
By Désirée Guzzetta

In perusing the offerings of the first-ever San Diego “Comic-Con At Home,” one-panel title that popped out to me was “Music for Animation,” which combines two of my favorite things in life. What really caught my eye, though, was seeing collaborators Kate Anderson and Elyssa Samsel listed as panelists. The two currently write songs and music for the musical animated series “Central Park” on Apple+, and also wrote the music and songs for “Olaf’s Frozen Adventure” (2017).

Prior to the release of the panel on Comic-Con International’s YouTube channel (you can find it here at, the two women participated in a virtual press roundtable to discuss their friendship and their work together as songwriters and composers. Apart from the two projects mentioned above, the duo contributed to one episode of the older animated series, “Little Bill”; Samsel is also credited with the “choir lyrics” in the 2019 film, Jojo Rabbit.

Anderson and Samsel became friends when they were thrown together randomly at the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theater Workshop nearly ten years ago. Anderson, who has studied at Gettysburg College and has improv training from Upright Citizen’s Brigade, and Samsel, who has classical training in violin and piano and attended the American Musical and Dramatic Academy, were grouped together on an assignment. (As Kate notes in the panel linked above, it was “love at first write.”)

Anderson counts among her biggest influences “Frozen” collaborators Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez, as well as Stephen Sondheim. She also mentioned Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, “smart, comedic women like that who have created such a wonderful, safe world for females to be crass or just to break out of the mold of what we’re expected to be.”

Samsel also has similar influences, and adds film scores to her list. She likes how a film score makes a silent scene “heart-wrenching,” Composers who inspire her include Howard Shore and Michael Giacchino.

Apart from fitting together well as a musical theater collaborators with similar influences, the fact that they are two women in a male-dominated industry was not lost on them. The Nerd Element asked them what it’s like for them being women songwriters in the musical theater world.

Samsel said, “There are female composers that have broken that glass ceiling and created a path for us to follow. I’ll never forget being about 20 years old and I noticed a musical theater song called ‘Taylor the Latte Boy’ that had been written by Marcy Heisler and Zina Goldrich. And when I looked up at the top of the page to see who had written it, I was shocked because I’ve never seen two female names on a sheet of piece of sheet music, even with all the years of classical training and all the music that I’ve learned from the age of six.

“Seeing that inspired me to then pair up with Kate and become more names on the top of sheet music so that other girls can see that and realize, ‘I can do this too’” she said.

Anderson added, “I think being two women in this industry [has] had its challenges, but we feel so grateful that right now, and over the last 10 years or so, there’s just been a lot of real need for women to come in and tell these stories, and to write material that is really authentic to the female experience.”

The Nerd Element also asked the two to share their songwriting/composing process. Anderson said that their process is “different for various projects. It’s also varied a lot through the years as we’ve figured out how to work together.

“When we have an idea for a song,” she continued, “we’ll start out by talking about the lyrical hook and the musical hook and landing on that first lyrical hook.” Landing that first part of the song drives them “from point A to point C” she noted. They also tend to write the music first, then go back and forth with each other until the song is fully fleshed out and “ready to go out on demo,” she said.

Samsel later said in a discussion of their process on “Central Park” that after they settle on the melody, she will “base the rest of the song around it.”

“Most of the time for me when I’m coming up with music at the piano, the melody and the accompaniment are linked,” Samsel continued, “which is a great metaphor for how Kate and I work, music and lyrics because there couldn’t be one without the other.”

As mentioned earlier, one of the duo’s biggest gigs to date has been the Disney animated special, “Olaf’s Frozen Adventure,” where they met actor Josh Gad (who voices Olaf). Getting the gig “was obviously a dream come true,” Anderson began. “It was daunting, but yet we have this incredible playground to play on that had already been set out for us by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. We also had a little bit of their guidance as we started out in the earlier phases of writing the music. And that was really helpful to make sure we were sort of nailing it and getting the tone right.”

