
eds2_key_art_vertical_4x6-tune-inPreviously on Ash Vs. Evil Dead: Pablo (Ray Santiago) had a disturbing vision while guarding Ruby (Lucy Lawless), who realized her baby daddy, Baal, is behind her spawn’s attempts to get the Necronomicon. Ash (Bruce Campbell) retrieved the Book from the morgue, suffering great indignity while doing so. Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo), keeping watch at the morgue, knocked out a nosy Sheriff Emery (Stephen Lovatt) while Ash was getting sucked up a Deadite’s butt. Meanwhile, Ash’s dad, Brock (Lee Majors), had a date with one of Ash’s old flames, upsetting Ash and revealing more about the rift between father and son. When Ash and Kelly rushed to rescue Brock, whose date turned out to be a Deadite, two reprobate teens stole the Delta—where Ash had left the Necronomicon in his haste to save his dad.

“Let the great eagle soar.” – Ash

There’s no getting around it: “Last Call” is a heartbreaker of an episode. Ash and Brock finally have a heart-to-heart, resolving years of emotional distance, only to have a possessed Delta tear Ash’s (and the fans’) heart out by splattering Brock’s brains along the street. Ash kneels to the ground in agony. At least Brock never got possessed.

Before that horrifyingly sad scene, though, several things occurred, so let’s get to it.

The episode begins with a montage of old Evil Dead and Army of Darkness clips centered around the Delta. We also get glimpses of Ash lovingly waxing his car, culminating in current-day Ash kissing a photo of it. Ruby wants them to focus on getting the Book back, but Ash is obsessed with retrieving the Delta. The Book is secondary.

The two doofuses who stole the Delta, meanwhile, are parked with three friends by the high school. They’re all going to get high and/or drunk—all except Lacey (Pepi Sonuga), who turns out to be Linda B. and the sheriff’s daughter. Lacey, her boyfriend, and their fifth-wheel friend leave the car so other friends Amber (Olivia Mahood) and Tyler (Taylor Barrett) can get amorous. Amber, thinking Tyler is moving too quickly, stops him and discovers the Necronomicon, from which she reads—because even today, teens will read any old things out loud, even books covered in human skin and written in blood. A Kandarian demon possesses the car, shaking it violently. Amber turns into a Deadite and bites off Tyler’s penis. Cut to the beginning music and title card!

Back at Casa Ashy Slashy, Ruby suits up in her best Pulp Fiction outfit to go after the Necronomicon. Her hair is looking even pinker, too. Ash, still obsessed with the car, tries to think of a plan to find both. He delves into his “Tools Not Drugs” box and pulls out a baggie full of ketamine, which gives him an idea.

Ash takes them to the town bar where Ash’s high-school pal, Chet (Ted Raimi rocking frosted locks), works. Their drink of choice? The Pink Fuck, which contains high-end spirits and a shitload of ketamine. Chet and Ash nag Kelly into trying one; Kelly immediately develops numbness in her mouth and falls straight down a K-hole. Ash and Chet, notably, don’t seem to be too affected by the drink. They decide to host a rager that will bring all the “cool kids” to the bar so Ash can find the jerks who stole the Delta.

Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2 2016

“The secret ingredient is groovyness–and a buttload of ketamine!”

Back at the high school, Lacey and friends search for Amber and Tyler. They find blood in the Delta but not the couple. A figure comes stumbling out from behind a randomly parked school bus, so Lacey gets in the Delta to turn on the lights. All are horrified to see a bleeding Tyler staggering toward them. The possessed Delta locks Lacey in and proceeds to murder her friends in creatively disgusting ways. The car even “walks” toward a terrified Tyler before dropping down on him. Ash is not going to be happy when he finds out the demons took over his car, though he may be impressed by its new moves and its ability to shoot flames from its wherever.

At the rager, Pablo tells Kelly he’s terrified of his visions. They’re interrupted by Chet, who comes over to teach them how to deal with their problems—by naming them one by one, followed by a shot for each. Chet fought in Desert Storm, so he’s pretty messed up, which we learn as he names his particular demons: friendly fire, Saudi gold, and a young boy named Anwar. Yeesh. Pablo wishes he were stronger, like Kelly is. This revelation causes Kelly to start drinking straight from the bottle. She’s clearly uncomfortable with Pablo’s description of her impressiveness.

Brock and his friends have shown up at the bar as well, which does not please either Ash, who doesn’t want his old man scaring away the young’uns, or Brock, who has been coming to the bar as a regular for 40 years and doesn’t need his outcast son spreading gloom. Ash becomes stuck in the past whenever Brock is around, causing him to lose focus on his mission of retrieving the Book and his car.

