
Hi everyone! Today I want to discuss the tomorrow’s game between the Dallas Cowboys and the New Orleans Saints. This game will be played in New Orleans. The Cowboys head coach Mike McCarthy has tested positive for Covid-19. But the Cowboys wide receiver Amari Cooper has been activated off the Covid list and will likely play tomorrow. The Saints may have some key players out for tomorrow as the running back Alvin Kamara is questionable for the game. So, let’s get started, shall we?!

So, the Cowboys and the Saints are coming off with their losses last week on Thanksgiving week. I think this is going to be a really good game. The Cowboys are 7-4 and the Saints are 5-6 on the season. Both of these teams are fighting for their playoff spots as the season is heading towards the end. Both of these teams need a win tomorrow especially the Cowboys. The Cowboys have to win this game so that they can keep up with the potential playoff teams such as the Cardinals, Falcons, Packers, Buccaneers, and even the 49ers and the Washington Football Team. Also including the Vikings, Panthers, Eagles, and the Saints. The Saints also need to win this game to show everyone that they can make the playoffs as well. So, I think the Dallas Cowboys will beat the Saints in a close game 26-19. I think the Cowboys will do just enough to come away with the win over the Saints.

So, what do you guys think about the Thursday Night Football Game?! I would love to hear lots of comments, thoughts, opinions, questions, or concerns down below!

Stay tuned for NFL updates.

The post Tomorrow Night’s Football Game Prediction and Pick! appeared first on The Nerd Element.

December 2, 2021

Tomorrow Night’s Football Game Prediction and Pick!

Hi everyone! Today I want to discuss the tomorrow’s game between the Dallas Cowboys and the New Orleans Saints. This game will be played in New Orleans. The Cowboys head coach Mike McCarthy has tested positive for Covid-19. But the Cowboys wide receiver Amari Cooper has been activated off the Covid list and will likely play tomorrow. The Saints may have some key players out for tomorrow as the running back Alvin Kamara is questionable for the game. So, let’s get started, shall we?!

So, the Cowboys and the Saints are coming off with their losses last week on Thanksgiving week. I think this is going to be a really good game. The Cowboys are 7-4 and the Saints are 5-6 on the season. Both of these teams are fighting for their playoff spots as the season is heading towards the end. Both of these teams need a win tomorrow especially the Cowboys. The Cowboys have to win this game so that they can keep up with the potential playoff teams such as the Cardinals, Falcons, Packers, Buccaneers, and even the 49ers and the Washington Football Team. Also including the Vikings, Panthers, Eagles, and the Saints. The Saints also need to win this game to show everyone that they can make the playoffs as well. So, I think the Dallas Cowboys will beat the Saints in a close game 26-19. I think the Cowboys will do just enough to come away with the win over the Saints.

So, what do you guys think about the Thursday Night Football Game?! I would love to hear lots of comments, thoughts, opinions, questions, or concerns down below!

Stay tuned for NFL updates.

The post Tomorrow Night’s Football Game Prediction and Pick! appeared first on The Nerd Element.

December 1, 2021

House of Slaughter #2 Review

Writer: Tate Brombal (story with James Tynion IV) / Artist: Chris Shehan / Boom! Studios

From everything that we know, we know that Aaron and Jace probably aren’t getting a happy ending. And if they do somehow manage to get one, it will come at a considerable cost and will still be bittersweet. As the saying goes, those who hunt monsters must take care not to become monsters themselves, and House of Slaughter walks us through exactly what it takes to become a “Slaughter” in truly stunning fashion.

House of Slaughter #2 opens with Aaron confronting Jace, which in turns causes a cascade of memories to their days at the titular location. Brombal writes the two central characters with such care. He does a really fantastic job of showing how these two bonded and how that bond informed so many of their actions going forward. Furthermore, while there are several moments of tenderness in the comic, there are just as many gut-wrenching instances of true horror that Shehan capitalizes on.

The nonlinear storytelling of the issues works in the creative teams favor as it allows for a natural unveiling of certain details and connections between incidents. The story feels like an actual memory. One thought leads to another leads to another, and suddenly you have traversed several planes of your mind, and there is a sense of unnerving ethereal-ness. Starting with the confrontation of Aaron and Jace and then reconstructing the first real moment of connection and schism is such wonderful narrative construction.

House of Slaughter #2

Brombal loves these characters but does not shy away from putting them through an absolute wringer of emotions, all while deftly expanding on the different elements of Tynion IV’s Something is Killing the Children-verse. Seeing the ceremony and ritual from this perspective continues to flesh out the world and keeps you anchored to the chilling narrative. And Shehan does a spectacular job of matching that tone with the stunning visuals that pivot between kind and visceral.

I want more. I want the rest of the mini-series to be out already. House of Slaughter is shaping up to be a stellar contribution to the mainline series and an equally stellar stand-alone entity that tells the enthralling tale of Jace and Aaron. I am 100% onboard and ready for the next chapter.

9.4 “Totems” out of 10

Enjoying House of Slaughter? Check out BNP’s other reviews here.