Samsel added that because of the focus on Olaf, the two “went into it with such an optimistic view of writing the music for such an optimistic character.” Samsel also stated that writing for Olaf was fun and shared a funny anecdote about meeting Gad for the first time.  According to Samsel, the first thing Gad said to them was, “Why is this song so high?”

“He gave us such a hard time about writing the part in such a high register,” she said, noting that the actor was joking with them (Olaf sings in a high voice). “That sort of humor between us and Josh led to the friendship that ended up growing out of that experience.”

The new friendship also led to their current job on “Central Park,” the latest show from Loren Bouchard (“Bob’s Burgers”), Nora Smith, and Gad. During the “Music for Animation” panel, Anderson noted that “Josh reached out on Instagram and was like ‘Hey, can I talk to you guys about something?’ We were immediately super intrigued. He said they were creating this animated series and asked if we would be interested. We never thought someone would call and say, ‘Hey, do you want your dream job?’”

For the first season of the show, Samsel said they normally have about two weeks to complete a demo. “You really have to work fast and rewrite fast,” she said, which includes “as many rewrites as needed until it’s approved by that end of the two weeks.”

“Our goal is usually to get a demo in as quickly as possible so that we can start getting the feedback,” Anderson said. “Sometimes we’re juggling a couple songs at once and might be more than one,” she stated, continuing that “it got a lot easier as the season went on because we worked really hard […] to establish a musical character for each [animated] character.”

As happened during many panels, the topic of the coronavirus pandemic was unavoidable. Fortunately for Anderson and Samsel, they continue to work on season two of “Central Park” thanks to technology such as Zoom.

“We feel very fortunate that animation is offering us the ability to continue writing songs that are hopefully putting out some positive energy into the world in this dark time,” Samsel stated, adding “anything theater related is obviously on hold. We had a couple projects that were slated to go to New York and be off Broadway, but that’s on hold.” Working via Zoom or email isn’t new for them, though, so they’ve been able to adapt easi.

The pair were later asked about their work partnership crossing over into their friendship. Samsel said that they are best friends, and that being able to “also be business partners and get to work with your best friend is a joy that I wish everyone had.”

“We have a philosophy we live by, too,” Anderson said, “which is to always treat whoever you work with like they’re a genius. We certainly have that respect and think that of each other. And it has helped our collaboration come super far because we just have such an inherent trust in one another.”

As far as women making their own space in the male-dominated industry of musicals, the duo’s work on “Central Park,” Samsel says, adds to them getting “to feel like pioneers creating a musical for TV animation.”

Samsel said that “one thing that continues to make me so happy that we did get to influence in terms of the music of the entire series was that when they came up with the original concepts, all they knew is that they wanted Birdie, Josh’s character, to be a busker. And I asked if he could play violin because I used to be a busker in Central Park with my violin. And they said yes.”

As far as future projects, Anderson indulged in a little wishful thinking, saying they’d like to write “Bridesmaids: The Musical.” Samsel stated that they actually have a Christmas song collaboration with Michael Giacchino coming out in the future.

In the meantime, the duo will continue making strides for women songwriters and composers in musical theater and similar environs. When a question about diversity came up in the “Music for Animation” panel, for instance, Anderson said that one way to expand diversity is “taking a chance on someone with a more diverse voice and a more diverse background.

“In doing that,” she said, “you’re creating an example for a younger artist to see themselves and believe that they, too, can have their voice represented in that way someday.”

Note: Quotes lightly edited for clarity and flow

The post Songwriting/Composing Duo Kate Anderson and Elyssa Samsel’s Collaboration Inspires appeared first on The Nerd Element.

August 6, 2020

Songwriting/Composing Duo Kate Anderson and Elyssa Samsel’s Collaboration Inspires

By Désirée Guzzetta

In perusing the offerings of the first-ever San Diego “Comic-Con At Home,” one-panel title that popped out to me was “Music for Animation,” which combines two of my favorite things in life. What really caught my eye, though, was seeing collaborators Kate Anderson and Elyssa Samsel listed as panelists. The two currently write songs and music for the musical animated series “Central Park” on Apple+, and also wrote the music and songs for “Olaf’s Frozen Adventure” (2017).

