
The denial of their existence and lack of representations are just some of the daily struggles of Afro-Puerto Ricans living in Puerto Rico. Many Afro-Puerto Rican writers, poets, and storytellers combat this issue. Puerto Rico’s history involves being colonized by Spain and then the United States. Despite their oppressed past, there is a beauty and strength that runs through the veins of Puerto Rican people, which was evident through my conversation with Gloriann Sacha Antonetty Lebrón.

I was recently approached by Ketchum, about interviewing Lebrón on the amazing work she has done and continues to do to represent Afro-Puerto Ricans. BGN spoke with Lebrón over Zoom on February 23, 2022, about the importance of representation in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Lebrón is an impressive woman with many titles, including poet, author, communicator, professor, and more. I, however, was very interested in how she defines herself without these titles. 

“I love to call myself an Artivist. I also consider myself a strategist. I love to communicate in different ways. I recognize the power of stories. The stories that they try to forget about, the stories about the contributions of Black people. My grandfather was a writer and journalist and I helped him with his radio station. He spoke and wrote about Black women. Now I have the opportunity to gather information about Black culture and present that beauty and resistance through different forms of art.”

What was it like growing up as an Afro-Puerto Rican in Puerto Rico?

“It’s hard growing up here as a Black person, no matter your gender identity. Colonization is still impacting society. The belief system is that Black people are less than every other person on the island and the world. They say that [racism] happens in the United States, but it doesn’t happen here. We grew up with books saying that Puerto Rico is the most white of all the Caribbean islands and people think that Black Puerto Ricans are few.”

This question led her to speak about the hyper-sexualization of Black women and how they often get told they do not belong in spaces that allow them power and influence. Through Lebrón’s work, she proves that Black women deserve to be in whatever space they choose. As she transcended into various careers such as working as a professor, working within an Ad agency, and corporate business she often had to remind herself that she deserved to be there. 

What was it like to break into corporate spaces where you didn’t see people that looked like you?

“I have to come back to my family. I understood that I deserved to be a part of every space. That I have to go with my chin high. I know I deserve to be here, and I’m here paying this debt to my ancestors. I’m creating a space for future generations to understand that they belong in every sector of Puerto Rico and every part of the world.”

Her parents spent their lives moving between Puerto Rico and the United States and experienced movements that amplified Black voices. Her mother grew up in communities that preserved Black history. She got her sense of pride from her parents, and she carries that pride into spaces where Black people aren’t represented. 

You have a deep connection and talent for words. Why have you chosen to express yourself through written form?

“It’s one of my biggest expressions to heal. If I’m going through something, I heal through writing. I understand the power of stories and words and how that impacts film and music. If you have strong stories or words, that becomes art. Words are how we can take back our power.” 

Over the past few years, Lebrón has created Revista Ethnica, a magazine that represents the full shades of Puerto Rican people. 

What was your dream for Revista Ethnica, and how have you seen that dream come to life?

“I’ve had a strong fascination with books and magazines since I was a little girl. In Puerto Rico, we have a lot of magazines that come from America Latina, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, and I stood in front of those magazine racks and never saw myself represented. I never saw the beauty of my family, friends, and culture. I remember telling my father that there are no magazines representing Black people. I don’t know how he did it, if he called one of our uncles in New York, but he received Ebony and Essence magazine through mail. When I saw them, I thought, I can do this, and I can do this in Spanish. I’m working to continue the legacy of Black writers.”

Revista Ethnica is now opening a publishing company to support other Black Puerto Rican writers.

How can others support Revista Ethnica?

Among the other Black communities within Latina America, the United States, and the world, it’s important to recognize that Afro-Latinos exist. We need to create more things together and see how we can create more sustainable enterprises and always present ourselves as valuable. 

When you hear the word Afro-Puerto Rican, what does that word mean to you?

