
Episode seven, “Bright Eyes,” highlighted the all-might power of the X-Men juggernaut Rogue. She spun kicked her revenge journey into high gear, foregoing the funeral of her beloved to find Boliver Trask and stop the mayhem. It’d be super easy to talk about grief and how we all go through it differently. It’d be a cakewalk to address all the easter eggs and the excitement of Mystique babies working through their issues together. Instead, I’m bringing it from the chest and using my power to talk about what an empath and Rogue have in common…deep trauma and the long journey to controlling your powers. 

Before I continue, one disclaimer. I am a Saturday morning cartoons baby who grew up watching the X-Men animated series weekly and on every rerun. I KNOW the comics go HARD. I have not had the pleasure of experiencing the comics outside of what my friends and the internet have told me. For this reason, I can only speak to my knowledge of the 90s X-Men cartoon and the new X-Men ‘97 series. The way my brain and life are set up – if I could get a motion comic for every issue and graphic novel – I’d be diamond (wink face). I hope you are still in it to take this journey into my connection to this character and how she shapes my existence.

Image courtesy of Disney+

“All Ah See Is Love, Such As Ah Never Had”

Picture it. You are arguing with your partner, and emotions begin to escalate. You’re normally someone who goes to anxiety, nervousness, and sadness before getting straight to anger. You don’t even know why you are angry. It doesn’t make any sense! You look at your partner, and they are fuming. You realize – it’s not me, it’s you! That is the simplest form of empath energy that I could describe. It’s overwhelming and uncontrollable. So, the first time I watched Rogue cry on X-Men as a kid, it hit me through the screen. The overwhelming nature of everyone else’s powers surging through your body and not knowing how to focus on one or the other. What are your powers? Who are you really? On top of all of the questions, not being able to touch! Imagine your love language is physical touch, and you can even have that skin-to-skin. I know We all know this is Rogue’s journey and always has been. So when we see her with no reservations – it’s a whole new b-ball game. 

Image courtesy of Disney+

At the beginning of the X-Men ‘97 series, Rogue looked bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. She and Gambit were giving homecoming king and queen, serving powdered sugar on beignets kind of love. Like they’ve been risking it all and holding hands with no gloves. Putting Gambit to bed. I find myself living vicariously through Rogue at these moments. I remember back in the day, her lamenting over a “normal” life. Oh, what a life it’d be just to kiss a boy and him not fall into a coma or touch someone’s hand without taking on their energy. For an empath, this all comes too close to home. 

“I can’t turn it off but maybe I can control it.”

For anyone who is new to the idea of an empath, it is what it sounds like. Someone with a high level of empathy. Although the level of empathy is plus ultra, people with this unique power can (as the wellness site Healthline puts it) “​​actually sense and feel emotions as if they’re part of your own experience. In other words, someone else’s pain and happiness become your pain and happiness.” I don’t quite know how one develops this ability, but hey, mutants don’t get to choose their power, do they. I know as a small child, I experienced immense levels of loss in my family. Combined with my Virgo sense of inner analysis and the desire to understand feelings rather than feel them, it gave me a strong level of common sense and emotional intelligence. Maybe this unlocked my mutant gene because I could also be overwhelmed by them and not know why. Until I saw Rogue, I watched her be afflicted with the powers of so many she had touched and unable to control it. I said – I think that’s me! I can feel exactly what you are feeling, as if they are my own emotions as if it is physically happening to me. What does this bring? Anxiety and being easily overwhelmed just to exist with the desire just to sit quietly and not feel what everyone else is feeling. 

As Rogue struggled in the original 90’s series to control her abilities and use them for good, I, too, was learning what it all meant. I began to “therapize” my friends and my family. I became an experiential learner and built up a tolerance to feelings as I did as a young child with grief and loss. I make it make sense for myself and everyone. But inside, it builds and is a cycle of overwhelming emotions. So what happens to an empath when the levy of emotions and powers breaks? Well, sugah, I hope you were watching episode seven. 

Gif courtesy of Tenor

“I’ve been lookin’ a long time for this”

Rogue’s journey to control and accept her powers took a different path. Craving a life with the gloves off, she even ventured to remove the mutant gene from her body and found her way to acceptance and beautiful pride. But that overwhelming pool of power is always brimming. When Magneto came into the picture, she felt true touch for the first time. When he showed up in his most cunty attire with a silver fox stare –   I can’t blame Rogue for reserving a few sessions in the danger room, you know, just to stay sharp. But lest we forget that feeling of content. A much-needed moment of quiet and stillness where the waters of overwhelming emotions and powers sitting in your chest are calm. There is no confusion or need to be present in someone else’s power. That is what Gambit presents. Dare I say, the best of both worlds? So, one fated night in Genosha was not all that it was. It was a damn of undeniable power being blasted open, and you know there was no need to slow the overwhelming flood any longer. 

