
Writer: Pornsak Pichetshote / Artist: Alexandre Tefenkgi / Image

We are back in the thick of it and so is Edison Hark. There was a bit of a reprieve (and I do mean “a bit”, considering the tragedy inherent in Hark’s backstory) in the last issue, but we are back in 1936 where Edison is standing over the body of his adoptive brother Frankie Carroway, and there’s a racist detective on the scene.

I certainly love reading Pichetshote’s words and looking at Tefenkgi’s panels, but it is incredible how much stressed out I managed to get. The Good Asian #6 opens with a film noir fight scene at its finest. Gunfire is exchanged, guns are discarded in favor of the sweet science of fisticuffs, and the protagonist barely manages to win the fight but not without a few wounds, both physical and mental.

The rest of issue deals with Hark on the lam. Given the terrible optics of the situation, he stumbles back in the orbit of his former lover Victoria Carroway, and their reunion is fraught with lots of painful memories and lots of questions of mixed-race relationships in the late 1930’s. It is riveting. Pichetshote expertly goes from period appropriate dialog before shifting gears into more exposition and then into the internal monlogue of Hark. And all of this is happening as Tefenkgi and Loughridge are adeptly crafting brilliant layouts that employ a wide variety of visual cues that make each page an individual joy to parse.

The Good Asian #6

The fight scenes are frenetic and brutal. The romance scenes have a particular air of bittersweet kindness. And the flashbacks that continue to punctuate the main narrative continue to provide salient ethos that accentuates the gravity of everything at hand. Every issue of The Good Asian continues to be elegantly crafted and compelling.

The Good Asian #6 is an excellent start to the back half of the series. All of the cogs are in motion and everything is moving impeccable. This is some of the finest storytelling you can find on the shelves, and the more embroiled in conflict that Edison Hark manages to find himself in, the more invested I become in this phenomenal story.

9.3 “Phone Calls” out of 10

Enjoying The Good Asian? Check out BNP’s other reviews here.

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November 13, 2021

The Good Asian #6 Review

Writer: Pornsak Pichetshote / Artist: Alexandre Tefenkgi / Image

We are back in the thick of it and so is Edison Hark. There was a bit of a reprieve (and I do mean “a bit”, considering the tragedy inherent in Hark’s backstory) in the last issue, but we are back in 1936 where Edison is standing over the body of his adoptive brother Frankie Carroway, and there’s a racist detective on the scene.

I certainly love reading Pichetshote’s words and looking at Tefenkgi’s panels, but it is incredible how much stressed out I managed to get. The Good Asian #6 opens with a film noir fight scene at its finest. Gunfire is exchanged, guns are discarded in favor of the sweet science of fisticuffs, and the protagonist barely manages to win the fight but not without a few wounds, both physical and mental.

The rest of issue deals with Hark on the lam. Given the terrible optics of the situation, he stumbles back in the orbit of his former lover Victoria Carroway, and their reunion is fraught with lots of painful memories and lots of questions of mixed-race relationships in the late 1930’s. It is riveting. Pichetshote expertly goes from period appropriate dialog before shifting gears into more exposition and then into the internal monlogue of Hark. And all of this is happening as Tefenkgi and Loughridge are adeptly crafting brilliant layouts that employ a wide variety of visual cues that make each page an individual joy to parse.

The Good Asian #6

The fight scenes are frenetic and brutal. The romance scenes have a particular air of bittersweet kindness. And the flashbacks that continue to punctuate the main narrative continue to provide salient ethos that accentuates the gravity of everything at hand. Every issue of The Good Asian continues to be elegantly crafted and compelling.

The Good Asian #6 is an excellent start to the back half of the series. All of the cogs are in motion and everything is moving impeccable. This is some of the finest storytelling you can find on the shelves, and the more embroiled in conflict that Edison Hark manages to find himself in, the more invested I become in this phenomenal story.

9.3 “Phone Calls” out of 10

Enjoying The Good Asian? Check out BNP’s other reviews here.

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The post The Good Asian #6 Review appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

November 13, 2021

Static #4: Season One Review

Writer: Vita Ayala / Artists: ChrisCross and Nikolas Draper-Ivey / DC Comics

Static #4 is where it’s at! In this issue, Virgil devises a plan to rescue some of the Bang Babies that have been kidnapped by mysterious governmental agencies.

Last issue, we saw Virgil accepting his new role after gaining his powers. In Static #4, he sets out into the world for the first time as Static, as unapologetic as one could ever imagine. He’s got the confidence, the suit, and the gadgets provided by Curtis Metcalf. This may not be your older brother’s Static, but it’s Static through and through. 

My favorite scene from this issue followed Virgil’s parents protecting him from A.T.F. agents who showed up on their doorstep to “help” Virgil. Knowing their full rights, the Hawkins parents turned them away, sparing Virgil…at least for the time being. 