It’s everything.When I listen to that word, I feel the love and power of our grandmothers, our mothers, our girls, and our Black men, who have struggled so much with things that didn’t deserve. Our aesthetics are that word. You can hear music with Afro-Puerto Rican. It’s magic and dignity.

What are some of the projects you are currently working on?

We are working on the 4th edition of the magazine, hopefully launching on the 12th of March. We investigated women who have been killed because of gender violence. Since 2013, over 60 percent of the women killed were Black women. What’s most important is healing. We created a creative writing project for the survivors to heal. We finished with an anthology, and it’s going to be the first published book with Ethnica publisher. 

What would you say to other writers out there?

You have to start with your family or community, with the people who inspire you.Try to look for the story you would never hear about. Some ancestor or family member will call you to write that story. We can also start working on our own stories. You can create whatever you want. Start writing and put it out here so someone will notice and understand the struggle, beauty, and magic we create every day.

February 26, 2022

Gloriann Sacha Antonetty Lebrón, the Afro Puerto Rican that’s Amplifying Black Voices in Puerto Rico

The denial of their existence and lack of representations are just some of the daily struggles of Afro-Puerto Ricans living in Puerto Rico. Many Afro-Puerto Rican writers, poets, and storytellers combat this issue. Puerto Rico’s history involves being colonized by Spain and then the United States. Despite their oppressed past, there is a beauty and strength that runs through the veins of Puerto Rican people, which was evident through my conversation with Gloriann Sacha Antonetty Lebrón.

I was recently approached by Ketchum, about interviewing Lebrón on the amazing work she has done and continues to do to represent Afro-Puerto Ricans. BGN spoke with Lebrón over Zoom on February 23, 2022, about the importance of representation in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Lebrón is an impressive woman with many titles, including poet, author, communicator, professor, and more. I, however, was very interested in how she defines herself without these titles. 

“I love to call myself an Artivist. I also consider myself a strategist. I love to communicate in different ways. I recognize the power of stories. The stories that they try to forget about, the stories about the contributions of Black people. My grandfather was a writer and journalist and I helped him with his radio station. He spoke and wrote about Black women. Now I have the opportunity to gather information about Black culture and present that beauty and resistance through different forms of art.”

What was it like growing up as an Afro-Puerto Rican in Puerto Rico?

“It’s hard growing up here as a Black person, no matter your gender identity. Colonization is still impacting society. The belief system is that Black people are less than every other person on the island and the world. They say that [racism] happens in the United States, but it doesn’t happen here. We grew up with books saying that Puerto Rico is the most white of all the Caribbean islands and people think that Black Puerto Ricans are few.”

This question led her to speak about the hyper-sexualization of Black women and how they often get told they do not belong in spaces that allow them power and influence. Through Lebrón’s work, she proves that Black women deserve to be in whatever space they choose. As she transcended into various careers such as working as a professor, working within an Ad agency, and corporate business she often had to remind herself that she deserved to be there. 

What was it like to break into corporate spaces where you didn’t see people that looked like you?

“I have to come back to my family. I understood that I deserved to be a part of every space. That I have to go with my chin high. I know I deserve to be here, and I’m here paying this debt to my ancestors. I’m creating a space for future generations to understand that they belong in every sector of Puerto Rico and every part of the world.”

Her parents spent their lives moving between Puerto Rico and the United States and experienced movements that amplified Black voices. Her mother grew up in communities that preserved Black history. She got her sense of pride from her parents, and she carries that pride into spaces where Black people aren’t represented. 

You have a deep connection and talent for words. Why have you chosen to express yourself through written form?

“It’s one of my biggest expressions to heal. If I’m going through something, I heal through writing. I understand the power of stories and words and how that impacts film and music. If you have strong stories or words, that becomes art. Words are how we can take back our power.” 

Over the past few years, Lebrón has created Revista Ethnica, a magazine that represents the full shades of Puerto Rican people. 

