
Up and coming actress Arischa Conner has proven that age and the starting point of one’s career do not determine an individual’s success. No matter what age or experience level an actor may be, it’s never too late to gain a prosperous future in the industry. 

Conner has expanded her success recently by taking on roles in Hulu’s Dopesick and Apple+’s Swagger. Playing dynamic characters in both works, the actor showed her range and talent as she portrayed characters who were central to the show’s plot. Recently via video interview, Conner spoke out on fighting ageism and her ability to play dynamic characters for roles that tell a true story. 

How does it feel to be part of a series like Dopesick where the plot has such an integral message of the crisis currently going on in this country?

It feels amazing to be a part of such a great story and also a great representation of what really happened during the opioid crisis. Previously, I was in a documentary theater piece called Misery Is Optional. We talked about the 40 people who were in active recovery from drugs and alcohol. I portrayed eight different characters. I was able to actually meet those people. To be able to tell their stories and actually meet them on the recovery side was amazing. So when I got the opportunity to audition for Dopesick I was overjoyed because I had already been intertwined with some of the struggles of addiction and I understood what it meant to be Dopesick. I also understood that it does something to your brain. A lot of people don’t know that story from that perspective. 

What do you hope that people take away from this series?

Number one, a lot of those persons who got addicted to the drugs didn’t get addicted because they were seeking to get addicted. It was because the pharmaceutical company misled their pharmaceutical techs, they misled the doctors, they misled everybody into thinking that this drug was less than one percent addictive. So when doctors were prescribed this drug, they were trying to help their patients. Some of those patients got addicted because it was just such a highly addictive drug, so in a lot of those cases it wasn’t their fault. A lot of people don’t understand that addiction does something to your brain that changes how you think and makes you feel like, “I need these drugs, I can’t survive without them.” Even for those persons who go into recovery, it takes time for that part of your brain to heal. So I think that, from an educational standpoint, the story is timely. It just educates people on what it is, how it is, what happened. It gives them a better understanding instead of just thinking that addiction is the fault of those persons who are addicted. 

What was your experience like in Swagger?

Swagger, it was amazing. All of the experiences are amazing. What was great about that is it was actually my first co-star role on a network. Swagger was my first and Dopesick was my second. When I auditioned for Swagger, it was right at the beginning of the pandemic. As I was doing my audition and sending these messages that Apocalypse Anne says, I visualized myself talking to my students. Those are kids who I love, who I had a bond with, and I knew I wasn’t going to see them anymore. I knew that they were going through something. It was therapeutic to me because I felt like every time I was speaking, I was speaking to them. It was an amazing opportunity and an amazing experience.

You’ve proven that age does not determine success. How do you think that we can combat ageism in the entertainment industry?

Number one, people who are older have to realize that just because you’re older it doesn’t mean that you can’t be successful in whatever realm you decide you want to go into at a later age. I’m reminded of Dorothy Steel, who was in Black Panther. She didn’t start acting until she was in her 80s. Every production needs people. They need people of different races, of different heights and builds. They need those people to fill those spaces. I think that everything is opening up from a production standpoint. They’re realizing, “Hey, we can use these persons.” There are so many stories out there being told and so many different streaming services are able to tell them that it’s opening up for older people. 

You have a great range of work from Dopesick to Swagger, to Another Tango. How do you prepare yourself for taking on such a range when it comes to roles?

I think of characters like we’re all a connected community — we’re one big community, just in different places speaking in different languages. Because we’re all connected, whenever there’s a character before you, there’s something in that character that you can connect to. 

Can you talk a little bit about any upcoming roles or what you’d like to pursue? I heard that you’re a fan of Guardians of the Galaxy.

I would love to be in Guardians of the Galaxy. I love superhero movies, I love action, and I would love to see them have somebody who is like me. I do have a couple of projects coming out. One is called Players; it’s going to be on Paramount+. I’ll be portraying the lead character’s mother. Another one is The Last Days of Ptolemy Gray, which is based on a book by Walter Mosley. Samuel Jackson plays the lead role. It’s a wonderful story. I’m just looking forward to more great stories to tell. 

