
MTV TRL Tour 2001 - Concord CA

Source: Tim Mosenfelder / Getty

In an attempt to encourage “The Voice Australia” contestant Chris Sebastian, Kelly Rowland opened about what it felt like to spend “a whole decade” in Beyoncé’s shadow.

The revelation came after Sebastian confessed his concerns and fears of being overshadowed by his brother, pop singer Guy Sebastian.

“I know this feeling. Can you imagine what it’s like being in a group with Beyoncé?” she told Sebastian. “I would just torture myself in my head.”

Rowland went on to share that she would lament over the tiniest of decisions in hopes of avoiding the Beyoncé comparisons.

“I would just torture myself in my head. Like, I can’t wear this dress because they’re going to say it’s like B. Or, I can’t have a song like that because it sounds too much like B. They’re gonna compare anyways,” said the 39-year-old singer.

The fear would haunt the “Motivation” singer for “a whole decade.”

“I would be lying if I said no, it’s never bothered me. That’s bull,” said Rowland. “There was a whole decade, if I am being completely honest, a decade, where it was like the elephant in the room. It was the thing that would constantly be on my shoulder.”

Since her time in Destiny’s Child, Rowland has been quite transparent in regard to some of her internal struggles and the lessons she’s learned during her journey. Earlier this month, she shared that there was a time in which she almost lost everything by trying to keep up with the Joneses.

“Even going through my own time where there was a lot of – no one will believe this and it’ll actually be the first time I talk about it – where I almost lost everything because I was so busy trying to keep up,” she said during an interview with Pastor Erwin McManus. “Whether it was the look, whether it was the wardrobe, whether it was the car, whether it was the place, whether it was the – you know what I mean? All that silliness.”

It’s always refreshing when people, as accomplished as Kelly, are willing to be real about their struggles.

July 15, 2020

“I Would Torture Myself In My Head:” Kelly Rowland Discusses Spending “A Whole Decade” Paralyzed By Beyoncé Comparisons

MTV TRL Tour 2001 - Concord CA

Source: Tim Mosenfelder / Getty

In an attempt to encourage “The Voice Australia” contestant Chris Sebastian, Kelly Rowland opened about what it felt like to spend “a whole decade” in Beyoncé’s shadow.

The revelation came after Sebastian confessed his concerns and fears of being overshadowed by his brother, pop singer Guy Sebastian.

“I know this feeling. Can you imagine what it’s like being in a group with Beyoncé?” she told Sebastian. “I would just torture myself in my head.”

Rowland went on to share that she would lament over the tiniest of decisions in hopes of avoiding the Beyoncé comparisons.

“I would just torture myself in my head. Like, I can’t wear this dress because they’re going to say it’s like B. Or, I can’t have a song like that because it sounds too much like B. They’re gonna compare anyways,” said the 39-year-old singer.

The fear would haunt the “Motivation” singer for “a whole decade.”

“I would be lying if I said no, it’s never bothered me. That’s bull,” said Rowland. “There was a whole decade, if I am being completely honest, a decade, where it was like the elephant in the room. It was the thing that would constantly be on my shoulder.”

Since her time in Destiny’s Child, Rowland has been quite transparent in regard to some of her internal struggles and the lessons she’s learned during her journey. Earlier this month, she shared that there was a time in which she almost lost everything by trying to keep up with the Joneses.

“Even going through my own time where there was a lot of – no one will believe this and it’ll actually be the first time I talk about it – where I almost lost everything because I was so busy trying to keep up,” she said during an interview with Pastor Erwin McManus. “Whether it was the look, whether it was the wardrobe, whether it was the car, whether it was the place, whether it was the – you know what I mean? All that silliness.”

It’s always refreshing when people, as accomplished as Kelly, are willing to be real about their struggles.

July 15, 2020

A Reporter Asked Why Black Americans Are Being Killed By Police, Trump Responds ‘So Are White People’

Donald Trump apparently doesn’t have an understanding of statistics, when he claimed on Tuesday that “more White people” die because of police than Black people.

It all started at an interview at the White House when CBS News’ Catherine Herridge brought up the police-involved death of George Floyd.

“Why are African-Americans still dying at the hands of law enforcement in this country?” the reporter asked Trump.

The impeached president immediately lashed out at Herridge for the “terrible question.”

“So are white people. So are white people,” he said. “What a terrible question to ask. So are white people. More white people, by the way. More white people.”

President Trump tells @CBS_Herridge that “more White people” are dying at the hands of police than Black people. Watch excerpts on CBSN, more tonight on @CBSEveningNews and tomorrow on @CBSThisMorning

— CBS News (@CBSNews) July 14, 2020

So, when looking at just empty numbers, it is true that “more white people” are killed by police than Black people. However, when you look at rate at which Black and white people are killed in relation to their representation in the overall population, a different story begins to unfold.