What was your dream for Revista Ethnica, and how have you seen that dream come to life?

“I’ve had a strong fascination with books and magazines since I was a little girl. In Puerto Rico, we have a lot of magazines that come from America Latina, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, and I stood in front of those magazine racks and never saw myself represented. I never saw the beauty of my family, friends, and culture. I remember telling my father that there are no magazines representing Black people. I don’t know how he did it, if he called one of our uncles in New York, but he received Ebony and Essence magazine through mail. When I saw them, I thought, I can do this, and I can do this in Spanish. I’m working to continue the legacy of Black writers.”

Revista Ethnica is now opening a publishing company to support other Black Puerto Rican writers.

How can others support Revista Ethnica?

Among the other Black communities within Latina America, the United States, and the world, it’s important to recognize that Afro-Latinos exist. We need to create more things together and see how we can create more sustainable enterprises and always present ourselves as valuable. 

When you hear the word Afro-Puerto Rican, what does that word mean to you?

It’s everything.When I listen to that word, I feel the love and power of our grandmothers, our mothers, our girls, and our Black men, who have struggled so much with things that didn’t deserve. Our aesthetics are that word. You can hear music with Afro-Puerto Rican. It’s magic and dignity.

What are some of the projects you are currently working on?

We are working on the 4th edition of the magazine, hopefully launching on the 12th of March. We investigated women who have been killed because of gender violence. Since 2013, over 60 percent of the women killed were Black women. What’s most important is healing. We created a creative writing project for the survivors to heal. We finished with an anthology, and it’s going to be the first published book with Ethnica publisher. 

What would you say to other writers out there?

You have to start with your family or community, with the people who inspire you.Try to look for the story you would never hear about. Some ancestor or family member will call you to write that story. We can also start working on our own stories. You can create whatever you want. Start writing and put it out here so someone will notice and understand the struggle, beauty, and magic we create every day.

February 26, 2022

Andy Serkis Discusses The Military Background of Alfred Pennyworth in ‘The Batman’

BGN interviews Andy Serkis (Alfred Pennyworth) for the Warner Bros film The Batman.

Two years of stalking the streets as the Batman (Robert Pattinson), striking fear into the hearts of criminals, has led Bruce Wayne deep into the shadows of Gotham City. With only a few trusted allies — Alfred Pennyworth (Andy Serkis), Lt. James Gordon (Jeffrey Wright) — amongst the city’s corrupt network of officials and high-profile figures, the lone vigilante has established himself as the sole embodiment of vengeance amongst his fellow citizens.

When a killer targets Gotham’s elite with a series of sadistic machinations, a trail of cryptic clues sends the World’s Greatest Detective on an investigation into the underworld, where he encounters such characters as Selina Kyle/aka Catwoman (Zoë Kravitz), Oswald Cobblepot/aka the Penguin (Colin Farrell), Carmine Falcone (John Turturro), and Edward Nashton/aka the Riddler (Paul Dano). As the evidence begins to lead closer to home and the scale of the perpetrator’s plans becomes clear, Batman must forge new relationships, unmask the culprit, and bring justice to the abuse of power and corruption that has long plagued Gotham City.

Interviewer: Jeandra LeBeauf

Video Editor: Jamie Broadnax

The Batman arrives in theaters March 4th.

February 26, 2022

Best Baby Toys for 0 to 6 Months

Babies love to have fun, so we made this list to help you choose the best baby toys for 0 to 6 months old.

Baby Using a Silicone Nintendo Game Boy Teether photo

Whether you are shopping for an upcoming baby shower or looking to put some more pizzazz in your baby’s toy box, we found the cutest baby toys out there. For this article, we’ll highlight our top choices for rattles, teethers, and plushies. In short, we discovered an array of geeky baby toys that you and your little one are sure to love! But first, an important message.