Dopesick is now available on Hulu. Swagger is available for viewing on Apple+.

January 6, 2022

Arischa Conner Defies Ageism in Entertainment by Taking on Complex Roles

Up and coming actress Arischa Conner has proven that age and the starting point of one’s career do not determine an individual’s success. No matter what age or experience level an actor may be, it’s never too late to gain a prosperous future in the industry. 

Conner has expanded her success recently by taking on roles in Hulu’s Dopesick and Apple+’s Swagger. Playing dynamic characters in both works, the actor showed her range and talent as she portrayed characters who were central to the show’s plot. Recently via video interview, Conner spoke out on fighting ageism and her ability to play dynamic characters for roles that tell a true story. 

How does it feel to be part of a series like Dopesick where the plot has such an integral message of the crisis currently going on in this country?

It feels amazing to be a part of such a great story and also a great representation of what really happened during the opioid crisis. Previously, I was in a documentary theater piece called Misery Is Optional. We talked about the 40 people who were in active recovery from drugs and alcohol. I portrayed eight different characters. I was able to actually meet those people. To be able to tell their stories and actually meet them on the recovery side was amazing. So when I got the opportunity to audition for Dopesick I was overjoyed because I had already been intertwined with some of the struggles of addiction and I understood what it meant to be Dopesick. I also understood that it does something to your brain. A lot of people don’t know that story from that perspective. 

What do you hope that people take away from this series?

Number one, a lot of those persons who got addicted to the drugs didn’t get addicted because they were seeking to get addicted. It was because the pharmaceutical company misled their pharmaceutical techs, they misled the doctors, they misled everybody into thinking that this drug was less than one percent addictive. So when doctors were prescribed this drug, they were trying to help their patients. Some of those patients got addicted because it was just such a highly addictive drug, so in a lot of those cases it wasn’t their fault. A lot of people don’t understand that addiction does something to your brain that changes how you think and makes you feel like, “I need these drugs, I can’t survive without them.” Even for those persons who go into recovery, it takes time for that part of your brain to heal. So I think that, from an educational standpoint, the story is timely. It just educates people on what it is, how it is, what happened. It gives them a better understanding instead of just thinking that addiction is the fault of those persons who are addicted. 

What was your experience like in Swagger?

Swagger, it was amazing. All of the experiences are amazing. What was great about that is it was actually my first co-star role on a network. Swagger was my first and Dopesick was my second. When I auditioned for Swagger, it was right at the beginning of the pandemic. As I was doing my audition and sending these messages that Apocalypse Anne says, I visualized myself talking to my students. Those are kids who I love, who I had a bond with, and I knew I wasn’t going to see them anymore. I knew that they were going through something. It was therapeutic to me because I felt like every time I was speaking, I was speaking to them. It was an amazing opportunity and an amazing experience.

You’ve proven that age does not determine success. How do you think that we can combat ageism in the entertainment industry?

Number one, people who are older have to realize that just because you’re older it doesn’t mean that you can’t be successful in whatever realm you decide you want to go into at a later age. I’m reminded of Dorothy Steel, who was in Black Panther. She didn’t start acting until she was in her 80s. Every production needs people. They need people of different races, of different heights and builds. They need those people to fill those spaces. I think that everything is opening up from a production standpoint. They’re realizing, “Hey, we can use these persons.” There are so many stories out there being told and so many different streaming services are able to tell them that it’s opening up for older people. 

You have a great range of work from Dopesick to Swagger, to Another Tango. How do you prepare yourself for taking on such a range when it comes to roles?

I think of characters like we’re all a connected community — we’re one big community, just in different places speaking in different languages. Because we’re all connected, whenever there’s a character before you, there’s something in that character that you can connect to. 

Can you talk a little bit about any upcoming roles or what you’d like to pursue? I heard that you’re a fan of Guardians of the Galaxy.

