
The thing about Black History is that it spans continents and countries, including the island of Jamaica. Before the time that the island became known as the land of reggae music, it was a place of refuge for thousands of African descendants. Within Jamaica’s history is the story of the legendary Queen Nanny.

Queen Nanny was known as the fearless leader of a community of Africans who fought and reclaimed their freedom. If you’re curious about this piece of history, here is the legend of Queen Nanny of the Maroons and how she fought for Black freedom. 

Queen Nanny and the Maroons

Before Jamaica was colonized, the land was inhabited by a group of Indigenous people called the Arawaks or Tainos, who lived peacefully on the island for many years. They were believed to have come from South America 2,500 years ago. They gave the island the name Xaymaca, meaning “land of water and wood.” The Tainos would later be important allies to Queen Nanny.

When the Spaniards took over the island and brought over enslaved Africans, some escaped their bondage and created independent communities within the island. The Spaniards referred to these people as “simaroons,” which later would be shortened by the British and referred to as the “maroons.”

It was believed that Queen Nanny and her brothers were the first to lead these slaves into freedom and start these settlements. Escaping into the mountains of Jamaica where the vegetation was rich and hard to access, Queen Nanny partnered with the Tainos to establish a new way of life on the island. 

When the Spanish left the island and before the British took over, previous slaves were set free and joined the Maroons, making them one of the largest populations on the island. These Maroons thrived for years through developing a trading system and becoming knowledgeable about the island. It was Queen Nanny who help the Maroons maintain their freedom and help others gain theirs as well. 

Who was Queen Nanny?

Very little is known about Queen Nanny’s origin. Some say that she came from Ghana, and others say she was a part of the Ashanti tribe. Although not much is known about her younger years, more is known about how she played a critical role in Jamaican history. The story of her bravery has been passed down through generation after generation, allowing us to put together the pieces of her heroic story. 

What we do know about her was that she was small in size but had piercing eyes and was the leader of the Windward Maroons. There is much controversy about how she arrived in Jamaica, and depending on who you ask you might get a different story. Some say she was brought to the island as a slave and then fought for her freedom, while others believe that she came of her own will.

When the British took over Jamaica, Queen Nanny fought against the British and was believed to have saved more than 1,000 slaves within her lifetime. It was during the first Maroon War from 1655 to 1740 that she became known as a ruthless but effective military strategist. 

With a military of around 3,000 soldiers, Queen Nanny used an abeng or a cow horn to communicate complex messages over long distances to her army — messages that the British could not understand. She also initiated guerilla warfare by having her soldiers use camouflage to hide amongst the trees and launch surprise attacks on the British soldiers. Occasionally she would allow some British soldiers to go free just so they could go back and warn the other soldiers of the dangers of attacking her people.

On one of the highest mountains on the island, a Maroon settlement was created and named Nanny Town. Although the British would eventually take over the town, they would have to endure numerous attacks from the Maroons and withstand Nanny’s strategic ambushes.

In addition to her combat strategies, some believed that Queen Nanny had magical powers. She was believed to have been a practitioner of Obeah, a spiritual practice that some believed gave her magical powers and made her bulletproof.

Fun fact: Queen Nanny sent her soldiers to Haiti to train Haitian soldiers. Her tactics were one element that helped the Haitians win their war. 

When the first war ended, a peace treaty was signed. The British and the Maroons eventually learned to work together. The Maroon culture began to become a mixture of British and Jamaican culture. 

Nanny Town was rebuilt and would eventually be renamed Moore Town. Although the name changed, Queen Nanny’s legacy lives on. Today, you can see Queen Nanny’s image on the 500-dollar Jamaican banknote bill. In addition, on March 13, 1932, Queen Nanny was named a national hero.

“Queen Nanny of the Windward Maroons has largely been ignored by historians who have restricted their focus to male figures in Maroon history. However, amongst the Maroons themselves, she is held in the highest esteem” (

August 23, 2022

Queen Nanny: Jamaica’s Military Strategist and Hero

The thing about Black History is that it spans continents and countries, including the island of Jamaica. Before the time that the island became known as the land of reggae music, it was a place of refuge for thousands of African descendants. Within Jamaica’s history is the story of the legendary Queen Nanny.

Queen Nanny was known as the fearless leader of a community of Africans who fought and reclaimed their freedom. If you’re curious about this piece of history, here is the legend of Queen Nanny of the Maroons and how she fought for Black freedom. 

Queen Nanny and the Maroons

Before Jamaica was colonized, the land was inhabited by a group of Indigenous people called the Arawaks or Tainos, who lived peacefully on the island for many years. They were believed to have come from South America 2,500 years ago. They gave the island the name Xaymaca, meaning “land of water and wood.” The Tainos would later be important allies to Queen Nanny.