PLEASE NOTE: Plush toys are for active, supervised playtime, not for sleepy time. NEVER give a baby under 12 months old a plush toy to sleep with, as there’s a high risk of suffocation. So, keep your little ones safe by keeping their sleeping areas free of plushies for the first year.

While we have you, for even more playtime fun, be sure to check out our list of the best baby swings for indoors and out!

So, now that we’re all informed, here are the best baby toys for 0 to 6 months.

Baby Toys: Rattles

If you’re shopping for a themed baby shower gift, baby rattles are perfect baby toys for 0 to 6 months. Babies enjoy the sounds of rattles, as they stimulate the senses and improve hand-eye coordination. On the other hand, all you geeky adults will be happy with the design and quality of the following pop culture-themed rattles. Just because it’s for a baby doesn’t mean you can’t like it too!

Baby toys for 0 to 6 months - Crochet Thor's Hammer with the name "Karl" stitched on it photo

Customizable Thor Rattle

This crochet baby rattle of Thor’s hammer, Mjölnir, can be customized with the name of your choosing. However, if you are not a fan of the rattling noise, the seller can create these hammers without the sound. Certainly, your little Asgardian is worthy of such an awesome personalized toy.

A Dozen Plush Lightsabers in Various Colors on a Crafting Table photo

Lightsaber Rattle

The force will be with you and your little one with these lightsaber rattles. First, they’re made from minky, flannel, and felt, so they’re super soft. Second, they come in a variety of colors, perfect for your own baby Yoda or mini Luke Skywalker. In addition, the rattling sound is completely optional. So, reach out with your feelings and use the Force (or in this case Etsy) to begin your journey to the light side. Or the dark side, if you prefer. We aren’t here to judge you.

Fleece Disney Princess Baby Rattles (Set of 5) photo

Princess Rattle

These fleece, handmade, princess-themed rattles are great for playtime. Since there’s no removable parts, and everything is securely stitched on, these rattles are made for worry-free play. Further, these rattles are perfect for tiny hands to comfortably grasp onto. Choose from Disney Princesses, like Cinderella, Ariel, or Tiana, or princesses from other pop culture touchstones, like Princess Peach and Princess Diana aka Wonder Woman! 

Wooden Bigfoot Baby Rattle (set of 3) photo

Bigfoot Rattle

One of the original cryptids makes a rare appearance, as a wooden baby rattle, of course! Start teaching your little ones all about the undiscovered mysteries of our world with this natural wood baby rattle. In addition, the internal rattle makes a gentle, soothing sound, making it both pleasant and calming. Baby safe and eco-friendly, even an actual Bigfoot would be happy to nom on this rattle!

Baby toys for 0 to 6 months - Harry Potter Baby Rattles (set of 3) photo

Harry Potter Rattle

“Accio” happiness when gifting this clever set of Harry Potter Rattles at the next baby shower you are attending. These rattles are crocheted by hand using cotton and acrylic yarn. Lastly, the wooden ring, eyes, and hair are securely in place, for added safety.

For even more wizarding world fun, be sure to check out our list of Harry Potter baby clothes and onesies!

Baby Toys: Teethers

As babies begin receiving their first set of teeth, it can be painful for them as their teeth cut through their gums. Therefore, to aid in relief, parents may want to have some teethers on hand to provide comfort. Of course, many babies don’t have pain while teething. However, teethers also help strengthen tongue and facial muscles, which help with controlling speech. So, there are benefits beyond soothing.

Baby toys for 0 to 6 months - Silicone Nintendo Game Boy Teether photo

Nintendo Game Boy Teether

Level up from boring (or worse, plastic) teethers. This teether is made from silicone, meaning it’s free of any harsh chemicals or toxins. Babies will love it because the texture of this teether stimulates their sensory and fine motor skills. All the while, it soothes any teething discomfort they may experience. In addition, you can clean it in the dishwasher, or even boil it, if you prefer.

