
The 2016 Juneteenth Parade begins near Manuel High School in Denver.

Source: Kathryn Scott Osler / Getty

On this Juneteenth, Freedom Day:

Whether you recently came to understand the full embrace of June 19th, or if you were wrapped in a badge that read “Miss Juneteenth,” our arms are locked around you.

I break every time I read Lucille Clifton’s “Won’t You Celebrate With Me,” when she writes, “celebrate with me that everyday something has tried to kill me and has failed.”

And maybe that is our gifted curse. How do we shelter from the inevitable? Living life in a body coated with oils and butters, relief from the drought. My Black body will not be used as a shield or weapon today. This body is what happens when love enters the space. A rightful choosing to exist and breathe because Oluwatoyin and Dominique couldn’t. And if Black women are held under, none of us are free. Without the source there is no subject.

Hence George couldn’t. Eric couldn’t. And it begat somewhere on the shores of Virginia in 1619.

I want to unleash the cries of our Galveston, Texas, ancestors who first learned of their freedom, left two years laboring in the inevitability that the stroke of a pen miles away in Washington could not ensure their safety.

Today my steps will be ordered like a deep bass line, representing the heartbeat of the ancestors who aren’t here. Who weren’t allowed to feed into joy.

I’m going to play Sister Rosetta Sharpe, Nina, Stevie, Aretha, Mary, Beyonce, and read James, Toni, Audre, Tanehisi, and Sister Souljah. I will moan with every bite of mac and cheese, greens, and cornbread. I want to overdose in Blackness. I want it to offend.

I want to parade the names which are hard to say. But speak them loudly with conviction. Showing all of my gleaming white teeth. I want to parade all of the names that we know and don’t know, who have suffered under the blinding slap of America again and again.

I’m going to swoop my edges, gathering all of this bountiful energy while my gold earrings kiss my shoulders. This is my liberty bell. To be in communion with all of you.

This Juneteenth and every day, I want—we want to live.

June 19, 2020

On Juneteenth: A Manifesto

The 2016 Juneteenth Parade begins near Manuel High School in Denver.

Source: Kathryn Scott Osler / Getty

On this Juneteenth, Freedom Day:

Whether you recently came to understand the full embrace of June 19th, or if you were wrapped in a badge that read “Miss Juneteenth,” our arms are locked around you.

I break every time I read Lucille Clifton’s “Won’t You Celebrate With Me,” when she writes, “celebrate with me that everyday something has tried to kill me and has failed.”

And maybe that is our gifted curse. How do we shelter from the inevitable? Living life in a body coated with oils and butters, relief from the drought. My Black body will not be used as a shield or weapon today. This body is what happens when love enters the space. A rightful choosing to exist and breathe because Oluwatoyin and Dominique couldn’t. And if Black women are held under, none of us are free. Without the source there is no subject.

Hence George couldn’t. Eric couldn’t. And it begat somewhere on the shores of Virginia in 1619.

I want to unleash the cries of our Galveston, Texas, ancestors who first learned of their freedom, left two years laboring in the inevitability that the stroke of a pen miles away in Washington could not ensure their safety.

Today my steps will be ordered like a deep bass line, representing the heartbeat of the ancestors who aren’t here. Who weren’t allowed to feed into joy.

I’m going to play Sister Rosetta Sharpe, Nina, Stevie, Aretha, Mary, Beyonce, and read James, Toni, Audre, Tanehisi, and Sister Souljah. I will moan with every bite of mac and cheese, greens, and cornbread. I want to overdose in Blackness. I want it to offend.

I want to parade the names which are hard to say. But speak them loudly with conviction. Showing all of my gleaming white teeth. I want to parade all of the names that we know and don’t know, who have suffered under the blinding slap of America again and again.

I’m going to swoop my edges, gathering all of this bountiful energy while my gold earrings kiss my shoulders. This is my liberty bell. To be in communion with all of you.

This Juneteenth and every day, I want—we want to live.

June 19, 2020

What To Know About Dating Someone In Medical School

nurse going to medical school

Source: Jose Luis Pelaez / Getty

There’s always been a tremendous amount of honor in working in the medical field, but I think we all feel a heightened respect for those doing so now, during the COVID-19 pandemic. We always knew, to some extent, that doctors and nurses do something very similar to firemen, in that they walk into the situation from which everyone else is trying to escape. Nobody hopes to wind up in the hospital. But every day, doctors and nurses go there, intentionally, knowing they’ll witness some horrifying things. They’ll also witness some beautiful things, but they know they’re embracing an emotional roller coaster that’s beyond comprehensible to those who don’t work in this field. And then, there are those quieter heroes who maybe we don’t talk about as much: those behind the doctors and nurses. Their loved ones who support them. Their family and friends and romantic partners who give them the strength to keep going. That’s no small task, either. If you’re romantically involved with someone in this field, you know what it’s about. Now, if you’re involved with someone currently in medical school, that is its own heaven and hell. Med school is quite a bit like training camp for the military: every day is meant to be like the hardest day on the real job may be, so they’re prepared for when those days come. Here is what to know if you’re going to be with someone in medical school.


You’re in a waiting period

You’re entering what will feel like the waiting room or lobby of your relationship. You’re not fully in it right now. It’s just on the other side of some doors. You can see it and taste it. It’s right there. But now, you have to wait. There is no semblance of a normal relationship when you’re with someone in medical school.

June 18, 2020

SYFY Wire’s ‘The Great Debate’ Debuts Tonight

Tune in tonight at 11pm ET on SYFY as The Great Debate makes the transition from Comic-Con staple to full-fledged television show! Hosted by actor/comedian Baron Vaughn, The Great Debate invites a roundtable of celebrity guests to face off over some of the nerdiest topics imaginable. Some of the guests lined up for season one include Orlando […]

June 18, 2020

Entertainment Earth SDCC Exclusives

We all know in the wake of COVID-19 that the majority of the conventions we have grown to love have been postponed until next year. That hasn’t stopped some of the major conventions like Wonder Con and San Diego Comic Con from conducting virtual conventions. In addition, SDCC exclusives for some companies will still be released. Entertainment Earth started today off with a bang announcing their SDCC exclusives. Take a look below and let us know what your favorite exclusive is!

Dragon Ball Super Dragon Stars Super Saiyan Gohan and Piccolo Cape Version Action Figure 2-Pack – EE Exclusive

Price: $49.99

Coming in July 2020

Purchase here

Naruto: Shippuden Anime Heroes Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha Action Figure 2-Pack – Entertainment Earth Exclusive

Price: $49.99

Coming in July 2020

Purchase here

The post Entertainment Earth SDCC Exclusives appeared first on The Nerd Element.

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