
The newest chapter of the groundbreaking cult classic film Tales from the Hood, SYFY’s Tales from the Hood 3, premiering on October 17, marks the third anthology that continues the tradition from the original film in 1995. As the newest chapter of the cult classic, the franchise will include four brand-new tales exploring cultural relevant topics related […]

October 17, 2020

‘Ballers’ Star London Brown Talks ‘Tales from the Hood 3’ and His Dream Role

The newest chapter of the groundbreaking cult classic film Tales from the Hood, SYFY’s Tales from the Hood 3, premiering on October 17, marks the third anthology that continues the tradition from the original film in 1995. As the newest chapter of the cult classic, the franchise will include four brand-new tales exploring cultural relevant topics related […]

October 17, 2020

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Launches Black Political Party

Months after encouraging Black Americans to hold their votes hostage in 2020, media mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs has changed tactics and launched Our Black Party, a new political party that will center a Black agenda while building and seizing political power.

In a lengthy Twitter thread, the creator of ‘Vote or Die!’—the recently relaunched initiative aimed at rallying the next generation of leaders to exercise their right to vote in this critical election—said that a race war is imminent if President Donald Trump is re-elected. He also believes that Black Americans should vote for former Vice President Joe Biden and then hold him accountable.

The NUMBER ONE priority is to get Trump out of office. HE HAS TO GO. We can't allow this man to continue to try and DIVIDE US. The people that have the most responsibility and should be SCARED TO DEATH of this man are white people. WE ARE ON THE VERGE OF A RACE WAR.

— Diddy (@Diddy) October 16, 2020

Things have got too serious. It would be irresponsible of me to have us hold our vote hostage. But it would also be irresponsible of me to let this moment go by and not make sure going forward we are doing what it takes to own our politics.

— Diddy (@Diddy) October 16, 2020

We need to get Biden in and hold him accountable. Trump has taken things too far. As Black people, we aren't even a topic of real discussion. We can no longer stand for doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. That's insanity! It's time we unify.

— Diddy (@Diddy) October 16, 2020

We need to get Biden in and hold him accountable. Trump has taken things too far. As Black people, we aren't even a topic of real discussion. We can no longer stand for doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. That's insanity! It's time we unify.

— Diddy (@Diddy) October 16, 2020

So, I'm launching one of the boldest things I've ever launched. I'm launching a Black political party with some young Black elected officials and activists. It's called @OurBlackParty, it doesn't matter if you are Republican or Democrat…

— Diddy (@Diddy) October 16, 2020

Diddy’s Our Political Party lists 9 core tenets:

Black people have a right to own their politics

Black people have a right to a fair and just criminal legal system.

Black people have a right to economic equity and equality within the United States of America.

Black people have a right to health equity in the United States of America.

Black people have a right to education equity in the United States of America.

Black people have a right to every unalienable right guaranteed in the constitution of the United States.

Black people have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Black people are not a monolithic group and, therefore, we have a right to advocate for different things.

Above all, Black people have a responsibility to love each other and accountability is love.

In a conversation with media personality Charlamagne tha God, Diddy breaks down the evolution of his politics, why it’s past time for the end of political duopoly, and why Black men need to step up to the plate to protect and defend Black women on the front lines of the movement. 

Visit Our Black Party for more info.

The post Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Launches Black Political Party appeared first on Essence.

October 16, 2020

This One May be Hard to Handle: ‘Commanders in Crisis #1’ Review

Writer: Steve Orlando / Artist: Davide Tinto / Image

“Crisis” is such a loaded term in comic book circles, and Steve Orlando knows that considering his long and storied tenure with DC Comics. The different Crisis events dating back to the original Crisis on Infinite Earths have always been world altering events, and then of course there have been series that evoke the same high stakes tension without being proper crisis series, Heroes in Crisis being the modern flagship for better or for worse.

All of this to say, when I saw Commanders in Crisis #1 and that this was an Image title, I paused for a second and wondered about the implications. Would there be a multiverse? How does such a grand scale event get approached with a blank slate of a universe? Why commanders?

And after the issue, I have the following answers respectively are: yes, pretty well although I have my critiques, and for a reason that is exceeding topical to the point where it cuts just a little too deep.