I would love to be in Guardians of the Galaxy. I love superhero movies, I love action, and I would love to see them have somebody who is like me. I do have a couple of projects coming out. One is called Players; it’s going to be on Paramount+. I’ll be portraying the lead character’s mother. Another one is The Last Days of Ptolemy Gray, which is based on a book by Walter Mosley. Samuel Jackson plays the lead role. It’s a wonderful story. I’m just looking forward to more great stories to tell. 

Dopesick is now available on Hulu. Swagger is available for viewing on Apple+.

January 6, 2022

Best Animal Crossing Plushies: Isabelle, K.K. Slider, & More

Check out this list of all your favorite Animal Crossing friends, like Isabelle and K.K. Slider, in plushie form!

K.K. Slider Plushie Pillow Toy Front photo

Soft, cuddly, and warm (and sometimes fuzzy!), plushies are honestly the best of all worlds. That’s why today we’re talking about combining that joy with the long beloved game Animal Crossing! Now this wasn’t easy, and don’t be upset if you don’t see your favorite villager—a lot of us might be feeling that slight disappointment—I know it hurts. But I hope you find something you might be able to bring home for your little ones, maybe even yourself too. It doesn’t matter if you collect or simply find them cute. Plushies are for everyone!  Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

Love cute animals as much as we do? Take a look at our list of Pokémon toys, figures, and plushies!

Official Animal Crossing Plushies

Tom Nook Plush Pillow photo

Tom Nook

Adulting is hard, so word of advice. Don’t hop on a train without enough bells! Sounds reasonable but you’d be surprised. But hey don’t take my advice and face the wrath of his cold dead stare. When the concept of OG’s comes to mind, it’s none other than the bell hungry tanuki himself. 

Isabelle Plushie Toy photo


“Hello, Mayor!” I kind of miss that sometimes. Since her debut in New Leaf, Isabelle has truly grown. That’s amazing for her but sometimes I miss her helping me night and day to make the town great. Weirdly enough now she seems to get all the credit for my hard work. Not being shady but I think that spot in Smash Bros went to her head.

Blathers Plushie Toy photo


When your museum is almost complete and you keep getting duplicate fossils, don’t you want to just SQUEEZE Blathers! Especially when he offers for the fossils just to say he shouldn’t, like sir please, just take them. Maybe because I’m so curious to see this personal collection you always mention.

Celeste Plushie Toy photo


She’s a rare treat, only seen when the stars come out at night. She shines and admires each constellation, warming our hearts and giving away new DIY’s. Celeste has always been a gem which is why I’m sad I don’t see her often. But with this plush, you can admire the stars with her every night. 

Rover Plush Toy photo


Speaking of another OG, you have the lovable creeper himself. No offense to him, but he wants to know everything, and sir I’m just riding a train! But not gonna lie, I wonder how many secrets lie behind those eyes. Rover doesn’t really get his credit. Without him I might have never gone into debt with Tom…Wait.

K.K. Slider Plush Pillow Toy photo

K.K. Slider

You cannot tell me Bubblegum was not a bop! Did you blast it each day, or did another K.K hit catch your ear. Really doesn’t matter what song you love, the talent he possesses is unmatched! But nothing will ever feel as magical as that first performance as the credits roll around us. Hold this star close, you’re not gonna want him to get away.

Flick Plushie Toy photo


Next we have the adorably bug-obsessed blessing that is Flick. Till him, I would sell my bugs without much of a thought. Bells are bells and bridges don’t build themselves! But now I’ll gladly have a room in my house loaded with bugs on display just to see the look of joy on Flick’s face.

Reese plushie Toy photo


Since I got into Animal Crossing pretty late, New Leaf was my first introduction to the series. When I tell you the highlight of my day was running to Reese’s shop to see her give me so many bells for the bare minimum. Made my heart melt! Which is why I miss her so much in New Horizons. So I happily bought this to remember her. Tho a sleeping Cyrus would be perfect too. 