Static #4

The part that spoke to me the most was that even after he was spared, Virgil still feels the call to action. He knows there are others who didn’t have someone there to stand in front of them and protect them the way his parents were able to do for him. So using his privilege, this was the last step he needed to truly embrace his identity as Static. He’s a hero for the underrepresented, the forgotten, and the lost. Because of his background, not in spite of it. It’s incredible storytelling. 

I love how we’re really getting immersed in this world and how the characters are put first over everything else. It makes for a read full of substance. When this book started, I didn’t think we’d be four issues in before we saw Static in his suit. But here we are, and I think it’s all the better for it. This is an origin story, and while we know a lot about the character already, Ayala and Co. are reimagining him for a new generation. In order to do that right, the work has to be respected. You can’t cut corners. And I appreciate them so much for taking it as seriously as they do.

This is one of the most consistent books on the shelves, and it’s all because of the frontloaded work. 

10 Fire Jackets out of 10

Enjoying Static? Check out BNP’s other reviews here.

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Static #4

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November 12, 2021

‘Hulking & Wiccan Infinity Comic #1’ Review

Writer: Josh Trujillo / Artist: Jodi Nishijima / Marvel

Hands down, Hulking and Wiccan are the best couple in the Marvel Universe. You can fight me on this with all your might, and I still won’t back down. Their love is so pure that I’m so happy that Marvel is giving it a space to shine. In this new digital-only series, writer Josh Trujillo and artist Jodi Nishijima get to explore the life of Teddy (Hulking) and Billy (Wiccan) since marriage. Hulking & Wiccan Infinity Comic #1 is off to a great start as it highlights just what makes this couple so beautiful, and the trials and tribulations that come with their new lives.

It’s fair to say that since Marvel’s mega-event, Empyre, the lives of the two former Young Avengers have been turned upside down. Teddy now stands as the Emperor of the Kree-Skrull alliance with Billy by his side as his husband. Out in the cosmos of space, the two are getting accustomed to married life. A life that the two fought hard to have together. We quickly learn that Teddy being the head of possibly the biggest empire not only weighs heavy on his shoulders but on their marriage as well.

Hulking & Wiccan #1

What I appreciate about this book is it gives us a minute to see how adorable Teddy and Billy are before jumping into the drama and shenanigans. The opening panels of Hulking & Wiccan Infinity Comic #1 are just pure marital bliss, lovingly drawn by artist Jodi Nishijima. They are intimate, magical, and a beautiful entrance for the pair showcasing how in love they are with one another. Of course, this is before they entertain a few guests who do that annoying thing that all people do to new married couples – question the stability of their marriage.

It’s here that both Teddy and Billy really put into perspective how their marriage is exactly going to work. Despite doubt seeping into the pair, you never really get the sense that their relationship is in danger. Even when we get into the true premise of the book and magic seeks to test their relationship (in a fun way), you still have faith that the two of them are going to pull through this trial. With that in mind, I’m going to be sticking with Hulking & Wiccan, because their love is a beautiful thing to watch.

9 Magical Mobile Games out of 10

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November 12, 2021

Stepdad Disney Ad; Walter Mosley’s The Thing; More Eternals (Blade?); One Piece Live Action @Netflix; HBCUs Comeback? (We’ve Been Here Years!); Anime @Netflix; Image Comics vs Unionization & More-The Mid Week in Review Airs WED 8pm EST

Afronerd Radio can now be heard LIVE courtesy of Apple Music/Itunes

Ok people, let's get ready! Welcome to the umpteenth edition of Afronerd Radio's Mid Week in Review airing this Wednesday at 8 p.m. eastern on BTalk 100.  The topics that are up for grabs this evening are as follows: Disney has a new animated holiday ad entitled, Stepdad, centering a Black (step)father being the patriarch to a new family.  The ad also features the vocal jazz stylings of the great Greg Porter but some on social media are critiquing the ad for a number of reasons.  Per usual we will discuss;



Legendary novelist, Walter Mosley (Devil in a Blue Dress, Gone Fishin', Maximum Fantastic Four) is retreading his sci-fi and afro-futurist roots with his first standalone Marvel comic, The Thing;  perhaps a few more thoughts about last week's premiere of The Eternals including thoughts about a voiceover featured during on the mid-credits revelation; more thoughts and musings about the beloved and longstanding One Piece anime/manga series receiving the live-action treatment courtesy of Netflix;     

Dburt being a proud HBCU graduate (Go Hampton Pirates!), was bewildered by an article from The Root proclaiming that Black colleges/universities are having a renaissance or a "comeback."   Did they ever leave?....they've been here for years!; and since we're talking about One Piece, perhaps we have to acknowledge all of the upcoming anime IPs scheduled to appear on Netflix in the near future. And lastly, if time permits, we must address Image Comics versus the pursuit for unionization with CB workers.

One thing that Dburt is doing (finally) is investing in cryptocurrency, courtesy of Roundlyx. We would implore our followers to investigate, discern and then explore by using our referral code: afro-87A4BF


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Also, Afronerd Radio's podcast format can be heard via BTalk 100 PandoraSpotify and,  IHeartRadio....more formats to follow!

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