
One cannot truly celebrate #BlackExcellence and look to the future without taking a moment to honor those who paved a way for us to journey forward.

Case in point, author, philosopher, life coach and fellow Wakandan, Steven Barnes, who is celebrating a birthday today.

It was a few years back and I was in Seattle attending Norwescon as a guest author. I was sitting in the green room grabbing a bite to eat between panels. Sitting across from me was this older handsome black gentleman who was leading a group discussion. I listened to this brilliant individual with complete fascination.

Upon finishing his story, Barnes glanced at me and gave me a double take. We exchanged introductions and he inquired if I was the guest of another panelist. I explained this was my first year at Norwescon and I was actually there to promote my debut novel Hollowstone.

“The reason I ask is because this is the first time there’s ever been another black panelist in this green room besides me and I’ve been doing Norwescon for many years,” Barnes explained.

We both grinned at history being made. And in that surreal moment it felt like the torch was being passed or more accurately one torch was sparking another.

The following year at Norwescon I ran into Steven in the hotel restaurant where I was chatting with my buddy Kirk and a group of other friends about every subject ranging from comic books to sex to social justice to race to politics to religion and all things in between. This time around Steven sat there and grinned and listened while a group of us young artists, journalists, radicals and revolutionaries pontificated on how to save the world and/or take it over.

Steven and I have maintained a great friendship over the years. More than that, I daresay he’s been an excellent mentor and my life has been richer for having him in it.

But that’s the cool thing about Steven and for that matter his better half, the beautiful and immensely talented Tananarive Due. They’re always striving to nurture and encourage others to be the best version of themselves.


Pioneers like Steven and Tananarive paved the way for me to follow my calling. And it’s my hope one day that I will be able to pay it forward.

If you haven’t checked out Steven’s latest title, Star Wars Saved My Life, you definitely should. You’ll be glad you did.


Steven and Tananarive are also hosting a webinar series entitled Afrofuturism: Dreams to Banish Nightmares. It kicks off on March 25. I for one plan to be there to level up my artistry.

Even in the dark times ahead, pioneers like Steven and Tananarive are still lighting the way for the rest of us to journey forward.

Happy birthday Steven and gratitude.

March 2, 2017

Congratulations Kid, You Have Arrived

One cannot truly celebrate #BlackExcellence and look to the future without taking a moment to honor those who paved a way for us to journey forward.

Case in point, author, philosopher, life coach and fellow Wakandan, Steven Barnes, who is celebrating a birthday today.

It was a few years back and I was in Seattle attending Norwescon as a guest author. I was sitting in the green room grabbing a bite to eat between panels. Sitting across from me was this older handsome black gentleman who was leading a group discussion. I listened to this brilliant individual with complete fascination.

Upon finishing his story, Barnes glanced at me and gave me a double take. We exchanged introductions and he inquired if I was the guest of another panelist. I explained this was my first year at Norwescon and I was actually there to promote my debut novel Hollowstone.

“The reason I ask is because this is the first time there’s ever been another black panelist in this green room besides me and I’ve been doing Norwescon for many years,” Barnes explained.

We both grinned at history being made. And in that surreal moment it felt like the torch was being passed or more accurately one torch was sparking another.

The following year at Norwescon I ran into Steven in the hotel restaurant where I was chatting with my buddy Kirk and a group of other friends about every subject ranging from comic books to sex to social justice to race to politics to religion and all things in between. This time around Steven sat there and grinned and listened while a group of us young artists, journalists, radicals and revolutionaries pontificated on how to save the world and/or take it over.

Steven and I have maintained a great friendship over the years. More than that, I daresay he’s been an excellent mentor and my life has been richer for having him in it.

But that’s the cool thing about Steven and for that matter his better half, the beautiful and immensely talented Tananarive Due. They’re always striving to nurture and encourage others to be the best version of themselves.


Pioneers like Steven and Tananarive paved the way for me to follow my calling. And it’s my hope one day that I will be able to pay it forward.

If you haven’t checked out Steven’s latest title, Star Wars Saved My Life, you definitely should. You’ll be glad you did.