Timmy & Tommy Plushie Toys photo

Timmy & Tommy

They’re not Reese, but they are just as cute. Looking at these brought me back to the days of building the Cranny and watching the island evolve over time. I know these two work for Tom but to me the Cranny is theirs, and I love walking in to see them greet me each time. I’d take them home just to make them feel as welcome as they make me feel in their store.

Brewster Plushie Toy photo


Making his return since his last appearance in New Leaf, Brewster has finally returned! Of course bringing a premium blend of flavors with him. Making his return a few short weeks ago, it’ll be nice to stop by and enjoy a cup or two. Hopefully I don’t get all  jittery!

Marshal Plushie Toy photo


After the weeks I watched my sister searching for this cutie, it’d be a disservice to her to not include her favorite villager. I mean look at him, he’s an adorable squirrel that really stole fans hearts and much like other fan favorites became an absolute must to find. With this, I think it’ll bring as much joy as finally inviting him to stay on your island. 

Animal Crossing Leaf Plushie Pillow photo

Animal Crossing Leaf

You ever shake a tree and feel so relieved that a wasp nest didn’t just come crashing down by your head. Every time I shake a tree, I hold on for dear life. When I’m surprised with a sweet little leaf, I smile because the excitement of a new item never dies. Also, when shaking trees never forget your net!

Raymond Plushie Toy photo


As a fan favorite, it’s no surprise Raymond has his own official plush. Everyone’s favorite villager with heterochromia is as dapper as they come. It’s easy to see why his personality is listed as Smug. I’d be smug too, looking that sharp all the time.

Gulliver Plushie Toy photo


Wake up. C’mon, Gulliver, wake up. GULLIVER WAKE UP! Geez this guy. He could sleep through an earthquake, volcano, and a tsunami, and he’d still find some way to stay passed out on that beach. But despite it all, I think it’s a missed opportunity to not include a version with his pirate outfit. 

Handmade Animal Crossing Plushies

Celeste Plushie Toy with All 12 Zodiac Signs image

Celeste w/Custom Zodiac Signs 

Personally I didn’t plan on adding Celeste twice! So hear me out, throughout my years of obsessing over every fandom I’ve ever truly loved, one thing has remained the same: FANART AND FAN APPAREL usually goes pretty hard. And this did not disappoint! I mean look at that precious gleam in her eyes. She just makes my heart melt.

Cranston Handmade Plushie Toy photo


It’s always sad when your favorite character doesn’t get the credit they deserve. Heck, even the lack of their face in merch is enough to make you cry. Well, at least it hits kind of personal for me, and my beloved Cranston is no exception! As my first villager in New Horizons, I grew a quick fondness for him and believe he’s the sweetest crane any person could ask for. 

Dom Plushie Toy photo


When I look into those big ol’ precious eyes I want to cuddle Dom and hold him tight. The fact this game has over 397 villagers and literally none of the sheeps have any official merch. Makes me want to cry. Dom is a jock with a heart of gold and needs to be held like the treasure he is. 

Bell Bag Plushie Toy photo

Bell Bag Plush

Finally, who doesn’t love a beautiful bag of money! I know finding a bag of bells is always exciting. Not only will this bag make you feel loaded, it’s a lil more special than a regular plush. Out of all the plushes on our list this can be a multitude of things and it’s super cool. Not only can it be a snuggly plush you cherish at night, but versatile storage. How cute is that! 

The post Best Animal Crossing Plushies: Isabelle, K.K. Slider, & More first appeared on Nerdy With Children.

The post Best Animal Crossing Plushies: Isabelle, K.K. Slider, & More appeared first on Nerdy With Children.

January 6, 2022

Diversifying Your Diet: The Value of Bio-Individuality

Every January, there’s this pressure to eat “healthy.” But what does eating healthy really mean? 