Orlando knows superheroes and knows how to make homages and callbacks like the best in the business, largely because he is one of the best in the business. With a cold open that’s reminiscent of Watchmen and a shout out to Killadelphia, Commanders in Crisis opens with a dead body before pivoting to some sort of US Senate hearing before pivoting to a shot of a government looking building where the new slate of superheroes are summarily introduced.

Tinto’s character design is absolutely impeccable, and the full spread that shows the Originator, Sawbones, Prizefighter, and Seer in action is truly a wondrous thing to behold. And part of Commanders in Crisis‘ charm is the fact that it has all of the personality of superheroes without any preconceived notions of these characters. We don’t have history, we only have what Orlando and Tinto demonstrate to us, and it’s kind of a cool world. It’s bright and colorful, and optimistic to the point of being almost saccharine, almost being the operative word here. It’s a little over the top, but that’s less a dig and more just a fact.

By the time I read the final act of the first issue and the big reveal happened, I found myself at odds with how I feel about the premise. Commanders in Crisis is very clearly a piece of work that feels inspired by 2020 and all of the preceding events in modern history that got us to 2020. And it’s admirable in that respect. It’s also a little audacious.

If you’re a fan of Steve Orlando’s body of work, you’ll enjoy this latest endeavor for sure. If you’re not a fan, I’d recommend giving the first issue a spin and see if you have the tolerance for it. It’s an interesting start to a 12 issue mini-series if nothing else.

8.0 “Pure Ideas” out of 10

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The post This One May be Hard to Handle: ‘Commanders in Crisis #1’ Review appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

October 16, 2020

Competing With Biden’s Town Hall Did Not Go Well for Donald Trump

(COMBO) This combination of pictures created on September 28, 2020 shows Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden(L) speaking at a "Build Back Better" Clean Energy event on July 14, 2020 at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Delaware, and US President Donald Trump speaking during a briefing at the White House September 27, 2020, in Washington, DC. - At the September 29, 2020 election debate, millions of Americans will watch as the two antagonists -- who depict each other as existential threats to the country -- step into the ring live on television after months of shadow-boxing. (Photos by Olivier DOULIERY and Brendan Smialowski / AFP) (Photo by OLIVIER DOULIERY,BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

Tonight was supposed to be the night of the second debate of the 2020 presidential election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, but we were mercifully spared another one of those when Donald Trump refused to participate remotely amid uncertainty over his COVID-19 status. Instead, ABC decided to go ahead with the planned town hall style of the debate with Biden alone, and of course, Trump (aided by NBC) took the opportunity to turn it into a competition—one that is not going well for him.

Everyone’s pretty unhappy with NBC in the first place for forcing the public to choose which candidate to watch and giving Trump yet another high profile platform to spew lies, the same kind of media circus nonsense that enabled Trump’s rise in the first place. In the end, it might wind up backfiring on Trump, though, with his ranting and raving sounding even more unhinged without someone else he’s supposed to be debating against—just calm needling from moderator Savannah Guthrie.

He was in rare form, from once again attacking the effectiveness of masks in combating the COVID-19 pandemic to defending spreading one ridiculous conspiracy theory via retweet and outright promoting his favorite one, QAnon—the anti-child sex trafficking conspiracy theory that actively undermines its own stated purpose.

Meanwhile, Biden gave substantive policy answers.

He also demonstrated an ability to respond to criticism thoughtfully, and whether or not his response is good enough, it is worlds better than Trump’s complete inability to ever admit to being wrong about anything.

The stark difference did not go unnoticed:

Of course, there are those out there who think Biden’s very normalcy is inherently a negative, including Trump’s own campaign, addicted to the idea that spectacle is all that matters.

Imagine thinking Mr. Rogers is someone you don’t want to be compared to.

There were also bad faith comparisons of how the two candidates, who behaved in wildly different ways, were handled by their respective moderators.

It should go without saying that handling two unequal things unequally is not bias.

However, the most memorable moment of the night may have come from Guthrie chastising Trump for sharing a conspiracy theory he claimed not to even necessarily believe, telling him he’s the president, not someone’s crazy uncle, and … well …

We can only hope that voters who tuned in will react the same way, because we cannot allow this kind of thing to go on any longer:

(Photos by Olivier DOULIERY and Brendan Smialowski / AFP)

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