
Looking to celebrate their anniversary and break up the monotony of their very routine lives, Hope’s boyfriend, Jacob, convinces her to try out glamping and books a weekend getaway to an Away Pod. Jacob plans to propose to his girlfriend of two years, but the arrival of Hope’s obsessive ex-boyfriend, Derrick, and his girlfriend, Jada, at the getaway complicates things. Tensions and jealousy mount as Derrick becomes inappropriate with his flirtations. Things get even worse when the owners of the Away Pod go missing and Hope discovers Derrick has a dark secret he’s keeping from them all. Wanted by the police for a botched robbery and murder, there’s nothing Derrick won’t do to protect his secret even if it means killing his precious Hope. Stranded in the woods with a target on their backs, Hope and Jacob become the hunted and must fight their way out of this nightmare if they want to stay alive.

The film stars Yandy Smith-Harris, Jason Weaver, Jeff Logan, Princess Love Norwood, and more.

Director: Charles Jones

Writers: Chad Quinn & Eric Dickens

 Showrunners: Tressa Azarel Smallwood & Donte Lee

Premieres May 9th.

April 30, 2024

New BET+ Thriller ‘The Deadly Getaway’ Premieres May 9

Looking to celebrate their anniversary and break up the monotony of their very routine lives, Hope’s boyfriend, Jacob, convinces her to try out glamping and books a weekend getaway to an Away Pod. Jacob plans to propose to his girlfriend of two years, but the arrival of Hope’s obsessive ex-boyfriend, Derrick, and his girlfriend, Jada, at the getaway complicates things. Tensions and jealousy mount as Derrick becomes inappropriate with his flirtations. Things get even worse when the owners of the Away Pod go missing and Hope discovers Derrick has a dark secret he’s keeping from them all. Wanted by the police for a botched robbery and murder, there’s nothing Derrick won’t do to protect his secret even if it means killing his precious Hope. Stranded in the woods with a target on their backs, Hope and Jacob become the hunted and must fight their way out of this nightmare if they want to stay alive.

The film stars Yandy Smith-Harris, Jason Weaver, Jeff Logan, Princess Love Norwood, and more.

Director: Charles Jones

Writers: Chad Quinn & Eric Dickens

 Showrunners: Tressa Azarel Smallwood & Donte Lee

Premieres May 9th.

April 29, 2024

How To Manage Emotions In The Workplace

Originally Published Sept. 18, 2014.

It’s happened to us all. Whether we admit it or not, we’ve all had the experience of getting our feelings hurt at work. A lot of times, our direct supervisor is usually the culprit. Sometimes, it’s our co-workers, but nonetheless, the experience is humiliating. Emotions are a touchy subject, mainly because we all like to act like we don’t have any or they don’t affect us. The truth is, as research shows, a majority of humans walk around with so much emotional baggage that, at any given point, a person could have a breakdown.

As a life coach, I like to connect with clients on an emotional level because it allows me—AND them—to see how deep emotions go. Moreover, it reveals that emotions are running the show whether we realize it or not. To be successful in business and life, you need to have a sense of emotional health and intelligence. Here, I provide some easy tips for how to process and manage emotions while at work.


The first step in processing emotions is experiencing an emotional trigger. Acknowledging, believe it or not, is one of the hardest stages in emotional processing. This is mainly because humans rarely like to admit that someone hurt their feelings. Furthermore, we don’t like to be that vulnerable. A practical example is taking a moment and saying to yourself or even out loud (quietly) that your emotions are triggered.


Next, identify what exactly triggered the emotions. This takes time. You will need to take a moment to pinpoint exactly the moment you felt a certain way. Don’t overthink this stage. You must know with certainty what caused the shift. Identify the moment and write it down.


Name the emotion you feel. Being emotionally intelligent and having a proper emotional vocabulary is extremely important. We must be able to call something by name because it allows us to distinguish between emotions, creating a sense of power. Being able to say you feel marginalized is a lot more powerful than saying you feel hurt (too general). The more specific you can be when naming the emotion, the better your processing will be.


Go over the previous steps and make sure you are certain about what has taken place. This is key because after you review or examine, you have a moment of clarity that affirms how you feel or gives you a different perspective. This stage is vital because individuals too often fly off the handle, which leads to dire consequences. Take the time to review and reflect.