“Got some real power behind that one”

Magneto had said Rogue, be my queen, and Gambit had taken the toxic masculinity of the world and burned it up in a plasma-burst joker card. We were watching it all but not paying attention cuz we were looking at the woman in the red dress. She floated in, ready to tell Magneto that D-magnetism is unforgettable, but there’s nothing like my sugah satisfying me from the inside out. Watching her loves sacrifice themselves for the good of all those she cares for – nah we ain’t saying goodbye.   

Rogue telling Captain American to respectively F off and kick in the door, waving the four four – fingers, that is. She was ready to kiss Cyclops on the cheek and open her eyes to Trask and whoever the hell in the OZT because why not? We saw exactly what happens when all the knowledge acquired through all those she has touched or touched her was given controlled focus yet no boundaries. When her friends found her, they knew Rogue was on her phoenix saga—birthing herself from the ashes. Nightcrawler said I feel you sis and there was her moment of zen. Those tears…I’ve felt those tears. The grief and power and acknowledgment that what you have to do to carry on will be difficult for everyone else to witness. 

Image courtesy of Disney+

“Ah made mah choice, and ah’ll live with it.”

The hard part about being an empath is releasing your genuine emotions. They can overwhelm anyone in their path. Tears can affect any person on a cellular level; they’ll do anything to stop you crying. I learned this quickly. One of the first times I felt overwhelmed, I saw in people’s eyes how much they were in pain seeing me. It was a vicious cycle. I then felt their pain that was not my own and had to stop it in its tracks. It means you cannot release your power. You cannot let it be in its full form for fear that those around you will not understand and unable to withstand it all. There comes a time when none of that matters. Rogue took Trask by the collar and, with no hesitation, not a second thought. She dropped him, and I slow clapped. Morph said, “Is this who we are?” That’s my secret Morph, I’ve always been this. 

They say that when someone transitions, their energy is spread infinitely through the earth and cosmos. You better believe Rogue felt that ish. 

Gif courtesy of via Giphy

The capacity has always been within her, and now the world has seen the beginning of what she is capable of. This isn’t to say empaths are sitting with the wrath of all emotions, waiting to be freed. No. But they can turn real emotions into actual power. Tell them you see them, learn how to speak their language and give them the opportunities of zen and places of clarity. They are holding a lot—especially these days.  

For more of Rogue’s revenge check out Rogue Against The Machine: Superheroes Don’t Kill But Freedom Fighters Do.

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The post Rogue: Play With Her In the Danger Room But Don’t Play With Her Emotions appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

May 5, 2024

Rogue: Play With Her In the Danger Room But Don’t Play With Her Emotions

Episode seven, “Bright Eyes,” highlighted the all-might power of the X-Men juggernaut Rogue. She spun kicked her revenge journey into high gear, foregoing the funeral of her beloved to find Boliver Trask and stop the mayhem. It’d be super easy to talk about grief and how we all go through it differently. It’d be a cakewalk to address all the easter eggs and the excitement of Mystique babies working through their issues together. Instead, I’m bringing it from the chest and using my power to talk about what an empath and Rogue have in common…deep trauma and the long journey to controlling your powers. 

Before I continue, one disclaimer. I am a Saturday morning cartoons baby who grew up watching the X-Men animated series weekly and on every rerun. I KNOW the comics go HARD. I have not had the pleasure of experiencing the comics outside of what my friends and the internet have told me. For this reason, I can only speak to my knowledge of the 90s X-Men cartoon and the new X-Men ‘97 series. The way my brain and life are set up – if I could get a motion comic for every issue and graphic novel – I’d be diamond (wink face). I hope you are still in it to take this journey into my connection to this character and how she shapes my existence.