When the Spaniards took over the island and brought over enslaved Africans, some escaped their bondage and created independent communities within the island. The Spaniards referred to these people as “simaroons,” which later would be shortened by the British and referred to as the “maroons.”

It was believed that Queen Nanny and her brothers were the first to lead these slaves into freedom and start these settlements. Escaping into the mountains of Jamaica where the vegetation was rich and hard to access, Queen Nanny partnered with the Tainos to establish a new way of life on the island. 

When the Spanish left the island and before the British took over, previous slaves were set free and joined the Maroons, making them one of the largest populations on the island. These Maroons thrived for years through developing a trading system and becoming knowledgeable about the island. It was Queen Nanny who help the Maroons maintain their freedom and help others gain theirs as well. 

Who was Queen Nanny?

Very little is known about Queen Nanny’s origin. Some say that she came from Ghana, and others say she was a part of the Ashanti tribe. Although not much is known about her younger years, more is known about how she played a critical role in Jamaican history. The story of her bravery has been passed down through generation after generation, allowing us to put together the pieces of her heroic story. 

What we do know about her was that she was small in size but had piercing eyes and was the leader of the Windward Maroons. There is much controversy about how she arrived in Jamaica, and depending on who you ask you might get a different story. Some say she was brought to the island as a slave and then fought for her freedom, while others believe that she came of her own will.

When the British took over Jamaica, Queen Nanny fought against the British and was believed to have saved more than 1,000 slaves within her lifetime. It was during the first Maroon War from 1655 to 1740 that she became known as a ruthless but effective military strategist. 

With a military of around 3,000 soldiers, Queen Nanny used an abeng or a cow horn to communicate complex messages over long distances to her army — messages that the British could not understand. She also initiated guerilla warfare by having her soldiers use camouflage to hide amongst the trees and launch surprise attacks on the British soldiers. Occasionally she would allow some British soldiers to go free just so they could go back and warn the other soldiers of the dangers of attacking her people.

On one of the highest mountains on the island, a Maroon settlement was created and named Nanny Town. Although the British would eventually take over the town, they would have to endure numerous attacks from the Maroons and withstand Nanny’s strategic ambushes.

In addition to her combat strategies, some believed that Queen Nanny had magical powers. She was believed to have been a practitioner of Obeah, a spiritual practice that some believed gave her magical powers and made her bulletproof.

Fun fact: Queen Nanny sent her soldiers to Haiti to train Haitian soldiers. Her tactics were one element that helped the Haitians win their war. 

When the first war ended, a peace treaty was signed. The British and the Maroons eventually learned to work together. The Maroon culture began to become a mixture of British and Jamaican culture. 

Nanny Town was rebuilt and would eventually be renamed Moore Town. Although the name changed, Queen Nanny’s legacy lives on. Today, you can see Queen Nanny’s image on the 500-dollar Jamaican banknote bill. In addition, on March 13, 1932, Queen Nanny was named a national hero.

“Queen Nanny of the Windward Maroons has largely been ignored by historians who have restricted their focus to male figures in Maroon history. However, amongst the Maroons themselves, she is held in the highest esteem” (

August 22, 2022

How HOUSE OF THE DRAGON Connects to GAME OF THRONES’ Ultimate Battle

Spoiler Alert

We know a lot about House of the Dragon‘s story. We know all the major figures and events, who will survive, and how it will end. But despite all of that knowledge, the show’s premiere still managed to drop a huge revelation. It’s a monumental piece of lore that reframes the series, Aegon’s Conquest, House Targaryen, and Game of Thrones. Because a dream brought fire and blood came to Westeros to one day lead the fight against the White Walkers.

Once King Viserys decided to name his daughter heir to the Iron Throne, he told Rhaenyra a family secret few Targeryens ever even knew. It’s also a secret never before shared in all of George R.R. Martin’s grand story – the real reason Aegon conquered Westeros.

Paddy Considine as King Viserys Targaryen in House of the Dragon
Ollie Upton/HBO

Before Aegon’s Conquest, House Targaryen stood as the world’s last dragonlords for nearly a century. A minor noble house of Old Valyria, they fled the empire twelve years before its Doom. They only left because Lord Aenar Targaryen’s daughter, known as Daenys the Dreamer, foresaw Valyria’s fall. When the Doom consumed all of the empire and its dragons, House Targaryen was safely on Dragonstone.