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House of Slaughter #2

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December 1, 2021

Hulk #1 Review

Writer: Donny Cates / Artist: Ryan Ottley / Marvel

It’s an understatement to say that any follow-up to Al Ewing’s immaculate Immortal Hulk series has a tall task. Still, the job needs to be done and if anyone can bring wild ideas to a comic book, it’s usually in good hands with Donny Cates. Cates and Ryan Ottley lead this new run on Hulk, offering up some pretty interesting ideas and nonstop action. Hulk #1 is promising. This new start to the Hulk sets up an intriguing look at the dynamic between Banner and Hulk’s relationship and his place in the Marvel universe. Let me tell you, it’s a hell of a concept.

We’ve seen many versions of the Hulk – as a hero, with Banner’s intelligence, as an agent of vengeance, and so on and so forth. But what about Banner? He’s usually the tortured soul trapped in his own body. His condition as the Hulk often overshadows that he’s one of the top minds in Marvel. Now, we’re seeing Banner that’s just as angry as the Hulk and in full control. He’s using that intelligence to trap the Hulk in his mind and use the Hulk’s body as he sees fit.

Hulk #1

It’s a story that asks the question – What if Bruce Banner was the villain? This book is all rage and fury and Banner like we haven’t really seen before. I like it. Sure, Banner has been determined before and used the Hulk as a weapon but now, he’s angry in a way that he’s lashing out. A sharp contrast to the meek version of the character who just wants his nightmare to end. Cates and Ottley have made Banner downright ruthless, and it’s scary. 

So scary that the rest of the Marvel heroes have taken notice. The worst part is that nobody knows what he wants. One thing that I’ll say that this issue makes apparent is that Bruce Banner can do anything on this Earth without the Avengers questioning his every action. It’s sad how little faith or trust they are willing to have in Bruce and the Hulk. I hope that distrust is addressed sometime down the line.

Hulk #1 is a winner. Cates is looking to explore a side of Bruce Banner we haven’t seen before. Meanwhile, Ottley delivers with bombastic visuals and a detailed look at the new state of Bruce Banner’s mind. I’m looking forward to seeing how Ottley illustrates what the inside of Bruce’s mind palace looks like. This might sound strange but what works best about Cates and Ottley’s opening Hulk issue is that it largely ignores what’s come before. It doesn’t pretend that the events of Immortal Hulk didn’t happen, but it moves on from them, not letting its narrative be shackled to it. There’s no point. Instead, it focuses on setting up the new status quo of Banner and the Hulk, giving readers something they want to come back to. 

8.5 Broken Hulk Busters out of 10

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Hulk #1

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December 1, 2021

‘Magic: Master of Metal #1’ Review

Writer: Mairghread Scott / Artist: French Carlomango, Jorge Coelho, Jacques Salomon, Francesco Segala / Boom! Studios

One of the first long pieces of fiction I ever read was the novelization of Magic: The Gathering’s Ice Age. It centered around Jodah, Archmage Eternal, a character who didn’t make it into cardboard until many years later, but the point stands that I do owe a nontrivial part of my love of speculative fiction to Magic, and I’ve been digging the recent comic additions to the universe. As such, the latest Master of Metal one-shot definitely spoke to me.

Tezzeret, the planeswalker artificer from Esper, is mechanically and thematically one of my favorite characters. Ambitious and adept at both social and actual engineering, he is a brilliant antagonist who has met his foes directly and indirectly, and any sort of insight into his character is always welcome in my book.

Master of Metal is a collection of four, interconnected one-shots that showcase different aspects of the character. Mairghread Scott does a fantastic job of writing a perfectly sinister and charming tone for Tezzeret and puts him through a veritable gamut of situations. We get a little bit of backstory, a little bit of long-term scheming, a little tinkering, and a little bit of a lot of the future conflicts to come. It’s a fun read that covers a lot ground in the 40-pages, maybe to the point where I would have enjoyed having it to be a two-parter to give it a little room to breathe, but regardless, Scott captured what makes the character and the universe so interesting.

Magic: Master of Metal #1

Big props need to allocated to Francesco Segala, who helped unified the coloring of the three artists. All of the illustrations from Carlomango, Coelho, and Salomon were visually delightful, but it was Segala who helped ensure a standardized style that welded the story together. Like with the other Magic comic, the artists have a lot of fascinating set pieces to work with, and they make use of the different fantasy elements in the sandbox.

Master of Metal manages to walk a fine line of being an independent story that also has clear ties to the mainline universe. It is a fun and welcome read and makes for a great villainous story that vest our interest in the world. If you like the character, you can pick this up and enjoy getting some glimpses into Tezzeret being Tezzeret, and if you like the world, you’ll be very happy with all the different elements and callbacks in play. Magic comics continue to fill a neat little niche in my week to week reading, and I hope if you have a passing interest, you support the multiverse.

8.8 “Simulacrums” out of 10

Enjoying Magic? Check out BNP’s other reviews here.

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Magic: Master of Metal #1

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