

Afronerd Radio can now be heard LIVE courtesy of Apple Music/Itunes

Let’s go, folks!   Check out the latest episode of Afronerd Radio’s Mid Week in Review show airing every Wednesday at 8 p.m. eastern on BTalk 100.  Listen to your cosmic-irradiated AFROnerdist hosts deliberate on the following topics:  well, the big news this week centers on social media/tech giant, Facebook, being brought to task by whistleblower Frances Haugen, testifying before Congress. Haugen, a former data scientist with Facebook alleged that the company harms children and foments political discord for the sake of profit:



And just when Facebook is going through its issues, the IATSE International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees) voted to approve strike authorization, giving the union president the ability to halt TV and film production nationwide;  and yet there’s another streaming platform to distract Dburt’s attention-Kino Lorber, Inc, the film distribution company, is now branching into streaming but specific to cult movies and its free.; and in more tech meets greed news, the Pandora Papers were leaked providing further evidence that the wealthy hide money and the Illuminati is very real.  Oh and that no one will probably go to jail because it’s legal to evade taxes when one is in a certain “tax bracket” (there isn’t a bracket, apparently);        

Noted children’s book illustrator and cartoonist, Jerry Craft got caught up in a CRT (Critical Race Theory) controversy unbeknownst to the author himself pertaining to his latest books, New Kid and Class ActDave Chappelle’s new comedy special is available on Netflix and Dburt has some thoughts; And lastly, our final analyses regarding the close of S1 for Disney+’s What…..if? series.

One thing that Dburt is doing (finally) is investing in cryptocurrency, courtesy of Roundlyx. We would implore our followers to investigate, discern and then explore by using our referral code: afro-87A4BF


or This link below…..

Also, Afronerd Radio’s podcast format can be heard via BTalk 100 PandoraSpotify and,  IHeartRadio….more formats to follow!

October 7, 2021

Facebook Outed?; TV & Film Production Workers Are Striking; Kino Cult Streaming Service; Pandora Papers; Jerry Craft Book Visit Canceled Over CRT?; Dave Chappelle’s The Closer; What… If? Season Finale-Mid Week in Review Airs WED, 8pm EST


Afronerd Radio can now be heard LIVE courtesy of Apple Music/Itunes

Let's go, folks!   Check out the latest episode of Afronerd Radio's Mid Week in Review show airing every Wednesday at 8 p.m. eastern on BTalk 100.  Listen to your cosmic-irradiated AFROnerdist hosts deliberate on the following topics:  well, the big news this week centers on social media/tech giant, Facebook, being brought to task by whistleblower Frances Haugen, testifying before Congress. Haugen, a former data scientist with Facebook alleged that the company harms children and foments political discord for the sake of profit:



And just when Facebook is going through its issues, the IATSE International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees) voted to approve strike authorization, giving the union president the ability to halt TV and film production nationwide;  and yet there's another streaming platform to distract Dburt's attention-Kino Lorber, Inc, the film distribution company, is now branching into streaming but specific to cult movies and its free.; and in more tech meets greed news, the Pandora Papers were leaked providing further evidence that the wealthy hide money and the Illuminati is very real.  Oh and that no one will probably go to jail because it's legal to evade taxes when one is in a certain "tax bracket" (there isn't a bracket, apparently);        

Noted children's book illustrator and cartoonist, Jerry Craft got caught up in a CRT (Critical Race Theory) controversy unbeknownst to the author himself pertaining to his latest books, New Kid and Class ActDave Chappelle's new comedy special is available on Netflix and Dburt has some thoughts; And lastly, our final analyses regarding the close of S1 for Disney+'s What.....if? series.

One thing that Dburt is doing (finally) is investing in cryptocurrency, courtesy of Roundlyx. We would implore our followers to investigate, discern and then explore by using our referral code: afro-87A4BF


or This link below.....

Also, Afronerd Radio's podcast format can be heard via BTalk 100 PandoraSpotify and,  IHeartRadio....more formats to follow!

October 7, 2021

WANDAVISION’s Halloween Costumes Get Collectible Statues

One of the coolest moments in WandaVision for Marvel Comics fans came during the Halloween episodes. In those chapters, Wanda Maximoff and Vision wore homemade versions of what fans know to be their superhero outfits from the comics. Longtime Avengers fans squealed with glee seeing Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany in their classic costumes at last. Even if those costumes were a little more DIY than we imagined them.

Now, fans can immortalize this classic WandaVision moment with a pair of high end 1/10 statues from Iron Studios. You can check out images of these detailed collectibles right here:

WandaVision Wanda Halloween statue from Iron Studios.

Iron Studios 

The Scarlet Witch 1/1o scale statue features Wanda dressed in her comic book Scarlet Witch look, wearing a leotard and boots with red gloves and a cape. The statue captures the moment we see Wanda walking down the stairs of her home in suburban Westview. Ready to celebrate, she describes her costume to her family as a “Sokovian Fortune Teller.” You can pre-order the Wanda Halloween Version statue for $139.00 by clicking here. It ships between July and September 2022.