But despite possessing the greatest power in the world and residing along Westeros’s eastern coast, House Targaryen barely involved itself in the Realm’s affairs for nearly 100 years, let alone attacked. Aegon didn’t either initially. Before looking west he cared more about what was happening across the Narrow Sea in Essos. That only changed—or so we thought—when King Argilac Durrandon of Storm’s End insulted Aegon. One act of violence from a single old stubborn king led Aegon to conquer the whole continent, not just Argilac’s kingdom.

Until now there’s always been something strange about House Targaryen’s century of inaction followed by Aegon’s overreaction to Argilac. Westeros, rife with in-fighting and millennia old animosity, was ripe for a dragon invasion. And House Targaryen had good reason to do just that. Dragonstone was not the easiest place to live. Now thanks to House of the Dragon we know what changed Aegon’s thinking, and therefore the world forever. Here’s what Viserys told his daughter about Aegon the Conqueror:

Ambition alone was not what drove him to conquest. It was a dream. And just as Daenys saw the end of Valyria, Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men. It is to begin with a terrible winter, gusting out of the distant North. Aegon saw absolute darkness riding on those winds, and whatever dwells within will destroy the world of the living. When this great winter comes, Rhaenyra, all of Westeros must stand against it. And if the world of men is to survive, a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne, a king or queen strong enough to unite the Realm against the cold and the dark. Aegon called his dream “The Song of Ice and Fire.” This secret has been passed from king to heir since Aegon’s time.

Young Princess Rhaenyra from House of the Dragon in the throne room on House of the Dragon

House Targaryen has a long recorded history of prophetic dreams starting with Daenys. In the novels Daenerys has them. As did a prince named Daeron the Drunken and the Targaryen bastard Daemon II Blackfyre. Now we know Aegon had them as well. He saw the return of the Night King three centuries before the White Walkers breached The Wall. That dream, more than personal ambition, pushed him to take over Westeros. That also helps explain why he let those who bent the knee keep their lands and titles rather than install lords loyal to him. From Aegon’s perspective, he was there to conquer so he could unite Westeros, not destroy or remake it. That was the only way to ensure a Targaryen could lead the charge against the Long Night. His dream fundamentally changes everything we know about Aegon came to Westeros with his sisters.

(Note: Dragons didn’t even exist during the first Long Night. Neither did House Targaryen.)

A dragon leers on House of the Dragon

But the ramifications of this prophecy, shared only with a king’s heir, changes everything we know about every Targaryen king who followed Aegon. Each carried the burden of a dark secret that involved the very fate of the world. That huge responsibility re-contextualizes every decision any of them ever made. That even includes (without condoning or excusing) Viserys’s decision in House of the Dragon‘s premiere to sacrifice his wife for an heir. Viserys’s obsession with having a son whose claim could not be challenged was at least partly about ensuring a Targaryen sat on the Iron Throne until Aegon’s dream came true.

Aegon’s prophecy now also reframes why Rhaenyra will soon fight a savage civil war to claim the Iron Throne. Her father entrusted her with the most important responsibility in the world. But that secret doomed some of Aegon’s other ancestors, too. It’s the same secret King Daeron the Young Dragon knew of while singularly focused on bringing Dorne under his rule. It’s also a dream Aegon the Unlikely knew about when he died trying to hatch dragon eggs.

Young Princess Rhaenyra from House of the Dragon in the throne room

But this prophecy also changes everything we know about Game of Thrones and the events leading up to it. That includes how Daenerys Targaryen never knew about her ancestor’s dream, and why Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark’s love led to mankind’s salvation.

One day Rhaegar Targaryen—son of the Mad King, heir to the Iron Throne, and older brother of Daenerys—suddenly decided he had to become a great knight. Some believe he made that decision because he read about the Prince That Was Promised prophecy and thought he was that prince. Now we know it might have been because his father told him of Aegon’s secret. But no matter what made him pick up a sword, eventually he likely believed his future son would be the world’s greatest hero Aegon dreamed of.

Rhaegar and Lyanna are married on Game of Thrones

Like Aegon’s dream, that Prince That Was Promised prophecy said a great hero would defeat the darkness and save mankind. But it was not Rhaegar who united the Realm against the White Walkers, nor even a king. It was Rhaegar’s son and rightful heir Jon Snow, whose real name was Aegon Targaryen. Jon Snow never knew about Aegon’s dream, either. But he was the son of Lyanna Stark, and his song was a song of ice (Stark) and fire (Targaryen).

In ways Aegon the Conqueror never could have predicted, his dream came true. A Targaryen united (enough of) the Realm to stand against the Night King and save the living. For nearly three centuries before Game of Thrones, though, that dream also influenced the lives of everyone in Westeros, because it influenced every Targaryen ruler who sat—or, like Rhaenyra, was mean to sit—on the Iron Throne. So much for what we “knew” about House of the Dragon, the Targaryen family, and why dragons came to Westeros.