Baby toys for 0 to 6 months - Pair of Silicone Mickey Mouse Ears Teether photo

Mickey Ears Teether

Shaped like the hidden Mickeys found in Disney parks and movies, these mouse ears can console babies while out and about or for any magical occasion, whether at a theme park or just around the house. Importantly, this teether is made of non-toxic, BPA-free silicone, making it safe for babies to nom. In addition, this would make for an adorable baby shower gift for any expectant parent who loves Disney.

Speaking of baby showers, head on over to our ideas and buying guide for Disney-themed baby showers!

Baby toys for 0 to 6 months - Silicone Baby Dragon Teethers (set of 5) phtoto

Baby Dragon Teether

Taming the teething process is nigh impossible, but these adorable dragons help to ease the pain baby feels during this time. They come in a variety of colors, too, sure to coordinate with any adorable dragon attire. In addition, all of the dragons are free of any harmful chemicals and created with love and high quality food-grade silicone. 

Silicone Superman S Logo Teether in package photo

Superman Teether

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Nope, it’s a really cool Superman teether! Created with baby’s comfort in mind, this Superman teether measures approximately 6 inches in height and made of lightweight, 100% food-safe silicone. For additional relief, chill teether in the fridge. Ideal for ages 3 months and up. 

Baby using a Basil the Bookworm Teether photo

Basil The Bookworm Teether

This adorable bookworm teether, shaped like a board book, will jump start your baby’s love of books. First, soft textures and an easy to hold handle makes it optimal for tiny hands. Second, it’s solid silicone design means it has zero holes for mold to build up in. Lastly, place it in the freezer for cooling comfort on sore gums.

Baby Toys: Plushies

Stuffed animals and toys, also referred to as plushies, provide an extra dose of soft, cozy fun for the baby. However, as a reminder, NEVER let a baby under 12 months old sleep with a plushie, or leave them unattended while playing with plushies. Adult supervision is required. Our advice: once you’re done with play, put the plushies away. Also, plushies make great toys (and decorations) for years to come, so think of these as an investment in future fun!

Baby Dragon Plushie photo

Baby Dragon Plushie

With whimsical embroidered facial features and ultra soft plush, this adorable dragon will be a great companion for your new bundle of joy. It’s versatile in that it can be used as a blanket at home or on the road. Lightweight and compact, this dragon is up for any adventure. In addition, the dragon is easy to care for and can be machine washed with blankets and other plushie companions. 

Woman with 4 Totoro Plushies of Different Sizes photo

Totoro Plushie

Offered in different sizes, this Totoro plush is much like the adorable character it’s designed after. Though he may look a bit odd, Totoro is sweet and ideal for babies to have as their favorite toy. Squishy and soft, this plush let’s you introduce your child to the joys of the beloved film My Neighbor Totoro (something we here at GeekBaby strongly encourage).

Baby toys for 0 to 6 months - Nightmare Before Christmas Crochet Dolls photo

Nightmare Before Christmas Amigurumi

Inspired by Disney’s Nightmare Before Christmas, these one-of-a-kind loveys are individually handmade. Each one crocheted using soft yarn, safety eyes, and stuffing. Certainly, these adorable amigurumi dolls make a great gift for any themed baby shower, or Halloween, or Christmas, or even as a welcome home gift for the newest family member.

Spider-Man Crochet Plushie photo

Spider-Man Crochet Plushie

Superhero baby showers need superhero toys. That’s why this Spider-Man handmade toy will tingle the Spidey senses with delight. For an additional treat, this toy can double as a rattle, by contacting the seller. Truly, this adorable crochet Spider-Man is ready to be a forever friend. 

Baby toys for 0 to 6 months - Harry Potter Crochet Plushies (set of 9) photo

Harry Potter Crochet Plushie

Like Harry Potter and friends, these wizard plushies are sure to bring magic to any Harry Potter themed baby shower or nursery. Choose from an assortment of nine beloved characters, each handmade with durable, soft, cotton yarn. Unsure of which to purchase, you can buy the set of nine as a treasured gift for your little one, for yourself (no judgement here) or for a baby shower gift for the parents-to-be.