Image courtesy of Disney+

“All Ah See Is Love, Such As Ah Never Had”

Picture it. You are arguing with your partner, and emotions begin to escalate. You’re normally someone who goes to anxiety, nervousness, and sadness before getting straight to anger. You don’t even know why you are angry. It doesn’t make any sense! You look at your partner, and they are fuming. You realize – it’s not me, it’s you! That is the simplest form of empath energy that I could describe. It’s overwhelming and uncontrollable. So, the first time I watched Rogue cry on X-Men as a kid, it hit me through the screen. The overwhelming nature of everyone else’s powers surging through your body and not knowing how to focus on one or the other. What are your powers? Who are you really? On top of all of the questions, not being able to touch! Imagine your love language is physical touch, and you can even have that skin-to-skin. I know We all know this is Rogue’s journey and always has been. So when we see her with no reservations – it’s a whole new b-ball game. 

Image courtesy of Disney+

At the beginning of the X-Men ‘97 series, Rogue looked bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. She and Gambit were giving homecoming king and queen, serving powdered sugar on beignets kind of love. Like they’ve been risking it all and holding hands with no gloves. Putting Gambit to bed. I find myself living vicariously through Rogue at these moments. I remember back in the day, her lamenting over a “normal” life. Oh, what a life it’d be just to kiss a boy and him not fall into a coma or touch someone’s hand without taking on their energy. For an empath, this all comes too close to home. 

“I can’t turn it off but maybe I can control it.”

For anyone who is new to the idea of an empath, it is what it sounds like. Someone with a high level of empathy. Although the level of empathy is plus ultra, people with this unique power can (as the wellness site Healthline puts it) “​​actually sense and feel emotions as if they’re part of your own experience. In other words, someone else’s pain and happiness become your pain and happiness.” I don’t quite know how one develops this ability, but hey, mutants don’t get to choose their power, do they. I know as a small child, I experienced immense levels of loss in my family. Combined with my Virgo sense of inner analysis and the desire to understand feelings rather than feel them, it gave me a strong level of common sense and emotional intelligence. Maybe this unlocked my mutant gene because I could also be overwhelmed by them and not know why. Until I saw Rogue, I watched her be afflicted with the powers of so many she had touched and unable to control it. I said – I think that’s me! I can feel exactly what you are feeling, as if they are my own emotions as if it is physically happening to me. What does this bring? Anxiety and being easily overwhelmed just to exist with the desire just to sit quietly and not feel what everyone else is feeling. 

As Rogue struggled in the original 90’s series to control her abilities and use them for good, I, too, was learning what it all meant. I began to “therapize” my friends and my family. I became an experiential learner and built up a tolerance to feelings as I did as a young child with grief and loss. I make it make sense for myself and everyone. But inside, it builds and is a cycle of overwhelming emotions. So what happens to an empath when the levy of emotions and powers breaks? Well, sugah, I hope you were watching episode seven. 

Gif courtesy of Tenor

“I’ve been lookin’ a long time for this”

Rogue’s journey to control and accept her powers took a different path. Craving a life with the gloves off, she even ventured to remove the mutant gene from her body and found her way to acceptance and beautiful pride. But that overwhelming pool of power is always brimming. When Magneto came into the picture, she felt true touch for the first time. When he showed up in his most cunty attire with a silver fox stare –   I can’t blame Rogue for reserving a few sessions in the danger room, you know, just to stay sharp. But lest we forget that feeling of content. A much-needed moment of quiet and stillness where the waters of overwhelming emotions and powers sitting in your chest are calm. There is no confusion or need to be present in someone else’s power. That is what Gambit presents. Dare I say, the best of both worlds? So, one fated night in Genosha was not all that it was. It was a damn of undeniable power being blasted open, and you know there was no need to slow the overwhelming flood any longer. 

“Got some real power behind that one”

Magneto had said Rogue, be my queen, and Gambit had taken the toxic masculinity of the world and burned it up in a plasma-burst joker card. We were watching it all but not paying attention cuz we were looking at the woman in the red dress. She floated in, ready to tell Magneto that D-magnetism is unforgettable, but there’s nothing like my sugah satisfying me from the inside out. Watching her loves sacrifice themselves for the good of all those she cares for – nah we ain’t saying goodbye.   

Rogue telling Captain American to respectively F off and kick in the door, waving the four four – fingers, that is. She was ready to kiss Cyclops on the cheek and open her eyes to Trask and whoever the hell in the OZT because why not? We saw exactly what happens when all the knowledge acquired through all those she has touched or touched her was given controlled focus yet no boundaries. When her friends found her, they knew Rogue was on her phoenix saga—birthing herself from the ashes. Nightcrawler said I feel you sis and there was her moment of zen. Those tears…I’ve felt those tears. The grief and power and acknowledgment that what you have to do to carry on will be difficult for everyone else to witness. 