Mikey Walsh is a staff writer at Nerdist. You can follow him on Twitter at @burgermike. And also anywhere someone is ranking the Targaryen kings.

The post How HOUSE OF THE DRAGON Connects to GAME OF THRONES’ Ultimate Battle appeared first on Nerdist.

August 21, 2022

Watch the Disney & Marvel GAMES SHOWCASE on Friday September 9th – Live from D23 Expo 2022

Watch the Disney & Marvel GAMES SHOWCASE on Friday, September 9th – Live from D23 Expo 2022

BURBANK, Calif. (August 15, 2022) – Live from D23 Expo presented by Visa, Disney is streaming the Disney & Marvel GAMES SHOWCASE to fans worldwide on Friday, September 9 at 1 p.m. PT. Tune in to the showcase, hosted by Kinda Funny’s Blessing Adeoye Jr.

The digital showcase will feature incredible new content from Disney & Pixar Games, Marvel Games, Lucasfilm Games, and 20th Century Games. In addition to all-new announcements, fans can expect new reveals from titles including Disney Dreamlight Valley, Marvel’s Midnight Suns, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, and a sneak peek at the upcoming Marvel ensemble game from Skydance New Media.

The Disney & Marvel GAMES SHOWCASE will be streamed live from D23 Expo 2022 and available to watch on a variety of platforms, including:, @DisneyD23 on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook
Disney on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook
Marvel Entertainment on YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, and Facebook

Fans attending D23 Expo 2022 in person will be able to watch the showcase live on the Premiere Stage, with a presentation following the livestream featuring developer interviews, special guests, and exclusive giveaways.

On the D23 Expo show floor, fans can visit Aniplex’s Disney Twisted-Wonderland booth to learn more about the unique anime-style game inspired by iconic Disney Villains. Attendees will be able to discover the different dorms of Night Raven College with a fun photo opportunity and see Twisted-Wonderland characters at the Infinity Cube, an immersive experience featuring live 2D animation. While supplies last, everyone who visits the Disney Twisted-Wonderland booth will receive a hand-fan featuring Grim, a cat-like monster who aspires to be a great mage and your roommate in the game.

D23 Expo is sold out. The Disney & Marvel GAMES SHOWCASE and select additional presentations will be streamed for guests at D23 Expo Live! throughout the show, September 9 through 11. For more information, visit

Schedule and talent are subject to change.

About Disney Consumer Products, Games and Publishing
Consumer Products, Games and Publishing (CPGP) is the division of Disney Parks, Experiences and Products (DPEP) that brings beloved brands and franchises into the daily lives of families and fans through products – from toys to T-shirts, apps, books, console games, and more – and experiences that can be found around the world, including on the shopDisney e-commerce platform and at Disney Parks, local and international retailers, as well as Disney store locations globally. The business is home to world-class teams of product, licensing, and retail experts, artists, and storytellers, and technologists who inspire imaginations around the world.

About Marvel Entertainment
Marvel Entertainment, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies, built on a proven library of more than 8,000 characters featured in a variety of media for over eighty years. Marvel utilizes its character franchises in entertainment, licensing, publishing, games, and digital media. For more information visit © 2022 MARVEL

About D23 Expo 2022
D23 Expo—The Ultimate Disney Fan Event—brings together all the worlds of Disney under one roof for three packed days of presentations, pavilions, experiences, concerts, sneak peeks, shopping, and more. The event provides fans with unprecedented access to Disney films, streaming, television, games, theme parks, and celebrities. For the latest D23 Expo 2022 news, visit Presentations, talent, and schedule subject to change. To join the D23 Expo conversation, be sure to follow DisneyD23 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, and use the hashtag #D23Expo.

About D23
The name “D23” pays homage to the exciting journey that began in 1923 when Walt Disney opened his first studio in Hollywood. D23 is the first official club for fans in Disney’s 99-year history. It gives its members a greater connection to the entire world of Disney by placing them in the middle of the magic through its quarterly publication, Disney twenty-three; a rich website at, with members-only content; member-exclusive discounts; and special events for D23 Members throughout the year.

Fans can join D23 at Gold Membership ($99.99), Gold Duo Membership ($129.99), and General Membership (complimentary) levels at To keep up with all the latest D23 news and events, follow DisneyD23 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

The post Watch the Disney & Marvel GAMES SHOWCASE on Friday September 9th – Live from D23 Expo 2022 appeared first on The Nerd Element.