Ash asks Ruby to distract Brock while Ash tries to discover who the thieves are, which ends abruptly after Brock hits on Ruby and she hoists him by his nostrils to get him to stop. Ash and Brock decide to settle their differences like adults—by riding the mechanical bull. Ash manages to last 15 seconds before being thrown, landing perfectly in a bar stool where Chet has readied him a glass of Pink Fuck. Brock goes full machismo when taking off his jacket and striding to the bull. Brock has no problem outlasting Ash, even pulling Amber, who had come to the bar and was flirting with Ash, onto the bull for a wild ride.

Brock, having “won,” taunts Ash with his latest conquest. Ash, saddened that his father is once again taking everything from him, makes Brock say what he really feels—that Ash murdered Cheryl and that Ash is a monster. Having indicated in the first episode that he might have believed Ash’s tale of demons, Brock here rejects the truth and blames all his misery on his son, including the fact that his wife left him. Ash shoots back that his mom left because his dad was a miserable sonofabitch. Brock’s response is to pop a Viagra and take Amber to the bathroom. He’s all class, that one. Amber flashes her Deadite eyes at Pablo and Ash as she walks away.

Meanwhile, Kelly, outside drinking and moping, is approached by Ruby, who has a Plan B in relation to the Necronomicon: Having Kelly assist her in stopping her hell spawn before they get the Book and summon Baal. Kelly, at first wary, decides to help Ruby kill her children.

Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2 2016

“You ever thought about having a mom-figure? I’m available.”

Back in the bar, Ash takes the Chet cure for the blues and drowns himself in booze, scored to the tune of Dexy’s Midnight Runners’ “Come On, Eileen.” He knows Amber’s a Deadite, but he’s too busy wallowing in his dad’s rejection to care. Pablo tries to rally Ash to be a hero by reminding him of who he is. “You’re Ash Williams, demon hunter, Deadite slayer, friend, hero, and Jefe,” Pablo tells him. Ash, inspired—and a little messed up on ketamine—heads toward the bathroom.

Brock, about to get laid, tells Amber she’s better at sexy times than “his dead wife.” Presumably, he means Ash’s mom. Amber reveals her Kandarian nature right before Ash chainsaws her through the torso; they fight as a terrified Brock looks on. Ash gives Amber the ultimate swirly  and cuts off her head. “Believe it or not, dad, this is my day job,” he says matter-of-factly.

Unfortunately, one of the partiers sees Ash holding Amber’s wet, bloody head and tells everyone Ashy Slashy is coming to kill them. In the chaos, Brock runs after the fleeing teens, insisting his son is a hero. He winds up standing in the street, calling them all morons. Ash, touched by his father’s defense, asks his dad if he means it when he called Ash a hero. Brock says yes, telling Ash he’s wasted so much time being apart from his son. The two finally reconcile. Brock cryptically adds he has “vital” intel that will change Ash’s entire life. Before he can say what it is, though, the flaming Delta with the screaming, trapped Lacey comes roaring down the street, running over Brock and upending Ash’s world once again. There’s almost nothing Ash loves that the demons won’t take from him; first it was Cheryl and Linda, and now it’s his dad.

Returning director Tony Tilse ably handles the deranged antics of the Delta and heavier emotional beats of Noelle Valdivia’s script. Tilse also brings back the Kandarian demon point-of-view shot as it races along the ground toward the Delta, blowing leaves everywhere. In fact, Tilse uses a lot of classic Raimi-esque angles throughout the episode, including the way he frames the possessed Delta as it fires itself up to go after the hapless teens. Valdivia’s script also hits all the right notes, from the scenes of the Deadite Delta’s behavior to the heartfelt dialogue between Ash and Brock, as well as Ash and Pablo, Pablo and Kelly, and Kelly and Ruby. There’s a lot of good conversation here that not only entertains, but illuminates the various characters’ struggles in a naturalistic way. Ash and Brock’s reconciliation is particularly effective.

Now that Brock’s gone, what will Ash do? Every single character is left battling some kind of demon: Ash with his past, Kelly with her doubts about her “impressiveness,” Pablo with his visions and lack of sleep, and Ruby with her children (and some other mystery we haven’t been let in on). All the inner turmoil means no one can focus the way they need to in order to stop the Deadites.

Also, without Kelly, Ash and Pablo will need to rely on Ash’s sketchy friend, Chet, who doesn’t seem to be very dependable. Then there’s Lacey, who’s still trapped in the Delta, not to mention Brock’s last words, which will probably set another quest for Ash into motion (my guess: Ash’s mom is still alive—and hopefully not a Deadite!). What’s next for the Ghostbeaters? Stay tuned!

Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2 2016

“I’m just saying, a utility hand comes in, er, handy!”

This week in Ash (and other) one-liners (plus other stuff I liked):

“I can’t fart without tripping on that thing, and I fart a lot.” (By the way, Ash’s farts sound gross!)

“Friendly fire mishap” (drinks) “And, uh, Saudi gold” (drinks) “Like, uh, Anwar the, uh, village boy…uh…hmm, your turn!” – Chet

Did anyone catch what “just hit an all-time high”? I could not make it out, even after several listens. Damn possessed radio!

“Then let’s go kill your kids!” – Kelly

“It’s all in the ass, son. You gotta clench those cheeks together nice and tight! Get ‘em so hard you can crack a walnut on ‘em!” – Brock (*sniffle*)

“There’s no winners when you play catch, pop! You just throw the ball back and forth and you bond!”

Ash viewing Pablo in a ketamine haze as Pablo tries to inspire Ash to save Brock (Kelly’s ketamine experience is equally good)

Ash and Pablo’s eagle calls (fa-kaw!)

“You’re so much better at this than my dead wife.” – Brock, the old smoothie

HyperFocal: 0

R.I.P., Brock. At least you got your son back before you died.


Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2 2016

And not that I’m encouraging anyone to try this, but here’s the Pink Fuck recipe:

Vodka 3 oz.
Strawberry liqueur (pour for 2 seconds)
Splash of grenadine
½ cup lemonade
Orange zest
(I couldn’t make out the bottom – looked like 1 Beer <something> and a Cup of K [with the K circled])

October 18, 2016

Ash Vs. Evil Dead Recap – Season 2, Episode 203, “Last Call”

eds2_key_art_vertical_4x6-tune-inPreviously on Ash Vs. Evil Dead: Pablo (Ray Santiago) had a disturbing vision while guarding Ruby (Lucy Lawless), who realized her baby daddy, Baal, is behind her spawn’s attempts to get the Necronomicon. Ash (Bruce Campbell) retrieved the Book from the morgue, suffering great indignity while doing so. Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo), keeping watch at the morgue, knocked out a nosy Sheriff Emery (Stephen Lovatt) while Ash was getting sucked up a Deadite’s butt. Meanwhile, Ash’s dad, Brock (Lee Majors), had a date with one of Ash’s old flames, upsetting Ash and revealing more about the rift between father and son. When Ash and Kelly rushed to rescue Brock, whose date turned out to be a Deadite, two reprobate teens stole the Delta—where Ash had left the Necronomicon in his haste to save his dad.

“Let the great eagle soar.” – Ash

There’s no getting around it: “Last Call” is a heartbreaker of an episode. Ash and Brock finally have a heart-to-heart, resolving years of emotional distance, only to have a possessed Delta tear Ash’s (and the fans’) heart out by splattering Brock’s brains along the street. Ash kneels to the ground in agony. At least Brock never got possessed.

Before that horrifyingly sad scene, though, several things occurred, so let’s get to it.

The episode begins with a montage of old Evil Dead and Army of Darkness clips centered around the Delta. We also get glimpses of Ash lovingly waxing his car, culminating in current-day Ash kissing a photo of it. Ruby wants them to focus on getting the Book back, but Ash is obsessed with retrieving the Delta. The Book is secondary.

The two doofuses who stole the Delta, meanwhile, are parked with three friends by the high school. They’re all going to get high and/or drunk—all except Lacey (Pepi Sonuga), who turns out to be Linda B. and the sheriff’s daughter. Lacey, her boyfriend, and their fifth-wheel friend leave the car so other friends Amber (Olivia Mahood) and Tyler (Taylor Barrett) can get amorous. Amber, thinking Tyler is moving too quickly, stops him and discovers the Necronomicon, from which she reads—because even today, teens will read any old things out loud, even books covered in human skin and written in blood. A Kandarian demon possesses the car, shaking it violently. Amber turns into a Deadite and bites off Tyler’s penis. Cut to the beginning music and title card!

Back at Casa Ashy Slashy, Ruby suits up in her best Pulp Fiction outfit to go after the Necronomicon. Her hair is looking even pinker, too. Ash, still obsessed with the car, tries to think of a plan to find both. He delves into his “Tools Not Drugs” box and pulls out a baggie full of ketamine, which gives him an idea.

Ash takes them to the town bar where Ash’s high-school pal, Chet (Ted Raimi rocking frosted locks), works. Their drink of choice? The Pink Fuck, which contains high-end spirits and a shitload of ketamine. Chet and Ash nag Kelly into trying one; Kelly immediately develops numbness in her mouth and falls straight down a K-hole. Ash and Chet, notably, don’t seem to be too affected by the drink. They decide to host a rager that will bring all the “cool kids” to the bar so Ash can find the jerks who stole the Delta.

Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2 2016

“The secret ingredient is groovyness–and a buttload of ketamine!”

Back at the high school, Lacey and friends search for Amber and Tyler. They find blood in the Delta but not the couple. A figure comes stumbling out from behind a randomly parked school bus, so Lacey gets in the Delta to turn on the lights. All are horrified to see a bleeding Tyler staggering toward them. The possessed Delta locks Lacey in and proceeds to murder her friends in creatively disgusting ways. The car even “walks” toward a terrified Tyler before dropping down on him. Ash is not going to be happy when he finds out the demons took over his car, though he may be impressed by its new moves and its ability to shoot flames from its wherever.

At the rager, Pablo tells Kelly he’s terrified of his visions. They’re interrupted by Chet, who comes over to teach them how to deal with their problems—by naming them one by one, followed by a shot for each. Chet fought in Desert Storm, so he’s pretty messed up, which we learn as he names his particular demons: friendly fire, Saudi gold, and a young boy named Anwar. Yeesh. Pablo wishes he were stronger, like Kelly is. This revelation causes Kelly to start drinking straight from the bottle. She’s clearly uncomfortable with Pablo’s description of her impressiveness.

Brock and his friends have shown up at the bar as well, which does not please either Ash, who doesn’t want his old man scaring away the young’uns, or Brock, who has been coming to the bar as a regular for 40 years and doesn’t need his outcast son spreading gloom. Ash becomes stuck in the past whenever Brock is around, causing him to lose focus on his mission of retrieving the Book and his car.

Ash asks Ruby to distract Brock while Ash tries to discover who the thieves are, which ends abruptly after Brock hits on Ruby and she hoists him by his nostrils to get him to stop. Ash and Brock decide to settle their differences like adults—by riding the mechanical bull. Ash manages to last 15 seconds before being thrown, landing perfectly in a bar stool where Chet has readied him a glass of Pink Fuck. Brock goes full machismo when taking off his jacket and striding to the bull. Brock has no problem outlasting Ash, even pulling Amber, who had come to the bar and was flirting with Ash, onto the bull for a wild ride.

Brock, having “won,” taunts Ash with his latest conquest. Ash, saddened that his father is once again taking everything from him, makes Brock say what he really feels—that Ash murdered Cheryl and that Ash is a monster. Having indicated in the first episode that he might have believed Ash’s tale of demons, Brock here rejects the truth and blames all his misery on his son, including the fact that his wife left him. Ash shoots back that his mom left because his dad was a miserable sonofabitch. Brock’s response is to pop a Viagra and take Amber to the bathroom. He’s all class, that one. Amber flashes her Deadite eyes at Pablo and Ash as she walks away.

Meanwhile, Kelly, outside drinking and moping, is approached by Ruby, who has a Plan B in relation to the Necronomicon: Having Kelly assist her in stopping her hell spawn before they get the Book and summon Baal. Kelly, at first wary, decides to help Ruby kill her children.

Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2 2016

“You ever thought about having a mom-figure? I’m available.”

Back in the bar, Ash takes the Chet cure for the blues and drowns himself in booze, scored to the tune of Dexy’s Midnight Runners’ “Come On, Eileen.” He knows Amber’s a Deadite, but he’s too busy wallowing in his dad’s rejection to care. Pablo tries to rally Ash to be a hero by reminding him of who he is. “You’re Ash Williams, demon hunter, Deadite slayer, friend, hero, and Jefe,” Pablo tells him. Ash, inspired—and a little messed up on ketamine—heads toward the bathroom.

Brock, about to get laid, tells Amber she’s better at sexy times than “his dead wife.” Presumably, he means Ash’s mom. Amber reveals her Kandarian nature right before Ash chainsaws her through the torso; they fight as a terrified Brock looks on. Ash gives Amber the ultimate swirly  and cuts off her head. “Believe it or not, dad, this is my day job,” he says matter-of-factly.

Unfortunately, one of the partiers sees Ash holding Amber’s wet, bloody head and tells everyone Ashy Slashy is coming to kill them. In the chaos, Brock runs after the fleeing teens, insisting his son is a hero. He winds up standing in the street, calling them all morons. Ash, touched by his father’s defense, asks his dad if he means it when he called Ash a hero. Brock says yes, telling Ash he’s wasted so much time being apart from his son. The two finally reconcile. Brock cryptically adds he has “vital” intel that will change Ash’s entire life. Before he can say what it is, though, the flaming Delta with the screaming, trapped Lacey comes roaring down the street, running over Brock and upending Ash’s world once again. There’s almost nothing Ash loves that the demons won’t take from him; first it was Cheryl and Linda, and now it’s his dad.