Every human needs to eat food to survive, but we don’t require the same eating style to thrive. Bio-individuality, a term coined by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition founder Joshua Rosenthal, recognizes the diversity of nourishment required for individuals to flourish. No single style of eating works for every person, and physical food is not the only nourishment that human beings require to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

Physical Food

Humans live in stages — infancy, toddler years, childhood, puberty, adolescence, older adolescence, adulthood, pregnancy (for some), middle age, and the elder years. During each stage, the body requires different physical foods for optimal performance. 

Newborn babies can only process breastmilk or formula, while the body of an elderly person may not process animal proteins or even plant-based diets effectively. Pregnant people crave various foods that they never wanted to eat before because there is a human forming in their womb. Children require different foods than adolescents. The vegan style of eating that works for someone in their 20s or a woman going through menopause may not work for a pregnant person or for a bodybuilder, who might need to eat plants and animals. 

Whether we choose what we eat due to access, politics, or stage of life, human beings are benefited by bio-individuality.


Like the old song from the Stylistics said: “People make the world go round.” The relationships we experience in life are forms of sustenance. 

Have you ever noticed how good you feel after associating with some people and how depleted you feel after spending time with others? We are so often placed in situations where we must compromise our true feelings about a person to keep the peace. It could be a coworker or a family member just makes life more laborious. 

In our personal relationships, we do not have to force ourselves to be connected to people who continuously do us harm. The people we invest in is the community that will care for us in the future. We can also give ourselves permission to compartmentalize our diverse relationships. It’s okay to have your gym friends and your college friends who you go out clubbing with and another group from church. 

It’s important for many to have a core group of friends beyond their life partner and family. These friends can have shared values and can mutually have one another’s back during life’s challenges like divorce, sickness, or the death of a parent.  

Spirituality/Mental Well-Being

Whether it’s going to Bible study with a group of beloved friends, attending a silent mindfulness meditation retreat, or jamming in a spin class to your favorite house music with a fantastic instructor, a vibrant spiritual life is an essential element to health and wellness. 

Like physical food, spirituality is not one form fits all. Finding what spiritual practice works best for you is an individual journey well worth taking. For many, consistent physical activity creates a connected embodied experience that brings people to their highest selves. Vibrant mental health often stands hand in hand with a strong spiritual practice. 

Life will always be challenging. Having the mental health resources readily at hand really does help folks work through whatever roadblocks occur. Yes, you can be a spiritual person with a strong spiritual practice and have support from a mental health professional. It takes a village.

Equity and Access

It’s hard to adhere to many of the popular diets out there when you live in an area without access to grocery stores.  It’s also not easy when you work several jobs in order to pay the rent and take care of your family. With social media and the pressure from health and wellness influencers, it’s really easy to feel like you aren’t enough if you aren’t juicing or vegan or paleo or whatever diet is in vogue at the moment. Let’s all give ourselves some grace when picking what’s on our plate.


2021 was the year of “The Great Resignation.”  The pandemic has shifted how our culture looks at work. According to The Washington Post, in November 2021, over 4.5 million people resigned from their jobs and made career shifts. 

The pandemic has amplified how precious our lives really are. Do we want to spend our lives in jobs we hate toiling for pennies only to live paycheck to paycheck, or can we reclaim our lives? Being sheltered in place for almost a year revealed that there is a better way of working. What if, as Tricia Hershey of the Nap Ministry once posted on her Instagram, our ancestors’ greatest dream was for us to rest?  Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zers are embracing minimalist lifestyles and realizing the value of living more simply and working mindfully.

Joy Connection

A meditation teacher once told me the story of a poor merchant and his wife who lived in a nice house but were always in crisis and stayed upstairs working to attain more. They worked their fingers to the bone, but no matter how hard they worked, no matter how much money they saved, crisis and striving for more always kept them in debt. The couple lived lamenting their fate, always focused on working. 

Their young daughter loved to play in the basement. She would beg her parents to just stop and play with her and enjoy how beautiful the space was with her. They never took the time to go to the basement. Another crisis happened that made them sell their house. They never realized that the floor of the basement was pure gold; in fact, the entire foundation of the house was gold.

