

Getting to the matter at hand….it’s the Mid Week in Review broadcast! Airing this Wednesday at 8pm and engineered by Afronerd Radio for the BTalk 100 platform.. Your “friendly neighborhood” AFROnerdists will be pontificating about the following issues: as the nation still grapples with the current pandemic crisis, iconic citizens are continuing to “leave the planet.”  Our thoughts about the passings of legendary baseball player Henry Hank “Hammer” Aaron and iconic broadcaster, Larry King;  something that should be joyous unfortunately has turned another racial harassment story concerning the announcement that a Star Wars centric web series will be hosted by Krystina Arielle who is of African-American extraction;

And the Arielle controversy prompted a Twitter conversation which we will cover on our broadcast-Star Wars or Star Trek, which franchise appears to engender more racial divisiveness in the pre/post Trump era?; highlighted an innocuous piece pondering whether it’s appropriate to wear HBCU gear from a school (perhaps a rival) that you did not attend; thoughts about recent news that a popular Black British TV series, Timewasters is getting a US remix, courtesy of A Black Lady Sketch Show writer, Lauren Ashley;  Dburt got a chance to check out both the American-Bollywood film, White Tiger and S2 of Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous; just what is up with the meteoric stock rise for the fledgling video game retailer, Game Stop;  and as expected Wandavision: Strucker watches are now available for purchase…Dburt didn’t need hex powers to predict that one did we ever speak on Captain America and Punisher logos being used by White supremacists/QAnon folk nowadays? Enter the mayor of Sequim, WA;  Lastly, thoughts about the forthcoming new blerd resource, The Access Guide to the Black Comic Book Community 2020-2021.  

Oh and then there’s a brewing racial erasure controversy involving the highly popular Netflix series, Lupin….it never stops, folks.


*One thing that Dburt is doing (finally) is investing in cryptocurrency, courtesy of Roundlyx. We would implore our followers to investigate, discern and then explore by using our referral code: afro-87A4BF


or This link below…..
function openPlayer(s){“”+escape(s),”Player”,”height=630,width=940,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes”)}
Also Afronerd Radio’s podcast format can be heard via BTalk 100 PandoraSpotify and IHeartRadio….more formats to follow!    


February 8, 2021

2 Kings Pass: Hank Aaron & Larry King; The Root on Rival HBCU Swag; UK Black Time Travel Show Gets US Reboot; Netflix’ White Tiger & Jurassic Animated S2 & More! WED, 8pm Mid Week in Review @BTalk 100


Getting to the matter at's the Mid Week in Review broadcast! Airing this Wednesday at 8pm and engineered by Afronerd Radio for the BTalk 100 platform.. Your "friendly neighborhood" AFROnerdists will be pontificating about the following issues: as the nation still grapples with the current pandemic crisis, iconic citizens are continuing to "leave the planet."  Our thoughts about the passings of legendary baseball player Henry Hank "Hammer" Aaron and iconic broadcaster, Larry King;  something that should be joyous unfortunately has turned another racial harassment story concerning the announcement that a Star Wars centric web series will be hosted by Krystina Arielle who is of African-American extraction;

And the Arielle controversy prompted a Twitter conversation which we will cover on our broadcast-Star Wars or Star Trek, which franchise appears to engender more racial divisiveness in the pre/post Trump era?; highlighted an innocuous piece pondering whether it's appropriate to wear HBCU gear from a school (perhaps a rival) that you did not attend; thoughts about recent news that a popular Black British TV series, Timewasters is getting a US remix, courtesy of A Black Lady Sketch Show writer, Lauren Ashley;  Dburt got a chance to check out both the American-Bollywood film, White Tiger and S2 of Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous; just what is up with the meteoric stock rise for the fledgling video game retailer, Game Stop;  and as expected Wandavision: Strucker watches are now available for purchase...Dburt didn't need hex powers to predict that one did we ever speak on Captain America and Punisher logos being used by White supremacists/QAnon folk nowadays? Enter the mayor of Sequim, WA;  Lastly, thoughts about the forthcoming new blerd resource, The Access Guide to the Black Comic Book Community 2020-2021.  

Oh and then there's a brewing racial erasure controversy involving the highly popular Netflix series, never stops, folks.


*One thing that Dburt is doing (finally) is investing in cryptocurrency, courtesy of Roundlyx. We would implore our followers to investigate, discern and then explore by using our referral code: afro-87A4BF


or This link below.....
function openPlayer(s){""+escape(s),"Player","height=630,width=940,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes")}

Also Afronerd Radio's podcast format can be heard via BTalk 100 PandoraSpotify and IHeartRadio....more formats to follow!    