Returning director Tony Tilse ably handles the deranged antics of the Delta and heavier emotional beats of Noelle Valdivia’s script. Tilse also brings back the Kandarian demon point-of-view shot as it races along the ground toward the Delta, blowing leaves everywhere. In fact, Tilse uses a lot of classic Raimi-esque angles throughout the episode, including the way he frames the possessed Delta as it fires itself up to go after the hapless teens. Valdivia’s script also hits all the right notes, from the scenes of the Deadite Delta’s behavior to the heartfelt dialogue between Ash and Brock, as well as Ash and Pablo, Pablo and Kelly, and Kelly and Ruby. There’s a lot of good conversation here that not only entertains, but illuminates the various characters’ struggles in a naturalistic way. Ash and Brock’s reconciliation is particularly effective.

Now that Brock’s gone, what will Ash do? Every single character is left battling some kind of demon: Ash with his past, Kelly with her doubts about her “impressiveness,” Pablo with his visions and lack of sleep, and Ruby with her children (and some other mystery we haven’t been let in on). All the inner turmoil means no one can focus the way they need to in order to stop the Deadites.

Also, without Kelly, Ash and Pablo will need to rely on Ash’s sketchy friend, Chet, who doesn’t seem to be very dependable. Then there’s Lacey, who’s still trapped in the Delta, not to mention Brock’s last words, which will probably set another quest for Ash into motion (my guess: Ash’s mom is still alive—and hopefully not a Deadite!). What’s next for the Ghostbeaters? Stay tuned!

Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2 2016

“I’m just saying, a utility hand comes in, er, handy!”

This week in Ash (and other) one-liners (plus other stuff I liked):

“I can’t fart without tripping on that thing, and I fart a lot.” (By the way, Ash’s farts sound gross!)

“Friendly fire mishap” (drinks) “And, uh, Saudi gold” (drinks) “Like, uh, Anwar the, uh, village boy…uh…hmm, your turn!” – Chet

Did anyone catch what “just hit an all-time high”? I could not make it out, even after several listens. Damn possessed radio!

“Then let’s go kill your kids!” – Kelly

“It’s all in the ass, son. You gotta clench those cheeks together nice and tight! Get ‘em so hard you can crack a walnut on ‘em!” – Brock (*sniffle*)

“There’s no winners when you play catch, pop! You just throw the ball back and forth and you bond!”

Ash viewing Pablo in a ketamine haze as Pablo tries to inspire Ash to save Brock (Kelly’s ketamine experience is equally good)

Ash and Pablo’s eagle calls (fa-kaw!)

“You’re so much better at this than my dead wife.” – Brock, the old smoothie

HyperFocal: 0

R.I.P., Brock. At least you got your son back before you died.


Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2 2016

And not that I’m encouraging anyone to try this, but here’s the Pink Fuck recipe:

Vodka 3 oz.
Strawberry liqueur (pour for 2 seconds)
Splash of grenadine
½ cup lemonade
Orange zest
(I couldn’t make out the bottom – looked like 1 Beer <something> and a Cup of K [with the K circled])

October 18, 2016

Stop What You're Doing And Look At This Hot Harry Potter Boudoir Shoot

It’s enough to make you stop longing for Neville’s bottom, if you know what I mean.

The world may be on fire, but this sexy Harry Potter photo shoot is here to make you forget all about that.

The world may be on fire, but this sexy Harry Potter photo shoot is here to make you forget all about that.

Brace yourselves — you're about to feel some things.

Sarah Hester Photography / Via



Sarah Hester Photography / Via

I can't... how even....

I can't... how even....

Look at how he works that wand. 😭 😭 😭 ✨✨✨

Sarah Hester Photography / Via

I was not ready!!!!!!

I was not ready!!!!!!

Sarah Hester Photography / Via

View Entire List ›

October 18, 2016

The Case-For-Everything Bag

A well organized bag often means carrying extra bags, cases, and holders for everything inside. Case in point, Everyday Carry reader Julien G’s bag.


October 17, 2016

Three Weeks of Books! A Not So Quick Review from Daryll B!

Three Weeks of Books. And I not even jumping into the books I got at the Con. That going to be Part 2!!!!

Kingsway West 2 by Greg Pak, Mirko Colak & Wil Quintana - Just when the story seemingly has a set narrative to slip into, Pak goes and flips my table over with the deeper introduction of two characters glimpsed in issue one. Meanwhile, Kingsway's purpose and power(?) gets ever more shrouded in mystery because of that confrontation with constables. 

