
While the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s multiverse is in full swing, another fan favorite multiversal hero is set to make his return. The sequel to the Oscar-winning Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is swinging into theaters next year with Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, and Oscar Isaac’s Spider-Man 2099. While little is still known about Across the Spider-Verse, fans got their first look at the film’s villain thanks to a panel at Annecy Animation Festival. Dan jumps into the Spider-Verse to break down everything you need to know about this deep cut rogue on today’s episode of Nerdist News!

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June 14, 2022

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Villain Revealed (Nerdist News w/ Dan Casey)

While the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s multiverse is in full swing, another fan favorite multiversal hero is set to make his return. The sequel to the Oscar-winning Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is swinging into theaters next year with Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, and Oscar Isaac’s Spider-Man 2099. While little is still known about Across the Spider-Verse, fans got their first look at the film’s villain thanks to a panel at Annecy Animation Festival. Dan jumps into the Spider-Verse to break down everything you need to know about this deep cut rogue on today’s episode of Nerdist News!

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June 13, 2022

5 Summer Reads By Black Women Authors

Summer is almost officially upon us, and I’m excited because that’s when I get to indulge in some good books. I love reading, and put together a list of books by Black women authors that you’ll love and are worthy of reading more than once. This list is a mix of new books and books I’ve read before that I believe will be perfect for your summer travel, vacations, and much-needed relaxation time.

The Vanishing Half by Britt Bennett

Desiree and Stella are twins who can’t wait to get out of Mallard, LA — a small, Black town they’ve grown up in. At sixteen, they finally run away. One chooses Black, and the other chooses white. The sisters ultimately lose touch with one another. One comes back to town with a Black daughter, while the other lives across the country, passing for white while hiding her past. This book reminded me of Imitation of Life and Passing.

After finishing this book, I missed the journey that Bennett takes you on with the lives of the women. We see how two generations diverge and then come back together later on. The themes are interesting to me — race, gender norms, identity, motherhood, loneliness, colorism — however, I wish the characters jumped off the page a bit more. This book will be made into a television series on HBO by our favorite awkward Black girl Issa Rae. So, we can look forward to seeing how the story and characters are interpreted on screen.

Seven Days in June by Tia Williams

If you enjoy warm but honest depictions of characters — especially heroines — you should read this book for that alone. Then there’s the examination of generational curses. How the way we’re raised can lift us up or put us on our backs as we grow and move through the world. Eva and Shane’s backstories, the issues they coped with as a result, and the choices they made regarding the children in their lives and their own futures, were all so significant to me.

It’s a love story. It’s beautiful, messy, and heartbreaking. Yes, just like a good love story should be. It also explores topics of masculinity, race, addiction, and writing. This book’s rights have also been purchased for us to see it on-screen, which is very cool. I love that so many Black women authors are getting these incredible opportunities.

Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo

The story is about two girls — Camino and Yahaira — one in the Dominican Republic and one in New York City. They have never met or known of each other’s existence. But when their father is killed in a plane crash on his way to visit Camino, they find each other within their grief. The story is moving and filled with grief, loss, and family secrets. All of this came together in verse.

What I loved most about the book, besides Acevedo’s ability to write moving free verse, is that it brings attention to tragedies that happen all the time. Some are noticed, when they are newsworthy and saturated in politics – terrorism, school shootings, for example – but some are left to be grieved only by those directly affected. The rest of the world goes on as normal, never seeing the pain inflicted on a community.

You Made a Fool of Death By Your Beauty by Akwaeke Emezi

This story centers on Feyi Adekola, an artist who has decided to start dating again after the death of her husband. There are a series of events that lead to her falling for a man that has also lost his wife. Going into this, I knew it was going to be a heavy read, but I believe this book struck a balance of heavy, heartfelt moments with steamy, sexy moments. My only issue is that I felt like the main romance between Feyi and Alim felt a little bit rushed. But the beautiful writing and the eventual chemistry we see between them made up for that. I hope that Emezi has plans to write more romances in the future because I absolutely ate this one up. So, so good.

Finding Me: A Memoir by Viola Davis

I believe it’s safe to say that Viola Davis is one of the best actresses of our generation. She’s phenomenal and her Instagram posts are the best. The first half of the book is A LOT. It is about Davis’ childhood which is heartbreaking (domestic violence and sexual abuse). The book reads like a conversation with Davis; one where she is telling you all of this terrible trauma but in a very passive way; almost as if she’s in denial about it. It’s trauma story after trauma story, and it’s so uncomfortable to read. Once you’re out of the first half of the book, your anxiety calms down. There weren’t as many behind-the-scenes stories about Davis’s movie roles as I expected, and the last third of the book skipped past her accomplishments very quickly post-2005. That was the least compelling aspect because it felt like a rapid listing of cool events, not deeper introspection. Society has so many labels of what is normal and beautiful. I love that Viola Davis bares her soul to let us know it is okay to be yourself and that you can overcome challenges and obstacles.