February 7, 2021

I Hated Wolverine Until I Started Reading Comics Again

I never liked Wolverine growing up. I didn’t care if it was X-Men The Animated Series, a Spider-Man cameo, an appearance or lead in various Marvel cartoons or, obviously, Hugh Jackman’s portrayal of him the last 15 years, I straight up couldn’t stand the mutant. But as I’ve fallen in love with comics for the last 10 years, I’ve been able to fully embrace the adamantium laced, beer guzzling weapon, and finally understand why everyone loves him.

Lots of Logan to Love

I guess we should start there. Everybody fucking loved Wolverine growing up and it pissed me off something severe. A suped up cat guy with big claws who can heal is ya’ll king?! The foul mouthed, thick haired Canadian didn’t appeal to me in the slightest. There’s also the huge Cyclops fan in me to consider, but we don’t need to get into all that. These are Wolverine appreciation bars I’m cooking up!

I know it’s wild cliche to say “the book provides so much more context than” ________ (<— insert adaptation), but I’d be doing this confessional a disservice if I didn’t. Being able to reference any of the psychologically scarring and indoctrinating experiences of Wolverine’s life adds such a richness to the story that’s playing out before your eyes. From his screwed up origin to Weapon X body tampering to clone madness or Enemy of the State re-brainwashing, there is so much to pull from for the next Wolverine run.

Gangsta and a Gentleman

Then there’s the fact that Wolverine is a downright badass no matter what version of the character you’re taking in. His short temper means he’s always ready for the smoke which usually leads to bad decisions with fun outcomes. But in the comics fam? There’s this added layer to Logan’s personality that exudes respect and appreciation.

He’s got the soul of a samurai and ability to care for others that seems so implausible with all the slicing and dicing he’s about. He’s got a soft spot for the young members of the X-Men team and is loyal to a fault. I think the root of my problem is that Wolverine’s caring side was never properly showcased. Every time Logan got sentimental or emotional, he’d always express himself through dick comments and asinine actions. The version of Wolverine that I saw in most forms of media was shallow, and now I know how much of a travesty that is.

These days, I get to enjoy Hickman’s impeccably written Wolverine as a resident of Krakoa and further my esteem for the mutant when I read old issues or the dope solo books he’s now in. I even found myself re-watching the first X-Men movie and criticizing the lack of depth in the character. Who says someone can’t come around to something that’s been plastered all over the screen this entire time?

Cover Image via Marvel Database Fandom

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February 7, 2021

‘WandaVision’, Season 1 Episode 5: “On A Very Special Episode ” — RECAP

**Warning major spoilers ahead**

Wanda and Vision struggle to put the boys down for a nap. While Vision looks for binkies for the kids, Wanda attempts to magically get the babies to sleep but it doesn’t work. The binkies work a second then spat out. Wanda mentions that they need help. Cue Agnes ringing the bell and walking in, luckily Vision changed his appearance without notice, and offering help to quiet the tykes. Wanda is grateful for the assistance but Vision is full of concerns that he expresses which causes Agnes to forget her lines and ask Wanda if she should “take it from the top”. The break is weird but Wanda insists that they allow Agnes to give it a try then the two women laugh like everything is fine. 

As Agnes comically rocks the twins, Vision takes Wanda aside to ask her what just happened. Wanda states that Agnes was just confused, however Vision points out that Agnes looked at Wanda in a strange way. I guess Vision is the only one that doesn’t know what is going on? He questions if Wanda didn’t see what he saw. The twins finally quiet down but when the couple checks on them, they are no longer in the cribs. They are surprised with two young kids that call them mommy and daddy. Agnes makes a cute statement about how you can’t control kids no matter how you try. This is not normal.

Opening sequence reminds me of Growing Pains and Full House which totally works for this 80s version of this show. I wonder who sings the theme song. 

Monica and Director Tyler Hayward debrief on her experience in a voice over as Monica is seen by a doctor. Agent Jimmy Woo and Dr. Darcy Lewis, check up on Monica and inform her that there is a briefing. The doctor states that Monica’s X-rays are blank and will need another blood draw but our dear captain refuses to go through that again. In the briefing, Tyler informs all everyone that Wanda is not a victim and actually the one controlling everything. Jimmy gives the group intel on Wanda’s history, when Tyler interrupts, JImmy states that he is simplifying Wanda’s experience. Tyler doesn’t seem to like that very much and brings up that Wanda was once against the Avengers, depicting her as a villain but Jimmy points out that she gained their trust and joined the Avengers as well. Tyler promptly takes over the briefing to talk strategy. It would seem that Jimmy and Darcy do not like the director at all. 