WandaVision Vision Halloween statue from Iron Studios.

Iron Studios 

Just like Wanda, Westview’s resident synthezoid/dad is wearing a costume similar to his comics incarnation. Only described by Iron Studios as follows: “with most characteristics of cosplay, in a more laid-back way, with sports shorts, sneakers, and yellow socks.” At one point, Vision even compares the ensemble to that of a Mexican wrestler. And we really can’t disagree. The Halloween Vision 1/1o scale statue is also up for pre-order. He’ll set you back $139.00 and has the same shipping window as the Scarlet Witch figure.

Wanda and Vision's Halloween costume statues from Iron Studios.

Iron Studios 

No word yet on if Pietro/Quicksilver (“Fietro”), Billy, and Tommy will get the statue treatment. But we’d love to see the entire WandaVision Halloween versions come out in statue format. To check out more Marvel statues, head on over to the Iron Studios website.

The post WANDAVISION’s Halloween Costumes Get Collectible Statues appeared first on Nerdist.

October 4, 2021

William Shatner to Ride to Space on Jeff Bezos’ Rocket

William Shatner as Jim Kirk in Star Trek

Do you ever think about how William Shatner made a career while being a captain of the USS Enterprise but had never been to space? Well, that’s about to change! That’s right, Captain Kirk is going to space. Why? Because rich people have nothing better to do with their time than waste money on things like this when everyone else just watches it happen while struggling to survive.

Joining the vice president of mission & flight operations of Blue Origin, Audrey Powers, Shatner will be launched into space on October 12, and honestly, this just feels like a mistake, but if Captain Kirk wants to see space, go ahead and spend the money, I guess.

“I’ve heard about space for a long time now. I’m taking the opportunity to see it for myself. What a miracle,” Shatner said in a press release. I suppose he’s referring to his long-running stint as Captain Kirk through three seasons of Star Trek and into the subsequent film franchise.

Twitter is … well, they’re making fun of this.

As one tweet says, this is what happens when nerds have too much money. I can just imagine Bezos sitting there and thinking, “Huh, it’d be so funny if Captain Kirk came to space on Blue Origin” and then contacted William Shatner. I just fear that Bezos attempted to contact Harrison Ford only to be met with an angry Ford on the other line screaming at him about his nonsense. Honestly, that’d I’d rather see that than Shatner going to space for 5 seconds and selling it as a Star Trek miracle for the next twenty years.

Anyway, sorry to my brother, who will probably read this because he loves William Shatner a lot, but there’s a reason I like Chris Pine as James T. Kirk more than Shatner …

(image: CBS)

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The post William Shatner to Ride to Space on Jeff Bezos’ Rocket first appeared on The Mary Sue.

October 4, 2021

Insects Flying in Slow Motion Reveal a Gross Kind of Beauty

When people think of bugs they generally think of gross pests that need to be kept at a distance. The farther away, the better. But insects, especially flying ones, have a strange, gross beauty to them upon close inspection. Dr. Adrian Smith, the Head of the Evolutionary Biology & Behavior Research Lab at North Carolina’s Museum of Natural Sciences, shows us that unique aesthetic in a new slow-mo video of flying insects.

Laughing Squid picked up on Smith’s video, which is one of many on the YouTube channel, Ant Lab. Smith hosts the videos on the channel, and his soothing voice matches the featured insects flying in slow motion perfectly. (Really, though, have you ever felt more soothed after watching a bunch of bugs fly around?)

Two tiny mantisfly bugs using their filmy wings to take flight in front of a turqoise-paper background.

Ant Lab

In this new video Smith shows off 15 different types of flying insect species. The insects include everything from the Carolina Mantis to the ambrosia beetle, and they’re each mesmerizing to watch in their own right. Especially at 6,000 frames per second; a speed that perfectly reveals how their tissue paper wings grab hold of the air to carry them away.

It’s hard to pick which flying insect takes the trophy for cleanest takeoff, but each one has its own slightly ridiculous method. Smith notes, for example, that many weevils use a “tripod” method for takeoff. Using this style, the bugs ready themselves with their middle legs up, their back legs down, and one front leg raised. They then proceed to leap into the air like the Karate Kid walloping somebody with a Crane kick.

Two insects take off in slow-motion in front of a turquiose-paper background.

Ant Lab

Unfortunately, even fascinating, beautiful grossness is… still pretty gross. About half way through the video Smith shows how mites like to attach themselves to flying insects in order to travel from place to place. A phenomenon that’s very intriguing but also makes us want to wash our eyes out with hand sanitizer.

The post Insects Flying in Slow Motion Reveal a Gross Kind of Beauty appeared first on Nerdist.

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