Data from Mapping Police Violence shows that since 2013, Black people account for 28 percent of those killed by police, despite only representing 13 percent of the population.

The same data shows that Black people are three times more likely to be killed by police than their white counterparts, although they are 1.3 times more likely to be unarmed.

The post A Reporter Asked Why Black Americans Are Being Killed By Police, Trump Responds ‘So Are White People’ appeared first on Essence.

July 15, 2020

Conservative Writer Bari Weiss Has “Self-Expelled” From the New York Times. Good.

The New York Times building

Bari Weiss, a conservative writer and editor for the New York Times’ opinion section, announced today that she was resigning—sorry, “self-expelling”–from the paper.

Weiss, who has spent years presenting herself as un-cancellable, has left the Times over what she says is a culture of “discrimination, hostile work environment, and constructive discharge.” She says she’s “no legal expert” yet also calls her treatment “unlawful.” In her open letter announcing her resignation, she references both a “new McCarthyism” and her ostensible bravery for daring to engage in what she says is perceived as “Wrongthink”—aka offensive, oppressive opinions expressed on perhaps the world’s most respected platform.

To be fair, I have no idea what the internal culture of the Times is like. I don’t know what Weiss went through. I also don’t care.

Weiss has built her career alternating between decrying cancel culture and fighting for it when it benefits her and when she’s felt slighted. She’s frequently written about how persecuted conservative voices (or, as she identifies, the “intellectual dark web”) are and has railed against “safe spaces,” while also, for example, reporting a Black colleague to management for politely refusing to get coffee with her.

That sort of behavior isn’t uncommon among the conservatives at the Times. Bret Stephens, who was hired around the same time as Weiss, is famous for complaining to editors and even emailing the paper’s masthead, demanding to see consequences when his colleagues call out his awful, often bigoted takes online.

People like Weiss and Stephens are representative of a pervasive tactic among conservative media figures: to bash “cancel culture” as the greatest threat to modern discourse while simultaneously demanding everyone who criticizes them be canceled.

Weiss has called the culture at the Times a “civil war,” which, honestly, seems pretty spot-on since one side of the American Civil War was fighting to maintain the right to systemic oppression and in her resignation letter she specifically defends Senator Tom Cotton’s recent op-ed that led to the resignation of opinion editor James Bennett, in which Cotton called for violence against primarily BIPOC police protesters. (In criticizing Bennett’s resignation, Weiss conveniently forgets to mention that he admitted to not having read the essay before publishing it, which is quite an indictment of his job performance.)

In her letter, Weiss paints a picture of a newsroom that is terrified of expressing a controversial or “challenging” point of view. “But the truth is that intellectual curiosity—let alone risk-taking—is now a liability at The Times,” she writes. “Why edit something challenging to our readers, or write something bold only to go through the numbing process of making it ideologically kosher, when we can assure ourselves of job security (and clicks) by publishing our 4000th op-ed arguing that Donald Trump is a unique danger to the country and the world? And so self-censorship has become the norm.”

I wholeheartedly agree that the Times can be maddeningly toothless in their reporting, especially having spent four years writing every variation on the “trying to understand white Trump voters” op-ed. But Weiss’ underlying subtext seems to be that the proof the Times is scared of “challenging” opinions is the pushback against her opinions. A writer who pushes Islamaphobic views at a paper with few Muslim columnists or anti-trans ones in a world where transgender rights are constantly questioned and attacked (why yes, Weiss did sign onto that terrible Harper’s Magazine letter!) is not brave and they are not persecuted if their readership tells them those views aren’t what they’re looking for.

“Twitter is not on the masthead of The New York Times. But Twitter has become its ultimate editor,” Weiss writes, in the ultimate dismissal of the primary source of direct feedback from both her readers and colleagues.

(image: JOHANNES EISELE/AFP via Getty Images)

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July 15, 2020

NFL Helmet Mouth Shields Revealed

The Oakley mouth shield was unveiled on Monday as an addition for NFL helmets in an attempt to reduce the spread of Covid-19 during the 2020 season. The NFL is expected to distribute the shields to all 32 teams this week for testing and the league’s medical experts are advocating for their use, although there is currently no mandate for players to use them. Players reportedly don’t want a mandate to wear the shields, according to Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk. Several players throughout the league have already been given the mask and will provide feedback after testing it. The NFL is still planning to go forward with its usual regular-season schedule beginning in September, with players set to report to training camp later this month. This information came from the Bleacher Report.

Stay tuned for NFL updates.

The post NFL Helmet Mouth Shields Revealed appeared first on The Nerd Element.

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