Prior to the release of the panel on Comic-Con International’s YouTube channel (you can find it here at, the two women participated in a virtual press roundtable to discuss their friendship and their work together as songwriters and composers. Apart from the two projects mentioned above, the duo contributed to one episode of the older animated series, “Little Bill”; Samsel is also credited with the “choir lyrics” in the 2019 film, Jojo Rabbit.

Anderson and Samsel became friends when they were thrown together randomly at the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theater Workshop nearly ten years ago. Anderson, who has studied at Gettysburg College and has improv training from Upright Citizen’s Brigade, and Samsel, who has classical training in violin and piano and attended the American Musical and Dramatic Academy, were grouped together on an assignment. (As Kate notes in the panel linked above, it was “love at first write.”)

Anderson counts among her biggest influences “Frozen” collaborators Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez, as well as Stephen Sondheim. She also mentioned Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, “smart, comedic women like that who have created such a wonderful, safe world for females to be crass or just to break out of the mold of what we’re expected to be.”

Samsel also has similar influences, and adds film scores to her list. She likes how a film score makes a silent scene “heart-wrenching,” Composers who inspire her include Howard Shore and Michael Giacchino.

Apart from fitting together well as a musical theater collaborators with similar influences, the fact that they are two women in a male-dominated industry was not lost on them. The Nerd Element asked them what it’s like for them being women songwriters in the musical theater world.

Samsel said, “There are female composers that have broken that glass ceiling and created a path for us to follow. I’ll never forget being about 20 years old and I noticed a musical theater song called ‘Taylor the Latte Boy’ that had been written by Marcy Heisler and Zina Goldrich. And when I looked up at the top of the page to see who had written it, I was shocked because I’ve never seen two female names on a sheet of piece of sheet music, even with all the years of classical training and all the music that I’ve learned from the age of six.

“Seeing that inspired me to then pair up with Kate and become more names on the top of sheet music so that other girls can see that and realize, ‘I can do this too’” she said.

Anderson added, “I think being two women in this industry [has] had its challenges, but we feel so grateful that right now, and over the last 10 years or so, there’s just been a lot of real need for women to come in and tell these stories, and to write material that is really authentic to the female experience.”

The Nerd Element also asked the two to share their songwriting/composing process. Anderson said that their process is “different for various projects. It’s also varied a lot through the years as we’ve figured out how to work together.

“When we have an idea for a song,” she continued, “we’ll start out by talking about the lyrical hook and the musical hook and landing on that first lyrical hook.” Landing that first part of the song drives them “from point A to point C” she noted. They also tend to write the music first, then go back and forth with each other until the song is fully fleshed out and “ready to go out on demo,” she said.

Samsel later said in a discussion of their process on “Central Park” that after they settle on the melody, she will “base the rest of the song around it.”

“Most of the time for me when I’m coming up with music at the piano, the melody and the accompaniment are linked,” Samsel continued, “which is a great metaphor for how Kate and I work, music and lyrics because there couldn’t be one without the other.”

As mentioned earlier, one of the duo’s biggest gigs to date has been the Disney animated special, “Olaf’s Frozen Adventure,” where they met actor Josh Gad (who voices Olaf). Getting the gig “was obviously a dream come true,” Anderson began. “It was daunting, but yet we have this incredible playground to play on that had already been set out for us by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. We also had a little bit of their guidance as we started out in the earlier phases of writing the music. And that was really helpful to make sure we were sort of nailing it and getting the tone right.”

Samsel added that because of the focus on Olaf, the two “went into it with such an optimistic view of writing the music for such an optimistic character.” Samsel also stated that writing for Olaf was fun and shared a funny anecdote about meeting Gad for the first time.  According to Samsel, the first thing Gad said to them was, “Why is this song so high?”