Rom 3 by Christos Gage, Chris Ryall & David Messina - The Wraiths are everywhere! For the humans realizing the truth for the first time, there's not much time. Rom is literally surrounded by the enemy. Allusions to the IDW extended universe are made. And is there a cure for Wraith infection? A lot of ground covered here folks!

Horizon 3 by Brandon Thomas, Juan Cedeon & Frank Martin - So how many aliens are on Earth and to what extant is their presence is known? What happens when one gets caught? And what are Earth's countermeasures? Some of the questions raised and (possibly) answered here as it is a great time for a jailbreak. 

Agents of Shield 9 by Marc Guggenheim, Ario Anindito & Rachelle Rosenberg -Peeps have asked how this book would work in relation to the show. Well best of both worlds here as Fitz exposed! Coulson on the run from Director Elektra (yes you read that right). An "old friend" returns and Deathlok has an extreme solution to save a teammates life. All this and Civil War too! Speaking of which...

Civil War II 5 by Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez & Justin Ponsor -Yeah. You remember how Tony was in CW 1? How he went to a place that we said there was no clean redemption from? Well Carol has not only gone there but she has bought real estate. Meanwhile, book is a giant vs book as fights galore are happening between heroes. Then Ulysses happens. And well, one of my favs is now in the crosshairs. Well that last page combines with a statement from a book that follows so succinctly it scary...

Civil War Choosing Sides 6 - In the 1st story by Chelsea Cain, Alison Sampson & Jordan Bellaire
, Tony enlists Jessica Jones to do some digging into Ulysses. And she does so in her own signature style. The 2nd story by Christina Strain & Sana Takeda convinced me that we so need White Fox to have more appearances it isn't funny. Carol's faction goes to Korea to recruit her and yeah, we get to see her powers. Finally in the 3rd story by DeClan Shalvey & Jordan Bellaire, the Nick Fury saga comes to a close...well as close to a close as any SHIELD story can I guess. What this means for the future is anyone's guess...

Power Man Iron Fist 8 by David Walker, Sanford Greene, Flaviano & John Rauch contains two narratives leading from the same plot point as Danny's doing detective work in prison along with his fellow unjustly locked up folks. Luke's freaking out on the outside as is planning a breakout just as Captain Marvel comes a calling. Yeah. This one isn't to be missed readers. 

Archie 12 by Mark Waid, Thomas Pitilli & Ryan Jampole - The fallout from Battle of the Bands strikes our major players/lovebirds/friends as cards are strewn all over the table. Another "major" event happens and Archie, well he's Archie. Not a good time for Archie people. At all....

Justice League Darkseid War pt2 HC by Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok, Francis Manapul, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Oscar Jimenez, Paul Pelletier, Tony Kordos, Brad Anderson, Alex Sinclair & Brain Buccellato - The finale to the story (and New 52 Universe). Darkseid is dead. The heroes struggle controlling their newfound Godhood. Grail makes her move for power. The Anti-Monitor is changing. The Justice League is going to need help and it may come in the form of a baby?!?!? Yep. The universe is screwed. 

So as the Nu 52 Universe began, fans like me wondered where was the White Lantern a.k.a. Kyle Rayner. Well I got my answer in the critically acclaimed Omega Men TP by Tom King, Barnaby Bagenda, Toby Cypress, Ig Guara, Jose Marzan Jr., Romulo Fajardo Jr., Tomeu Morey & Hi-Fi. Embroiled in the midst of a Holy War/Galactic Confrontation, Kyle must go through trials and tribulations with/vs the outlaw group known as the Omega Man. Thought provoking in terms of social and philosophic interpretations as to what heroism is. After this, Tom King is a force to be reckoned with.

Surviving Megalopolis 6 by Gail Simone, Jim Calafiore & Jason Wright -So the second act is over....or is it? Insanity and mayhem reign as insane superheroes and supervillains clash with the all too human squad stuck in between. Survival is the goal but after you see how this goes down, it may not be an option for ANYONE.

Return to Astro City 39 by Kurt Busiek, Alex Ross, Carmen Carnero, & Peter Pantazis where we say hello to an old friend as Marta and the folks from the hill return to the spotlight. You know that also means the return of The Hanged Man. Just wait until you see how exactly. 

Deathstroke 3 by Christopher Priest, Joe Bennett & Jeromy Cox enters Rose Wilson into the equation as Deathstroke tries to unravel a mission entangled with echoes of his and Wintergreen's history. The bar scene is deep with all the subtext that you love seeing from a suspense movie.

Titans 3 by Dan Abnett, Brett Booth & Andrew Dalhouse -The Wally all the time show continues as Kadabra presses the attack. Roy and Donna have a moment. We check in on Herald & Bumblebee, and Linda finds about how deep this rabbit hole gets. Now I'm going to need more character development here....