Love Harry Potter? Fly on over to our list of Harry Potter-themed nursery ideas!

One Last Thing…

It was difficult narrowing down the top picks for the best baby toys 0 to 6 months. With so many clever and quirky infant toy ideas, we felt the need to add last one to the list. So, here’s an additional baby toy that will surely make a splash.

Infant Playing with a Finding Nemo Baby Gym photo

Finding Nemo Baby Gym

Packed with multi-sensory toys, this baby gym will delight and amuse your little one. This gym weighs under three pounds making it easy to pack up and take while visiting friends or family. In addition, lights and sounds stimulate the senses, and finger puppets provide a fun option for some one-on-one time for you and your baby.

The post Best Baby Toys for 0 to 6 Months appeared first on Geek Baby Clothes.

February 24, 2022

The Black Collegiate Gaming Association Teams up with Sony Playstation to Distribute $100,000 to HBCU Students

 The Black Collegiate Gaming Association (BCGA) teamed up again with Sony Interactive Entertainment and its PlayStation Career Pathways Program for the Fall 2021 BCGA Success Scholarship. Twelve scholarship recipients were announced via social media, distributing a total of $100,000.  The following are the 12 sophomore class recipients attending the following colleges: 

Texas Southern University (TSU) – Omokhuwele Umoru & Mikhail Jackson 

Florida A&M University (FAMU) – Matthew Williams, Philben W. Pierre, & James Peterson IV 

Florida Memorial University (FMU) – DeOzzie Sylvester & Dimitrus Smith

Mississippi Valley State University (MVSU) – Harrington Stutson & Kristopher Bond 

Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) – Joshua Bernardin 

Georgia Gwinnett College – Gaylord Moore III 

New York Institute of Technology – Willette Menefee

The inaugural class of 18 juniors and seniors were announced in 2021. The following college students scholarship recipients:

University of Houston – Aliyah Hunt

Edward Waters University (EWU) – Amari Leath & Chandrae Bethea 

Michigan State University (MSU) – Calil Hall 

Florida A&M University (FAMU) – Celestina Kolog, Ivana Onema, Randall Leath, & Monasia Vernon

The University of Texas at Dallas – Chelsea Edosomwan

Georgia State University (GSU) – Daanann Agboga & Jada Pruitt

Grambling State University (GSU) – Destney Johnson

Kennesaw State University (KSU) – Imani Daniels & Jesse Agboga

LaGrange College – Issac Fuller

Texas Southern University (TSU) – Kingsley Edosomwan

The University of Texas at Arlington – Pearl Iyayi

Miles College – Robert Agee

The BCGA Success Scholarship supported by PlayStation Career Pathways Program awarded 32 scholars over $100,000 in scholarships during 2021. BCGA and Sony Interactive Entertainment will continue to present the scholarship this Spring during Black College Con (BCC), and We Got Game (WGG). 

In addition to scholarships, BCGA is hosting its second annual Black College Con (BCC) and Women Got Game (WGG) tours during Black History Month and Women’s History Month in 2022. 

The Black Collegiate Gaming Association was established to provide education, access, and career opportunities in the gaming and Esports industry to Black and women of color college students. BCGA offers virtual and on-campus curriculums; inter-collegiate video gaming competitions; internships and post-graduation job opportunities; team building and leadership training; professional development and networking events; scholarships and mentorships; and on-campus Esports and gaming labs. Founder and Chairwoman Keshia Walker launched BCGA in May of 2020 after more than 20 years of running successful celebrity events and experiential marketing firms. She made history herself by being the first Black woman to enter the male-dominated field of collegiate gaming & Esports. A two-time honors graduate of Florida A&M University, her goal is to diversify the corporate gaming and tech industry.

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