
Jingle All The Way might be one of the silliest holiday movies of the past two decades, but Turbo Man will always be cool. Sadly, there aren’t too many copies of the original action figure left, and they’re mostly fought over on eBay. But one guy got his hands on the original props and is running a Kickstarter to bring Turbo Man back to life. That’s right, It’s Turbo Time!

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December 18, 2016

Kickstarter Bringing Back Jingle All The Way's Turbo Man Craze

Jingle All The Way might be one of the silliest holiday movies of the past two decades, but Turbo Man will always be cool. Sadly, there aren’t too many copies of the original action figure left, and they’re mostly fought over on eBay. But one guy got his hands on the original props and is running a Kickstarter to bring Turbo Man back to life. That’s right, It’s Turbo Time!


December 18, 2016

After Super Mario Run, What’s the Next Nintendo Mobile Game?

Super Mario Run

Nintendo still has one more mobile game to reveal.

The post After Super Mario Run, What’s the Next Nintendo Mobile Game? appeared first on

December 18, 2016

Facepalm of the Week #GeeksOnWTF: Kanye West

While most celebrities who seem extreme tend to mellow out as they get older, Kanye West has done the exact opposite.

The post Facepalm of the Week #GeeksOnWTF: Kanye West appeared first on TheBlackGeeks.

December 18, 2016

A Major Rogue One Character is Heading to Star Wars Rebels

Rogue One may have just arrived in theaters, but one of its characters is already heading to the small screen with an appearance in Star Wars Rebels.


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