August 21, 2022


CEO Bob Chapek Will Give Fans a First Look at Disney 100 Years of Wonder

Tamron Hall to Host the Legends Awards, Where Anthony Anderson, Kristen Bell, Chadwick Boseman, Patrick Dempsey, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff, Idina Menzel, Ellen Pompeo, and Tracee Ellis Ross Will Be Among the Remarkable Talent Honored

BURBANK, Calif. (August 19, 2022) – D23 Expo: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event presented by Visa® will kick off Friday, September 9, with a fantastic spectacle that includes the Disney Legends Awards ceremony and an early look at Disney 100 Years of Wonder—an extraordinary celebration 100 years in the making. The opening ceremony will take place at 10:30 a.m. in Hall D23 inside the Anaheim Convention Center.

“For nearly a century, Disney has been entertaining and inspiring people around the world,” said Bob Chapek, CEO, The Walt Disney Company. “I can’t wait to give fans a first look at what we have in store for our hundredth anniversary, and how we’re using this occasion to celebrate all the fans and families who have welcomed Disney into their lives.”

The incredible opening event, which will be streamed as part of D23 Expo [LIVE], will feature musical performances, special guests, and surprises for the audience, including a special performance by cast members from Disney On Broadway’s productions of Aladdin and The Lion King, and The North American Tour of Frozen.

The Disney Legends Award is given to an individual who has made an extraordinary contribution to the Disney legacy, and this year’s honorees include Anthony Anderson, Kristen Bell, Chadwick Boseman, Rob’t Coltrin, Patrick Dempsey, Robert Price “Bob” Foster, Jonathan Groff, Don Hahn, Josh Gad, Doris Hardoon, Idina Menzel, Chris Montan, Ellen Pompeo, and Tracee Ellis Ross. Emmy® Award winner Tamron Hall will host, bringing her signature warmth and humor to the fan-favorite ceremony.

The Disney Legends Awards program is a 35-year tradition of The Walt Disney Company, which began when Fred MacMurray (The Shaggy Dog, The Absent-Minded Professor, The Happiest Millionaire) was honored in 1987. The awards ceremony is just one of the many spectacular events fans can enjoy during the three-day D23 Expo.

The 2022 Disney Legends Award honorees (listed alphabetically) are:

Anthony Anderson grew up in Los Angeles. While pursuing his acting career, he continued his education by attending the High School for the Performing Arts, where he earned first place in the NAACP’s ACT-SO Awards. His performance, along with a dedication to his craft, earned him an arts scholarship to Howard University. Anthony has appeared in more than 20 films, and his performance on Law & Order earned him four consecutive NAACP Image Award nominations for Outstanding Actor in a Drama Series. He starred in and executive produced ABC’s Emmy-nominated sitcom black-ish, winning seven NAACP Image Awards and earning seven Emmy and three Golden Globe® nominations for his role as Andre “Dre” Johnson in the series. He also executive produced and appeared in the black-ish spinoff series grown-ish and mixed-ish. His recent credits include ABC’s Live in Front of a Studio Audience: Norman Lear’s ‘All in the Family’ and ‘The Jeffersons’ (2019), host of ABC’s game show To Tell the Truth (2016–), and Detective Kevin Bernard in Law & Order. In 2020 he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Kristen Bell is an award-winning actor, author, and producer, who landed her first role with Disney by lending her voice to Hiromi in the Studio Ghibli classic The Cat Returns, for the U.S. DVD release in 2005. Her voice-acting expertise would soon come in handy once again, for the two highest-grossing animated features of all time, Frozen (2013) and Frozen 2 (2019). Anna, the optimistic, comical, fearless princess (who became Queen) of Arendelle, was a spot-on role for the seasoned actor, whose singing talents and personality effortlessly shines through her performance of the character. Kristen reprised the role in Frozen Fever (2015), Olaf’s Frozen Adventure (2017), Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018), and Once Upon a Snowman (2020), along with numerous video games, theme park experiences, and consumer products. Kristen also voiced Priscilla the sloth in 2016’s Oscar®-winning Zootopia and in the upcoming Disney+ series Zootopia+. She has also starred in several Disney live-action films, such as When in Rome (2010) and You Again (2010), TV specials such as Lady Gaga & The Muppets’ Holiday Spectacular (2013) and Mickey’s 90th Spectacular (2018), and myriad series from 20th Century Fox, including The Simpsons and Family Guy.