The merchant and his wife already had what they were working for. Their young daughter could connect to it, but the merchant and his wife were so blinded by their focus they couldn’t see their joy.

All human beings have that joy connection. No matter what temporary challenges come up in life, if we are able to remember we operate at a baseline of joy, we will be able to find whatever we need in order to thrive.

January 6, 2022

Traveling with Two: Best Double Strollers and Travel Accessories

From umbrella to bassinet to sit and stand, here’s our list of the best double strollers and travel accessories.

Parents with Children in a Double Stroller photo

Traveling with two kids can, at first, feel a bit overwhelming. You may be thinking that you must stroll around with twice the strollers, carriers, bags, and more. If you are searching for a way to put your mind at ease, then look no further than Geek Baby Clothes. We are here to help by easing your worries and saving you from future strife. Read on as we have put together a list of fantastic findings to provide you with the utmost comfort and cool styles, giving you and your family comfort and peace of mind for all of your future travels.

Double Umbrella Strollers

Whether you have two kids close in age, or a pair of twins; you will find that having a double umbrella travel stroller provides you with a quick and simple way to get you and your kids out and around. The following umbrella strollers are compact, easy to clean, and perfect for impromptu strolls around town.

Dream On Me Volgo Twin Umbrella Stroller photo

Dream On Me Volgo Twin Umbrella

Your kids will enjoy the fresh breeze and passing scenery, as they sit on the front-facing seats of the Dream On Me twin stroller. You will feel confident knowing they are safe with the 5-point adjustable harness and cushioned front bumper bar. The soft wheels equipped with this stroller provide a smooth ride across town.

Delta Children City Street Side by Side Stroller photo

Delta Children City Street Side by Side

If you are looking for a quick pack and go traveling stroller, the City Street Side by Side Stroller by Delta is perfect for trips to the store or through airports. While outside, your kids will be shaded by the elements with the adjustable canopy. You will like the two hanging storage bags to keep things protected and within reach while on the go.

BABY JOY Double Light-Weight Stroller photo

BABY JOY Double Light-Weight

Walking around on cobbled stones or along a smooth sidewalk; this lightweight stroller by Baby Joy offers a pleasant riding experience for your two children. Cruise around on a sunny day, and take a peek to see how your kids are doing through the peek-a-boo window located on top of each shade. When wanting to stop, simply lock the rear tires in place.

Double Bassinet Strollers

When you have one or two babies in a travel bassinet or an infant car seat, you will appreciate a stroller that can accommodate your traveling needs. Finding one that meets your expectations may be challenging, but we took on the responsibility of finding three strollers that we think will make your travels a bit more convenient.

Graco Ready2Grow Double Stroller photo

Graco Ready2Grow

Moving from the car to the stroller is simple with the stroller by Graco. Unclick the baby car seat from the vehicle base and click it into the double stroller. The tandem style is a slimming way to get through doors and pass by on busy sidewalks. If you have one baby car seat and a toddler, the toddler will enjoy sitting in the back with their baby brother or sister in front of them.

Couple with infants in an Evenflo Pivot Xpand Modular Travel System photo

Evenflo Pivot Xpand

The Evenflo Pivot Xpand stroller is compact and can convert from a single to a double. If you are expecting one baby, the travel system can be used as a single stroller. As your family grows, this stroller transforms from holding one infant car seat to having the capability of safely transporting one baby and one toddler. Expecting twins? This travel system easily holds two infant seats and can change into a double toddler stroller.

Baby Trend Universal Double Snap-N-Go Stroller Frame photo

Baby Trend Universal Double Snap-N-Go Stroller Frame

For a no-frills twin double stroller, this stroller frame by Baby Trend is easy to use. Simply snap on two baby car seats, then you and your twins are ready to roll. A two-cup holder and tray offer additional convenience for twin parents. As an added perk, when you are done using the stroller for the day, it easily folds up with the use of one hand.