This is the stage where you decide what you’re going to do about what has happened and how you feel. Moreover, the action stage is where we decide to respond (always) to the situation. So, if this means you have to confront someone, you’ve taken the time to process and calm yourself down. You’ve also assessed the situation and have the clarity to proceed with your approach.

Remember, we have the ability to change not only our world but also the world as a whole. Be great!

Until next time, Pervis

Written by Pervis Taylor, III 

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April 29, 2024

Sex Talk: Are You Ready To End Your Celibacy Practice?

Sex Talk: Are You Ready To End Your Celibacy Practice? Getty By Dominique Fluker ·

The post Sex Talk: Are You Ready To End Your Celibacy Practice? appeared first on Essence.

April 28, 2024

Why You Need To Do Skincare On Your Next Flight

Why You Need To Do Skincare On Your Next Flight Thomas Barwick / Getty Images By Tayler Adigun ·Updated April 26, 2024

If your travel Pinterest board looks anything like mine, it’s >anywhere from around 10 to 20 percent, which is significantly lower than indoor humidity, which is about 40 to 60 percent depending on the climate where you are,” says Dr. Adeline Kikam, a board-certified dermatologist based in Houston, Texas.

“With that low humidity you’re prone to moisture loss from the skin,” says Dr. Kikam. Now, if you’re just hopping on a quick two to three-hour flight, you likely don’t need to lug your full vanity in your carry-on, as your pre-flight skincare routine should suffice.

“If they’re like short flights, two to three hours. A pre-flight routine can take care of that,” says Dr. Kikam. “Cleanse your face; make sure you have your hydrating serums and sunscreen, especially if you have the window seat,” says Dr. Kikam. 

What type of skincare should you do on a flight?

So what should we be focusing on when it comes to high-elevation skin maintenance? Well, hydration is always an important pillar of a balanced skincare regime, but the stakes increase 10-fold after takeoff.

“Air travel often exposes our skin to dry and recycled air, which can lead to dehydration and dullness,” says Dr. Mitchell. In addition to being in a drier environment, you are also exposed to more intense UVA rays.

“At a higher altitude you’re more exposed to the ultraviolet radiation,” explains Dr. Kikam, who says that even though these windows block UVB rays, UVA rays are still able to seep through. These UVA rays are responsible for some of the wider known consequences of increased sun exposure. “We always say UVA, “A” is for aging. It’s what is going to cause inflammation, the breakdown of collagen and elastin and then exposes or increases your risk of skin cancer,” says Dr. Kikam.

This makes the use of sunscreen and other protective measures all the more important. “I always make sure that I also have sunscreen and shades to protect the skin,” says Dr. Kikam.

What products should you avoid?

Now, I love a good exfoliating moment as much as the next person, but a flight is not the time nor place to apply any desiccant or drying agents.

“I do not recommend exfoliation in flight. To me, it is just pointless. It’s aggravating to the skin, so that is something that can wait,” says Dr. Kikam. This also applies to retinoids and similar topicals. “We do not want to further aggravate the skin and retinoids can be stripping to the skin,” says Kikam.

Where should you do your skincare?

Your restroom may be the ideal place to commence your skincare routine at home, but the itsy-bitsy stall on your next flight is not. 

“The water on flights, typically sourced from onboard tanks, may not be as pure or regulated as the water we use at home,” says Dr. Mitchell. While there are sanitary regulations in place, there is still a risk of contamination. “Using tap water from the airplane’s lavatory to wash your face may expose your skin to impurities, chemicals, or bacteria that could potentially lead to irritation or breakouts,” explains Dr. Mitchell.

Instead, opt for micellar water or a pre-moistened wipe, says Dr.Kikam. “I use more disposable skincare like micellar water so that I don’t need to be in the small lavatory. I can just do it at my seat,” explains Dr. Kikam.

When should you do your skincare?

Like our skincare routines, the timeline for your in-flight skincare routine is highly customizable and reliant on your individual needs.

“People come on the flight from different circumstances; some are running from work, and some are just rushing from a party. So, depending on your circumstances, that would really guide at what point you start this routine,” explains Dr. Kikam.

If you plan on sleeping for the entirety of your flight, you may want to start your skincare earlier on in your journey. Alternatively, if you are switching time zones or have an event to attend right as you land, doing your skincare closer to the end of your flight may be more advantageous.

“It’s really up to you and your circumstances,” says Dr. Kikam.

TLDR: moisturize in excess, avoid lavatories, and sanitize your area.


The post Why You Need To Do Skincare On Your Next Flight appeared first on Essence.

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