Chadwick Boseman was fueled by purpose and sought to fulfill that through writing, directing, acting, and activism. His breakout performance came playing Jackie Robinson in 42, followed by his next role as James Brown in Get On Up. He then starred in the title role of Marshall, which followed a young Thurgood Marshall. Boseman joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe as the African Super Hero Black Panther in Captain America: Civil War before bringing the character to the forefront of his own solo film, Black Panther, which received critical acclaim, broke global box office records, and had a social and cultural impact felt globally. The film received seven Academy Award® nominations, including Marvel’s first-ever Best Picture nomination. Boseman won the NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture and the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture alongside the film’s ensemble. In 2019, Boseman starred in 21 Bridges. In 2020, he appeared in Da 5 Bloods, directed by Academy Award winner Spike Lee. In Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, his captivating performance as “Levee” garnered an Academy Award nomination, and he won the NAACP Image Award and the Critics Choice and Screen Actors Guild awards, among numerous others. On television, he most recently received an Emmy nomination for his work in the Disney+ animated series What If…?

Rob’t Coltrin joined Walt Disney Imagineering in 1990 in the Show Set Design group and over time progressed through multiple disciplines—including show design, concept design, and art direction—before landing in his final role as an executive creative director. Early in his career he had a hand in the creation of several attractions that have delighted Disney fans for decades, such as Mickey’s PhilharMagic, Muppet*Vision 3D, and Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin. More recently, he was a major creative force behind some of our most ambitious projects, including Radiator Springs Racers, Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway, and recent expansions at Tokyo Disney Resort. In addition to his boundless creative talents, Rob’t is also well known for his passion to elevate the work of fellow Imagineers and help further their careers. Even following his retirement in 2019, he continues to keep in touch with and inspire many of his friends and colleagues at Imagineering.

Patrick Dempsey is a two-time Golden Globe® nominee and SAG Award® nominee for Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series. Early in his career he appeared in 1980s nostalgia films such as Touchstone’s Can’t Buy Me Love (1987) and has since become a Hollywood star with numerous iconic television and film roles. Other Disney credits include an appearance on The Magical World of Disney as Kellin Taylor in A Fighting Choice (1986), the Hollywood Pictures film Run (1991), Touchstone’s Sweet Home Alabama (2002), Brother Bear 2 (2006) as the voice of Kenai, Enchanted (2007), and the upcoming Disney+ film Disenchanted (2022). He is perhaps best known to fans as Dr. Derek Shepherd in ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, a role he portrayed for 11 seasons. Grey’s Anatomy won the 2007 Golden Globe for Best Television Series–Drama as well as the 2007 SAG Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series. In addition to acting, Patrick is an avid racing enthusiast, participating in sports car events and produced the film The Art of Racing in the Rain (2019). In 2008, with the intention of giving back to the community where he grew up and where his mother first received cancer treatment, Patrick founded the Dempsey Center to help make life better for people managing the impact of cancer.

Robert Price “Bob” Foster began his Disney career in 1956, joining the Walt Disney Productions legal department. He later served as a member of the Park Operations Committee for Disneyland and was promoted to Corporate Secretary and Legal Counsel in 1958. Two years later, he was named Assistant Secretary, Walt Disney Productions, and Resident Counsel for Disneyland. In 1963, Walt and Roy O. Disney selected Bob to head the land search for their top-secret “Florida Project.” Bob took extraordinary measures to ensure that the identity of Walt Disney Productions remained classified while initiating and executing the property research and acquisition effort. He acquired 43 square miles of land for what would eventually become the Walt Disney World Resort. Bob was later named Vice President (Legal), Secretary, and General Counsel for the Walt Disney World Co. and in 1970 was promoted to President of the Buena Vista Land Company. In this role, Bob was responsible for overseeing development of the resort community of Lake Buena Vista. In 1974, Bob retired from Walt Disney Productions as Vice President, Real Estate.

Josh Gad is a Tony Award®-winning actor and singer who has warmed the hearts of countless viewers around the globe as Olaf, the loveable snowman from the 2013 box office hit Frozen and its popular follow-up, Frozen 2 (2019). To audiences’ delight, Gad has reprised the role numerous times, each time sharing more of the sun-loving character’s endearing personality and vivacious songs. Olaf has appeared in Frozen Fever (2015), LEGO® Disney Frozen: Northern Lights (2016), Olaf’s Frozen Adventure (2017), At Home with Olaf (2020), Once Upon a Snowman (2020), and Olaf Presents (2021). Gad’s memorable performances in Frozen and Frozen 2 earned him two Annie Awards for Outstanding Achievement for Voice Acting in an Animated Feature Production. In 2017, Gad starred as LeFou, the memorable and iconic sidekick to Gaston, in the live-action Beauty and the Beast, and in 2020, he portrayed Mulch Diggums in Artemis Fowl. Some of his other notable Disney credits include Mickey’s 90th Spectacular (2018), The Disney Family Singalong (2020), Murder on the Orient Express (2017), Modern Family (2011), and Magic of Disney’s Animal Kingdom (2020). Gad’s Broadway talent is also showcased as both a creator and star of the Emmy-nominated 20th Television Animation musical series, Central Park (2020–).