Sit & Stand Strollers

When you have kids close in age, you will want a stroller that offers flexibility to keep your two kids safe and comfortable. Sit and stand strollers offer a convenient way to secure your infant car set onto the frame, while your toddler can sit or stand while out for strolls.

Mother and Two Children with a Baby Trend Sit N Stand Ultra Tandem Stroller

Baby Trend Sit N Stand Ultra Tandem

Unlike many other sit and stand double strollers, this tandem stroller by Baby Trend effortlessly holds two infant car seats, versus one infant car seat. As your twin babies grow, the stroller can seat two toddlers. No worries if you have one infant and one toddler, as this stroller can accommodate both of your children.

Joovy Caboose Too Graphite Stand-On Tandem Stroller photo

Joovy Caboose Too Graphite Stand-On Tandem

For your newborn and their sibling, the Stand-On Tandem Stroller by Joovy makes traveling in style a whole lot easier. One infant car seat clicks into place, while your older child can sit in the back of the stroller. Clean-up is easy if there are any messes along the way. Just a little bit of soap and warm water on a cloth will wipe away any spills.

Mother and Two Children in a Chicco Bravo For2 Standing/Sitting Double Stroller photo

Chicco Bravo For2 Sit/Stand Stroller

If you have a toddler to a preschool-aged kid who likes to stand, while their younger baby brother or sister sits in the front of the stroller, then this double stroller by Chicco will be ideal for you and your family. You can feel reassured as the seats are equipped with a 3-point harness. If your older child enjoys standing, they have an easy-grip handle and backrest for additional comfort.

Double Stroller Travel Accessories

This wouldn’t be Geek Baby Clothes without mentioning some super cute and clever items that will pair well with any double stroller. Whether you are looking for comfort, convenience, or something out of the norm; here are three items that we found to be useful while out and about with your growing family.

Aligle Weather Shield on Stroller photo

Aligle Weather Shield

Don’t get caught off guard by a random rain shower or a drizzle of snow. Be sure to carry this double stroller weather shield to protect your two babies while out on the go. With a universal fit for tandem double strollers; this weather shield fits the most model of strollers. Easy to clean effortless to fold and store as you are on the go.

Harry Potter Stroller Tag photo

Harry Potter Stroller Tag

Easily identify your stroller with a customizable Harry Potter stroller tag. Perfect for your family vacation to a theme park, or when visiting a local zoo. When parking your stroller for an attraction, or while dining out with your family; this unique tag will quickly stand out amongst the sea of other strollers parked within the same holding area.

Be sure to fly on over to our list of the best Harry Potter baby clothes and onesies!

Petunia Pickle Bottom Wander Stroller Caddy photo

Petunia Pickle Bottom Wander Stroller Caddy

For additional double stroller storage room, be sure to check out this adorable Pop-Art Belle stroller caddy. It comes with two insulated cup/bottle holders and Velcro straps that securely fastens to the stroller handlebar. There is plenty of space to hold snacks, toys, or any additional small necessities. As an added feature, the caddy can be used as a shoulder bag. Perfect for the times you have to leave the stroller behind.

Disney Baby by J.L. Childress Gate Check Air Travel Bag Info Graphic image

Disney Baby by J.L. Childress Gate Check Air Travel Bag

Adorned with an adorable Disney print, this travel bag protects your double stroller from dirt and germs while on your next magical adventure. After using, easily store it away in the included zippered pouch. Whether by air or by sea; this double stroller air travel bag is the perfect accessory.

MOCFIR Christmas Nightmare Before Christmas Blanket Info Graphic image

Nightmare Before Christmas Blanket

Keep your kids cozy in the Nightmare Before Christmas stroller blanket. Made of soft material, this blanket will become your twin babies go-to snuggle blanket while in their car seats or when riding in their double stroller. This blanket is simply meant to be a part of your future travels.

Love Nightmare Before Christmas as much as we do? Check out our list of Nightmare Before Christmas baby clothes!

The post Traveling with Two: Best Double Strollers and Travel Accessories appeared first on Geek Baby Clothes.

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