
Say the word “Amblin” to film fans and instantly they will get a picture in their heads. It’s a picture from the 1980s, of kids, fantasy, wonder, aliens, and more—the tone Stranger Things recently aimed to capture. Now take that feeling and put it in a single room. That’s what you get at Amblin 35.

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December 3, 2016

Remember the Good Old Days With This Beautiful Art Celebrating Amblin Films

Say the word “Amblin” to film fans and instantly they will get a picture in their heads. It’s a picture from the 1980s, of kids, fantasy, wonder, aliens, and more—the tone Stranger Things recently aimed to capture. Now take that feeling and put it in a single room. That’s what you get at Amblin 35.


December 2, 2016

A ‘Hiro’ Joined the Cast of Netflix’s ‘Death Note’

Gage Skidmore/Flickr
Every time we remember that the Death Note adaptation for Netflix is still happening, we shed a small tear. Luckily, the latest news makes us feel more optimistic. Masi Oka, best known for […]

December 2, 2016

THE WITCH Trailer Gets A Delicious Wes Anderson Treatment

The pastel color palette, the indie score, the quirky character quips–Black Phillip would approve of this CineFix trailer mix (via Uproxx)! Live deliciously by watching the video above. It’s almost as good as having some butter and a new dress!

Giving Robert Eggers’ The Witch the Wes Anderson treatment is obviously the next evolution in horror films. The eerie 1630s New England setting feels less like a foreboding, austere hinterland and more like a playful Puritan family excursion away from the boring colonial norms. If you don’t agree, well you can go eat an evil apple!

In this re-imagined trailer The Witch (or The VVitch, whatever floats your…broom?)–now humorously written by Anderson’s right-hand guy, Roman Coppola–stars a delightful cast of misfit characters: papa William (Ralph Ineson), renegade Thomasin (Anya Taylor-Joy), idiot Caleb (Harvey Scrimshaw), angry Katherine (Kate Dickie), trouble twins Mercy (Ellie Grainger) and Jonas (Lucas Dawson), and–don’t forget–a bunny as a bunny (all the Oscars!) Our only concern for this trailer remix is there isn’t nearly enough Black Phillip!

The trailer really brings to focus just how much Caleb sucks at whistling and Thomasin’s many legit comebacks to her parents and siblings. In fact, this wacky family unit kinda gives Anderson’s beloved Tenenbaum family a run for their money (Thomasin versus Margot: make it happen, Internet!)

The Witch 02 15 16

Image: A24

Of course, Eggers’ original vision is the complete opposite of an Anderson film: ultra tense, filled with creepy suspense, and a brilliant minimalistic score. We’re big fans of the cerebral horror film and all of its subtleties; our own Kyle Anderson gave it 4.5 out 5 sacrificial burritos in his review earlier this year. But we’re also longtime devotees to Wes Anderson, too! His recent holiday gift to the world in the form of a festive, Adrien Brody-starring H&M commercial filled our hearts with all the joy. So let’s celebrate the hypothetical partnership between these two treasures of the film world.

We’ll have thee rejoice in the comments below! What other films and directors do you want remixed?

Featured Image: Cinefix

December 1, 2016

Things We Saw Today: The “Hamilton Mixtape” Live-Stream Concert… Before YouTube Tried to Take It Down (!?)

The video above depicts excerpts of today’s live-streamed performance of The Hamilton Mixtape in concert, via the official Hamilton YouTube channel. Except, uh, for reasons passing understanding, YouTube slapped a copyright violation on the video, so the Hamilton channel had to remove the sound. Hopefully the sound will be back soon so that everyone can enjoy it! Until then, search for the mixtape on Twitter; folks have been posting excerpts from the performance, and most of them haven’t been removed yet.

  • Today’s Texts From Superheroes joke features a bittersweet exchange between Captain America and Iron Man about the resurgence of Nazi ideology in America.
  • Today is World AIDS Day, which means many celebrities and organizations have been using their visibility to highlight the importance of donating to causes like RED. Among them are Rihanna and Prince Harry, who met for the first time today and took an HIV test together. They also hugged. Oh, and the crowd was wayyy more excited to see Rihanna than Prince Harry. It doesn’t look like His Royal Highness minded being unexpectedly upstaged by R&B royalty, though! (via Jezebel)
  • Are you a fan of Build-A-Bear and also Sonic? In honor of Sonic’s 25th birthday, you can now Build-A-Sonic! Okay, you can’t actually build him in a store; he’s only available online, pre-assembled. But he’s probably about the right size to wear Build-A-Bear outfits and accessories, so that’s fun.
  • Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo line has a super-cool new Squirrel Girl statue, for all you fans and collectors out there. It’s pricey, though! You can pre-order it for $75.99. (via Comics Alliance)
  • When is Neil deGrasse Tyson going to record a record, hm?

That’s what we saw. What’d you see?

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