Jonathan Groff has made memorable performances in theater, film, and television since his award-winning breakout performance in Broadway’s Spring Awakening (2006). Popular with Disney fans the world over, Jonathan voiced the character of Kristoff in both Frozen (2013) and Frozen 2 (2019)—the top two highest-grossing animated films of all time—as well as in Frozen Fever (2015), LEGO Disney Frozen: Northern Lights (2016), Olaf’s Frozen Adventure (2017), Once Upon a Snowman (2020), and numerous video games, consumer products, and theme park experiences. He also appeared as Jesse St. James on the Emmy- and Golden Globe-award-winning television series Glee. Additional notable Disney television credits include The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic and Into the Unknown: Making Frozen 2. Groff originated the role of King George III in the Pulitzer Prize-winning production of Hamilton on Broadway, receiving a Tony Award nomination for his performance, and was part of the featured cast immortalized in the Emmy-winning Disney+ Original release of the hit show. Groff also received an individual Emmy nomination for his performance in the filmed production.

Don Hahn joined The Walt Disney Studios in 1976 in the Art Props Morgue. His animation career took off when he worked as an inbetweener on Pete’s Dragon (1977), and later as assistant director on The Fox and the Hound (1981). He was Production Manager of The Black Cauldron (1985) and The Great Mouse Detective (1986), then turned to producing on Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), Beauty and the Beast (1991), and The Lion King (1994). His other credits include The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), The Emperor’s New Groove (2000), Maleficent (2014), and the live-action Beauty and the Beast (2017). He executive produced the Disneynature films Earth (2009), Oceans (2010), African Cats (2011), and Chimpanzee (2012). Don is also the author of several Disney Editions books, including The Alchemy of Animation, Before Ever After, and Yesterday’s Tomorrow: Disney’s Magical Mid-Century. As director, Don has helmed such acclaimed documentaries as Waking Sleeping Beauty (2010) and Howard (2020). His most recent Disney credits include hosting the documentary Adventure Thru the Walt Disney Archives (2020).

Doris Hardoon joined Walt Disney Imagineering in 1979 as a junior designer, then quickly rose through the ranks to lead designer, art director, and producer on a variety of groundbreaking projects around the globe. Included were EPCOT Center, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, and Disney’s Animal Kingdom theme park, as well as Disney Cruise Line and Disney entertainment centers nationwide. She additionally served as executive art director, producer, and creative portfolio lead for projects including Hong Kong Disneyland, the proposed-but-never-built WESTCOT Center in Anaheim, and the unbuilt DisneySea in Long Beach. Doris left the Company in 2000 to pursue other innovative projects but returned in 2009 to help conceive, design, and build Shanghai Disney Resort. In her role as executive director and producer, Doris provided overall creative direction to her design and production teams, while establishing culturally relevant, “authentically Disney, distinctly Chinese” elements in all aspects of her assignments. Doris is the 2022 recipient of the THEA Buzz Price Lifetime of Distinguished Achievements Award.

Idina Menzel is an accomplished actor, singer, songwriter, and philanthropist, who rose to fame on the Broadway stage. Winning a Tony Award in 2004 for her legendary performance as Elphaba in Wicked, she famously went on to voice Queen Elsa in Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Frozen (2013) and reprised the role in Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018) and Frozen 2 (2019), along with numerous animated shorts, theme park experiences, and consumer products. Idina’s performance of the Oscar- and Grammy®-winning song “Let It Go” became an international phenomenon, reaching No. 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, and helped launch Frozen and Frozen 2 on their way to becoming the two highest-grossing animated movies of all time. Idina also appeared as Nancy Tremaine in Enchanted (2007) and is soon to reprise the role in the Disney+ sequel, Disenchanted. As a songwriter, Idina’s original song “Dream Girl” (from 2021’s Cinderella) made it to the Academy Awards’ Best Original Song short list. Some of her notable Disney TV credits include Lisa King in ABC Studios’ Private Practice (2009), Disneyland 60: The Wonderful World of Disney (2015), Mickey’s 90th Spectacular (2018), and The Disney Family Singalong: Volume II (2020), as well as the recurring role of Shelby Corcoran in Glee for 20th Century Television.