Check out more book recommendations here.

June 13, 2022

Real Life Is Never Too Ridiculous For THE BOYS

Spoiler Alert

The Boys stands among television’s best because it excels in so many ways. It seamlessly combines character-driven stories, insightful social commentary, and wildly entertaining, wildly inappropriate humor. A single episode can feature intimate scenes between family, meaningful explorations of corporate malfeasance, and a room full of exploding heads. But episode four of season three, “Glorious Five Year Plan,” highlighted how the show can also combine all those elements to create perfect moments of stupidity. Because even on a series that requires building massive realistic genitalia, The Boys most unbelievably dumb moments come directly from the real world.

A-Train comes between protestors and the cops during a commercial on The Boys
Prime Video

Homelander is literally the most powerful man in the world. He can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. If—as he threatened he would last episode—he ever decides to take over the world nothing can stop him. He doesn’t have to carry the nuclear football with him. He is a nuclear weapon.

That’s why his latest appearance on the Vought News Network’s The Cameron Coleman Hour was patently ludicrous. Homelander’s company, the most powerful in the world, has its very own propaganda news network. He was a guest being “interviewed” by a corporate shill whose only job is to make the superhero look good. And why was Homelander there? To address legitimate criticism of something terrifying he said on live television. He wasn’t taking responsibility, however. Nor was he fairly addressing his critics. He was claiming he’s a target of unfounded “lies peddled by the mainstream media.” And who is actually behind these “attacks” on him? Rich and powerful “people you’ve never heard” who “operate in the shadows,” of course. It’s those unnamed, secret people—who are “everywhere”—that actually pull “the strings” of power. They’re always trying to silence an invulnerable god with laser eyes. Naturally.

Homelander is a guest on the Cameron Coleman Hour on The Boys
Prime Video

That scene’s lack of shame would seem too over-the-top if not for the fact it plays out in the real world every day. Politicians and the uber-wealthy, those with actual power, do the same thing all the time. They use “news networks,” whose real purpose is to operate as a wing of the party, to amplify their endless list of grievances. Those stations let powerful people get their message, even the most heinous, out to millions of people unchallenged and unquestioned. Like Homelander, they’re so deplorable they’ll go on TV and deny what they’ve done even when there is tape of them doing it.

And it’s not enough to lie and never take accountability; they act like victims. You can have all the power in the world, get everything you ever wanted, and still sell yourself as the aggrieved underdog. All with a straight face. Forget fictional superheroes. No one does fake victimhood like real politicians.

Antony Starr as Homelander on The Boys
Prime Video

But while that absurdity plays out every day on basic cable, the episode’s most embarrassing moment parodied one of the singular most ill-conceived moments in advertising history. A-Train’s exploitation of social justice movements to sell a drink really did happen.

In 2017, Pepsi quickly pulled a commercial starring Kendall Jenner. If you’ve never seen the infamous Pepsi ad, which appropriated the Black Lives Matter movement, congratulations. You have truly lived a better, less annoyed life than the rest of us. (Especially if you’ve never watched the full version.) But that also means you didn’t get to appreciate just how accurate A-Train’s version was. They’re the same commercial. Except for his super speed, The Boys didn’t need to exaggerate a single aspect of the ad. The fictional version might actually be less mortifying.

A-Train Energy Drink Commercial The Boys
Prime Video

How someone ever came up with the ad’s concept—let alone pitched it, got it approved, found people willing to film it, and then got it on to television—-remains one of mankind’s greatest mysteries. The Pepsi ad was so obviously asinine and offensive that even within the world of The Boys, the parody stood out. A Wolverine-like supe murdering people with superhero sex toys? Sure, totally believable. But thinking you can pass off a reality star bridging the gap between protestors and the police by handing a cop a can of soda without anyone knowing how craven that is? No, that would be too much. Or it would be if we hadn’t already seen it.

(At least we now have A-Train’s commercial to go along with Beck Bennett’s pitch-perfect SNL sketch about it. We both want to never think about that Pepsi ad again while also making fun of it forever.)

People often say “we live in the dumbest timeline,” and The Boys certainly doesn’t disprove that. But that’s why we love when the show uses real events for humor. It’s a lot easier to laugh at things when it happens in a fictional world and not our own. And it’s not like we can’t still appreciate when the series invents its own absurd moments. Like when a blonde-haired racist sociopath tried ingratiating himself with a Mexican-American by serving him a taco bowl.

Could you imagine if someone were stupid enough to do that?! We can’t either! That’s why we’re laughing at the idea right now instead of staring off into nothingness while wondering how long humanity can survive.

