
The fire department sprays down the car then opens up the trunk. Belkacem takes a peek before getting in the car where Assane is being held. He asks her about his son, but she doesn’t reply. She diverts to stating that they have a lot to talk about in regards to his adventures and also asks him where Youssef is. 

Back in Paris, Hubert and Juliette Pellegrini announce a dinner at the Hyatt hotel that will have generous donors to assist in giving kids of all backgrounds access to art. Hubert is informed by his assistant that his next appointment has arrived, one he was expecting: Claire. 

Assane asks Belkacem about what was in the trunk as they make their way to Paris. An annoyed Belkacem informs him that there wasn’t anything in the trunk except a soda can. When they stop at a gas station, Assane tells her that she won’t try escaping until they reach Paris, then asks her for the bathroom. Belkacem has a male officer take Assane to the bathroom where he asks the male officer to help him because he can’t do anything with his handcuffs on. After Belkacem pays for the gas, she checks up on the guys. Assane makes his way over to another car, with a badge stating that the driver has a flat tire. When the driver checks for a flat, Assane takes the moment to shoot the tire of the police car and drive off with the other car. Belkacem sees that the male officer is locked up then runs after the speeding car but doesn’t catch Assane in time. 

Flashback to when Youssef is left in the car by Assane. After hours of waiting, Youssef breaks the window, uses the cut glass to get himself out, then walks to the house. When he walks to the house, he sees the car on fire and hears Raoul yelling for his dad. He struggles to open the trunk but finds a tool to pop it open then pulls Raoul out of it. As the two run away, Leonard shoots at them but luckily they get back to the stolen car and drive off. Leonard makes a call when he can’t get them. On the drive, Raoul asks Youssef where his dad is. Youssef deflects by bringing up the story of Arsene Lupin, and the two chat about their favorite characters. 

Dumont informs Hubert that Assane escaped again. Hubert informs Dumont that Youssef has Assane’s son. They will have to use Raoul as bait, then they will arrest him. At first, Dumont doesn’t think it is smart, but Hubert points out that it would be good for his career, which Dumont can’t resist. Assane pulls over when Youssef’s phone blows up with messages from Dumont. Assane responds as Youssef, who Dumont tells to meet at the Hyatt Hotel with the child. 

Youssef and Raoul pull up near a place where one of Hubert’s men tells him that Dumont is waiting for him at the Hyatt. Assane stops by his place to prepare for the evening. Young Assane is instructed to wait in Principal Bouchard’s office where he overhears the violin store owner leave a message stating that he thinks Assane should be severely punished. Assane quickly steals the cassette from the answering machine just seconds before Bouchard enters his office. Bouchard is not impressed with Assane’s latest antics, and Assane is disappointed to hear that if Bouchard doesn’t hear from the shop owner, he will visit the store. 

Youssef and Raoul arrive at the Hyatt and are greeted by Dumont. Dumont explains that he will be handling the case and Raoul isn’t safe unless he stays with Dumont. At first, Youssef isn’t willing to hand him over, but Dumont threatens his job. Hubert and Dumont have Raoul call his dad to tell him where he is, then Hubert tells him that Assane is a thief who doesn’t care about his family. Raoul doesn’t believe him, but Hubert claims that he will see him soon. Just as Youssef is leaving, he is given a small package with a phone and note thanking him. 

At the dinner, Juliette gives a speech on how culture should be accessible to everyone. Outside, Assane, in disguise, gets in from the back kitchen but is almost caught by security in the basement elevator. He changes his costume then leaves the hotel, frustrated about what to do. Then he sees a couple of boys walking by with a phone… 

Young and Benjamin listen to the stolen cassette tape and think about what to do. 

Hubert calls Dumont with instructions to leave with the kid in five minutes. Dumont leaves with Raoul, and several security guards escort them down to a black van. Once outside, Dumont has Raoul get in the car that he thinks that one of Hubert’s men is driving. 

Later, an excited Dumont goes to find Hubert, giving him a signal that all went well. Hubert is confused and walks over to Dumont but not before Dumont receives another call from Hubert stating that they have been deceived. Principal Bouchard receives a call from young Assane who impersonates the shop owner. He and Benjamin hope that it works out. Assane utilizes his tech to copy Hubert’s voice and an extra phone to make the calls to Dumont. 

