
Michelle Obama DNC

We know you’ve been missing seeing our former and forever First Couple Barack and Michelle Obama. And apparently, once the two island-dwelling lovebirds return from their vacation, we know where we can catch Mrs. Obama.

On “Master Chef Junior.”

According to The Grio. when the show returns for its fifth season, Mrs. Obama will be the special guest later this month. “Master Chef Junior,” a cooking competition for young chefs between the ages of 8-13. In addition to the former First Lady, Martha Stewart and the Muppets will make an appearance on this season of the show.

Naturally, this appearance is a good fit for Mrs. Obama since she spent her tenure as First Lady advocating for healthy eating and exercise for children.

Master Chef Junior airs on Thursday nights on Fox at 8/9c.

Image via AP Images

Veronica Wells is the culture editor at She is also the author of “Bettah Days.” You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter @VDubShrug.

The post Guess Where We’ll See Mrs. Obama Next? appeared first on MadameNoire.

February 22, 2017

Guess Where We’ll See Mrs. Obama Next?

Michelle Obama DNC

We know you’ve been missing seeing our former and forever First Couple Barack and Michelle Obama. And apparently, once the two island-dwelling lovebirds return from their vacation, we know where we can catch Mrs. Obama.

On “Master Chef Junior.”

According to The Grio. when the show returns for its fifth season, Mrs. Obama will be the special guest later this month. “Master Chef Junior,” a cooking competition for young chefs between the ages of 8-13. In addition to the former First Lady, Martha Stewart and the Muppets will make an appearance on this season of the show.

Naturally, this appearance is a good fit for Mrs. Obama since she spent her tenure as First Lady advocating for healthy eating and exercise for children.

Master Chef Junior airs on Thursday nights on Fox at 8/9c.

Image via AP Images

Veronica Wells is the culture editor at She is also the author of “Bettah Days.” You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter @VDubShrug.

The post Guess Where We’ll See Mrs. Obama Next? appeared first on MadameNoire.

February 21, 2017

Alpha Book Club Reads HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE Part 3: Life, the Universe, and Everything!

Hello, and welcome to Alpha Book Club! If this is your first time joining us, you’re in for a real treat. Alpha Book Club is, as the title suggests, an interactive book club hosted by Nerdist Editor-in-Chief Rachel Heine (that’s me!), host of the Nick Animation Podcast and many of Geek & Sundry‘s Twitch shows, Hector Navarro, and from SourceFedNERD and GeekBomb, the incomparable Maude Garrett. Every Wednesday at 6:15pm PST, we gather together online with our fellow bookworms to discuss a section of that month’s chosen book.

Like any good book club, ABC features rousing discussion about characters, themes, tone, and style, fan casting or comparing potential film adaptations, questions from the audience, and of course, copious amounts of wine. Usually, you can only watch Alpha Book Club by signing up to be an Alpha member, but for the entire month of February, we’re bringing you our latest book, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, for free on the Nerdist YouTube channel!

If you’re just joining us for the first time, never fear! You can watch the first two episodes right here:

Now that you’ve caught up, you can watch our third discussion of the month up above, where we discuss some exciting book news (Phillip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy is getting a companion series!), debate the arrogance and cruelty of humanity, show off our best “ugly faces,” and of course, wax poetic about the power of storytelling.


Join us this week to finish Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy AND select our next book for March! Vote below and our selection will be announced at the end of Wednesday’s show.

February 21, 2017

Things We Saw Today: Meet the Cast of Alien: Covenant

First, we saw the whole gang from the upcoming Han Solo movie earlier today, and now we have the cast of Alien: Covenant, gathered together on their ship and looking as happy as we’re sure they won’t be in the film. (via Birth. Movies. Death.)

What have you seen out there today?

(featured image via 20th Century Fox)

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February 21, 2017

Chance The Rapper Stays Independent Despite Offers Up To $10 Million

Sources say that the Chicago native has turned down millions to remain an independent artist. 

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