“He gave us such a hard time about writing the part in such a high register,” she said, noting that the actor was joking with them (Olaf sings in a high voice). “That sort of humor between us and Josh led to the friendship that ended up growing out of that experience.”

The new friendship also led to their current job on “Central Park,” the latest show from Loren Bouchard (“Bob’s Burgers”), Nora Smith, and Gad. During the “Music for Animation” panel, Anderson noted that “Josh reached out on Instagram and was like ‘Hey, can I talk to you guys about something?’ We were immediately super intrigued. He said they were creating this animated series and asked if we would be interested. We never thought someone would call and say, ‘Hey, do you want your dream job?’”

For the first season of the show, Samsel said they normally have about two weeks to complete a demo. “You really have to work fast and rewrite fast,” she said, which includes “as many rewrites as needed until it’s approved by that end of the two weeks.”

“Our goal is usually to get a demo in as quickly as possible so that we can start getting the feedback,” Anderson said. “Sometimes we’re juggling a couple songs at once and might be more than one,” she stated, continuing that “it got a lot easier as the season went on because we worked really hard […] to establish a musical character for each [animated] character.”

As happened during many panels, the topic of the coronavirus pandemic was unavoidable. Fortunately for Anderson and Samsel, they continue to work on season two of “Central Park” thanks to technology such as Zoom.

“We feel very fortunate that animation is offering us the ability to continue writing songs that are hopefully putting out some positive energy into the world in this dark time,” Samsel stated, adding “anything theater related is obviously on hold. We had a couple projects that were slated to go to New York and be off Broadway, but that’s on hold.” Working via Zoom or email isn’t new for them, though, so they’ve been able to adapt easi.

The pair were later asked about their work partnership crossing over into their friendship. Samsel said that they are best friends, and that being able to “also be business partners and get to work with your best friend is a joy that I wish everyone had.”

“We have a philosophy we live by, too,” Anderson said, “which is to always treat whoever you work with like they’re a genius. We certainly have that respect and think that of each other. And it has helped our collaboration come super far because we just have such an inherent trust in one another.”

As far as women making their own space in the male-dominated industry of musicals, the duo’s work on “Central Park,” Samsel says, adds to them getting “to feel like pioneers creating a musical for TV animation.”

Samsel said that “one thing that continues to make me so happy that we did get to influence in terms of the music of the entire series was that when they came up with the original concepts, all they knew is that they wanted Birdie, Josh’s character, to be a busker. And I asked if he could play violin because I used to be a busker in Central Park with my violin. And they said yes.”

As far as future projects, Anderson indulged in a little wishful thinking, saying they’d like to write “Bridesmaids: The Musical.” Samsel stated that they actually have a Christmas song collaboration with Michael Giacchino coming out in the future.

In the meantime, the duo will continue making strides for women songwriters and composers in musical theater and similar environs. When a question about diversity came up in the “Music for Animation” panel, for instance, Anderson said that one way to expand diversity is “taking a chance on someone with a more diverse voice and a more diverse background.

“In doing that,” she said, “you’re creating an example for a younger artist to see themselves and believe that they, too, can have their voice represented in that way someday.”

Note: Quotes lightly edited for clarity and flow

The post Songwriting/Composing Duo Kate Anderson and Elyssa Samsel’s Collaboration Inspires appeared first on The Nerd Element.

August 6, 2020

Michelle Obama Says She’s Experienced A Low Grade Depression During Quarantine

Becoming: An Intimate Conversation with Michelle Obama

Source: Paras Griffin / Getty

Personally, I’m very happy to get to know Forever First Lady Michelle Obama outside of her role in the White House.

We get to see so much more of her personality. And thankfully, it’s more beautiful and authentic as those glimpses we got during the eight years the Obamas were in office.