Raoul and Assane embrace in the car as Assane drives off. Raoul asks Assane about his past. Assane tells him that Hubert framed his father, Babakar, and is now targeting him. Raoul asks how far Assane will go, but Assane states he will change once he figures everything out. He sees the look on Raoul’s face and states that he will stop if Raoul tells him to. Raoul tells him to continue. 

Twenty-four hours earlier, a tearful Claire is on a train. She notices a paper about the suicide of a journalist and sees Assane in disguise. Claire reaches out to Benjamin about finding Raoul and how this is different. Dumont insists that voice sounded exactly like Hubert’s. Hubert is extremely calm about this situation. Claire visited Hubert proposing an exchange: Raoul for the diamond necklace. However, Hubert is more interested in Assane, not the necklace. 

Claire watches as Assane pulls up with Raoul in tow but then remembers the deal she made. Inside the house, several of Hubert’s men are waiting, and Claire asks for a moment with her son. She steps outside the house to greet Raoul. While she is holding him, she gives Assane a fearful look then whispers for him to go. 

SO glad that Raoul was alive. Good job Youssef! It took me a minute to realize that the men who told Youssef to take Raoul to the Hyatt hotel are the same ones that were in Claire’s apartment. Claire was really about to turn in Assane for her child but the least she could do is trust that he would get their child home safely. But. I get it. Raoul’s life is more precious than Assane’s. Now, will Assane get out of Hubert’s latest trap?

June 29, 2021

‘Lupin’, Season 2 Episode 2: “Chapter 7” — RECAP

The fire department sprays down the car then opens up the trunk. Belkacem takes a peek before getting in the car where Assane is being held. He asks her about his son, but she doesn’t reply. She diverts to stating that they have a lot to talk about in regards to his adventures and also asks him where Youssef is. 

Back in Paris, Hubert and Juliette Pellegrini announce a dinner at the Hyatt hotel that will have generous donors to assist in giving kids of all backgrounds access to art. Hubert is informed by his assistant that his next appointment has arrived, one he was expecting: Claire. 

Assane asks Belkacem about what was in the trunk as they make their way to Paris. An annoyed Belkacem informs him that there wasn’t anything in the trunk except a soda can. When they stop at a gas station, Assane tells her that she won’t try escaping until they reach Paris, then asks her for the bathroom. Belkacem has a male officer take Assane to the bathroom where he asks the male officer to help him because he can’t do anything with his handcuffs on. After Belkacem pays for the gas, she checks up on the guys. Assane makes his way over to another car, with a badge stating that the driver has a flat tire. When the driver checks for a flat, Assane takes the moment to shoot the tire of the police car and drive off with the other car. Belkacem sees that the male officer is locked up then runs after the speeding car but doesn’t catch Assane in time. 

Flashback to when Youssef is left in the car by Assane. After hours of waiting, Youssef breaks the window, uses the cut glass to get himself out, then walks to the house. When he walks to the house, he sees the car on fire and hears Raoul yelling for his dad. He struggles to open the trunk but finds a tool to pop it open then pulls Raoul out of it. As the two run away, Leonard shoots at them but luckily they get back to the stolen car and drive off. Leonard makes a call when he can’t get them. On the drive, Raoul asks Youssef where his dad is. Youssef deflects by bringing up the story of Arsene Lupin, and the two chat about their favorite characters. 

Dumont informs Hubert that Assane escaped again. Hubert informs Dumont that Youssef has Assane’s son. They will have to use Raoul as bait, then they will arrest him. At first, Dumont doesn’t think it is smart, but Hubert points out that it would be good for his career, which Dumont can’t resist. Assane pulls over when Youssef’s phone blows up with messages from Dumont. Assane responds as Youssef, who Dumont tells to meet at the Hyatt Hotel with the child. 

Youssef and Raoul pull up near a place where one of Hubert’s men tells him that Dumont is waiting for him at the Hyatt. Assane stops by his place to prepare for the evening. Young Assane is instructed to wait in Principal Bouchard’s office where he overhears the violin store owner leave a message stating that he thinks Assane should be severely punished. Assane quickly steals the cassette from the answering machine just seconds before Bouchard enters his office. Bouchard is not impressed with Assane’s latest antics, and Assane is disappointed to hear that if Bouchard doesn’t hear from the shop owner, he will visit the store. 

