
The video above depicts excerpts of today’s live-streamed performance of The Hamilton Mixtape in concert, via the official Hamilton YouTube channel. Except, uh, for reasons passing understanding, YouTube slapped a copyright violation on the video, so the Hamilton channel had to remove the sound. Hopefully the sound will be back soon so that everyone can enjoy it! Until then, search for the mixtape on Twitter; folks have been posting excerpts from the performance, and most of them haven’t been removed yet.

  • Today’s Texts From Superheroes joke features a bittersweet exchange between Captain America and Iron Man about the resurgence of Nazi ideology in America.
  • Today is World AIDS Day, which means many celebrities and organizations have been using their visibility to highlight the importance of donating to causes like RED. Among them are Rihanna and Prince Harry, who met for the first time today and took an HIV test together. They also hugged. Oh, and the crowd was wayyy more excited to see Rihanna than Prince Harry. It doesn’t look like His Royal Highness minded being unexpectedly upstaged by R&B royalty, though! (via Jezebel)
  • Are you a fan of Build-A-Bear and also Sonic? In honor of Sonic’s 25th birthday, you can now Build-A-Sonic! Okay, you can’t actually build him in a store; he’s only available online, pre-assembled. But he’s probably about the right size to wear Build-A-Bear outfits and accessories, so that’s fun.
  • Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo line has a super-cool new Squirrel Girl statue, for all you fans and collectors out there. It’s pricey, though! You can pre-order it for $75.99. (via Comics Alliance)
  • When is Neil deGrasse Tyson going to record a record, hm?

That’s what we saw. What’d you see?

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

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December 1, 2016

Things We Saw Today: The “Hamilton Mixtape” Live-Stream Concert… Before YouTube Tried to Take It Down (!?)

The video above depicts excerpts of today’s live-streamed performance of The Hamilton Mixtape in concert, via the official Hamilton YouTube channel. Except, uh, for reasons passing understanding, YouTube slapped a copyright violation on the video, so the Hamilton channel had to remove the sound. Hopefully the sound will be back soon so that everyone can enjoy it! Until then, search for the mixtape on Twitter; folks have been posting excerpts from the performance, and most of them haven’t been removed yet.

  • Today’s Texts From Superheroes joke features a bittersweet exchange between Captain America and Iron Man about the resurgence of Nazi ideology in America.
  • Today is World AIDS Day, which means many celebrities and organizations have been using their visibility to highlight the importance of donating to causes like RED. Among them are Rihanna and Prince Harry, who met for the first time today and took an HIV test together. They also hugged. Oh, and the crowd was wayyy more excited to see Rihanna than Prince Harry. It doesn’t look like His Royal Highness minded being unexpectedly upstaged by R&B royalty, though! (via Jezebel)
  • Are you a fan of Build-A-Bear and also Sonic? In honor of Sonic’s 25th birthday, you can now Build-A-Sonic! Okay, you can’t actually build him in a store; he’s only available online, pre-assembled. But he’s probably about the right size to wear Build-A-Bear outfits and accessories, so that’s fun.
  • Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo line has a super-cool new Squirrel Girl statue, for all you fans and collectors out there. It’s pricey, though! You can pre-order it for $75.99. (via Comics Alliance)
  • When is Neil deGrasse Tyson going to record a record, hm?

That’s what we saw. What’d you see?

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

Follow The Mary Sue on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, & Google+.

December 1, 2016

Pro You Podcast #118: Monica Moon

Many “moons” ago Tom met a wonderful person who at the time was CH’s assistant, Monica Moon. Tom was immediately impressed with Monica although they had little interaction. After a stint in Germany Tom noticed via FB that Monica had returned to the states and took a shot on asking her to be a guest. She said yes! On today’s episode of Pro You Podcast listen to an amazing woman tell a very unique story. One Tom is hoping resonates with listeners as Monica shares her story. Enjoy and as always thank you for listening!

Like Pro You on Facebook, follow @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and visit the website!

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December 1, 2016

Things We Saw Today: This Moana Cosplay Is Utter Perfection – Lead the way.

I just saw Moana last night–okay, okay, fine, I’m late or whatever. Listen. The movie made me cry like nothing else (which is my usual metric for how much I like a movie), so this perfect Moana cosplay from aleuthemermaid on Instagram is making me just a little bit weepy. She is downright killing it with that dedication. Are those bare feet on a con floor?! Damn! (via Fashionably Geek)

  • You know how Rogue One had to go through some rewrites and reshoots and things (which is totally normal for movies)? Apparently Tony Gilroy, who helped with those edits, is raking in a solid chunk of change for doctoring things up, something to the tune of $5 million. (via The Hollywood Reporter)
  • In the killing spree that was twenty-effing-sixteen, we lost one of music’s great icons: Prince. You can now push the bruise of his passing a little more when the documentary Prince: R U Listening? comes out in 2017. (via Jezebel)


If you, like me, have been wondering just what Nicolas Cage has been up to, then wonder no more. He’s slated to appear in an upcoming sci-fi action film titled The Humanity Bureau. Nic Cage working at something titled the Humanity Bureau is a win for humanity, I’d say. (via Variety)

So I’m not sure what it is about entire crowds singing along with musical acts that gets me all teary eyed, but that’s apparently a thing, so here you go. Here’s one of my favorite videos of that thing happening. Oh, and apparently there’s a subreddit for this? (There’s a subreddit for everything, Jessica, stop being so surprised.)

Feelings. What’d you see today, pal?

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

Follow The Mary Sue on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, & Google+.

December 1, 2016

Mara Brock Akil Wishes Husband Salim Akil a Happy 17th Anniversary With A Heartfelt Note

The entertainment power couple is celebrating 17 years of marital bliss today and their wedding photo is everything.

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