Since then, there was Becoming and now, Mrs. Obama has launched her podcast, where she speaks even further about her life’s journey.

Recently in a sit down with journalist and her friend Michele Norris, Mrs. Obama spoke about how this current social, political moment, in addition to the health crisis has affected her mental wellbeing.

“My sleep is off too because we’re not moving around as much. So I’m not as tired. I’m going to bed a little bit later. Then I’m waking up in the middle of the night because I’m worried about something or there’s a heaviness. So I wake up about the same time. Not the cracmek of dawn but about 6-7 o’ clock. Then I try to get a work out in. Although, there have been periods during this quarantine where I just have felt too low.

I’ve gone through those emotional highs and lows where you just don’t feel yourself. There have been a week or so where I’ve had to surrender to that and not be so hard on myself and say, ‘You’re just not feeling that treadmill right now.’ It is unusual but it is a direct result of being out of body, out of mind.

And spiritually, these are not fulfilling times, spiritually. So I know that I am dealing with some form of low grade depression. Not just because of the quarantine but because of the racial strife. Just seeing this administration, watching the hypocrisy of it, day in and day out, is dispiriting. So I’ve had to kind of give myself that, those days, those moments.”

You can listen to the full podcast, here.

August 6, 2020

Nia DaCosta to Direct CAPTAIN MARVEL 2

Wow! It’s been a long time since we’ve had some really big Marvel news but this evening Disney delivered a bombshell: Candyman and Little Woods helmer Nia DaCosta will take on Captain Marvel 2. It’s a great pick, as anyone who has seen her startlingly powerful debut will know. But in the wasteland of 2020 we were not expecting such an exciting announcement.

Nia DaCosta to Direct CAPTAIN MARVEL 2_1


The first movie introduced MCU fans to Carol Danvers, a cranky alien-powered hero. She was also Marvel Studios‘ first true leading lady–it only took 11 years–and now DaCosta will break new ground as the first Black woman to direct an MCU movie. About time doesn’t cut it, but this is a really intriguing choice that hints at a different tone for the sequel. The first Captain Marvel movie felt like a Phase One film. But DaCosta has a style and power that will lend itself to the more auteur side of the MCU. The films have always thrived when they let directors lead, just look at Black Panther and Thor: Ragnarok.

It’s also radical to see a Black director given a movie that deals with a white legacy hero. Of course, the other angle here is that the sequel will rectify one of the biggest mistakes of the original. Captain Marvel essentially ignored the original Black female hero, Monica Rambeau, who held the mantle before Carol. Instead, the MCU gave Carol a tweaked version of Monica’s comic book origin. They hinted that her friend Maria’s young daughter–who also happens to be named Monica–might be inspired to follow in Carol’s footsteps. Perhaps in DaCosta’s hands the first female Captain Marvel will finally get her due?

Carol Danvers in front of a jet


We’re really excited about this news and can’t wait to hear more about the upcoming sequel! Tell us your thoughts on Nia DaCosta in the comments below.

Header Image: Disney

The post Nia DaCosta to Direct CAPTAIN MARVEL 2 appeared first on Nerdist.

August 6, 2020

This Black Product Developer Dispels The Myths About Clean Beauty

With 17 years in product development, Robyn Watkins has pretty much seen it all. She’s been a part of some of the most successful and iconic beauty launches to date, and she’s also been witness to the failed attempts that never make it to market. Today, as a product development consultant and CEO of Holistic Beauty Group, she helps brands make magic in the clean beauty space. But don’t get it wrong, she might consult for brands, but she really works for consumers.

“I have a passion for clean beauty. In my background in the corporate space, I was always trying to advocate towards cleaner, safer ingredients, and always trying to go more natural,” she says. “I was the annoying person always raising my hand asking, can we not do this? Can we not use silicone? Can we try this?”

