
Illustrator Kate Willært created some amazing mash-ups of the Justice League and the 1992 movie A League of Their Own for

You can see baseball cards for the individual players, including Dottie “Wonder Woman” Hinson and Doris “Batwoman” Murphy, at Willært’s reimagining also improves on the original film by including Mamie “Cyborg” Johnson, a mashup of the Justice League’s Cyborg and Mamie “Peanut” Johnson, a black woman pitcher who tried out for the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League but was turned down because of her race. (via Nerdist)

And if this art made you think of DC Comics’ Bombshells series, there’s a reason…

  • The Beat has some Canadian small press and indie comics to recommend for Canada Day! The nation-state of Canada turns 150 today, though the First Nations have been around for much, much longer.
  • Fox has scheduled several more release dates for as-yet-unannounced, Marvel-based movies. Your guesses are as good as mine. (via Deadline)
  • This was a big week for Star Wars paraphernalia sold at auction. Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber (used by Mark Hamill in both A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back) sold for $450,000, while an original R2-D2 unit sold for nearly $3 million.  (via The Hollywood Reporter)
  • After the new season of The X-Files took some much-deserved heat for its all-male writers’ room, Buzzfeed reporter Susan Cheng asked a woman from the original series’ writers’ room for insights. Kim Newton, who wrote for the show from 1995 to 1996, described a team that consisted of experienced male writers, who had job stability, and a rotating cast of new, young female writers who rarely stayed on for more than a year. She also said, “I don’t know whether [X-Files creator] Chris [Carter] has ever felt comfortable in his approach to dealing with female writers.” It’s a fascinating read that gets at the uncomfortably unspoken ways that sexism plays out in television. (Buzzfeed)

(Featured image via

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

July 2, 2017

Things We Saw Today: A Justice League of Their Own Is Our New Favorite Mash-Up

Illustrator Kate Willært created some amazing mash-ups of the Justice League and the 1992 movie A League of Their Own for

You can see baseball cards for the individual players, including Dottie “Wonder Woman” Hinson and Doris “Batwoman” Murphy, at Willært’s reimagining also improves on the original film by including Mamie “Cyborg” Johnson, a mashup of the Justice League’s Cyborg and Mamie “Peanut” Johnson, a black woman pitcher who tried out for the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League but was turned down because of her race. (via Nerdist)

And if this art made you think of DC Comics’ Bombshells series, there’s a reason…

  • The Beat has some Canadian small press and indie comics to recommend for Canada Day! The nation-state of Canada turns 150 today, though the First Nations have been around for much, much longer.
  • Fox has scheduled several more release dates for as-yet-unannounced, Marvel-based movies. Your guesses are as good as mine. (via Deadline)
  • This was a big week for Star Wars paraphernalia sold at auction. Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber (used by Mark Hamill in both A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back) sold for $450,000, while an original R2-D2 unit sold for nearly $3 million.  (via The Hollywood Reporter)
  • After the new season of The X-Files took some much-deserved heat for its all-male writers’ room, Buzzfeed reporter Susan Cheng asked a woman from the original series’ writers’ room for insights. Kim Newton, who wrote for the show from 1995 to 1996, described a team that consisted of experienced male writers, who had job stability, and a rotating cast of new, young female writers who rarely stayed on for more than a year. She also said, “I don’t know whether [X-Files creator] Chris [Carter] has ever felt comfortable in his approach to dealing with female writers.” It’s a fascinating read that gets at the uncomfortably unspoken ways that sexism plays out in television. (Buzzfeed)

(Featured image via

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

July 2, 2017

The Asian American ComiCon Presents: A Summit on Art, Action & the Future

In 2009, the Asian American ComiCon was held in New York City, bringing together Asian indie and mainstream comics creators for a historic gathering to celebrate the unique and flourishing graphic storytelling of our community. Now, eight years later, AACC is hosting its second event: a Summit on Art, Action and the Future. In a time where diversity and creativity are both under attack, the Summit will feature diverse creators talking about where we’re going next.

Featuring established and emerging voices like Phil Yu (Angry Asian Man, They Call Us Bruce), Jeff Yang (CNN, They Call Us Bruce), Sarah Kuhn (Heroine Complex), LaToya Morgan (writer, Into the Badlands), Lewis Tan (Marvel’s Iron Fist), Keith Chow (The Nerds of Color) and a special keynote conversation with George Takei!