Wacky Raceland 4 by Ken Pontac, Leonando Manco & Mariana Sanzone -To say this series has been dark is an understatement. Well in this edition, there are more rules to the race than we thought. And we find this out during downtime in Vegas of all places! The cars have a moment that um ok I can't explain without spoiling. And how well do we know these racers?

MASK Revolution 1 by Brandon Easton, Tony Vargas & Jordi Escuin -To respond to threats alien and weird, a special task force called the Mobile Armored Strike Kommand was formed. Unfortunately we only get glimpses of the key players/members as the book focuses on Mayhem and backroom deals tied to Revolution. Here's hoping the regular 1 does better. 

You want fights? In Sam Wilson Captain America 13 by Nick Spencer & Jerome Acuna we get  Captain America vs USAgent. The city vs AmeriCops. Rage vs Sam. The clash of ideals vs reality continues in earnest here. And who's side will Steve fall in with? Speaking of Rogers...

In Steve Rogers Captain America 5 by Nick Spencer, Javier Pina & Rachelle Rosenberg know a lot of people hate the Hydra thing. Well if you didn't like that you are REALLY going to hate this one! The Skull has wormed into every part of his past now. To the point where even if we get a clean resolution now, I think the Red Skull has won. 

Drax 11 by CM Punk, Cullen Bunn, Scott Hepburn & Antonio Fabela
 contains the final battle. A kid's life and future hang in the balance. Drax still can't take a joke and still has that bounty on him. And Terrax and Triple F are still farmers. Really? Glad to see we ending this one as weird as we began it. 

Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur 11 by Amy Reeder, Brandon Montclare, Natacha Bustos & Tamra Bonvillain
 - Kid Kree thinks he's the man with the plan. Lunella torn between anxiety and duty. Devil Dinosaur just wants to get some sleep. Things are either going from bad to worse or are getting better. And once you read you'll see why it is an either or and not both. 

Ms. Marvel 11 by G. Willow Wilson, Takeshi Miyazawa, Adrian Alphona & Ian Herring was Heartbreaking. Simply heartbreaking. Kamala is trying to save everything and everyone by herself and we readers know how well that usually goes. And still the biggest domino has yet to fall. The "talk" happens on the last couple of pages folks. Yeah. Not good. 

Things couldn't get much worse for our hero in Nighthawk 5 by David F. Walker, Martin Morazzo & Tamra Bonvillain. He's captured. Beaten up. Unmasked. In the presence of a lunatic. And while he's so "occupied" the city is still a shooting gallery for gun runners. Good luck with this one Raymond. You'll need it!

So you steal a star destroyer and didn't think there would some sort of clapback? Star Wars 23 by Jason Aaron, Jorge Molina & Matt Milla focuses on the problems of maintaining a huge ship with a skeleton resistance crew. How Chewie hasn't choked anyone out yet is a miracle. And as if that wasn't a problem enough, remember that elite Stormtrooper Squad from a few issues back? Guess who just entered the fray... GL Rebellion because you are going to need it!

I told you that the last prediction in Civil War II #5 was going to have repercussions and in Thunderbolts 5 by Jim Zub, Jon Malin & Matt Yackey, Bucky decides to change the vision himself by eliminating the "threat": Miles Morales. But what if in doing so, it threatens to reveal him or the team? Meanwhile, the rest of the 'Bolts try to bond and well...this is the T-Bolts. Nothing goes easy....

Yeah I'm of two minds concerning Ultimates 11 by Al Ewing, Kenneth Rockafort, Djibail Morissette & Dan Brown. On one hand, Thanos' plan starts to come clearer in focus and it revolves around Conner? Yeah. Not good. Then of course team takes on Thanos which, well you have to see this fight... Then comes the Civil War beats interwoven in this story which gets me to damn the delays in this project AGAIN! Two characters with beats in the main story come off WAY different here which is certainly oft-putting. It starting to remind me of Tony Stark's depictions in the 1st Civil War changing with every book.

I got Bloodshot Reborn 17 & 18 by Jeff Lemire, Mico Suayan, Tomas Giorello, Diego Rodriguez & David Baron, capping off the Bloodshot Island Saga and starting up the new Bloodshot USA angle. Questions abound; Histories for each of the Bloodshots; Is Deathmate truly Kay? And Bloodhound being Bloodhound are ALL in play. Glorious, GLORIOUS chaos!

The investigation continues in Generation Zero 2 by Fred Van Lente, Francis Portela & Andrew Dalhouse. Keisha learns more about this team that she has requested help from and not all of it she likes. Questions about her family and friends abound as well as the mysterious Cornermen. Town just keep getting weirder....