Steven and Tananarive are also hosting a webinar series entitled Afrofuturism: Dreams to Banish Nightmares. It kicks off on March 25. I for one plan to be there to level up my artistry.

Even in the dark times ahead, pioneers like Steven and Tananarive are still lighting the way for the rest of us to journey forward.

Happy birthday Steven and gratitude.

March 2, 2017

5 Key Startup Steps to Reach Social Media Numbers Like Beyoncé

With 10.6 million likes and counting on Instagram, Beyoncé knows how to connect with her followers by sharing glimpses of her life in photos or short videos. According to Billboard, it only took over seven hours for the announcement of her pregnancy with twins to become the most liked Instagram pic of all time. Yet, the greater question is, “Is there a formula for social media success, when promoting a business brand?  The answer is YES!

The answer is YES!

Rishabh Sharma, CEO of Poletusshared the five key steps his company teaches social influencers—like Ray DiazSaxon SharbinoSam Golbach, and Zander, to name a few—that are central components for businesses ato capture social attention like Beyoncé.



Step #1 — Connect


What are the values your brand believes in? On various social media platforms, there are various wannabes and “fakesters,” but the good ones will express the values that they stand behind; whether it’s healthy living, politics, or issues related to social justice.

Because the careers of social influencers are dependent on the magical moments happening off screen—what happens after they actually put down their phones—most of the magic does not happen as the “like” is given. Rather, it’s about what is happening before and after that.


Step #2 — Identify the Lifestyle of the Brand


Identify the lifestyle of your brand by leveraging strategies of similar, existing brands, and using their models as an inspiring gateway to help clarify what your brand is about to your audience.  


Step #3 — Capture Unique Moments


Everyone has their own definition of what is natural and beautiful—what is yours?  you can figure this out by testing various lighting options and other elements that feed your brand’s visual aesthetic to showcase your idea of the perfect captured moment. Once you have mastered this skill, over time, it will become second nature.


Step #4 — Reveal the Journey


Followers remember stories better than they recall random bits of information that are not connected. So, create short stories that capture all the behind-the-scenes moments of each step along your brand’s journey. This not only showcases the passion behind the brand, but cultivates loyal followers.


Step #5 — Invest


A startup should also focus on its social media presence by investing in targeted social media campaigns, which include engaging display ads on Facebook, YouTube, and so on. These ads should inform, enlighten, and entertain prospective customers on the product or service offering from your brand.


So, grab your phone and capture the journey of your brand—today!

March 1, 2017

Surprise, Tyrese Is a Married Man!

Looks like the singer has found himself a sweet lady for life.

February 28, 2017

A Lin-Manuel Miranda Musical is Becoming a Movie, Thanks in Part to Jay Z

Hamilton may have turned Lin-Manuel Miranda into a crossover star, but years before the presidential play came around, he was already a big name on Broadway. His first Broadway play In The Heights was huge, actually. It was nominated for 13 Tony Awards and the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Like Hamilton, it incorporated hip-hop into theater in a way that actually wasn’t too cheesy. It tells the story of a group of kids growing up in New York’s Washington Heights neighborhood, and years after its initial success, it is being made into a movie, thanks in part to hip-hop mogul Jay Z (via Stereogum).

Jay Z is set to be one of six producers on the movie, as was announced by Harvey Weinstein, of film studio The Weinstein Company, at a pre-Oscars party on Sunday. It’s not clear who else is involved yet, but Jay Z has a short filmography, having produced movies like Chris Rock’s Top Five and the 2014 Annie remake.

Back in September, Miranda said the musical was being adapted by playwright Quiara Alegría Hudes, who wrote the play’s book. The production is set to begin this spring, and while Miranda isn’t slated to reprise his role of Usnavi, he said he’d try to assume another role, whether it’s pre-existing or new for the movie adaptation.

Now, we wait to see how long it’ll take for Hamilton to get its turn at a film version. In the meantime, who would you love to see in the In The Heights movie? Let us know what you think!

Featured image: John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation/Creative Commons

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