Youssef and Raoul arrive at the Hyatt and are greeted by Dumont. Dumont explains that he will be handling the case and Raoul isn’t safe unless he stays with Dumont. At first, Youssef isn’t willing to hand him over, but Dumont threatens his job. Hubert and Dumont have Raoul call his dad to tell him where he is, then Hubert tells him that Assane is a thief who doesn’t care about his family. Raoul doesn’t believe him, but Hubert claims that he will see him soon. Just as Youssef is leaving, he is given a small package with a phone and note thanking him. 

At the dinner, Juliette gives a speech on how culture should be accessible to everyone. Outside, Assane, in disguise, gets in from the back kitchen but is almost caught by security in the basement elevator. He changes his costume then leaves the hotel, frustrated about what to do. Then he sees a couple of boys walking by with a phone… 

Young and Benjamin listen to the stolen cassette tape and think about what to do. 

Hubert calls Dumont with instructions to leave with the kid in five minutes. Dumont leaves with Raoul, and several security guards escort them down to a black van. Once outside, Dumont has Raoul get in the car that he thinks that one of Hubert’s men is driving. 

Later, an excited Dumont goes to find Hubert, giving him a signal that all went well. Hubert is confused and walks over to Dumont but not before Dumont receives another call from Hubert stating that they have been deceived. Principal Bouchard receives a call from young Assane who impersonates the shop owner. He and Benjamin hope that it works out. Assane utilizes his tech to copy Hubert’s voice and an extra phone to make the calls to Dumont. 

Raoul and Assane embrace in the car as Assane drives off. Raoul asks Assane about his past. Assane tells him that Hubert framed his father, Babakar, and is now targeting him. Raoul asks how far Assane will go, but Assane states he will change once he figures everything out. He sees the look on Raoul’s face and states that he will stop if Raoul tells him to. Raoul tells him to continue. 

Twenty-four hours earlier, a tearful Claire is on a train. She notices a paper about the suicide of a journalist and sees Assane in disguise. Claire reaches out to Benjamin about finding Raoul and how this is different. Dumont insists that voice sounded exactly like Hubert’s. Hubert is extremely calm about this situation. Claire visited Hubert proposing an exchange: Raoul for the diamond necklace. However, Hubert is more interested in Assane, not the necklace. 

Claire watches as Assane pulls up with Raoul in tow but then remembers the deal she made. Inside the house, several of Hubert’s men are waiting, and Claire asks for a moment with her son. She steps outside the house to greet Raoul. While she is holding him, she gives Assane a fearful look then whispers for him to go. 

SO glad that Raoul was alive. Good job Youssef! It took me a minute to realize that the men who told Youssef to take Raoul to the Hyatt hotel are the same ones that were in Claire’s apartment. Claire was really about to turn in Assane for her child but the least she could do is trust that he would get their child home safely. But. I get it. Raoul’s life is more precious than Assane’s. Now, will Assane get out of Hubert’s latest trap?

June 29, 2021

Toyota Has a Garbage Explanation for Being #1 Donor to Republicans Who Helped Incite the Capitol Riot

Supporters of US President Donald Trump protest outside the US Capitol

According to a report from Axios, Toyota has donated tens of thousands of dollars this year to politicians who encouraged the January 6th insurrection by objecting to Joe Biden’s election certification.

The data was compiled by the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and shows that nearly three dozen corporate PACs have made donations to election-objectors this year (meaning since the Capitol riot) but at $55,000, Toyota leads the pack by an incredible margin.

In addition to donating more than twice as much as the next-closest PAC, Toyota also donated to 37 election objectors—nearly five times as many as any other company. When asked what they had to say for themselves, Toyota really outdid itself and issued a statement that might actually be even worse than the donations themselves. (Maybe.)

“We do not believe it is appropriate to judge members of Congress solely based on their votes on the electoral certification,” a Toyota spokesperson told Axios.

The spokesperson did go on to say “Based on our thorough review, we decided against giving to some members who, through their statements and actions, undermine the legitimacy of our elections and institutions.” But Axios writes that “The spokesperson did not respond to a follow-up about the specific threshold for statements that cross that line.”

Toyota has actually been issuing that terrible statement for a while. After January 6, Toyota said it would be reevaluating its “future PAC criteria.” It was one of more than 100 companies that said they would cut ties (to varying degrees) with Republicans who objected to the 2020 election certification and helped incite the insurrection. But back in April, Popular Information reported that many of those companies had done nothing of the sort. At the time, Toyota gave the outlet the same statement we’re hearing now, which, as Popular Info’s Judd Legum pointed out, was “taken word-for-word from a memo issued by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in March.”