Tyler states that Wanda is a terrorist but Monica speaks up stating that Wanda is not a terrorist by any definition of the word despite the details that she gave of her experience. The two go back on forth on what they think of Wanda and her current state. Monica does not think that any of this is premeditated. Well, Tyler seems to have footage that proves otherwise. He shares footage of Wanda entering a top secret location of S.W.O.R.D where Vision’s corpse was. It happened nine days ago. By storming the facility and resurrecting VIsion, Wanda violated the Sokovia Accords and Vision’s living will. Vision didn’t want to be a weapon. End of briefing. 

Darcy and Jimmy discuss how it could be possible for Wanda to bring Vision back to life as well as wonder what will happen once Vision finds out the truth. 

Back to the show, Tommy and Billy seem to be up to something in the kitchen when Wanda walks in. The two have found a dog and beg mommy to allow them to keep him. Vision walks in and greets everyone formally which Wanda notices. She asks him why he did so and he states that he’s got a feeling someone will pop in and he wants to be prepared. Agnes does exactly that and in hand she has a dog house. Vision finds that strange. Agnes asks the boys what names they chose for the dog and they give an answer. Wanda makes it official by conjuring a leash. Vision points out that she did that in front of Agnes, which Wanda replies nonchalantly but Vision reminds her that they agreed to her hiding her abilities. Wanda says she is tired of hiding and doesn’t think he should either. Vision, however, questions Wanda as to what she is keeping from him. Oh dear. The boys interrupt to ask mommy and daddy if they can keep the dog. Their answer is that they can have a dog when the boys are older. Like ten years old. Magic twins look at each other and smile just before they age. Wanda and Vision’s verbal attempts do nothing. Agnes casually jokes that hopefully the dog stays the same size. 

Monica, Darcy, and Jimmy discuss what she will need in order to reenter Westview and what has happened on the show. Monica thinks she knows the perfect aerospace engineer to help. I’m certainly curious. Darcy points out that a suit may be able to get her in but can’t protect her against the Hex that could mind wipe her. Jimmy wonders if anyone has identified the twins. Monica states that everything is real and the kids are Wanda’s. She also brings up that Wanda nearly took out Thanos on her own when Jimmy and Darcy question Wanda’s abilities. Jimmy mentions that Captain Marvel came close to taking out Thanos too. Give Monica a moment. How long has it been since she has seen her mom’s dear friend? Monica changes the subject back to Wanda which the two others notice.

Monica and the two head to the lab to check out the wardrobe that she was wearing when she was swiftly ejected from Westview. She takes Jimmy’s gun and shoots at the clothing but nothing happens to the material. According to the lab research, her pants are 87% Kevlar, which means that Wanda is rewriting reality. Things are changed when they go in, so the question is what happens when something that doesn’t need change is sent in. 

Vision is in the office setting up a computer. Norm is surprised as to what computers are able to do. Vision helps Norm set up the internet and they receive an email… from S.W.O.R.D. The email states what Darcy noticed with radiation and the unknown effects on the residents. The whole office reads the email aloud and Norm laughs it off stating it is a joke but Vision looks concerned. Vision connects to the computer then does the same thing to Norm who seems to snap out of the tv reality. Norm frantically asks for help and asks where his phone is , what day it is, etc. Vision calms him but Norm states that Vision “has to stop her, she’s in his head, and his head hurts”. When Norm starts yelling, Vision connects to Norm’s head again, bringing him back to tv reality again. At home, the twins are teaching sparky, the dog, new tricks. They want to show dad but he is at work. They point out that today is Saturday, catching Wanda in a lie. Wanda informs them that something at work came up and dad needed a distraction. The boys think he needs a distraction from them but Wanda quickly and heartfully explains disagreements and how the two boys would do the same. Billy asks if Wanda has a brother and she informs him that she does but he is far away. 

Sparky runs to the front door and barks, alerting the twins. Wanda gets up, tells the boys to stay there, then goes outside to check. Of course they don’t listen. Monica and the team are using a drone from the 80s with a visual. Tyler asks for a better view if possible. Jimmy and Darcy point out that the drone is not showing up on the show, just like the jump shots from before. Monica tries to communicate with Wanda, but Wanda says nothing. After a couple of attempts, Monica notices that she is no longer in control of the drone. Tyler, decides this is a good time to take a shot at Wanda. This surprises Monica who thought the drone was unarmed. The visual disappears. Monica questions Tyler on what he did then the breach alarm goes off. Everyon runs to the perimeter, including heavily armed men. 