The summit will also see the WORLD PREMIERE UNVEILING of NEW FRONTIERS, a brand new graphic anthology of original stories by Asian, black, Hispanic and Native American; lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans creators, telling original stories inspired by George Takei’s life and legacy about incarceration and exclusion, representation and resistance, the digital world and the struggle in the streets. All-day events will include an Artists Alley where leading comics creators, such as MariNaomi and Martin Hsu, will be available for commissions and signings!

RSVP to the event on Facebook. Tickets are available for purchase here (and receive a discount by getting your tickets in advance!)

Date and Time
Saturday, July 15, 2017
12:00 PM – 5:00 PM PDT

Japanese American National Museum
100 North Central Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90012

For more information about the AACC Summit or the New Frontiers graphic novel anthology, contact Jeff Yang at or Keith Chow at

July 1, 2017

Explore Pixar from A to Z Through This Fan Art

I would purchase a whole book of fan art centered around the alphabet. I don’t tire of seeing different takes of the ABCs featuring various characters and names from pop culture. Given that, I couldn’t resist artist and animator Zach Gomez’s Pixar A to Z series that features, as you might have guessed, Pixar characters to go with each letter in the alphabet. Zach says Pixar’s stories have changed his life and made him love art and animation, so he used this project as an opportunity to highlight some of his favorite characters.

Characters like Wall-E!


You should definitely click on this poster with ze whole alphabet to embiggen it.


View more individual letters by skipping down to the gallery below. You’ll find Zurg from Toy Story, Sully from Monsters Inc., and more. If you want to see each component of the alphabet, hop on over to Zach’s website. Follow him on Instagram to keep up with all his current creations; you’ll see that his fan art includes a little of everything from Disney posters to superheroes.

Do you create any sort of fan art? If so, I want to see it. Whether you focus on a specific fandom or pull inspiration from multiple stories and mediums, I’d like to highlight what you do. If you’re interested in being featured in a future edition of Fan Art Friday, get in touch with me at with examples of your work. If you’re not an artist, feel free to email me with recommendations for Fan Art Friday!

Incredible_Alpha Peach_Alpha Sully_Alpha Uku_Alpha XR_Alpha Yeti_Alpha Zurg_Alpha

Images: Zach Gomez

July 1, 2017

Do We Really Need a Live-Action JETSONS?

Gearing up for the long holiday weekend, we were treated to some darned weird bits of news, both cryptic and baffling, but certainly lots to mull over before we here in the U.S. get ready for barbecues and fireworks. But before we get to that, we’ve got a super snazzy Friday edition of Nerdist News Talks Back for you, with discussion of the Rick and Morty season 3 trailer, a surprising new slate of X-Men movies, and…do we really need a live action Jetsons? (The answer won’t surprise you.)

On today’s show utility infielder Amy Vorpahl is joined by Nerdist News writers Aliza Pearl and Joan Ford to discuss the various and weird things coming, and few things are weirder (in a great way) than the new trailer for Rick and Morty season 3. We did a very extensive breakdown of it on today’s Nerdist News, so I’d point you in that direction. It looks pretty awesome to our panelists, especially fightin’ pickle Rick!

Next up, Twentieth Century Fox announced the release dates for six unnamed, previously unannounced Marvel movies. It’s possible one or more of them are in the Fantastic Four vein, but hahahahahahahaha there’s no way that’s true. It’s very likely it’s six more X-Men movies between 2019 and 2021. Our panelists talk about what movies we hope to see as well as how they’re very clearly trying to catch up to Marvel Studios. No love lost there.


And finally, there’s going to be a new Jetsons show. And it’s going to be live-action. Why? But, like seriously, why is this happening? Is there a void in our TV lineup for a guy yelling for Jane to get him off of a crazy thing? Don’t we already kind of have robot housekeepers? It’s all…it’s all very confusing.

Have yourself a wonderful four-day weekend, folks! NNTB is off until Wednesday, July 5, so don’t miss us too much!

Image: Hanna-Barbera/Nelvana

Kyle Anderson is the Associate Editor for Nerdist. You can find his film and TV reviews here. Follow him on Twitter!

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