As an insider in the space, Watkins knows that clean beauty can mean different things in different places because it doesn’t have a harmonized definition. She explained that Europe has much stricter standards than the United States as it relates to clean beauty (Canada also has slightly stricter policies.) They ban about 1,400 ingredients that are not banned in the U.S., including carcinogens, mutagens, nitrosamines, silicones D4 and D5 and reproductive toxins (yes, you read that right).

Consumers are actually putting their trust in companies to identify their products as clean. As we’re beginning to see more brands emerging in this space, we’re also seeing more products identified as clean from legacy brands. Even beauty retailers have begun to make this distinction in product offerings on their sites.

Sephora has an extensive list of ingredients that a product cannot contain in order to receive their Clean at Sephora seal, including some known culprits such as parabens, sulfates, phthalates, and formaldehyde, and also more unknown players such as styrene and synthetic fragrances.

“I think it’s important for the consumer to understand what’s important to them with respect to clean beauty and buying brands that align with that.”

– Robin Watkins

But clean beauty, Watkins explains, is actually not a regulated standard. And her interactions with consumers has taught her that there are many misconceptions about what a clean beauty product really is.

“Clean beauty is a marketing term and it’s an emerging claim that can be defined by any brand that uses it,” she says. “Clean beauty is more like a movement. It’s a mindful decision to create products and market under pillars of human safety, transparency, environmental consciousness and ethics. I think it’s important for the consumer to understand what’s important to them with respect to clean beauty and buying brands that align with that.”

Consumers are also making the assumption that clean beauty and sustainability go hand-in-hand. While Watkins thinks that they should, she also knows that it’s not guaranteed. Sustainability is a multi-faceted category that has levels to it, from biodiversity and carbon footprint reduction to eliminating plastic waste and using renewable or reusable packaging. In other words, like clean beauty, sustainability is complex.

“There’s so much to unpack with regards to sustainability,” Watkins asserts. “But I say [for a brand] starting where you are, understand your carbon footprint, and start to pull back on it from an upstream perspective, meaning how you’re building your product, and then downstream in terms of how the consumer is disposing of the product and what that life cycle looks like.”

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What zero waste beauty looks like. Its finally here, and it's going to reshape beauty forever. #sustainability #cleanbeauty #zerowaste @dewmighty

A post shared by Holistic Beauty Group (@holisticbeautygroup) on May 8, 2020 at 9:34pm PDT

And that’s where product ingredients can come into play where clean versus non-clean matters. Since the pandemic, consumers have been paying a lot more attention to what’s in their beauty products. Studies show that the online purchase of natural skincare increased by 300 percent at the top of quarantine. Watkins says clean beauty sales are up 25 percent too. People often mistake clean beauty products for natural beauty products, but she says, they’re not the same. And, natural doesn’t always mean better.

“People automatically think, oh, it’s clean, it’s natural, it’s organic. And some products are, but those are two different camps and just know the difference and know that when you see science-based ingredients, it’s not all bad,” she explains. “There are brands that have a blend of natural and synthetic. I highly recommend embracing scientific as the new sustainable. Science based ingredients have huge benefits. They truly are 100 percent renewable, have zero carbon footprint. It really makes sense for the world that we’re living in.”

She’s just trying to do her part to make that world better, one clean product at a time. Her mission is to guide and hold brands accountable, educate consumers—especially other Black women, who are inundated with products that tend to be filled with harmful toxins—and explore the possibility of a new category she calls product therapy, an intersection between beauty, self-care, and mental health all wrapped into effective offerings.

“I try to pour positive intention into the work that I do and with the brands that I work with. I’d like to create more products that have a healing intention—not just holistic products, but products that give positive messaging and don’t drive the consumer to not appreciate themselves or think they’re good enough,” she finishes.

“I like to be a part of projects that really change that narrative around self-compassion and self-love. But I’m just out here, a corporate dropout who decided to take all of my experience and help brands that actually give a shit about what they’re doing. That’s my whole thing.”

The post This Black Product Developer Dispels The Myths About Clean Beauty appeared first on Essence.

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