
2019 Essence Festival - Day 3

Source: Josh Brasted / Getty

Coko Clemons of SWV openly spoke about her support and love of her son Jaylon, who is gay, during a Q&A on her YouTube page. When one of her followers asked if it was difficult to accept her son’s sexuality, she explained that it wasn’t a problem,  especially since she knew before he did.

“It was not hard to accept my son’s sexuality at all,” the “I’m So Into You” singer said. “I’m his mother so I mean, I already knew what it was and I was just waiting for him to figure out what it was. And when he came to me and told me I was like ‘You finally figured it out.’”

Clemons continued and said she isn’t judgmental of him because of his sexuality and her love is unconditional regardless.

“But I love my son. He came out of my c****. Why in the world would I not be okay with his sexuality? It is what it is,” she added. “I’m not going to beat him. I’m not going to throw him on the altar. I pray for my kids regardless. I want them to be the best that they can be. So because my youngest son is gay, I don’t dislike him for that. No, that’s my baby. I carried him for eight months and he’s special because I was only in labor for 30 mins. He’s special. I’m not going to dislike him or his sexuality. I pray for him just like I pray for my other son.”

Jaylon Clemons, who will be studying to be a dentist this fall, made a special appearance during the SWV and Xscape Verzuz battle for a duet of “Sunshine ” with his superstar mom.

Watch the full Q&A below.

August 6, 2021

Coko Clemons Opens Up About Accepting Her Son Being Gay

2019 Essence Festival - Day 3

Source: Josh Brasted / Getty

Coko Clemons of SWV openly spoke about her support and love of her son Jaylon, who is gay, during a Q&A on her YouTube page. When one of her followers asked if it was difficult to accept her son’s sexuality, she explained that it wasn’t a problem,  especially since she knew before he did.

“It was not hard to accept my son’s sexuality at all,” the “I’m So Into You” singer said. “I’m his mother so I mean, I already knew what it was and I was just waiting for him to figure out what it was. And when he came to me and told me I was like ‘You finally figured it out.'”

Clemons continued and said she isn’t judgmental of him because of his sexuality and her love is unconditional regardless.

“But I love my son. He came out of my c****. Why in the world would I not be okay with his sexuality? It is what it is,” she added. “I’m not going to beat him. I’m not going to throw him on the altar. I pray for my kids regardless. I want them to be the best that they can be. So because my youngest son is gay, I don’t dislike him for that. No, that’s my baby. I carried him for eight months and he’s special because I was only in labor for 30 mins. He’s special. I’m not going to dislike him or his sexuality. I pray for him just like I pray for my other son.”

Jaylon Clemons, who will be studying to be a dentist this fall, made a special appearance during the SWV and Xscape Verzuz battle for a duet of “Sunshine ” with his superstar mom.

Watch the full Q&A below.

August 6, 2021

The Me You Love in the Dark #1 Review

Writer: Skottie Young / Artist: Jorge Corona / Image

It’s a familiar premise to anyone who has consumed horror media. A young woman looking to start a new life finds the perfect house, but there’s a catch: the house is haunted. Depending on the exact type of the story, the reaction of the protagonist varies, but in the case of The Me You Love in The Dark, Ro is unperturbed by the prospect and moves in with minimal fanfare and sets out trying to be an artist.

If that ain’t some Stephen King type of energy from the get, I’m really not sure how else to described it. Thankfully, the solicit did mention King (and Gaiman) as influences, so at least I’m somewhat on base. The Me You Love in the Dark #1 has all of the hallmarks of a solid start: a solid hook, a likable protagonist, and visually engrossing pages. I am a sucker for content that tackles the creative process and how different artisans and practitioners of their craft attempt to make and use their work as a means to process the world around them. The Me You Love in the Dark #1, outside of having a very long title to type, sets that stage perfectly and lets the genre convention ease us into the story, and Corona’s artwork sell Young’s narrative.

We don’t really get to know Ro Meadows outside of her artist’s block, and she has sequestered herself in this haunted house in order to try and get some work produced. But we don’t really need to know much more than that. The true heart of the narrative doesn’t reveal itself till the end, but Young has laid a very solid foundation for the subsequent ghost story that will play out during the mini-series. Meanwhile, Corona is clearly having a blast bringing the panels to life. The dynamic framing of shots, the muted tones, the underlying menace.

The Me You Love in the Dark #1

I am intrigued by the world that Skottie Young and Jorge Corona have crafted. It’s well constructed, and I will be keeping an eye out. If nothing else, The Me You Love in the Dark #1 is worth leafing through to see if you want to follow Ro as she explores the house.

7.9 “Canvases” out of 10

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The Me You Love in the Dark #1

The post The Me You Love in the Dark #1 Review appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

August 5, 2021

Talking ‘Mr. Corman’ with Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Here at The Nerds of Color, we have been blessed to get very special opportunities to talk to some of the biggest and brightest names in showbiz today. But few come bigger and brighter than Mr. Joseph Gordon-Levitt! I must …

August 5, 2021

Dear Ashley: How Do I Overcome Shyness Around Physical and Oral Sex?

Dear Ashley, a weekly sex column in which Sex Expert Ashley Cobb answers your most intimate questions. Nothing is off-limits!  Have a sex question, Ashley, “Your Favorite Friend In Filth”, has an answer. For questions on sex, email Ashley at


Dear Ashley,

I’m a pretty shy when it comes to sex. I have some past trauma and I sometimes get overwhelmed. I like kink and on rare occasions can be very dominant, but when asked what I like; If there is anything I want to try or what my preferences are, I mostly respond, ‘I don’t know.’ I just go along with the program.

I get flustered and confused when things start heating up. Like–what do I do with my hands, mouth? Blowjobs hurt my mouth; I can take the gagging but the strain it causes my jaw muscles is torture. I’m also afraid of my teeth getting in the way. I don’t know what to do with myself during foreplay. Any advice on sex and shyness?


Shy Girl

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Dear Shy Girl,

I totally get where you are coming from. Believe it or not I use to be very shy when it came to sex and in some ways I still am. Want to know how I overcame my awkwardness? Practice. Everybody can’t be Allen Iverson. Some of us need practice! Not to sound like an afterschool special, but practice really does make perfect. The more you do a thing the better you become at it. Do you masturabate? Masturbation is a great practice to learn your body. Masturbating helps you decipher what feels good, where your hot spots are located and how you like to be touched. I highly recommend starting a masturbation regimen if you haven’t done so already. 

Did you know I used to teach blowjob classes a few years ago? So consider me your blowjob Fairy Godmother. A blowjob hack I’ve learned over the years is to use speech motor exercises to decrease mouth pain during blowjobs. Your mouth and tongue are muscles and muscles can be overworked, so it’s good practice to warm them up before use. Want to hear a secret? Back in the day, I used to practice my blowjob skills on bananas. Bananas are easy to come by. They are penis-shaped and feel flesh-like which makes them the perfect fruit to practice fellatio. Go by your local grocery store and pick up a banana or two and go to work. That way when the real thing comes you won’t be intimidated. 

Also, therapy would be a great benefit. As you hinted, your past traumas may be a contributing factor to your shyness. A trained sex therapist may help you heal your tramuas around sex and give you resources on how to show up more confidently in the bedroom. Websites such as Therapy For Black Girls are a great resource to help locate the right therapist in your area who fits your needs.


Ashley Cobb, is the millennial microphone that brings the conversation of Black women’s pleasure to the forefront. Creator of digital platform Sex With Ashley, her work and words have been featured in Cosmopolitan, Men’s Health, Shape Magazine, Business Insider, and Huffington Post. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter via @sexwithashley


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