In May, the company also told Business Insider“Toyota supports candidates based on their position on issues that are important to the auto industry and the company.”

One of those candidates whose position on auto industry issues apparently outweighs his position on sedition is Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona. Axios writes that Biggs “has been one of Congress’ most vocal election conspiracy theorists. According to an organizer of the ‘Stop the Steal’ rally prior to the Capitol attack, Biggs also helped put on that event, a charge Biggs has denied.”

So Toyota might not have donated to Marjorie Taylor Greene or Josh Hawley, but it seems entirely disingenuous to pretend like they have any sort of ethical standard that matters.

(via Axios, image: ALEX EDELMAN/AFP via Getty Images)

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

The post Toyota Has a Garbage Explanation for Being #1 Donor to Republicans Who Helped Incite the Capitol Riot first appeared on The Mary Sue.

June 29, 2021

Things We Saw Today: F9: The Fast Saga Brings in the Box Office Big Bucks

Michelle Rodriguez in Fast and Furious

Not only did they go to space in a car, but it looks like F9: The Fast Saga also saved movies. The ninth movie in the franchise (or tenth, if you’re counting Hobbs & Shaw) hit theaters this weekend and had the biggest box office draw since 2019. While most of 2020 was a wash for movies, there were some things that hit theaters in January through March that didn’t have that much of a box office draw.

So, F9 is the biggest since Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and honestly, that feels right. According to Variety, the movie pulled in a $70 million opening weekend, and that’s what you get when the family is back together, baby. The movie, while very much in the world of absurdity that the franchise lives in, is exactly the kind of movie to get audiences back to the movies. It is high action, fun, and easily one of the best action series out there right now. So who wouldn’t want to go celebrate being vaccinated with F9? 

It feels nice to be writing about box office totals and people heading to the movies. For a while, no one knew if the movies would survive the pandemic, yet here we are, and I’m happy that one of the biggest movies ushering us all back in is F9: The Fast Saga. We did it all for Dom Toretto.

(via AV Club, image: Universal Pictures)

Here are some other stories we saw out there today:

Anything we missed, Mary Suevians? Let us know what you saw in the comments below!

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 —The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

The post Things We Saw Today: F9: The Fast Saga Brings in the Box Office Big Bucks first appeared on The Mary Sue.

June 28, 2021

6 Childhood Dynamics That Can Lead To Adult Anxiety

anxiety disorder

Source: FG Trade / Getty

Living with anxiety can often feel, for those who are affected, like tasks and situations that come so easily to others – things that are non- eventful – are such a struggle for them. “I feel like my brain is broken,” is something you might hear a lot from those who struggle with anxiety. They don’t understand why they notice what they notice, and fixate what they fixate on, while it feels like everyone around them just sort of skates through life. The smallest comment from a neighbor or feedback from a boss can leave their mind and body riddled with anxiety for days, interrupting their sleep, and even manifesting in physical ways such as stomach aches and teeth grinding.


The truth is that anxiety disorders rarely come from nowhere. Like many mental disorders dealt with as adults, anxiety comes from – you guessed it – childhood. At least that’s true in many cases. Traumatic experiences in adulthood can certainly lead to anxiety disorders, but for a lot of individuals, persistent and prevalent dynamics from their childhood are to blame. While it can feel futile saying, “This is my parents’ fault,” there can be some peace found in knowing that some situations would give anyone adult anxiety. It’s not just you. Here are childhood dynamics that have been proven to increase the risk of adult anxiety,

anxiety disorder

Source: Georgijevic / Getty

Growing up in financial stress

Those who only face financial stress for the first time as adults might have the mental tools to combat that. Growing up in a stable and financially fruitful home gave them a solid foundation from which they could assess adulthood financial stress. But children who grow up in poverty don’t yet have the mental tools to distance themselves from the associated stress. The bills fall on their parents, sure, but the children internalize the constant stress their parents feel and express surrounding money. According to ScienceDaily, research shows that growing up in poverty increases both stress and feelings of helplessness in adults. A study even found that sons have a 40 percent likelihood of making the same type of income their fathers did, which doesn’t bode well for kids who grew up in poverty, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported. Participants in one study were asked to remember sequences of information. Those who grew up in poverty remembered much less information than the others in the group, showing that growing up in poverty can even impact one’s ability to absorb information.

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