
You might have seen a meme going around on Facebook about ten bands you’ve seen live (one of which is a lie). Here at ThinkGeek, we decided to come up with our own spin on it: nine sci-fi and fantasy-themed…

April 29, 2017

Nine bands we have never seen live (and never will)

You might have seen a meme going around on Facebook about ten bands you've seen live (one of which is a lie). Here at ThinkGeek, we decided to come up with our own spin on it: nine sci-fi and fantasy-themed...

April 28, 2017

Y'all, The New "Zelda" Game Is So Freakin' Fun

IDGAF about video games but I am OBSESSED with Breath of the Wild.

Hello, friends. My name is Cates, I’m 35 years old, and I haven’t sat down and played a video game in over a decade. I am not exaggerating, the last console I owned was a SEGA DREAMCAST.

Hello, friends. My name is Cates, I’m 35 years old, and I haven’t sat down and played a video game in over a decade. I am not exaggerating, the last console I owned was a SEGA DREAMCAST.

So it's been roughly...15 years? Maybe longer. / Via

Sure, I've played a little bit of Mario Kart and Smash Bros., but that's about the extent of my gaming since my college days.

Sure, I've played a little bit of Mario Kart and Smash Bros., but that's about the extent of my gaming since my college days.

Nintendo / Via

But, recently, my S.O. got a Nintendo Switch and the new Legend of Zelda game, and I've gotta admit, it looked pretty cool.

But, recently, my S.O. got a Nintendo Switch and the new Legend of Zelda game, and I've gotta admit, it looked pretty cool.

Nintendo / Via

The graphics have slightly improved since the first time I played Zelda.

The graphics have slightly improved since the first time I played Zelda.


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April 27, 2017

JUSTICE LEAGUE Funko Pops! Include Superman

Warner Brothers and DC Comics long awaited Justice League movie is due to hit in just over six months, and while we are all hoping it will be a less somber, broody affair than Batman v Superman, one thing is for sure: the forthcoming Justice League Funko POPS! will be anything but somber and broody, they’ll be heroically adorable instead.

Thanks to the official DC Comics blog, we now have our first glimpse into the pint-sized versions of the world’s greatest super team, as they will soon appear in their big screen debut this coming November. Mini versions of all the main members will be included, including Batman (Ben Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), Flash (Ezra Miller), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), Cyborg (Ray Fisher), and in the worst kept secret in movie history, Henry Cavill’s Superman. Isn’t it great to have cute, little versions of the JLA’s “Big Seven?” Oh wait, it’s just six, because no Green Lantern on the team (boo!)

The new Justice League Funko POP! vinyl figures will hit stores on August 12, a full three months before the movie hits theater screens. You can see individual images of each of the new figures down below in our gallery, which each photo accompanied by the character’s corresponding logo, which was very thoughtfully made for each hero by Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman. Well, except for Superman’s and Batman’s of course. You can’t depend on Lex for everything, now can you?

Zack Snyder’s Justice League hits theaters everywhere on November 17, and the new Funko Pops! hitting on August 12.

Are you planning on collecting each of these heroic new POPS? Be sure to let us know down below in the comments.

Images: DC Comics / Warner Brothers / Funko

April 27, 2017

Here's What Tends to Happen When Broadband Companies "Self Regulate"

Net neutrality is on the chopping block, and one drum that FCC chairman Ajit Pai keeps beating is the idea that without government intervention, broadband companies like your internet service provider and wireless carrier will regulate themselves. Let’s see what history has to say about that.


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