Chris Montan joined The Walt Disney Company in 1984, and within three years was named vice president of music for motion pictures and television. In 1997, Variety named him “musical supervisor of the decade” after he oversaw such classic and best-selling film soundtracks as The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Pretty Woman, Sister Act, Aladdin, The Lion King, Pocahontas, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Hercules. Chris was named President of Walt Disney Music in 1999 and was responsible for overseeing music for Disney and Pixar animated feature films, Disney Theatrical stage productions, and Disney Parks and Resorts, worldwide. He served as executive music producer for all of the Studios’ animated features during his tenure, working closely in the story development process as well as helping to select musical talent. His work has been nominated for multiple Grammy Awards, winning Best Original Cast Recording for Aida and Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media for Frozen, with additional films receiving 45 musical Academy Award nominations and 16 Academy Awards in the Best Original Song and Best Original Score categories.

Ellen Pompeo leads the longest-running primetime medical drama in television history, Grey’s Anatomy. As one of television’s most beloved actresses, Ellen’s turn in the title role continues to help elevate the series as ABC’s highest-rated drama and earned the actress a Golden Globe nomination in 2007. Audiences remain glued to screens week after week watching Dr. Meredith Grey and her colleagues face relatable and emotional hardships. In real life, Ellen similarly confronts adversity and works for positive change both on and off the screen. Whether it is encouraging women to pursue their dream careers—medical or otherwise—or advocating for normalizing gender and racial equality in the workplace, the actress has inspired generations. Some of Ellen’s other notable credits include Moonlight Mile (2002), Old School (2003), and Daredevil (2003). Next up, Ellen will star in and executive produce an eight-episode Hulu Original limited series currently titled Untitled Orphan Project through her production banner Calamity Jane, which she launched in 2011.

Tracee Ellis Ross starred in the groundbreaking ABC comedy series black-ish. The Emmy-winning show ran for eight seasons, during which she also served as a producer and director. For her role as Dr. Rainbow “Bow” Johnson, Tracee was nominated five times for an Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series and won the 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2020 NAACP Image Award for Best Actress in a Comedy Series. In addition, Tracee was honored and acknowledged at the 2016 ESSENCE Black Women in Hollywood luncheon, receiving the Fierce and Fearless award. Her other Disney television credits include roles on grown-ish and mixed-ish—the latter of which she was both co-creator and executive producer—The Premise, and Private Practice. Tracee is the founder and CEO of PATTERN, a haircare brand that launched in 2019.

Honorees receive a two-foot-tall bronze Disney Legends sculpture that signifies the imagination, creativity, and magic they have brought to the Company. Disney Legends Award recipients will also participate in a handprint ceremony at the end of the event, and their bronzed prints will be displayed in the Disney Legends Plaza at the Company’s Burbank headquarters.

Admission to the ceremony will be on a first-come, first-served basis and is included in the price of a ticket to D23 Expo 2022.

Including this year’s honorees, a total of 304 Disney Legends have been named. Past Disney Legends include Tim Allen, Julie Andrews, Howard Ashman, Robert Downey Jr., Annette Funicello, Whoopi Goldberg, Sir Elton John, Angela Lansbury, George Lucas, Steve Martin, Alan Menken, Hayley Mills, Fess Parker, Robin Roberts, Marty Sklar, Dick Van Dyke, Barbara Walters, Ming-Na Wen, Betty White, and Robin Williams, among many others. Beginning with the inaugural D23 Expo in 2009, thousands of Disney fans have been able to enjoy the Disney Legends Awards ceremony in-person.

D23 Expo is sold out. Select presentations will be streamed for guests at D23 Expo Live! For more information, visit

Schedules and talent are subject to change.

About D23 Expo 2022
D23 Expo—The Ultimate Disney Fan Event—brings together all the worlds of Disney under one roof for three packed days of presentations, pavilions, experiences, concerts, sneak peeks, shopping, and more. The event provides fans with unprecedented access to Disney films, streaming, television, games, theme parks, and celebrities. For the latest D23 Expo 2022 news, visit Presentations, talent, and schedule subject to change. To join the D23 Expo conversation, be sure to follow DisneyD23 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, and use the hashtag #D23Expo.

About D23
The name “D23” pays homage to the exciting journey that began in 1923 when Walt Disney opened his first studio in Hollywood. D23 is the first official club for fans in Disney’s 99-year history. It gives its members a greater connection to the entire world of Disney by placing them in the middle of the magic through its quarterly publication, Disney twenty-three; a rich website at, with members-only content; member-exclusive discounts; and special events for D23 Members throughout the year.

Fans can join D23 at Gold Membership ($99.99), Gold Duo Membership ($129.99), and General Membership (complimentary) levels at To keep up with all the latest D23 news and events, follow DisneyD23 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


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