Image courtesy of Disney+

“Ah made mah choice, and ah’ll live with it.”

The hard part about being an empath is releasing your genuine emotions. They can overwhelm anyone in their path. Tears can affect any person on a cellular level; they’ll do anything to stop you crying. I learned this quickly. One of the first times I felt overwhelmed, I saw in people’s eyes how much they were in pain seeing me. It was a vicious cycle. I then felt their pain that was not my own and had to stop it in its tracks. It means you cannot release your power. You cannot let it be in its full form for fear that those around you will not understand and unable to withstand it all. There comes a time when none of that matters. Rogue took Trask by the collar and, with no hesitation, not a second thought. She dropped him, and I slow clapped. Morph said, “Is this who we are?” That’s my secret Morph, I’ve always been this. 

They say that when someone transitions, their energy is spread infinitely through the earth and cosmos. You better believe Rogue felt that ish. 

Gif courtesy of via Giphy

The capacity has always been within her, and now the world has seen the beginning of what she is capable of. This isn’t to say empaths are sitting with the wrath of all emotions, waiting to be freed. No. But they can turn real emotions into actual power. Tell them you see them, learn how to speak their language and give them the opportunities of zen and places of clarity. They are holding a lot—especially these days.  

For more of Rogue’s revenge check out Rogue Against The Machine: Superheroes Don’t Kill But Freedom Fighters Do.

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The post Rogue: Play With Her In the Danger Room But Don’t Play With Her Emotions appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

May 5, 2024

The Season Four Trailer for ‘The Boys’ Has Finally Arrived

Fans attending the inaugural CCXP México were surprised today with the mind-blowing official trailer for the fourth season of the Emmy-winning hit drama series The Boys, coming to Prime Video June 13, 2024. Cast members Antony Starr, Erin Moriarty, Chace Crawford, Karen Fukuhara, and Claudia Doumit participated in a diabolical panel revealing the explosive official trailer to a packed room of fans. 

The Boys will premiere its fourth season on June 13, 2024, with three episodes, followed by a new episode each week, ending with the epic season finale on Thursday, July 18. The eight-episode season will stream exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide. 

In Season Four, the world is on the brink. Victoria Neuman is closer than ever to the Oval Office and under the muscly thumb of Homelander, who is consolidating his power. Butcher, with only months to live, has lost Becca’s son and his job as The Boys’ leader. The rest of the team are fed up with his lies. With the stakes higher than ever, they have to find a way to work together and save the world before it’s too late.

The Boys stars Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, Antony Starr, Erin Moriarty, Jessie T. Usher, Laz Alonso, Chace Crawford, Tomer Capone, Karen Fukuhara, Colby Minifie, Claudia Doumit, and Cameron Crovetti. Season Four will welcome Susan Heyward, Valorie Curry, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

The Boys is based on The New York Times best-selling comic by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson, who also serve as executive producers, and developed by executive producer and showrunner Eric Kripke. Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, James Weaver, Neal H. Moritz, Pavun Shetty, Phil Sgriccia, Michaela Starr, Paul Grellong, David Reed, Meredith Glynn, Judalina Neira, Ken F. Levin, and Jason Netter also serve as executive producers. The Boys is produced by Sony Pictures Television, Amazon MGM Studios with Kripke Enterprises, Original Film, and Point Grey Pictures.

May 4, 2024

Mental Health Awareness: 3 Ways To Preserve Your Peace

Originally Published Jul. 8, 2016.

We are all feeling so much — too much — more than we know how to bear, really. From rage to confusion, to heartbreak, empathy, hopelessness, and perhaps more rage, we are currently, collectively, drowning in emotion.

We can’t let it take us under.

There is no quick fix. We all, clearly, want change right now, but are faced with the deflating reality that change — real change — takes time.

Right now, though, we must take care of ourselves — our physical and mental health.

We cannot be as effective as we hope if we’re not giving our minds, bodies, and spirits 100%. If ever there was a time when we needed to be operating at optimal levels, that time is now.

Here is what you can do to try to remain sane amid utter insanity.


We want to know everything. We want to know as it’s happening. We want to engage and know that people are thinking and feeling the same way that we are. We want constant community as to not feel as alone as we already do. Ultimately, it can all be too much.

Consistently engaging gut-wrenching information is more destructive than we know. Allow yourself a moment to step away from the chaos. Your mind, your spirit needs this. Look at something you love. Read words that uplift, be in your own processing space, and reconnect when you’re ready.