Wanda walks through the perimeter with the damaged drone and a warning after Tyler casually states the missile was just a precaution. She won’t bother them if they don’t bother home. Tyler says it ain’t that easy, she’s got a town hostage but she points out the guns. Monica points out that Wanda is in control. Wanda arms herself as Monica speaks to Wanda about how at some level Wanda did trust her and see her as an ally. Monica asks Wanda what is it that she wants and no one will take it from her again. With the flick of her wrist and turn of the heel, Wanda walks back to her home as all guns point at Tyler. Tyler pleads for them to stand down. They do when Wanda crosses the perimeter. 

Commercial break for Lagos paper towel brand. “For when you make a mess when you didn’t mean to.” That speaks volumes. 

Billy, Tommy, and Wanda search the neighborhood for their missing dog. They find him at Agne’s, wrapped up. Apparently, Sparky at quite a bit of azalea leaves. The twins look at each other tearfully and nod but Wanda stops them before they try to age themselves up to run away from feeling sadness, stating she knows how they feel. Tommy points out that Wanda can fix anything even the dead. Agnes asks if Wanda can do that. Wanda explains to the boys that some things are forever and they can’t reverse death. However, the boys point out that Wanda said family is forever and ask her to bring Sparky back. Vision walks up and notices what the boys are talking about and hugs them. Later, Wanda and Vision are alone in the kitchen. Vision brings up that he spoke to Norm, the real Norm, who was in pain. Wanda tries to dismiss it but Vision doesn’t want to do another activity just so Wanda can change things again and tells her that she can’t control him like she does everyone else. Wanda cocks her head and says, “Can’t I?” The audience claps and credits roll but Vision isn’t having it. He questions her on what the “Maximoff anomaly” is and that whatever they are going through happened subconsciously at first but now Wanda is aware of it. Wanda plays dumb. 

The credits end, Vision looks like himself and he yells at Wanda that Norm has a family to take care of but can’t do so because of Wanda. Wanda acts like she doesn’t know what he is talking about it. Vision demands that she stops lying to her. The two use their powers to levitate while they argue. Wanda says she’s doing everything for them and he should let her handle it, but Vision says she doesn’t get to make that choice for him. Wanda points out that he has never talked to her like this before and gets on the ground. Vision says he can’t remember anything from before Westview, doesn’t know who he is, and is scared. Wanda calmly tells him that he is her husband, and father to Billy and Tommy. Vision, now on the ground, asks Wanda why there are no other kids in the town. He doesn’t ever see kids at the playground on the way to work. Wanda emotionally asks Vision if he honestly thinks that she controls everything and everyone in town, making them go to dentist appointments and etc. She doesn’t know how this started. Vision tells her what she’s doing is wrong. The doorbell rings. Wanda insists to Vision that she didn’t do that but he doesn’t believe her at all. She wipes her tears and opens the door. Whoever is at the door has her bottom lip trembling. 

The breach alarm seems to be going off at the base. Darcy reaches for her notebook but notices Wanda’s look on the tv and sits down to watch. 

Vision asks Wanda who it is. The reveal is Quicksilver and I am crying. Long lost brother, Pietro Maximoff (Evan Peters), walks in asking if he can hug his sister to death. Darcy is surprised that she recast Pietro. Wanda, who looks surprised too, says his name as if she’s questioning it too. Pietro nods that it is him and the two hug. Vision looks down as if he’s disappointed and Pietro asks who he is. 

No lie, I am in tears with that last reveal. The last time I saw Evan Peter’s version of Quicksilver was in Dark Phoenix but his name was Peter so at this point, I am at a loss of what is going on. My OTP (one true pair) ship is breaking and now we have a Pietro from a different multiverse entering? He has to come from a different multiverse because that is the only way to explain it for me! Ya’ll let me know if you have better theories. Wanda should have killed Director Tyler so that Monica could handle things. He’s not fit to handle the title at all. Monica and Captain Marvel’s reunion is going to be messy, no hugs at the beginning, I’m certain. Also, Agnes’ break at the beginning of the show tells us that she knows who is running this warped reality and everyone is aware. I feel for Vision and hope that Wanda comes out of this the best way possible. I need a WandaVision support group. This is too much! I can’t wait for the rest of the episodes!

February 6, 2021

Chef JJ Johnson’s 3 Romantic Recipes You Need For Valentine’s Day

Couple In Cafe Eating Fruit Cake

Source: vgajic / Getty

Valentine’s Day is approaching and many couples have to change their plans this year thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some couples are choosing to do a virtual candlelight dinner while others are opting to have a romantic night inside. No matter which one you choose, Chef JJ Johnson, who owns Fieldtrip Harlem and stars in his own show on CLEO TV called Just Eats With Chef JJ, has you covered. Check out the slideshow for his recipes for a deep dish lobster mac and cheese, his “Nice & Smooth” cocktail and pound cake with blackberry sauce.

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