Homelander gives Supersonic a thumbs up after serving taco bowls on The Boys
Prime Video

Only The Boys can make a fictional buffoon incapable of genuine human empathy funny. But that’s why Homelander is both the show’s best villain and its best idiot. He’s too stupid to know why that is offensive and embarrassing. He’s also the last person we’d want to see become the most powerful person in the real world.

Mikey Walsh is a staff writer at Nerdist. You can follow him on Twitter at @burgermike. And also anywhere someone is ranking the Targaryen kings.

The post Real Life Is Never Too Ridiculous For THE BOYS appeared first on Nerdist.

June 12, 2022

‘Abbott Elementary’ Gives Happy News for Season 2

ABC’s Abbott Elementary has quickly become a critical and audience darling. Created and written by comedian Quinta Brunson who also plays Janine Teagues, the show follows a documentary crew while they film the lives of teachers and students at the eponymous school. The show also stars Tyler James Williams, Janelle James, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Chris Perfetti, and Lisa Ann Walter. 

BGN attended a special panel where the cast talked about what makes the show special and what we can expect next year. Tyler Perfetti is currently starring in King James at the Steppenwolf Theater and was unable to attend the panel. Eccentric janitor William Stanford Davis took his place. 

Abbott Elementary is a character-driven sitcom that uses the popular documentary-style seen in The Office and Parks and Rec. The advantage, according to Brunson, is that you see the small moments that often get mixed when the subjects don’t know the camera is on them. Lisa Ann Walter, who plays Melissa Schemmenti, had this to say about the beauty of the smaller performances: 

“Sometimes, it’s just the tiniest little thing. Like when Chris [Perfetti who plays Jacob] thinks Barbara [Sheryl Lee Ralph] will retire and his reaction to it is to almost burst into tears. Just a moment when he realizes it and then walks — you think, that’s gorgeous! And each one of you has a moment like that.”

Brunson went on to add Walter to the mix. 

“Lisa has these moments in talking heads — which I don’t get to see when I’m on set – where the character is written very hard, or the line was written with a hard voice in mind. She makes a different choice of a soft, quiet voice that shows you how much Melissa Schemmenti loves her kids.”

The cast has a true affinity for each other and respect that spans from season veterans like Tyler James Williams and Sheryl Lee Ralph to newcomers like comedian Janelle James. 

“Janelle just makes me funnier!” Brunson effuses about James, who plays the wayward Principal Ava. They have a special relationship that is probably more rejection than bonding. But Brunson’s character is constantly made better by Ava, and every now and again, the sentiment is returned. 

“It’s a real blessing to work with people who make you better in every way. It’s a real pleasure.” Brunson continued with a big smile on her face. 

Season 2 is coming up, and Brunson has hinted that we’ll now see more of the home lives of our teachers. At the end of the last season, we saw Janine break up with her long-time boyfriend, Tariq (Zack Fox), an aspiring rapper who takes a job in New York City. 

We also learn of Jacob’s boyfriend Zach (Larry Owens) and see a relationship start to form between Greg (Tyler James Williams) and Barbara’s daughter Taylor (Iyana Halley) — possibly to Janine’s dismay. It will be a welcome change to see more into the inner lives of the teaching staff, especially the notoriously private Lisa Schemmenti. 

“You know, behind closed doors, they are crazy! And Barbara has a little tick tick boom in her!” Lee Ralph said excitedly on the carpet. Brunson also admitted that she was most excited to take the audience to Melissa’s house. 

As for the budding yet stalled romance between Janine and Gregory, Brunson stayed coy. But Williams revealed he’s been told about what will happen, and he’s very excited not only to see how it plays out but how audiences will react. 

Brunson has an indefatigable optimism while staying rooted which is a hard vibe to pull off. 

The panel moderator, Rebecca Ford, senior awards correspondent at Vanity Fair, made the observation of Brunson, “I have never seen anybody be the head of the show, the lead, a writer, and by the end of the season, everyone still loves that person. The cast and crew would run through a brick wall for her which is just a testament to her character.”

Whenever dealing with the press, there is an element where the cast has to turn themselves “on” to promote their shows. Watching the cast, most of whom were relatively new to TV, you could tell there was a passion and enthusiasm not just for the show, but for the message of giving a voice to teachers whose lives are spent trying to make our youth better. 

Brunson originally came up with the idea because her mom was a teacher and she saw the obstacles and successes she had. She cared about her students despite uncooperative parents, decreased funding, safety concerns, and more. Brunson wanted to make the show as an ode to her mom and to all of the teachers out there who only want to help. In doing so, she’s created a funny, heartfelt sitcom that is as engaging as it is thought-provoking. 

Abbott Elementary will return for the 2022-2023 school year. In the meantime, you can catch up on episodes through Hulu.

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