Friends and Family

Sit with your loved ones. Let them know what they mean to you, right now. Come up with an “in case of emergency” plan. Embrace. Check in with each other. Be a loving presence. Fill each other up the best you can.


Watch a comedy even when nothing in you can find anything to laugh about. Get a card game going. Remind yourself of the last thing that had you doubled over in laughter and laugh all over again. Enjoy places, things, and people that you love.

Whatever you do, come up for air. We need you too much to drown now.

RELATED CONTENT: Is Your Money Mindset Strong Enough To Secure The Bag?

May 4, 2024

STAR WARS Day Apparel from RSVLTS Celebrates Aliens, Jedi, Droids, and More

This Star Wars Day, the folks at RSVLTS are bringing the goods. They’re offering a new series of button-up shirts, polo shirts, tees, and trunks, all featuring images from all over the galaxy far, far away. From Star Wars: The Clone Wars to The Mandalorian, to even some Jar-Jar Binks love in the form of some new Gungan apparel. Here is a sampling of this year’s many Star Wars offerings:

“Darth Maul’d”

RSVLTS' new Darth Maul inspired apparel.

This design celebrates Darth Maul’s untimely end, and comes in classic and women’s styles/sizes, as well as hybrid shorts and Kunu Koolers.

“Clone Meme”

RSVLTS' Clone Meme button up shirt.

The clone troopers adorn some classic, women, youth, and preschooler styles/sizes. They also come in hybrid shorts and Kunu Koolers. There’s also a crewneck shirt.

“The Light and The Dark”

RSVLTS' The Light and the Dark Star Wars shirt showcases classic battles.

Show off the iconic battles of the prequels with classic and women’s styles/sizes shirts.

“Gungan Style”

Jar Jar Binks gets his due in new RSVLTS clothing for Star Wars Day 2024.

Yousa gonna need this Jar Jar-inspired shirt and/or trunks, to show off your love for The Phantom Menace’s #1 Gungan.

“Figrin Funk” 

The cantina band from A New Hope decorate this shirt from RSVLTS.

The Mos Eisley Cantina band adorns this colorful button-up shirt. It comes in classic style and sizes.

“The Phantom Menace” 

The Phantom Menace icons adorn this RSVLTS shirt.

Celebrate 25 years of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace with this shirt that showcases Anakin, Queen Amidala, and Darth Maul. This one can be yours in classic, women’s, youth’s, and preschooler sizes. Also, in hybrid shorts and Kunu Koolers.

“Droid Drawings”

RSVLTS button up shirts with sketches of Star Wars droids.

Sketches of Star Wars droids decorate these shirts, made in classic, women, youth, and pre-schooler sizes, as well as Kunu Koolers.


The Mandalorian crest adorns this Star Wars zip hoodie from RSVLTS.

“This is the way.” Honor the Mandalorian culture with this classic quarter-zip.


The Star Wars logo and hyperspace stars feature on this RSVLTS hoodie.

“Punch it, Chewie!” Travel through hyperspace with this classic quarter-zip, showing the Star Wars logo and light-speed effect.

“A Bounty a Day” 

Boba Fett features prominently on this Star Wars polo shirt from RSVLTS.

The galaxy’s premiere bounty hunter, Boba Fett, travels the stars in All-Day polo shirt.

“Lil Troopers”

Mini stormtroopers appear on this RSVLTS Star Wars polo shirt.

These miniature clone troopers look adorable on this All-Day polo shirt.

“Trilogy’s End” 

RSVLTS' Trilogy's End polo shirt celebrates the Death Star trench run.

The iconic Death Star battle is in the details of this cool All-Day polo shirt.

“We’ll Handle This”

This Star Wars RSVLTS pattern displays the iconic final battle of The Phantom Menace.

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi take on Darth Maul, in another design from The Phantom Menace. This design features on classic, women, youth, and preschooler styles, plus hybrid shorts and Kunu Koolers.

Each adult button-down shirt retails for $70; $45 for youth; $39 preschool; $70 for polos; $65 for hybrid shorts, $32 for t-shirts, $75 for quarter-zips, and $6 for Kunu Koolers. Head on over to RSVLTS official site for all the Star Wars Day goodness.

The post STAR WARS Day Apparel from RSVLTS Celebrates Aliens, Jedi, Droids, and More appeared first on Nerdist.

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