So for some reason against my wishes I broke down and picked up Death of X 1 by Jeff Lemire, Charles Soule, Aaron Kuder & Morry Hollowell. Not that I have anything against the creators but the whole mutant situation and Marvel and Fox has left a sour taste in my love for anything X. Anyway, I went on a Twitter rant a week ago about my love and craving for a certain X-Character annnnnd now I wish I hadn't. Sigh. The Inhuman-X-Men conflict has now begun with blood spilt, who will remain standing in the end?

Just when things couldn't get more nuts in James Bond 007 Eidolon 10 by Warren Ellis, Jason Masters & Guy Major, Bond doesn't know who to trust...and neither do his superiors. In the world of covert intelligence, trust issues and who's watching your moves, the answers may be deadly if they are one and the same....

After all of that danger and death, I needed some fun. So I picked up Betty Boop 1 by Roger Langridge, Gisele Lagace & Victoria Robado for the new adventures of the animated heartwarmer. A home under siege, demonic pacts, and crazy fun saloon hijinks make for laugh out loud reading. A promising start for readers and Betty fans young and old....

Continuing in that vein of thought, I also picked up Archie Meets Ramones 1 by Alex Segura, Matthew Rosenberg, Gisele Lagace & Victoria Robado. The Archies are struggling in preparation for a Battle of the Bands and while in frustation, Archie receives a classic album from Sabrina. Time travel, classic punk pranks and "holy" locations are tied into the hijinks that  ensue. Still chuckling at the initiation scene....

I'm liking this fun tip so I carrying on with Goldie Vance 6 by Hope Larson, Brittney Williams & Sarah Stern. Goldie continues her investigation into not only the pretty astronaut but into her best friend. The more you think you know, the further you have to go and in this case, we going to a beauty pageant??? Hmmm....

The fallout from Civil War carries through as the major narrative in Champions 1 by Mark Waid, Humberto Ramos, & Edgar Delgado. Due to the actions of those they once admired, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man & Nova strike out on their own. AND they are looking for recruits. First up, the Totally Awesome Hulk. Social statements abound in this one through the lens of Mark Waid. Humberto Ramos drawing teens once again. This seems too good to be true...

So. Yeah. I hate the goat in Autumnlands 13 by Kurt Busiek, Benjamin Dewey & Jordie Bellaire. I mean he just essentially c***blocked the crew AND turned the stone/mechanical babes psychotic. More mysteries appear to our heroes in the form of another "goddess" and well the last 4 pages had me scratching my head once again...

I'm ready for the mashups and some are more classic than possible. The first story in Future Quest 5 by Jeff Parker, Doc Shaner, & Hi-Fi sees the Agents of FEAR stage an attack on the gathered heroic forces. Speaking of which, a new hero gets born...The second story by Jeff Parker, Craig Rousseau & Jeremy Lawson involves the origin of The Impossibles and how it is tied to the current predicament. Plus, a new member for the team?

Divinity 2 TP by Matt Kindt, Trevor Hairsine & David Baron shows another cosmonaut survived the phenomena that change Abram into a near god and unfortunately she's a diehard communist. So imagine her surprise at current Russia's situation. Yep. The Earth might be totally screwed here in the long run but it is a beautiful descent!

Clean Room 12 by Gail Simone, Jon Davis-Hunt & Quinton Winter 
- ok just when I thought I was ready for whatever shock Madame Simone had planned for me, um. Yeah another last page nightmare vision folks! So Mr. Davis-Hunt is leaving after this issue of rampaging demons, fights and weird flashbacks. Way to set the bar high for the next artist Sir!

Flintstones 4 by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh & Chris Chuckry - the satire slaughter continues as for the first time marriage between a man and woman is proposed. You just have to read this one because wow. Just wow. The team is trying to get this book banned somewhere and I'm left laughing at the overt and clever subversion. 

Squadron Supreme 12 by James Robinson, Leonard Kirk, & Chris Sotomayor - Warrior Women clash!!! Thundra and Blur captured! Spectrum and Hyperion intangible and well you'll see where they have ended up. Remember time is cyclical and everything evens out in the end. Or so I believe. 

Black 1 by Kwanza Osajyefo, Tim Smith 3, Khary Randolph & Jamal Igle - I boasted hard about this creation. Put my money where my mouth was and backed the Kickstarter. Take a core concept of X-Men. Cross that with current events involving police. Then strain it through the lenses of Alphas and Cleverman and we MIGHT get this. I'm just geeking out to hold a physical copy in my hand but there might not be a more personally relevant book on the stands to me right now. 

Part 1 in the books. Until Next Time, Keep Fantasizing!!!

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