
Patton Chen, a Chinese figure skater and a big fan of the anime Yuri!!! On Ice, has been recreating routines from the show and putting them on his YouTube channel. He just uploaded his own version of Yuri’s “Eros” routine this week, and it’s stunning. A month ago, he uploaded a video of himself performing the routine from “History Maker,” from the opening credits of the show. Both videos are absolutely worth watching for any fan of the show or of skating in general!

  • Kristen Iverson’s “Against Empathy: Why Love Doesn’t Trump Hate” makes the case for holding Trump voters accountable, and goes on to argue that “political liberals are already inherently empathetic toward Trump voters. We’re already empathetic because we have been the ones supporting easier access to health care, a comprehensive social safety net, stronger public schools, drug law reform, and cleaner water—the very issues that most affect the specific subset of Trump voters with whom we’re supposed to empathize.”
  • M. Night Shyamalan is a big fan of Stranger Things and he wants to be involved. Hmmm. (via CBR)
  • Mozilla has unveiled a new logo, and it embodies the spirit of “meh.” Take a look, you’ll see what we mean.
  • According to the Voltron: Legendary Defender creative team, the show couldn’t have delved as much into telling slow, character-based stories without Netflix. Well, good thing Netflix exists, then.
  • Sheryl Sandberg says Facebook is really cracking down on removing “fake news” and propaganda. Seems too little too late, at this point, but okay.
  • THR interviewed Al Gore in depth about his upcoming sequel to An Inconvenient Truth, which he’s been quietly putting together for the past two years.

That’s what we saw today. How about you?

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

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January 19, 2017

Things We Saw Today: Patton Chen’s Figure Skating Recreations of Yuri!!! on Ice Routines

Patton Chen, a Chinese figure skater and a big fan of the anime Yuri!!! On Ice, has been recreating routines from the show and putting them on his YouTube channel. He just uploaded his own version of Yuri’s “Eros” routine this week, and it’s stunning. A month ago, he uploaded a video of himself performing the routine from “History Maker,” from the opening credits of the show. Both videos are absolutely worth watching for any fan of the show or of skating in general!

  • Kristen Iverson’s “Against Empathy: Why Love Doesn’t Trump Hate” makes the case for holding Trump voters accountable, and goes on to argue that “political liberals are already inherently empathetic toward Trump voters. We’re already empathetic because we have been the ones supporting easier access to health care, a comprehensive social safety net, stronger public schools, drug law reform, and cleaner water—the very issues that most affect the specific subset of Trump voters with whom we’re supposed to empathize.”
  • M. Night Shyamalan is a big fan of Stranger Things and he wants to be involved. Hmmm. (via CBR)
  • Mozilla has unveiled a new logo, and it embodies the spirit of “meh.” Take a look, you’ll see what we mean.
  • According to the Voltron: Legendary Defender creative team, the show couldn’t have delved as much into telling slow, character-based stories without Netflix. Well, good thing Netflix exists, then.
  • Sheryl Sandberg says Facebook is really cracking down on removing “fake news” and propaganda. Seems too little too late, at this point, but okay.
  • THR interviewed Al Gore in depth about his upcoming sequel to An Inconvenient Truth, which he’s been quietly putting together for the past two years.

That’s what we saw today. How about you?

Want more stories like this? Become a subscriber and support the site!

The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

Follow The Mary Sue on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, & Google+.

January 18, 2017

Universal Fan Con: The Rejection Of Bigotry And Celebration Of “Otherness”

Universal Fan Con is exactly that—UNIVERSAL. It speaks to the very real and authentic human desire to be accepted, not just tolerated or seen as a token.

The post Universal Fan Con: The Rejection Of Bigotry And Celebration Of “Otherness” appeared first on TheBlackGeeks.

January 18, 2017

It's Confirmed: Chrisette Michele Will Perform At Donald Trump's Inauguration

Michele's team confirmed the news with ESSENCE on Wednesday afternoon.

January 18, 2017

What to Do When Resolutions Don’t Work for You


December is the time of the year when I start thinking about making resolutions for the upcoming year. I usually have a long list of things I want to change. A recent road trip down South gave me time to think. As the miles slipped by, I thought back to previous years and how I made my resolutions on Jan. 1 and by Feb. 1 I was feeling defeated because I had fallen back into my old ways.

We start the year off excited and convinced that we are going to stick to our resolutions this time, but we don’t. It’s too much all at once. During my drive it hit me. Why did I feel like I had to wait until Jan. 1 to make a change? Every day is a new day, a fresh start, an opportunity to start over. Why should I wait until the New Year and get upset when I miss my goal? Then give up completely and go back to life as it was before I made the resolution. This year I decided to do something different. Instead of resolutions, I came up with a list of things I wanted to do for this upcoming year. Things I felt were doable, things that wouldn’t make me feel like a loser. Instead of trying to add them all in during the first month of the new year I would incorporate them throughout the year. Here is my list below.

Monthly Check-ins

Instead of waiting until the month of December to reflect on your life, decide to check in at the end of each month. At that time, evaluate what went well and what didn’t. Decide what you need to do more of and what you need to stop doing. Don’t rush through this exercise. Really think about any changes you need to make.

Have a Master Plan

Decide what is important, what you want to get accomplished, how you want to feel once it is accomplished, who can help you, and what resources you need. Then work toward that plan. No longer should you just act and react. Everything you do should fit into your master plan.

Ditch Information Overload

There is a lot of information coming at you all day every day from many different sources. Social media has taken over our lives. There are webinars, podcasts, Periscopes. My inbox is full every day with someone trying to sell or teach me something. Free offers and paid offers are mines for the taking. It can become overwhelming. For 2017, make some choices. Decide which people you are going to follow. Cultivate those relationships. Only read and implement information and strategies from them. There is a lot if information out there, but it might not be right for you right now. When you are feeling overwhelmed turn off your screen. Relax, breathe, meditate, and spend time with your family and friends. Give yourself time to refresh.

Stop being an Information Collector

Are you guilty of collecting information and then not implementing? Do you have folders of notes from workshops, webinars, and trainings that you have tucked away in a drawer never to be seen again? Get rid of it if you are not going to do anything with it. Make 2017 the year of implementation.



This article was written by, The BOSS Network Influencer, Conchetta Jones.

Conchetta Jones is an author, model, speaker, and certified Overflow Coach. As founder/owner of She’s All That! Woman. A personal development and lifestyle company, she helps women to identify the obstacles in their lives that are keeping them stuck from living the life of their dreams.

Learn more about Conchetta via her website at

Follow her on Twitter @_satwoman

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