can scale and we believe it will be a national model,” Newsom said at a Sunday press conference.

U.S. residents aged 18 and older in the Bay Area can get screened online: Simply create an account, complete a permission form, and take the brief survey.

Answering “yes” to the first query—”Are you currently experiencing severe cough, shortness of breath, fever, or other concerning symptoms?”—ends the test, while “no” advances it.

On the surface, this seems counterintuitive. But Verily confirmed to BuzzFeed News that the screener is in fact working as intended.

“The initial question is meant to ensure that anyone who is seriously ill does not come to our sites because they are not prepared to provide medical attention,” the firm said.

Based on the survey responses and appointment availability (which, at this point, is basically nonexistent), you will learn whether you qualify for testing through the program.

Current testing sites are located in Santa Clara County and San Mateo County.

“We are early in this pilot,” Verily said, “and going to be learning more that will help us refine this COVID-19 risk screening.”

Today’s launch follows mass confusion about the project and its scope.

Amidst the chaos of a global pandemic, Donald Trump on Friday announced that Google is working with the White House and private sector partners on a website to give people information about novel coronavirus testing.

Google later tweeted that Verily is “developing a tool to help triage individuals for COVID-19 testing.”

So far, so good.

But divergent facts—Trump said 1,700 Google engineers were working on the project, but Verily only has about 1,000 employees—suggested the president “oversold” and “inflated” the concept, The New York Times reported.

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